/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2007
873590The invincible hikikomori Borg cube.ITT, /tg/ builds an indestructible flying death-cube using the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook.borg, building, cube2007-12-06 32 
January 2008
1044995How to stop a Time-Traveling BBEGWith sheer BadasseryTime travel BBEG Badass2008-01-21 10 
March 2008
1374705Great quotes you delivered while playing the villain.Anonymous shows that villains can have some great linesBBEG, quotes2008-03-21 -3 
April 2008
1498570Wallhammer Gen2 2More development, with nekomatons and...other stuff.Chip Crain, Beije, Faulty Kai2008-04-11 0 
1576661Fleshwarper IllithidAn Illithid grafts itself into a horrible abomination that should not be.Nightmare Fuel, Awesome, BBEG2008-04-22 5 
May 2008
1839136BEARSBEARSBEARS2008-05-28 25 
July 2008
2135370Insane Villain QuirksUseful traits for your next crazy BBEGBBEG, Villain, Character, Evil2008-07-03 6 
August 2008
2303345Fighting spirits or the making of a tabletop beat-em-up RPGInspired by a post about Godhand, a discussion on how to handle wild hand to hand action between multiple enemies in RPGs begins...Fighting, RPG, beat-em-up2008-08-05 0 
2314383I am what?Okay, fa/tg/uys, it's a normal day. Could be tomorrow, could be next week, could be October 22nd. Everything's pretty normal, everything's pretty cool. Except shit, there's no food in the house. And you're hungry.LHC, 22 October2008-08-07 46 
September 2008
2642353Anon and his little sisterAnon asks for advice about what army he should make for his little sister for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. At some point during the thread, Nurse-kun makes a rare appearance.dawwwwww, Nurse-kun, manly tears, beautiful, Damaged Goods2008-09-23 24 
October 2008
2764879The Ends Justify The MeansA serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins.BBEG, morals, discussion, getting shit done2008-10-09 6 
2821925Bears: THE TRUTH4chan once again proves to be bastion of ignorant bigots, as what begins as a perfectly safe picture of a Grizzly at a table, descends into Polarbear Racism. Then some stupid idiot mentions the Great Bear War of 1910 and the thread just goes thermonuclear. You just can't have a decent mature discussion if some one brings that or the Grizzly Massacre of Montreal up. There's just too much bad blood about these things. Oh 4chan! When will you learn?Bears, The Great Bear War, Grizzly massacre of Montreal, The Great Koala Purge2008-10-17 13 
January 2009
3400562/tg/ being civilizedDefinitive proof that /tg/ truly can have a discussion of anything possible - and not have it turn into a skubfight or flamewar.good behavior, furry2009-01-14 37 
3467090BeeserkerBarbarians using Bee Beards as armor, Hive's super bugs, dolphin rape.BEEEEEEEZ; Beezerker; beeserker, dolphin penis2009-01-21 3 
February 2009
3630679PCs vs. BeethovenA Player asks for suggestions on how to take down the Epic Musician himself in his DM's Awesome campaignepic, music, beethoven, d&d,awesome2009-02-07 13 
3734899Server CrashIn the near future, the Internet becomes sentient and uploads everyone's brains, forcing them to fight for survival in an insane wasteland full of sentient programs, malicious viruses, and things far worse.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-17 48 
3742406Server Crash, Part 2Awesome homebrew design continues. The internet has gone all post-apocalyptic and anons leap all over it. Hooray for getting shit done!Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-18 18 
3747106Server Crash, Part 3Continuation of homebrewing a world on the series of tubes, with a switch to WoD instead of 4e.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-18 14 
3751634Server Crash, Part 4The discussion has no end. Drawfaggotry and virus discussions are started.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-19 13 
3759067Server Crash, Part 5It just keeps going on. More drawfaggotry, discussion about merging human code with the Internet, and the subsequent madness.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-19 11 
3762660Server Crash, Part 6More development of the fluff, especially the Olds, and some actual discussion of game mechanics.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-20 11 
3767272Server Crash, Part 7It continues. Arguing about the fluff, more discussion of mechanics.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-20 11 
3772129Server Crash, Part 8Crunch time for Server Crash! Seriously this time. A lot of system work. And then an IRC is made. So then we go back to fluff. Yay fluff.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-21 11 
3784614Afterlife Gaming/tg/ realizes the truth about life, the afterlife, and what it all really is. Civility, afterlife, gaming, lich kings on behemoths2009-02-22 13 
3777665Server Crash, Part 9Things get a bit slower. Some fluff and crunch.Server Crash, game design, homebrew setting, cyberpunk2009-02-22 7 
3821147Server Crash, Part 12The original 10 wasn't archived, so the numbers are messed up. Now with more Crunch.Server Crash, game design, homebrew, setting, cyberpunk2009-02-26 5 
March 2009
3913698BBEG motivationsHow to make BBEG's with bitchin' motivations. Occasional sprinklings of winsauceBBEG, motivation2009-03-08 2 
April 2009
4255435Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN! Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-12 15 
4282178HyperGelatinousCube/tg/ talks about 4 dimension physics, perceptions, mazes are made, and mindwarping monsters result. A must read for your next trip to the farplane.Physics Hypercube2009-04-15 6 
4324227Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-19 11 
4333539HighschoolRPGMaidRPG undergoes a massive overhaul by a namefag and comes out surprisingly well. Calls are made for this to become a canon mod.MaidRPG made better, pleasant surprise, high schoolers, user expansion2009-04-20 16 
4393415Cooking Mama, the BBEG EditionOP asks for people to use Cooking Mama as BBEG. Starts with crazed housewife stumping for PETA, ends with Chilean Communist bomber living out her life in the suburbs until her secret is revealedCooking, Mama, BBEG, Stats, Epic2009-04-26 15 
4393640Post-Cyberpunk SettingFriend computer is dead! ...Now what? /tg/ comes up with some decent fluff.post-cyberpunk, setting, fluff2009-04-26 7 
4398034Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-26 10 
4401683Post-Cyberpunk Setting, Cont.Old thread is summarized, then added to.post-cyberpunk2009-04-27 5 
4419141Post-Cyberpunk the Third/tg/ continues to develop the setting, Unincorporated States and Savages receive some needed flesh.post-cyberpunk, fluff2009-04-28 3 
May 2009
4465475Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-05-03 7 
4527588Goopunk Idea ThreadAnon comes up with an idea for drug-based goo armor/weapons/psychic shit. Thread is derailed when someone mentions goo-mecha shaped like dogs.Goo, Design, Cyberpunk2009-05-12 3 
4535896Goopunk redeuxA continuation of the previous Goopunk thread, with a timeline and more backgroundGoo, Goopunk, Cyberpunk, Design2009-05-13 2 
4655339Neckbeard marriage!A fellow eloquen/tg/entleman asks /tg/ on ways for him to propose to his beloved lady. The neckbeards respond in their usual way, alongside some good ideas.dick-in-a-box, love, /tg/, metathread, neckbeard, help, advice2009-05-25 5 
4667979Readings from the Liber ChaoticaThe OP transcribes passages from the Liber Chaotica for the reading pleasure of all.Liber Chaotica, Warhammer2009-05-26 3 
4706553ÜberwaldAnon tries to come up with ways to refresh the classic "Überwald" setting, hilarity ensues.Überwald setting homebrew collaboration2009-05-30 0 
June 2009
4732463Sailor moon suddenly invades /tg/Disturbingly, some of our fa/tg/guys know sailor moon in intimate detail.Sailor moon, magical girls, want to be the little girl, wtf2009-06-01 2 
4907820Liberty Prime in 40kThe OP has a great idea when he wonders "What happens if the Imperium finds Liberty Prime?". Thread devolves into awesome and failed attempts at trolling.liberty prime, 40k, communism2009-06-17 -2 
5017032"Be My Chosen" Project startup The Chaos Gods dating Sim resurfaces, this time with gusto. Anons and namefags alike voice their determination to make this dream a reality at last. Lets see how far we go...BeMyChosen, Chaos, Dating Sim2009-06-27 0 
July 2009
5063230Disney Goes /tg/A Disney comic about... Well... Tabletop gaming in general. It's funny because it's true.disney, neckbeard, fa/tg/uy, d&d, scrooge, donald2009-07-02 10 
5098267The D&D crying gameAsking the people of /tg/ what their character would do if his lady love turned out to be a badguy in disguise. Surprisingly civil discussion follows.D&D BBEG TG2009-07-05 7 
5110242Cyberpunk Home InvasionOP is playing an honourable mercenary in a cyberpunk game. He awakes to find an intruder in his house, and she's only the first unwelcome guest he'll have this evening.cyberpunk orphans dickery itsatrap2009-07-06 7 
5138369Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return!They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-07-12 7 
5165430Post-Cyberpunk the FourthA writefag appears and talks to himself for a while, more materialize and a plan of action is worked out.post-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-07-16 4 
5179055Post-Cyberpunk the FifthWritefags again congregate and add more settlements and nations to the setting, some in-world stories are written.post-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-07-17 2 
5198252Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving PathModrons are assholes.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2009-07-19 10 
5237253Dorf HistoryWe all know that dorfs have many traditions, facts and customs, some maybe alien and completely ridiculous. Let's invent some.dwarves, dorfs, breasts, bears, ale, beer, alcohol, mining, hammers, axes, mountains, awful good2009-07-23 17 
5249757Awesome NPCsITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul2009-07-25 10 
August 2009
5322683That Fucking DwarfA new Shadowrun party has its first session and levels a city block.Dwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-03 7 
5348400Imaginary Army Men/tg/ gets shit done and truly examines the popular Imaginary Army Men (IAM) System with the meticulous zeal it deserves, from the cheesy, min-maxing tactics of Red Army troop choices to the oft-overlooked fluff and possible fascist leanings of the mysterious Grey Army. Also Tan Army players are weaboos.warhamm faulty kai, plastic army men, neckbeard, wargame2009-08-05 3 
5436194Post-ice age settingAfter the apocalypse, man retreats to massive, vertical underground cities built into the permafrost. Most of man.setting, ice age, post apocalypse, cyberpunk2009-08-13 1 
5459874Even more Nutopiasome misconceptions about the setting are brought out and cleared up, trolls attack, original art and interpretative dancepost-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-08-16 3 
5483322That Fucking Dwarf #2Zus and friends return for another week of mayhem.Zus Shadowrun Epic Dwarf Cyberpunk2009-08-17 4 
5483589Berserk + Fantasycraft"Don't tell them it's Berserk. Tell them it's, 'Badass Mercenary Quest' or some shit. A little bit of foreshadowing with dark lore, one or two demons, more mercenary shit, then OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK WHY?!"Berserk, Fantasycraft, Dagda2009-08-17 10 
5516917Zombies, Zombies, and yeah, More Zombies but with statslike the last thread but zombies are statted for All Flesh must be Eatenzombies shit gets done stats AFMBE2009-08-20 3 
5538301Archaeological report on humansArchaeologists of an alien civilization squabble about the curious properties of the perplexing human race.Collective game, hilarity, alien report, little purple tube2009-08-21 2 
5572527That Fucking Dwarf #3Shit hits the fanDwarf, Zus, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2009-08-24 3 
5642930Eclipse Phase Part 3A continuation of the Eclipse Phase threadsTranshumanism, Eclipse Phase, Cyberpunk, PNP, Discussion2009-08-30 1 
5648250Eclipse Phase 4More of the same.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanism, PNP, Discussion, Sci-fi, AI, I wish to be the neotenic2009-08-30 1 
September 2009
5731244Tau story, main body and a new memeJohn gives us his new rough draft for the main story. And a new meme is born: Slicktau and Fattautau john writefag scribe story damiris inquisition slicktau fattau2009-09-05 6 
5770781Troll QuestIt's... It's pretty horrifyingTroll Quest, Collective Game, Robe and Wizard Hat2009-09-08 1 
5845357Painting ShenanigansDrybrushing troll turned into painting techniques thread.miniatures, paint, techniques, tips, beginner2009-09-13 0 
5895415The IdyllsNobledark post-apocalypse with a debate on the noble/grim/bright/dark axis of classification, plus minotaurs with Browning M2s. Unfortunate dive into idiocy.Idyll, nobledark, debate, post-apocalypse, WoD, BESM, M&M2009-09-18 5 
5974314Big Bad Evil Gals/tg/ discusses the idea of female BBEGs, if any of them are any good, and the stereotypes generally seen therein. A rather decent discourse, albeit with trolling here and there.Female, BBEG, stereotype, discussion2009-09-23 -2 
October 2009
6127804How to be a BBEG without trying to hardLittle situations in everyday life that we always find ourselves plucked into. Yes, the BBEG was behind them all. Also, TobleroneToblerone, BBEG, Campaign, Nuts, Chocolate2009-10-04 13 
6148482Gary the Betrayer Part 4Gary is back, and recruiting the rest of the Dark Powers to our side.Gary the Betrayer2009-10-06 0 
6316834Fugitive QuestCollective game about BBEG regaining power and killing secret agent.Collective Game, BBEG, secret agent2009-10-18 0 
6341748Time Cube the RPGBehold! Time Cube the RPG, the only simulation of 4-corner existence, 4 days withing 1 24 hour one-corner human daytime cube, 4-corner human, homebrew2009-10-20 2 
6358015Awesome Meets StupidA request for tales of your awesome DM instead uncovers the stupidest players breathing. Involves submarines, flaming paladins, interpretive dance, and fondness for explosives.story, stupidity, bees2009-10-21 5 
6390231Real Life QuestThe OP decides to try out a quest thread - Hits home and takes offQuest, Roleplay, Little sister, Life, Real, Real, Life, NeckBeard2009-10-23 3 
6500219Dilbert The RPGDilbert: the roleplaying game of cubicle horror and corporate absurd Game where only your social skills matter. And iron will, to retain your sanity.Dilbert, HomeBrew, Funny2009-10-31 2 
November 2009
6613937Darkness Beyond TimeYou did it, you broke reality, and with your sin of paradox, you brought everything crashing down around you. Your world no longer had the right to exist, you had undone that, destroyed that privilege you weren't even aware of with your carelessness. Its essence and lifeblood, the mercurial sands of time, seeped from the cracks you wrought into it, escaping this dying place, evaporating into dimensions beyond your ken.Darkness Beyond Time, Collective Game2009-11-08 15 
6625870Darkness Beyond Time pt 2The Darkness Beyond Time saga continuesDarkness Beyond Time, Collective Game2009-11-09 13 
6641759Darkness Beyond Time pt 3The Darkness Beyond Time saga continues We learned our name and fragments of our past Dmitri is a stylish badassDarkness Beyond Time, Collective Game2009-11-10 14 
6663011Traitors AnonymousA simple question about tales regarding characters betraying the rest of the party establishes only one fact: Commissar-kun is the new Wasteland Warrior.betrayal, commissar-kun, epic2009-11-11 6 
December 2009
70325388-Bit Dystopia8-Bit games minus the heroes, plus extra grimdark, fused into a single setting. Almost shockingly epic.Setting, homebrew, /v/, vidya, Megaman, Sonic, Mario, TMNT, Metroid, corporations, cyberpunk2009-12-07 27 
70612118-bit Dystopia againMore writefaggotry and such for the 8-bit dystopia campaign concept.Setting, homebrew, /v/, vidya, Megaman, Sonic, Mario, TMNT, Metroid, corporations, cyberpunk2009-12-10 16 
70789298-Bit Dystopia, Part IIIEven more writefaggotry for /tg/'s videogame themed dystopia. Featuring full summaries, Vectorman, and the Warriors of Light.Setting, homebrew, /v/, vidya, Megaman, Sonic, Mario, TMNT, Metroid, corporations, cyberpunk, writefaggotry2009-12-10 14 
7106332Fortress Latvia/tg/ decides to buy an entire Latvian town and turn it into a deathtrap.Setting, town, neckbeardery2009-12-13 6 
71608628-Bit Dystopia - Crunchy editionAn attempt to give the setting some dedicated rules descends into rampant fluff writing as usual. The history of the now forsaken Lylat system is mapped out, and Mobius is touched upon. Oh, and there may have been some talk about skills, classes and a D12 system. Setting, homebrew, /v/, vidya, Megaman, Sonic, Mario, Starfox, Samus, corporations, cyberpunk2009-12-17 8 
7176389Fluff a monsterAnon posts a monster pic and anon creates back-story for the monster. It contains some truly sickening stuff!Monsters, BBEGs, World Building2009-12-17 5 
7310859Nutopia 7more nutopianutopia cyberpunk homebrew2009-12-28 2 
January 2010
7387989Examples of Play ContinuedOP attempts to start /tg/-wide storytime, ends up just delivering quality writefaggotry himself with Anon making minor contributions. Includes a continuation of the Examples of Play story.Kemosabe, storytime, writefagging, writefaggotry2010-01-02 6 
7460719Steampunk?Kemosabe returns, with an interesting take on steampunk. Temporarily derailed into a discussion of The Mistborn SagaKemosabe, steampunk, homebrew2010-01-07 -2 
7516185Marvel 2099Ideas for 2099 versions of superheroes It's the EXTREME future of 1993 Marvel comics!Superhero, cyberpunk, the 90s2010-01-10 1 
7680236Creepy BBEGOP asks for /tg/ to think up an original and deeply unsettling villain. What follows could be considered nightmare fuel.bbeg, nightmare fuel2010-01-20 6 
7809299Reincarnation Would SuckWhat if modern-day scientists figured out how to cheat death, via a process that replaces the mind of a 9-year-old with your own? /tg/ discusses ethics & tries to predict what'd happen to society.Dagda, World Building, Cyberpunk, Ethics, Serious Business2010-01-28 2 
February 2010
8190989The Neckbear Comes!What starts as a Battletech/40k Crossover thread quickly becomes so much moreNeckbear, Bear, Typo2010-02-20 0 
March 2010
8445349Besetting with BeesDM's simple question about the mechanics of bee swarms turns into an epic encounter by the hapless party with the BBEG's army of bees and bears. Hilarity and chaos ensues.Bees, Bears, Humor2010-03-07 5 
8442664Nutopia Quest: Hiver Part 1The first installment of a (hopefully) ongoing series of quests in the Nutopia universe.Post-Cyberpunk, Nutopia, Quest2010-03-07 3 
8463890Space Pirate FortressDorf Fortress, but with Space Pirates.TUUUUUUBES2010-03-08 8 
8682575Settler Quest Starting with a choose your race settler quest /tg/ elects to go Goblin. They proceed to become Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs."Goblins, Bears, Quest, Settler"2010-03-21 14 
8702610Settler Quest IIThe goblin tribe expands with another generation added to its ranks and plots to assimilate and conquer. The Glorious Leader is a clever bastard.Goblins, settler, quest, bears2010-03-21 10 
8702610Settler Quest 2Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs.Goblins, Bears, Quests, Settler2010-03-21 10 
8802115Settler Quest IVThe Glorious Leader gets his interrogation on and uses his incredible charisma (and the soul of the old bugbear chieftain) to convince the bugbears to join him in his mission to destroy the humans. Goblin, Goblins, Settler, Quest, Collective Game,Bears2010-03-27 7 
8859387Cyberpunk Ain't DeadSelf-explanatory.cyberpunk, fluff, rather off-topic2010-03-29 0 
April 2010
8909497Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Season 1Planescape: Magical Girls finally returns a year after it was created, on April 1. The Great Modron March has concluded. Game is still awesome. D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2010-04-01 10 
8895534Wormhole Cyberpunk settingAliens seek refuge, but end up crash landing and screwing up the planet big time. Cyberpunk without the 80's feel.scifi apocalypse post-apocalypse post postapocalypse alien refugee immigrant war science fiction SHTF future cyberpunk punk white knight whiteknight2010-04-01 2 
9003741Settler Quest VThe Glorious Leader is back in action, with both the bugbears and another generation of gobs to command--and new targets for pillage and conquest. Short but sweet.Goblin, Goblins, Settler, Quest, Collective Game, Bears2010-04-06 5 
9031381Final Stand BGMOp requests "Fuck you, I'm not going gentle into that good night" music " /TG/ delivers in spades.awesome, cyberpunk, sci-fi, roleplay2010-04-07 3 
9086807Dwarven Guide to Beard CareA few bits of good advice, from an older dwarf to some younger ones, as to the best way to groom and care for one's facial pelt. Washing, braiding, neckbeards, and the horror of shaving are given their due commentary.dwarf, beard2010-04-10 3 
9309936Emergency QuestYou are a Goron college student on a quest of awesomeness.Goron, Bears2010-04-20 0 
9322919Super-Sentient Light Bee's in your Id? More likely than you think!/tg/ votes to create a new species, Light-Bees are made and they live in youbees, light, creation, light-bees, Collective Game2010-04-21 8 
9410519Deck of Bears/tg/ celebrates the bears of MtG and create a deck.Magic, cards, bears2010-04-25 1 
9411794Utilitarian CyberpunkOP posits a clunky tape-drive-heavy noir setting, posts some writefaggotry, and hears about Modempunk.cyberpunk, modempunk, retrotech2010-04-25 5 
May 2010
9692576Frost Giantess Quest 49Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, QuestWe're resistant to the forest Shoggoth's madness-inducing fog, but not immune. Fortunately, the Shoggoth isn't at all resistant to thermite, and runs away with it's tail between it's legs. 2010-05-09 14 
10088662Opera House EncounterOP asks for help with BBEG encounter in an opera house. Anon swiftly delivers with a BBEG subversion into mindfuck territory.BBEG, mindfuck, opera house2010-05-27 1 
10182111Sweeney the Wizard. His penis is bears.His penis is bears. He needs no description.Penis, Bears, Create a race, create a character2010-05-31 30 
June 2010
10217394Brother RotMagos Joran Bol'van hosts a Create A BBEG thread. /tg/ gets shit done, creates win.BBEG, /tg/ gets shit done2010-06-02 6 
10704347Number StationsMystery and uncertainty leads to a discussion of Number Stations and their horrifying potential.Number Stations, Spies, Radio, Signals, Number, Stations2010-06-24 10 
10755664Planes and Mercs XXIXOP is getting Vengeance, being tasked with leading an invasion of Liberia. The mission details are rough, this won't be easy, and there are a lot of unknowns.awesome, planes, mercs, steve, best thing ever2010-06-26 8 
July 2010
11040258Planes and Mercenaries XXXOP opens up with the rest of the Squadron against the Liberians, but takes a solid kick to the teeth when some uninvited guests crash the party. Much planefapping is had.Planes, awesome, steve, liberia2010-07-10 5 
11040258Planes and Mercenaries XXXOP opens up with the rest of the Squadron against the Liberians, but takes a solid kick to the teeth when some uninvited guests crash the party. Much planefapping is had.Planes, awesome, steve, liberia2010-07-10 5 
11143565Zerg QuestCerebrate Anon begins the "What the fuck" brood. Hilarity ensues. Also, rape.Cerebrate Anon, rapelings, dicklings, cocklisks, ernie, bernie2010-07-15 39 
September 2010
11984094Neckbeards May CryShas'o R'myr talks about his experiences at a local tournament, involving the attack of a greasy ultramarine player. Some trolling.Shas'o R'myr, Tau, 40k, Tournament, Neckbeard2010-09-07 12 
12015899Space Pirate FortressContinuation of one mans work to create a Space Pirate themed Dwarf Fortress mod. First thread wasn't archived unfortunately.Dwarf Fortress, Space Pirates, Metroid, TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES2010-09-10 8 
12233518/tg/ Fights Drunken Bears/tg/ plays a session of Drunken Bear Fighter RPG. Shit gets real.Quest, Collective Game, Bear, Game, Drunken Bear Fighter, Epic2010-09-27 9 
October 2010
12434786Zerg Quest XVIThe Overmind is dead. Anon assumes direct control. A tentative peace is found. Subversion begins. Cerebrate Anon explains some stuff. Anon must decide whether to push that goddamn button!Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, recovery, The Day After, Beautiful Candy-Like Button2010-10-14 28 
12459131Cyber Dungeon QuestAfter nearly five hundred years of dormancy, an autonomous machine awakes on a crippled space station, desperately seeking answers.Cyber, Punk, Dungeon, Quest, role, interactive, robots, ghosts, disaster2010-10-16 3 
12498583Beesus Save Us Guy wants to play as an awakened bee swarmBees2010-10-19 12 
12517127Zerg Quest XVIIRoutine planning meeting to consolidate power takes a turn for the horrific as Nargil initiates something unspeakable. A dark force returns. All hope built over the last 15 threads may be lost.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, Starcraft, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?, Kerrigan, true evil, Bernie2010-10-21 20 
12549418Cyber Dungeon Quest IIAnon meets up with Chuckles and Cal, then gets attacked by security drones.CyberDungeon, interactive, Quest2010-10-24 2 
12606228AFMBE GM Throws /tg/ a CurveballStory about an AFMBE game has an unexpected twist ending AFMBE2010-10-30 6 
12624523Characters who could take a level of BarbarianA thread about manliness goes horribly awry.Manly men, beards, meth, owls, Wasteland Warrior, alcohol, Norse mythology2010-10-31 2 
12627193Cyber Dungeon Quest IIIAnon, Chuckles, and Callahan wake up Oswald. Progress ensues. CyberDungeon, Quest, interactive, BLAME, collective game2010-10-31 3 
November 2010
12669503Oscar Strikes AgainOscar once again proves that weed can derail even the shittiest campaigns, making them something gloriousOscar, Weed, Drugs, Beans2010-11-04 37 
12670760Zerg Quest XVIIIRegular Zerg Quest returns. Bernie is immediately shipped to boarding school, and Anon gives a touching pep talk to Labbrate. Anon aims Kingston at the Protoss. Will it backfire?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Starcraft, Motivational Speaking, Subterfuge2010-11-04 12 
12653918Not your ordinary corporate logo threadFrom military badges to discussions over corporate responsibilitylogo badge evil inc. corporation dystopia cyberpunk weyland ocp2010-11-04 15 
12705930Horror thread generalWhat's on the tin. Goes from some generic description help to a good thread with youtube links and pics abounding. Sleeping optionalHorror, links, number stations, terror, fright, scary2010-11-07 0 
12801416One Spell Left/tg/ uses a random spell generator to see how fucked they are.BBEG, Final Battle, Magic, Generator2010-11-15 15 
12972762Five Years with a DaveAfter fleeing into a bunker, you find a thin man called Dave tellin you that you are probably his only contact for the next five years. Radio contact with other bunkers reveals that each bunker has one survivor and one Dave, a ton of RPG resources and the ability to make Snickers Rum. After months of confinement, tensions rise between Koala Bear followers and paranoid /x/philes, and blood is promised after five years. A fully Koala Bear thread.Bunker, survival, Dave, Snickers rum, Koala Bear2010-11-30 4 
December 2010
13133598Magic: The GrizzlingOne anon's humble bear deck grows into a full-out cavalcade of bear MtG tactics.bears, grizzlies, Magic2010-12-14 4 
13153384Shy GuardsmanThe story of Klightus Sister Bethany.Klightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-15 39 
13158049Avoid the NoidDwarven alcoholism saves the day, and /tg/ discusses how best to use addictive alcohol to conquer dwarfkind.Storytime, Cerebrate Anon, Bottomless Flagon, The Noid, Eberron, Alcoholism, Dwarves, Dorfs2010-12-15 21 
13165814Zerg Quest XXIIIAfter squandering some resources, the Swarm finds that Kingston's assault is Blitzkrieging through the third-wave colonies. Gorn and Warbrate work together to fight it back, and Anon turns to Bernie for an offensive.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Quest Thread, Bernie, May our children forgive us2010-12-16 11 
13257958Zerg Quest XXIVAnon meets a strange Protoss colony, and decides to try its hand at diplomacy. Meanwhile, Bernie's brood wreaks horrible atrocity upon a Confederate Core World. Hilarity ensues.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Bernie, Diplomacy, TossTalk2010-12-23 12 
13302897Dungeon ShopA dungeon shop, run by a beholder. All customers welcome!Dungeon, Shop, Beholder, Dungeons and Dragons2010-12-27 6 
13331994Shy Guardsman IIContinuation of the story of of Klightus and Sister BethanyKlightus Sister Bethany Shy Guardsman2010-12-30 29 
13330984Zerg Quest XXVAnon learns what the strange Protoss are about, discovers that Kingston has developed Valkyries, watches Bernie get beaten up, and fights off a pretty bad Terran infestation one of its colonies.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Quest Thread, Collective Game, KINGSTOOOON!!!, TossTalk, Bernie, Conspiracy Theories2010-12-30 11 
January 2011
13433572Con-Quest 3.5; The Tongue-en-ingYou rescue Jezebel. You think.Tongue, Jezebel, Con-Quest, Henry Spigglesworth, John, Ankles2011-01-08 1 
13444943Shy Guardsman IIIThe story of Klightus and Bethany continues to continueShy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-09 27 
13538568Bear: The MaulingOP starts a rousing discussion about White Wolf's latest, punctuated by the token naysayers who... just can't bear it.bear: the mauling, 2011-01-16 20 
13541792Shy Guardsman IVThe final part of Klightus' and Bethany's story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-01-16 29 
13632632Beren QuestA city ruled by a great red wyrm... the quest beginsQuest, Beren, Dragon, Dragon Quest2011-01-24 22 
February 2011
13831467The Lime-Flavored CampaignIn which /tg/ makes widely varied pc's with one thing in common...they're all gelatinous cubes.Gelatinous cubes, cube, races2011-02-09 5 
13904170Klightus and Bethany get marriedAt long last, Shy Guardsman gives us the long-awaited account of Klightus and Bethany's wedding. What better day than Valentine's Day to tell the story.Shy Guardsman, Klightus, Bethany, Amaia, Wiprecht, Guardsman, Sisters of Battle2011-02-15 35 
13938478Rebellion Quest 5Things take a dark turn, very fast.Quest, Rebellion, Murder, Invasion, Dark Side of the Moon2011-02-18 1 
13951952Disney Villains as Campaign VillainsOP shows off the basic plot motivators for Disney villains, offering them up as awesome BBEG proposals.Disney, BBEG2011-02-19 5 
13990856ShadowRussia Pt. 3The group recovers from getting its shit kicked in and somehow our plucky comrades manage to complete their first run. Then Gunbunny starts taking wetwork contracts.ShadowRussia, Shadowrun, story, russia, cyberpunk2011-02-22 2 
13988969Rebellion Quest 6THE REAL PART 5!!!rebellion, quest, badass, space2011-02-22 1 
14040665Rebellion Quest 7First contactrebellion, quest, aliens, etc2011-02-26 6 
March 2011
14102674Rebellion Quest 8Selling guns and shooting stuff.sci-fi, rebellion, quest, viva la revolicion!2011-03-03 1 
14115968The AntagonistAvoiding common tropes when dealing with the BBEG in a campaign.BBEG2011-03-04 6 
14151430Rebellion Quest 9In which the OP gets banned.Rebellion Quest, banned2011-03-06 0 
14381022HU2: Copyright Infringing Random RollsA brave anon from the HU Revised creation thread starts a new one with HU2 to create a comrade for Finesse. A mutant alien, outcast from his own kind for being vaguely more fishy than them, and is Totally Not Abe Sapien, no matter what the dice try to tell you. Old OP joins in as well. To be continued..HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse, skeletal fish aliens, Abe Sapien, Totally Not Abe Sapien, Christopher Walken of the Fish People2011-03-27 0 
April 2011
14612827Marche of FFTA"The Stealthiest Lawful Evil Protagonist in the history of Lawful Evil protagonists."Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, BBEG, troll, trolling, final fantasy tactics, final fantasy tactics advance, fft, ffta, fantasy, paladin, discussion2011-04-16 8 
14720935Übermarines/tg/ creates a new custom chapter: The (Almost) Perfect Space Marines The Übermarines!!Übermarines, custom chapter, deathwatch, spacemarines, ubermarines, ultramarines, warhammer 40k2011-04-28 0 
May 2011
14777527Beast WorldHumanity has been laid low by the Gods and their Beastmen descendants must rediscover what it means to be humanbeast world, post apocalyptic, fantasy, homebrew2011-05-02 3 
14838352Blacksmithing Thread: Great Information for Newbies!The elegan/tg/entlemen once more prove they're the best of the boards, this time rising to the challenge of aiding aspiring dwarflings in the art of blacksmithing! Great information for any newby or experienced craftsman looking to get better at their most-metal art!armor,blacksmithing, how to be an rl dorf, smithing, 2011-05-07 16 
14849478Beware of King QuestA kingdom manager quest, uses Mors' "Dead King Quest" play-style, story remotely inspired by "Dragon Quest" (at least it seems so). You are Cave Drako Rex Meus, a (red) dragon woken up after long slumber to find your kingdom shattered, amidst civil war, impoverished and stricken by plague. Now it is up to you and your inner council to restore it to its previous magnificence. (thread cut short by OPs disappearance, presumably due to his prehistoric Internet connection)Beware of King Quest, Beware of King, Quest, Collective Game2011-05-08 6 
14890671Random Class Refluffs!Hilarity ensues as the Internet Haet Machine(and a writefag or two) refluffs non-sensical Random Class combinations. Good for a laugh or two.Stupid, refluff, haberdasher, character creation, lollercoaster, internet hate machine, writefaggotry2011-05-12 1 
14950652MANLY MOUSTACHE/BEARD THREAD/tg/ beard vote 2011beard, lulz2011-05-17 2 
14975165Legend of Zelda: the RPG System Planning Thread 1Sir Scribe wants to attempt to create an LoZ RPG system. Anons mention of the d20 LoZ RPG. Sir Scribe replies, 'Well, we'll just have to make this one BETTER, won't we?' /tg tries to answer the challenge. So far, bare-bones of three proposed attributes system, based of the Triforce.Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce2011-05-19 6 
14977000Making the Perfect Villain (tm)How do you make a villain your PCs love to hate? Make him their antithesis, and then make him a perfectly normal human being.evil, villain, mundane, space, furry, furries, human, humans, reasonable, trolling, troll, maximum, decency, PCs, psychopaths, BBEG, original content, original, advice2011-05-19 29 
14975796Totemist QuestWe are a totemist. The first line of defense against large creatures that our normal village soldiers can't handle. We have a few things to learn still and with the death of our mentor, it's not going to be easy.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-05-19 39 
14976361Girl QuestA girl named Issabella lives alone in the forest, and as far as she can remember, the world. When threatened by an invader, she must use her imagination to win the ensuing battle. But why has someone else appeared so suddenly?collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-19 5 
14987470Girl Quest Chapter 2Issabella's instinct to protect Mallory despite her past gets her in trouble.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map, Issabella, Mallory, Penelope2011-05-20 5 
14997995Girl Quest Chapter 3The players get a fresh start due to Issabella's sudden defeat. Mild meta-shenanigans ensue, along with hints as to what is actually going on, and another battle.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-21 5 
15007189Legend of Zelda: the RPG System Planning Thread 2Continuation of creating a homebrew ZRPG.Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce2011-05-22 6 
15001904Totemist Quest 2Shhh... Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting Rock Turtles.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Osyki2011-05-22 35 
15008341Girl Quest Chapter 4Titania has tea, cake, and attempts to build an empire out of two girls and a frog.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-22 5 
15015368 Legend of Zelda: the RPG System Planning Thread 3Further continuation of creating a homebrew ZRPGLegend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce2011-05-23 8 
15019784Girl Quest Chapter 5Titania manages the world that she now owns.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-23 2 
15029972Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #4Sir Scribe's vision continues to take form as /tg/ demonstrates its ability to get shit done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-24 6 
15051875Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5In which shit continues to get done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-26 5 
15054705Girl Quest Chapter 6Titania gains some magical power from... something. Lawful evil science is used to narrow down what that specific thing is.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map2011-05-26 4 
15076360Totemist Quest VIWe finish our experiments, make a pact, don't have a mermaid problem, and pick a fight with a massive, overpowering opponent again.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-05-28 25 
15069694Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5More shit getting done. Mostly refinement of the skill system and working on magic. Also some drawfaggotry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-28 5 
15092314The Greatest Party EverA tale of dungeons and dragons, eternally retold. THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO!Awesome, Game Session, Thousands of years ago, Dungeons and Dragons, GM, Epic, BBEG2011-05-29 2 
15097150Totemist Quest VIIWe pick a fight with that thing that was bigger than us and our bluff fails. Anon, as usual, takes forever saying the same things over and over. It's no wonder Diarca has time for naps between posts.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-05-30 25 
15091730Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #76th thread was mislabeled as 5. Shit continues to get done, particularly in the combat section.Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce, homebrew, shit gets done2011-05-31 5 
June 2011
15107319Sometimes you just give it to themInstances when a DM just gives a character something/Non combat awesome storiesElfbeard, Bearded Elf, Cook Battle, Bakery, DM, Stories2011-06-01 15 
15129074Totemist Quest VIIIWe spend most of a day doing research and playing local politics. OP falls asleep.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-02 27 
15170866Legend of Zelda RPG #9Thread #8 404'd without an archive. Shit continuous to get done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, Shit gets done2011-06-07 7 
15185593Totemist Quest 9We start our dinner with the elders, get our business with getting the protection totems squared away, and are given permission to take on not one but TWO apprentices. Short thread due to unavoidable circumstances.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-08 23 
15234659Totemist Quest XWe succeed in our goal to make Elana blush beet red and get the rest of our plans set in motion.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-12 25 
15229712Legend of Zelda RPG #10The RPG continues to take shape. The real crunch begins.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag2011-06-12 9 
15257977Totemist Quest XIWe start defensive preparations and are immediately distracted by a fight. Modi proves to be a murderous bastard, Walther proves to not be completely useless, and OP needs sleep.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-14 25 
15253114Legend of Zelda RPG #11More rules, more art, more progress.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag2011-06-15 11 
15290183Legend of Zelda RPG #12Magic and equipment gets expanded upon.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-18 8 
15301931Geist the furry hating the BBEGCan you make an awesome BBEG out of shitty character? Yes you can.furry hate, that guy, BBEG, advice, big bad2011-06-18 24 
15304371Gelatinous Cube Quest pt 1We are a sapient Gelatinous Cube, searching for identity and things to eat. We pick up Mr. Tulip, the sapient Mimir as a travel companion.Gelatinous Cube Quest, gelatinous cube, quest, collective game, -ing2011-06-18 10 
15323216Dancer in WhiteMichael Jackson as the ultimate BBEG. Bards become the best "just as planned" villains ever.Michael Jackson, bard, Lich, BBEG, villain.2011-06-20 33 
15334060Legend of Zelda RPG #13Shit continues to get done. Magic and music are discussed, and races are revisited and expanded. Also some more new artwork.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-24 6 
15375622Legend of Zelda RPG Thread 14Steady progress is made toward getting this thing playtestable. Some discussion of settings and fluff, rules for songs, a few new techniques, and more!Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch2011-06-26 6 
15375225Totemist Quest 12The totem masks are made and placed. Quinn begins his first steps to becoming an apprentice totemist.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-27 25 
15396589Legend of Zelda RPG 15Compiling, designing, and editing techniques is the focus of this thread, with a few new mechanic ideas and artwork as well.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-06-29 6 
15415754Totemist Quest XIIIWe greet Elana and watch Quinn make an ass of himself in front of Boand. Further issues with OP's medicine.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-29 24 
July 2011
15455746Lets get this shit started./tg/ Plans a Human rebellion in a game of furry oppressors. OP plans future updates.Rebellion, Furry, monkey, human, humanity2011-07-03 23 
15433135Legend of Zelda RPG #16Techniques and Magic gets worked on, and the RPG inches towards being playtest-ready.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-04 6 
15474941D&D Alphabet4th of July made awesome by a rhyming monster manual alphabet. And then it happens again. D&D, Monster Manual, Monster, Alphabet 2011-07-05 34 
15474877Void QuestWe awaken floating in the void after 65-thousand years of dormancy. The command staff is brought back from cryostasis and we start repairing our metal body while hoping our crew adjusts and worrying over what has happened while we were asleep.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-05 39 
15503489Lord Deathrape and the CazaclawrasqueBecause some PCs just deserve to die.Tarrasque, Horror, Holy shit, BBEG, Cazador, Deathclaw, Cazaclaw, God hates you, FUCK2011-07-07 14 
15527576Void Quest 2We bring back more crew, do repairs, make our first jump, and find an abandoned system surrounded by the wreckage of hundreds of ships.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-10 35 
15496100Legend of Zelda Thread #17In which development and discussion continues, along with the odd bit of nice drawfaggotry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-12 6 
15547424Void Quest 3Having set up our resupply, we hack our way into the station - through the past!Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-12 36 
15558914Void Quest 4The continuing story of OIS Harbinger.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-13 31 
15560584The Legend of Zelda RPG - Thread #18Steady progress is made, particularly regarding magic and music. Also the first bits of feedback from playtesting, and of course some lovely artistry.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-07-15 7 
15581324Void QuestThe continuing story of the OIS Harbinger, wherein Parsons paranoia is finally realized.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-15 31 
15603188Void Quest 6The continuing story of the OIS Harbinger, wherein we activate the gate and cut in line. Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-17 31 
15626860Void Quest 7We blast aliens, salvage stuff, work out how the gates work all over again, then chat with our XO.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-19 26 
15644675Going BerserkBerserk, Bagserk, Chaos Gods, and general fatguy anticsBerserk Bagserk Warhammer Chaos2011-07-21 6 
15681393Void Quest 9The Harbinger plays with armageddon weapons, has a narrow escape, and plans an extraction. Also arguing.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-24 28 
15702140Void Quest 10Harbinger defrosts one of the rescued people and gains some informations.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-26 25 
15725852Void Quest 11Where we thaw out the rest of Ketro's science team, and nothing much gets done.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-28 23 
15749179Void Quest 12We finally ruin some xeno's day. Void Quest, Quest, Vedibere2011-07-30 27 
15765549Void Quest 13 - Part 2We finish up our game of laser-tag and then start an entirely new and more dangerous version.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-07-31 23 
15767164Vampire Dwarf Turned bearfestrawrrawrarD&D, Vampire, Bear, Rawr2011-07-31 12 
August 2011
15783485Void Quest 14Our private duel with Ivanova. VoidQuest, Void Quest, Vedibere2011-08-02 25 
15807704Void Quest 15Two engineers get passive-aggressive, and then shit gets real. Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-04 25 
15759263Legend of Zelda RPG development #21Some tweaks and revisions to existing techs and spells, a thorough review/fleshing out of the weapon system, and more - /tg/ gets shit done.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-04 6 
15856771Void QuestWe freeze Ketro, the xenos try to board Harbinger, and the xenofags start a shitstorm.Void, Quest, AI, Spaceship, Vedibere2011-08-08 21 
15869516Vidya Game Name Generator/tg/ fluffs out names into games that put the game industry to shame. Can you type faster than the Nazi's in 'Stupendous Typing Over Normandy'? Enjoy quality edutainment with 'Viking Robot Phonics'! Experience the total sum of wargaming in 'Enormous Chainsaw - Total War'! Strain your brain over 'M.C. Escher's Bandicoot Melee'! AND MORE!vidya, game, name, generator, viking, nazi, hitler, time, travel, space, hillbilly, gokart, race, japan, werewolf, blast, mario, writefaggotry, awesome, barbie, beatdown, bible2011-08-09 9 
15880596Void Quest 17We respond to the aliens attacks and leave the systemCollective Game, Voidquest, Void Quest, Vedibere2011-08-10 21 
15846057Legend of Zelda RPG development #22Some touches on magic and songs, finishing weapon properties, and development of an improved character sheet.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-10 3 
15904452Void Quest 18We find an Intel base that turns out to be a bioweapons research facility and possible deathtrap.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-12 22 
15916825Void QuestMore mucking around with the base, we take our first casualty, and a bunch of idiots whine about it.Void Quest, Collective Game, AI, Spaceship, Vedibere2011-08-13 21 
15929304Lumberjack Marines/tg/ uses rites of battle to make lumberjack marines with BA Geneseed and awesome conceptslumberjack marines2011-08-14 15 
15939363Lumberjack Marines 2Continuation, including fluff on Lord Redwood and Old Blue amongst otherslumberjack marines2011-08-15 6 
15949806Void Quest 20The crew of the Harbinger continues to investigate the deadly installation.Void Quest, Collective Game, Vedibere2011-08-16 21 
15953005Lumbermarines 3Tidied up some of the Lumbermarines fluff and added some contributions before degenerating into sillyness.Lumberjack Marines2011-08-16 1 
15954334Void Quest 20-2A plan is formulated to recover the ground team.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Void, Quest, Collective Game, Vedibere2011-08-16 21 
15975401Crocodile Quest IIRenekton decides to side with Set. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. crocodile quest, sobek, two, II, 2, Renekton, Set, Nile, Egypt2011-08-18 0 
15981439Crocodile Quest IIIRenekton, gifted with his new form and awesome hat, slew some fishermen. Now on a mission from Set, he goes North.crocodile quest, sobek, three, III, 3, Renekton, Set, Nile, Egypt2011-08-19 3 
1599967816m GETDoctor Dre's dead, and locked in my basement. Well, at least it isn't 40GAY40K, 40Gay,16000000, 16M Get, get, rap, Dr. Dre, best thread, not DH2011-08-20 -15 
15994976Void Quest 21We chat with members of the crew, the civilian scientists, and our XO.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Void, Quest, Collective Game, Vedibere2011-08-20 27 
15990640Melek Tau - the psionic peacocksIn their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS!peacocks, psychic, psionic, beautiful, FABULOUS, bitch you did not just diss my haircut2011-08-20 23 
15957628The Legend of Zelda RPG development #24Finally starting to work our way out of the productivity slump, progress is (slowly) made. A system for "foraging" for rupees and supplies is devised, a basic framework for item prices is laid down, and principles of dungeon and boss design are discussed.Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch2011-08-24 3 
16053713Zerg Quest LVKerrigan has a plan, and politicians make it more interestingZerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Prelude to the Fall of Man, Kerrigan, Everything went better than expected2011-08-25 11 
16074132Monkey-bro 4: Rise of the PrimatesOP comes back with progress on Hominidae United and their fight against the furry menace. Primate Empire shows how bro they are by sending an army to help. GM says "I like you, cause you get shit done."Monkey Bro, Brorilla, Primates, furry, rebellion, monkey, humanity, revenge2011-08-27 18 
16075942Void Quest 22Jumping around and finally finding some dangerous ?friends/foes? who appear to know how to work Ophidian tech.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-27 21 
16087046Void Quest 23We jump into the mystery system and find an old friend on a magical world.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-08-28 21 
16095404Let's play Musical AlignmentsI know, I know, it's an alignment thread, started by a tripfag. but I mean, there are some good thematic songs in here. Hell, it has its own public youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAFFA2BBD38B0A1ED also, White knight fags are now called Don Quixote (plural - Don Quixotes). deal with it.espagnoll, music, alignments, deal with it, youtube2011-08-29 -4 
September 2011
16157217Void Quest 24We have a chat with the Godspeakers.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Void, Quest, Collective Game, Vedibere2011-09-03 22 
16182076Void Quest 25We find Charles.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-09-05 22 
16296928Void Quest 27Short thread, but we finally talk to Charles.Void Quest,VoidQuest,Vedibere,Collective Game2011-09-15 22 
16319440Void Quest 28We disconnect from Charles' core and try to leave.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2011-09-17 23 
16425991Yet another story threadCool stories, a temporary devolution into argument, and then more cool stories. Also Pavarotti.cool stories, bro, cool story bro, dark heresy, D&D, bear spy, pavarotti,2011-09-26 2 
16436924Deus Ex: MagickaA new spin to the Deus Ex series- magipunk. The main character, one mean satyr with a meaner kick named Ann O'Bedlam, awakes to find that her limbs have been replaced magically augmented metallic limbs. Deus Ex, Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Goat, Satyr2011-09-27 2 
16458541Zerg Quest LVSCREW YOU KINGSTON! EAT NUKES AND DIE!Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Everything went better than expected2011-09-29 12 
October 2011
16581746INFLUENCE Ch. 2We get to town and learn that our glorious empire has been conquered by orcs in our absence. We won't stand for this, will we? Find out in tonight's episode of INFLUENCE! Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Gender Bender2011-10-11 17 
16603995INFLUENCE Ch. 3We pay for the armor Dio ruined, get new armor, and collect our mindslave to carry treasure for us. Until we get attacked by another sentient artifact, a bow named Margolotta and he's reduced to a fine red mist. We kill her wielder, and turn her to our side in a defeat mean friendship kind of way. Then more stuff happens.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Gender Bender2011-10-13 20 
16667544An anon asks for help creating a setting with realistic AIs.Intelligent discussion ensues.Request, AI, Cyberpunk, setting, roleplaying2011-10-19 5 
16757356bee girl questa worker bee's quest to get laid.Collective Game, Bee Girl Quest2011-10-28 10 
16776536On Cyberpunk and Art DecoA lovely thread full of brainstorming and fluff ideas for a 1920's punky setting.fluff, worldbuilding, setting idea, 1920s, cyberpunk2011-10-31 6 
November 2011
16857518Tribe to Empire QuestArising from a shitty troll copy paste thread, OP creates a quest thread where we must managed a small tribal empire. tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy2011-11-06 6 
16859102Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIAdvisor Anon continues his quest. Our settlements grow as we meet a mysterious envoy from the foresttribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-06 7 
16869061Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIThe quest continues, featuring smooth tribal diplomacy checkstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-07 6 
16882132Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIIWar is slowly coming. We still havent got a wife. And lots plot deepens a lot. We also build new buildings train some raiders, check on our twin albino slaves and much more. Also shenanigans ensue as Bjorn mixes some stuff into Berserkers meal...tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-08 7 
16906033Tribe to Empire Quest Part VGlorious battle with Aville (there is another part V here as suptg was down http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/16894414)tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-10 12 
16919381Hellspawn's NationbuilderA nationbuilder game, based off Skargan's nation builder ruleset.Collective Game, Benevolent Hellspawn, Nationbuilder, nation builder, civilization, civilization game 2011-11-12 2 
16947528Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI First HalfAfter the battle with Aville we return to Ravenhold and begin interrogation on the POWstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-17 5 
16970602Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI Second HalfAfter the battle with Aville we finish interrogating our prisoners... then join the great feast. Cyrillia confesses some interesting thigs.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-20 2 
16989597TribeToEmpireQUESTAftermath of battle... We discuss waifu... Train some soldiers and organize an offense against Aville.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-22 2 
17000365Beyblade homebrew brainstormOP insists we want to play a beyblade RPG. Silliness ensues, followed by legitimate brewingbeyblade, homebrew, medabots, toys, absurdity2011-11-24 11 
17028120How to be a MimicA bored mimic in a room starts adventuring.Mimic Quest, Larro, Alalia, Collective Game, How to be a Mimic2011-11-26 14 
17060234The Ballad of Big Boss: OriginsA young knight is betrayed by his allies. /tg/ gives him epic advice on how to get his revenge. For he is...Big Boss.Big Boss, That Guy, Eyepatches, Betrayal, SNAAAAAAKE EAAAAATER2011-11-30 17 
December 2011
17066065Monsterfluff, Part 2Post a picture of a monster and write the fluff for a monster above, now with a growing setting around the fluff!monsters, writing, game design, resource, Tabula Gloria, For'Channar, Vashial, Phrennoack, Uralaya, Garvenus, Weylos, Drakonid, Benalor2011-12-01 2 
17109073Androids - New Treatise becomes Cyborgs - Stolen MemoriesOP starts off with an interesting concept. There is discussion, a bit of derail, and interesting details.Android, Androids, Homebrew, Cyborg, Space, Cybernetics, Cybernetic, Mind, Memory2011-12-05 7 
17148493Cyberpunk Quest 1Ryan Semken, Nightlife Ops, is sent to steal some data from a facility and steals a little girl instead.sci-fi, Collective Game, Cyberpunk Quest, cyberpunk2011-12-09 21 
17161307Cyberpunk Quest, Topic 2We flee with the little girl, then the RNG goes mad, but it's ok because we kill the man with a cannon for a arm in the end.sci-fi, Collective Game, Cyberpunk Quest, cyberpunk2011-12-10 11 
17175541Narutards shit up /tg/ for the 9th timeSeriously, they're like a plague. Why are they here again?shit, drawthreads, stuff that doesn't belong on /tg/2011-12-11 -11 
17179837Tabula Gloria Dev Thread IVThe monsterfluff threads which became a setting unto itself continues! Also with a wiki now!Tabula Gloria, monsterfluff, settingfluff, original content, setting, worldbuilding, writing, game design, For'Channar, Vashial, Weylos, Benalor, Animar, too many damn tags to count2011-12-13 2 
17229803/tg/ Meta Quest 37Having finished in Romania, we begin investigating the reality distortions in Antarctica and Japan. The former is home to some slumbering eldritch horror, as expected. The latter is ruled by Griffith, from Berserk.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Ravenloft, HP Lovecraft, Berserk, Editors2011-12-16 14 
17213660Tabula Gloria Dev Thread VWiki gets built, cultures get a little more fleshed out, and even cosmology and magic systems hard at work! It's Tabula Gloria!Tabula Gloria, monsterfluff, settingfluff, original content, setting, worldbuilding, writing, game design, For'Channar, Vashial, Weylos, Benalor, Animar, too many damn tags to count2011-12-17 1 
17239971/tg/ Meta Quest 38Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk2011-12-17 13 
17273710/tg/ Meta Quest 39More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-20 11 
17284731/tg/ Meta Quest 40We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-21 10 
17291146mimic quest chp 2chapter 2, we fight a dragon and make a friendMimic Quest, Larro, Alalia, Collective Game, How to be a Mimic2011-12-22 11 
17293888Zerg Quest LXVIAnon tears Dyles' forces apart, and engages the Protoss in the political arena. Thread called "the most effective in recent history".Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Diplomacy, Pauldrons, Drunk OP, I assure you I have not been banned2011-12-22 10 
17296729/tg/ Meta Quest 41We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-22 11 
17306889/tg/ Meta Quest 42We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-23 12 
17316446/tg/ Meta Quest 43We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-24 15 
17325929TG Quest: The Extended CutContinuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-26 6 
17333485Totemist Quest 14Our hero teaches Quinn his first lesson in practical spiritual ettiquette and gets a very cryptic vision.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-12-26 25 
17360840Zerg Quest LXVIIThe Swarm deals with a couple of scary-looking fellows who are both kinda-sorta members of the SwarmZerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Drunk op, Bernie, Oh What Now?2011-12-29 11 
January 2012
17397134TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-04 6 
17425874/tg/ Meta Quest 44We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 11 
17429885/tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 6 
17446362/tg/ Meta Quest 45The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-07 10 
17450144/tg/ Meta Quest 46We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-07 10 
17444374A Study of DwarvesOP opens up with a huge multipost dissertation about dwarven biology and physiology, adolescent development, and even some cultural details like courtship. /tg/ jumps on it, and soon things like death and burial rituals, farming, homelife, and even brewing and cooking get expanded upon. Also, apparently Giant Cave Worms are basically just big writhing sausages made of Spam.dwarves, study, information, biology, puberty, death, burial, farming, brewing, cooking, spam2012-01-07 8 
17456343TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGHYet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 6 
17468187/tg/ Meta Quest 47As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 10 
17471475/tg/ Meta Quest 48After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-09 11 
17481740/tg/ Meta Quest 49We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
17485818/tg/ Meta Quest 50The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
17531839That Guy Called HalflingOP makes a THAT GUY thread, but dominates it with his own stories of Halfling; a man apparently fine outside games, but a bitch in themthat guy, that, guy, halfling, story, storytime, story time, pokemon, 40k, bitch, rule bending, rules, min-maxing, min maxing, minmaxing, minmax, highschool, high school, poke mon2012-01-14 7 
17589231Zerg Quest LXIXSomebody rapes Moria, and then we tear part of reality open. Yikes.Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Earth-shattering kaboom, Rape monsters, Scheduling changes, 69 Dudes!2012-01-19 10 
17595297That Guy And The BearStorybro recounts the time a homophobic That Guy meets his match in the form of a big, burly gay rugby player.That Guy, gay, storytime, epic, lulz, bear, bears2012-01-19 22 
17637446Zerg Quest LXXSunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Bernie, Kerrigan, Nukes, Lying to genocide/rape survivors, Not even thinking twice about it, Group Therapy2012-01-23 10 
17658419Heist Quest 2: Rock BottomThe gang gets its shit together.Collective Game, Heist Quest, heist, robber, game2012-01-25 6 
17674594/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 1While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Hilarity Ensues.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, Benny Hill, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest 2012-01-26 8 
17678634/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 2While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Common sense turns out to be not so common!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, Benny Hill, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg2012-01-26 5 
17689732/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 3While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Shit gets fucked up and significantly more complicated.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, COMMON SENSE, Mario, Digimon, Street Fighter, Sailor Moon, Warcraft, Wakfu, Pokemon, Vocaloid, Neckbeard2012-01-27 6 
17701253/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 4While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. With a sufficient plan, we LOOT. DOWN. EVERYTHING.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, Benny Hill, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Raidah, Kali, Lesbian 8-way2012-01-28 6 
February 2012
17751827Library of BabelOP creates a world-sized library, based a setting on a short story by Jorge Luis Borges.library,Library of Babel,campaign setting,short story2012-02-01 13 
17807480How to be a Mimic thread 3Mimic gets rich, then spends it all on cool rims.Mimic Quest, Larro, Alalia, Collective Game, How to be a Mimic2012-02-05 12 
17820194Shwig Draws Monsters!Broquest's lead Drawfriend and renowned /tg/ artist Shwigity improves on your shitty MSPaint designs while writefags fluff your creatures! Shwig, Shwigity, Draw, Drawthread, Monsters, MSPaint, fluff, bestiary, kepoo2012-02-06 12 
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
17870823Chaos Space Marine QuestJoin the adventures of Decimus Petillius Tiro of the Word Bearers!Chaos Space Marine Quest, Word Bearer, Collective Game2012-02-09 5 
17975270ArturWhat starts as a pretty boring thread becomes glorious in the face of Artur, Russian Space Tramp, Psudo-big-Daddy and Mute mechanic warrior; a great character in a terrible game.bestthingever, That Guy, storytime, awesome2012-02-16 23 
17989716Metahuman Renaissance Quest 7Javelin eats pancakes wit the Evokers', learns Parkour, then WE WIZARD NOW SONMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, harry dresden, evokers club, parkour, behold the wizard2012-02-18 23 
18029935Today I must become That Guy Pt3The horror-trainwreck continuesStorytiem, FATAL, Space, That Guy, /d/M, fetish game, player rebellion, That GM2012-02-20 36 
18032393Today I must become That Guy pt4Part 3 magically 404'd before its time, yet DIRK SOLDERS ON!Storytiem, FATAL, Space, That Guy, /d/M, fetish game, player rebellion, That GM2012-02-21 40 
March 2012
18155557Kobold Sorcerer Quest Ch. 9A wild Ringo Starr appears!Kobold, Quest, Collective Game, Kobold Sorcerer Quest, The Beatles2012-03-01 5 
18163884How to be a Mimic thread 4Alalia assists a merchant caravan. It goes exactly as expected, only with ninjas.Mimic Quest, Larro, Alalia, Collective Game, How to be a Mimic2012-03-02 12 
18166379Cyberpunk character generatorEasy way to roll up a character concept for a Cyberpunk themed game.Character generator, cyberpunk, d202012-03-03 7 
18176533Reginald "Ragin' Reggie" DempseyIn the midst of a "What I made..." thread, one anon storytimes the tale of a man in the zombie apocalypse who punched stuff real hard.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-03 55 
18208330The Tale of Barry BanjoOP recites the amazing tale of his current Engine Hearts campaign, including an animatronic banjo bear.Engine Heart, story time, banjo bear, funny2012-03-05 13 
18268827Ragin' Reggie II: Electric BoogalooRagin' Reggie's back for more storytime.Ragin' Reggie, Storytime, All Flesh Must Be Eaten2012-03-10 31 
18291189Shadowrun Storytime 4The Ares runs begin, Tank gets a SIN, and an interrogation gets...weird.Shadowrun, Storytime, 2D, Geppetto, Dervish, Tank, Teacup Ride, Cyberpunk, Knight Errant2012-03-12 73 
18400401Shadowrun Storytime 6Bend the Infiltrator joins the team, spirits get stoned, 2D jizzes himself, and the Vegas arc comes to a close.Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, TwoDee, Geppetto, Dervish, Bend, Vegas, Las Vegas2012-03-21 71 
18421888Shadowrun Storytime 72D and the crew head to Tokyo, Shenanigans ensueShadowrun, Storytime, TwoDee, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Tokyo2012-03-23 77 
18442508Eberron Quest part IVYohn goes through a timeskip, and meets a couple of new friends, including a very unusual thief.Eberron Quest, eberron, Collective Game2012-03-25 1 
18454442Eberron Quest V: Civil DisobedienceYohn uncovers a plot to take over Breland, and leads a battle in the middle of Sharn to stop it.Eberron Quest, Eberron, Collective Game2012-03-26 1 
18511269Limits for modified humansOP asks how for help on how to balance modified humans when compared with normal ones. Some good cyberpunk brainstorming.cyberpunk, bionics, game balance2012-03-31 5 
April 2012
18532456Shadowrun Storytime 8The team goes to Lagos, and runner-on-runner violence happens! Geppetto kills a guy in a really fucked-up way. Also Nextwave!Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, Shadowrun Storyime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Lagos, Nextwave2012-04-02 72 
18645891Shadowrun Storytime 92D and crew finally corner Two-Times in Bogota. The Sixth World is marred forever.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Bogota, Sensei, Pirates, Aztechnology2012-04-10 62 
18848099Shadowrun Storytime 11The Summer episode! The Team tries their hand at a bank heist.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Bank Heist, Bank Job2012-04-25 56 
May 2012
18990192Shadowrun Storytime 12The team goes back to college. It's not quite how they remember...Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, Geppetto, Bend, Dervish, Wildcard, College, University2012-05-06 36 
1903303640k Postal ServiceMessaging goes postal in 40kcollective game, mail, warhammer 40k, 40k, spess mahreen, intergalactic postman should be a fucking go in his own right,2012-05-09 12 
19114034How to be a Mimic Chapter 5Alalia busts outta jail and causes chaosMimic Quest, Larro, Alalia, Collective Game, How to be a Mimic2012-05-15 5 
19112522Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew/tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome.Mommy is sick, Daddy gets mad, My brother is dead, Mommy's Icky Friend, Divorced, Little Princess, Beaten, My Little Robot, Bad Touch, Jog Dad, Little Sunshine, In the System, Our Pride, Evil?, On Ritalin, Home Alone, Moving Again, I'm a Mistake2012-05-16 22 
19203944Magical Girl Questing MalaiMalai Mindy Chamberlain's quest as a magical girl begins. Power is obtained. Fat kids piss themselves. Catbomination avoids stereotypes.Collective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 7 
19206472Magical Girl Questing Malai 2You are Malai, eldritch powered magical girl and wielder of the Bat of Donny DonnovitchCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 6 
19227809Magical Girl Questing Malai 3In which a CERTAIN IDIOT becomes a catboy, and we gain access to the Mahou Shoujo FAQCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-25 7 
19236392Berserk Homebrew/tg/ does a little homebrewing, taking inspiration from several settings, but mainly BerserkBerserk, Homebrew, game ideas, homebrew setting2012-05-25 8 
June 2012
19343530Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 2The continued development and adventures of Eastern Tribes. Nad makes a tsundere bug girl, and Fortune's Gantu slay monsters and make contact with the Kaze. The Ca'rethil develop both kung-fu and architechture and the Silith nearly burn the damn forest down in their attempts to discover the secrets of metalworking.Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Smokey the Bear is pissed2012-06-07 2 
19447851/tg/ Meta Quest 81DRIVE ME CLOSER! I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY LOGIC. Lots of progress is made in solving problems through talking.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, Ah! My Goddess, Ahriman, Warhammer, Belldandy, Skuld, SUE, Logic, Rynex is a Weeaboo2012-06-12 13 
19537562Lego Quest BLOCKOUT pt. 6The transhuman train-wreck concludes! Guns, girls and an ending that nobody can believe!Lego Quest, Collective Game, cyberpunk2012-06-19 6 
19584339Freeform Draw QuestA quest where every 3rd reply is fulfilled. It soon turns to insanity.Collective Game, Freeform Draw Quest, Fail, Insanity, Rub, Gaben, Chaos, Law2012-06-23 15 
19670289Mahou Shounen Quest 142Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-06-29 11 
19681784Mahou Shounen Quest 143Cannonball run simulation. Our weiner is large and in charge. Oh hey, is dat sum VEHICULAR CARNAGE?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-06-30 10 
July 2012
19689850Mahou Shounen Quest 144Continuation of the Cannonball Run mission. Things begin to heat up as the fuzz go for broke. Oh hey, BEE LAUNCHERS!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-01 9 
19675380Fortune: Evolution Game 6-3 (Arctic)The evolution game continues, as players now take the reins of animals residing in the frostbitten Arctic of the Beta Continent.Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, evolution, Arctic, Beta Continent2012-07-02 5 
19744246Shadowrun Storytime 14The Trout Run starts with a bang! Evil cultists and shit-covered capybaras abound.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras2012-07-05 43 
19850413Lost Future Quest part 4: Internal AlphaClarke and Co dive the Networked SAP, and go all inception/matrix on its ass. Title changed because screw you, it's cooler.lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-07-13 13 
19859727GuardsMan Quest: Fight For Amerigo Secondus: Chapter Four: Rallying CryIn this quest we recruit beastmen, Squats, devour our first piece of living tech, Impregnate Anevka, and reccieve the blessing of the omnisiah.Guardsman_Quest, Inquisition, 40k, Imperium, Catgirls, Beastmen, Dark_Age_of_Science, Hunting_Rig, Tau, Underhive, Squats, Collective_Game, Quest2012-07-14 10 
19883200Mahou Shounen Quest 154We conclude the Bureau Raid simulation. Get back to the real world for some shenanigans and plot.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-15 8 
19884507Zerg Quest XCIVbThe Swarm investigates the Galactic Center and finds something intriguingCerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Big bird monster, scary cube, Metaquest crossover after-effects!2012-07-15 6 
19929722Mahou Shounen Quest 155Piracy on the high seas. We swash our bucklers and stuff. also, a taste of plot.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-18 5 
20080536Shadowrun Storytime 15The team gets a nwe target, Wildcard and Dervish harass a checkpoint guard.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras2012-07-29 35 
20098708Shadowrun Storytime 15.5Adversary says hi.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, twodee2012-07-30 38 
20108717Mahou Shounen Quest 163Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you only hate this because people told you to2012-07-31 6 
August 2012
20185311Bro's Magical Dicking AdventureStory of a crazy group in the UK. Sex and violence.That Guy, Drama, Feminazi, Hambeast2012-08-05 41 
20200776Mahou Shounen Quest 168Sunday morning. Prepare to jump dimensions to get to Nanoha. PREPARE FOR FEELSCollective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you can't upvote this2012-08-06 6 
20202232THE EPIC OF FERNANDO THE WIFEBEATERRichter Bromont arrives with an epic of Mexican proportions.Richter Bromont, Mexican, Fernando Wifebeater2012-08-06 14 
20208022Bank Robber QuestBank Robber ingests a PINK MOHAWK PILL and saves the world.Collective Game, Bank Robber Quest, Modern, Pink Mohawk2012-08-07 6 
20269274Mahou Shounen Quest 171I have no idea of what's going on anymore.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-08-11 5 
20268058Zerg Quest XCVIIIThe tests suddenly ramp up in difficulty, stretching across the sector.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, -A- Bernie is back, Labbrate to the rescue, What have you done with my Cerebrates!?2012-08-11 6 
20337810How to be a Mimic thread 6The mimic has a bad day that starts with getting dethroned. It gets worse.Mimic Quest, Larro, Alalia, Collective Game, How to be a Mimic2012-08-16 6 
20366845Shadowrun Storytime 16: The Tale of Felix RamirezThe team initiates their newest member, ex-Aztechnology Eagle Warrior Felix Ramirez.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Felix Ramirez, Locke2012-08-18 70 
20371699Magical Girl Noir Quest 35A temporally sober magical girl meet a new old friend in the land of the bears.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Kharn, Siberia2012-08-18 38 
20407758Totemist Quest XV: Before the BeginningAyren Overwake, Master Totemist, slays a behemoth.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Before the Beginning2012-08-21 25 
20419741Totemist Quest XVIOsyki speaks with his bound Stalker, hides his true name from the world and plays with children. Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-08-22 27 
20423553Magical Girl Noir Quest 36A painfully sober magical girl exploit a kitchen and make a subordinate cry. Again.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Midori, Kharn, Siberia, Takoyaki2012-08-22 38 
20437302Magical Girl Noir Quest 37A worryingly sober magical girl wakes to find things not as she left them.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Midori, Kharn, Siberia2012-08-23 38 
20445994Totemist Quest XVIIOsyki begins his journey through the swamp to speak with the Mother. It is a dangerous journey.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-08-24 24 
20461272Zerg Quest C100 Threads! Woo! Meanwhile, gods try to steal our mind.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, testing, /tg/ dice, less of you than I remember, OW MY HEAD2012-08-25 11 
20475337Magical Girl Noir Quest 38A severely sober magical girl prepares to hunt bears with a pacifist, a terminator, and the bro-est Betrayer.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia2012-08-26 37 
20506252Magical Girl Noir Quest 39A horrendously sober magical girl talk about the past with a old friend but have to cancel the glorious bear hunt.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Midori, Kharn, Siberia2012-08-28 38 
20529095Magical Girl Noir Quest 40A coldly sober magical girl prepare for battle and confront a new opponent. Also bears.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Mirai2012-08-30 37 
20534202Lost Future Quest Part 10: Gone with the WindClarke just wants to watch the goddamn thunderstorm, is that too much to ask? Also, we meet Hoss, the Doc Smartgunner, and consider what to do with the deactivated Garry and his ill-gotten swag.Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, mexico, Lost Future, Quest, Righteous Beatdown2012-08-31 12 
20537322Totemist Quest XVIIIOsyki learns how to walk between worlds, and negotiates with the Mother of the Swamp. Silver Tongue is back in force.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-08-31 27 
20542537 Magical Girl Noir Quest 41A coldly sober magical girl barely keeps the violence in check. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Mirai2012-08-31 38 
September 2012
20544766Totemist Quest XIXOsyki spends a night in the swamp and returns to the forest.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-01 25 
20593427Magical Girl Noir Quest 42A tiredly sober magical girl returns to base and gets some much needed rest and alcohol in her. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn2012-09-04 38 
20636286Totemist Quest XXOsyki spends some time upgrading and repairing village totems, and heads to the mountains to negotiate with spirits.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-08 24 
20627131Lost Future Quest part 10.5: A Gathering of WidgetsClarke and Co get their shit together, reactivate Ladybird, and dive into the memories of Q1N: Medicine Robot.lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-09-08 11 
20653467My (Necron) ImmortalA reimagining of My Immortal as a Necron fanficnecron My_Immortal Phaeron_Phaussett Ekhbeni Drakh'nezh Dimmensha Rhavenn Stormlord2012-09-09 35 
20655039Totemist Quest XXIOsyki discovers truths about Elana and his master, and trains his mind.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-09 24 
20663459That Guy Thread - Three stats at 23 editionMildly entertaining "That Guy" thread turns into an epic story of conflict between a proper roleplayer and a minmaxing childThat Guy, Story, It begins2012-09-10 22 
20702416Lost Future Quest part 11: Free Boat Ride for 6Clarke and Co get out of dodge, On A Boat. Clarke deals with inter-group friction and sees some dolphins.lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-09-13 11 
20715108Totemist Quest XXIIThe village's defenses get a serious upgrade, and we begin training Terra.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-14 24 
20730757Nightbane Horrible Abomination GenerationWarning, may include distilled fears of all of mankind in Bear-Wolf-Spider form, with gunarms. Jesus Christ.Monster Generation Bearspiderwolf NeverStopScreaming2012-09-15 5 
20801834 Lost Future Quest Part 12: Smithers; Release the HoundsClarke and his party are attacked by a group of robotic BigDogs, led by a rather menacing Network bot called The Huntsman. lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-09-21 11 
20803149Totemist Quest XXIIIOsyki ventures into the forest, meets with Sylvia, and helps Quinn bind his first spirit.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-21 25 
20900001Totemist Quest XXIVHaving helped Quinn obtain his first totem spirit, Osyki performs some experiments in his workshop.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-29 24 
October 2012
20936444Totemist Quest XXVOsyki experiments with earth bindings, makes totems, and flirts with Elana.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Experiment Thread2012-10-01 24 
20931788Hive-Minds and BEESThread about hive-minds quickly becomes awesome when people who actually know about bees show up.hive-minds, robots, roleplay, characters, bees ,BEES, NOT THE BEES, THEY'RE IN MY EYES, THEY'RE IN MY MOUTH, AAAAAUGH2012-10-02 18 
20950596Shadowrun Storytime 17Happy birthday, 4chan! TwoDee returns with a very Dervish-heavy tale.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Locke, trolls, Fight Club2012-10-02 78 
20994946Totemist Quest XXVIWe make a date with Elana before having a conversation with our resident stealth spirit Thane. He may be more than meets the eye...Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Experiment Thread2012-10-05 24 
20999517Magical Girl Noir Quest 55A not-for-long sober magical girl listened to a story and is making a phone call.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Mami2012-10-05 38 
21012948Magical Girl Noir Quest 56A still slightly sober magical girl talks on the phone while finishing off a bottle of vodkaMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Mami, Kyoko2012-10-06 37 
21035897Magic: the BeareningAn anon posts some bearly editted token. /tg/ exercises it's right to bear arms and signs up for the oncoming bearpocalypseMagic, mtg, bears, custom cards, Magic: the Bearening, awesome, 2012-10-08 9 
21068324Magical Girl Noir Quest 57A suitably intoxicated Magical girl confuses her incubator and thinks about her relationship.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Midori, Misaka2012-10-10 38 
21109875Totemist Quest XXVIIWe discuss stuff with the Elders and finally take that hike with Elana!Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-10-14 25 
21132374Different 40KA shitty ‘what if’ thread takes a turn for the Sbemailtastic.Warhammer 40K, Derail, Strong Bad, Sbemail, Homestar Runner, Musical2012-10-15 14 
2113921703 analysis A thread about a dickish DM moment gets derailed as /tg/ dissects an image of a cyborg slicing apart a skyline. Remember: don't post images more interesting than your topic.Cyberpunk, Dearail, Picture, Cyborg, Sci-Fi2012-10-16 13 
21179458Magical Girl Noir Quest 58A sleepily drunk magical girl consult her phone and start exploring the russian secret base. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Midori2012-10-18 38 
21225612Lich's Employee Quest pt 17Daniel helps Rebecca get ready for her own adventure, and learns to cook. Check up on the bees.skeleton quest, starting off, bees, dinner, food2012-10-22 10 
21238483Magical Girl Noir Quest 59An instantaneously sober magical girl faces danger and gold.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Pinky2012-10-22 38 
21285241Magical Girl Noir Quest 60?A rather hungry Incubator starts its day and then thread is canceled on account of storm. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami2012-10-26 33 
21291736Totemist Quest XXVIIIWe do Q&A and timeskip a few days!Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-10-27 22 
21308228Goddamn Roombas"Did we just get beat down by a Roomba?!"D&D, Living Greyhawk, Mordenkainen, chocolate golem, gelatine cube, Pelor, scorpions2012-10-27 21 
21309791Magical Girl Noir Quest 60 - part 2A stoic Incubator enjoys his meal and decides what to do.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami, Sayaka2012-10-27 38 
November 2012
21379009Wizards don't give a fuckOP opens a can of worms when he asks for Wizard images. It soon goes into bizarro /tg/ territory.Wizard, D&D, magic, homo, thri-kreen, beards, genderswap, gangsta2012-11-01 21 
21385173Magical Girl Noir Quest 61A quite miffed Incubator takes care of business and prepares to form a contract.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko2012-11-01 37 
21394687Totemist Quest XXIXWe went ahead to check the new humans in the swamp. Then Diarca passed out, hopefully he returns after this archival.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-11-02 22 
21399465Magical Girl Noir Quest 62A calm Incubator converses with a promising young girl and studies the lawn. So ends the curse of the Kyuubey, or does it?Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami, Yuma, Kyoko2012-11-02 37 
21417377Lost Future Quest part 13: Better, Faster, StrongerThe Huntsman is vanquished, Quinn's psychological issues become apparent, and cuteness returns to the Quest.lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-11-05 12 
21450320Zerg Quest CXDespite what you may have heard, this is not thread 10. I know; it surprised me, too.Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Number Confusion, Sexy Learning Disability, There goes that impressive Protoss fleet, There goes that impressive Zerg fleet, There goes...I'm seeing a pattern here2012-11-06 6 
21499989Magical Girl Noir Quest 63An amnesiac magical girl wakes up from surgery and try to find out who she was.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Misaka, amnesia2012-11-09 38 
21537368Lost Future Quest part 14: The Island of Misfit RobotsClarke and Co butcher the Watcher in the Water, and seek out the source of the mysterious signal. Cindy goes off to scout, and meets a new friend. Or does she...?lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game, kraken, 2012-11-12 11 
21606507Magical Girl Noir Quest 64A still very amnesiac magical girl eats adequately and still manages to get in to embarrassing situations despite her memory loss.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Souji, amnesia2012-11-16 37 
21635951Magical Girl Noir Quest 65An amnesiac Magical girl chooses her weapon and makes a bet.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia,2012-11-18 38 
21675712 Lost Future Quest part 15: The Life Of C1nd3Cindy explores the troubled pre-loss world, being the most awesome personal assistant she can be.lost future, mexico, bending, AI, robot, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2012-11-21 11 
21699881Magical Girl Noir Quest 66An outmatched and amnesiac magical girl chooses a golden weapon and slanders the wrong person.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia,2012-11-22 37 
21713146Magical Girl Noir Quest 67A 'heavily armed' amnesiac magical girl finds herself in trouble and then, throws a punch.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia,2012-11-23 38 
21820186Magical Girl Noir Quest 68An amnesiac Magical Big Sister drinks the clear liquid and prepares for the interrogation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia, Mirai,2012-11-30 38 
December 2012
21928723OP the Beta fa/tg/uySomeone seeks sympathy on /tg/. He discovers why this is a terrible mistake and things soon become amusing. Whining, Beta, Cruelty, Humour, Suicide, Chinese, Thin Your Paints, Disappointment2012-12-07 7 
21931774Magical Girl Noir Quest 69An alarmed and green magical girl does her best to handle the situation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Souji, Misaka, Faust,2012-12-07 37 
21960657Magical Girl Noir Quest 70An apprehensive green haired magical girl talks with an eldritch abomination and begins her rescue mission.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Faust, Misaka2012-12-09 37 
21970316The Birth Of The ChingbeWhat starts off as a bunch of ideas for space adventure ends in the tale of the Chingbe, The space Chupacabra.Space, Chingbe, Space Horror, Crazy AI2012-12-10 1 
21994717How would'ya run a game in Gensokyo, /tg/?A discussion of what system to run a Touhou RPG eventually gets around to Cyberpunk Gensokyo.touhou, cyberpunk, power level arguing, AU2012-12-12 11 
22007320Magical Girl Noir Quest 71A nervous, green haired magical girl rides the Pink emotional roller coaster and presses on.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka,, 2012-12-12 34 
22022779Magical Girl Noir Quest 72A pretty cool green haired magical girl soothes an emotionally trigger happy god... IT draws near...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka,2012-12-13 37 
22037900Magical Girl Noir Quest 73A kind, green haired magical girl helps her companion wake up her beloved friend and has her heart wrenched.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka, Moemura,2012-12-14 37 
22099036Magical Girl Noir Quest 74A desperate, green haired magical girl runs for dear life and explains the situation to her companion.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka, Moemura, Souji, Misaka,2012-12-18 38 
22124080Animal Raise 1: Or...Fish overlordsOP gives /tg/ animals that gain magic and intelligence from a wizard dumping magical waste in a spring. They...pick fish. All hail the fish overlords?Magic, Fish, Collective Game, WTF, Opbeingdrivencrazy2012-12-20 5 
January 2013
22368625Cyberpunk Magical Girl QuestMission Starts. Joanna Constantine, agent 029 of the Bureau, is given a mission on her day off. She isn't pleased one bit.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-03 12 
22381994Magical Girl Noir Quest 75A determined green haired magical girl continues her rescue mission, but is then forced to flee and hide.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka2013-01-04 37 
22425550EstherA drawfag works his magic and warms the hearts of /tg/ to varying degrees.kobold, Esther, Bears, Dawww2013-01-06 12 
22478164Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 02Homeland security proves to be a minor nuisance as we attempt to gather the team together.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-09 10 
22485923Magical Girl Noir Quest 76An unsure and green haired magical girl hangs around a ramen shop and learns about a few things going on inside the barrier.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka, Malal, Kharn,2013-01-09 38 
22497008Lost Future Quest part 17: Bright Lights, Big CityClarke and Co deal with the aftermath of Cozumel, and dock their boat, protecting their hiding place with Cindy's social-fu. But it turns out to be a bit crowded in Cancun...lost future, mexico, bending, inception, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game2013-01-10 7 
22516506Magical Girl Noir Quest 77A brave green haired magical girl and her companions attempt to save a tortured fragment of her beloved's soul. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka, Malal, Kyuubey, Kharn, KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN 2013-01-11 37 
22556203Esther part 2/tg/ continues to take care of its adopted kobold daughter. They fend off some bandits and meet an old flame of The Bear's. kobold, bears, collective game, Esther2013-01-13 12 
22588239Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 03You retrieve Gertrude from the cell, discover that the Lonesome Rose protocol is in effect, and abandon Victor Charlie Alpha on the chance that its been compromised.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-15 10 
22656331Magical Girl Noir Quest 78An enraged green haired magical girl bares her teeth against the betrayer, then passes out.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka, Malal, Kyuubey, Kharn, KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN 2013-01-18 38 
22696654Slime questTest#7 Jade slime is born. sentient and smart jade slime discovers itself and the world around itself as its creator watches and records science.Jade slime quest, beginnings, search for the red hills,2013-01-20 14 
22715800Fantasy Quest VIIRelationship troubles start showing, and then suddenly train robbery.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, train, train robbery, robbery2013-01-22 10 
22723262Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 04You invade the Department of Homeland Security's dairy farm, unlock a new power, and search for your kidnapped comrades.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-22 12 
22750613Magical Girl Noir Quest 79A comforting green haired magical girl reflects on her actions and learns of the Shattered fragment's past.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal,2013-01-23 38 
22850428Jedi Quest IWe are Roa Koo'lade, a Youngling hoping to become a Jedi GuardianJedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Collective Game, Star Wars, Youngling, Training, Lightsaber2013-01-29 11 
22882218Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser: Planar TravellersTravelling the planes, leaving only their many swords - all Cat's Claw and Greywand - to confuse and annoy historians and players alike.Fafhrd, Grey Mouser, Lankhmar, Lieber, Crossover2013-01-31 4 
22885537Lost Future Quest part 18: City of Broken GlassClarke and Co prove, unquestionably, for all time, that NO problem cannot be solved with sufficient bending. Also, we meet the wacky leader of the Free Machines, LT. Joshua Percival Cogson.lost future, mexico, bending, mexico, AI, robot, matrix, innocence, inn0cence, quest, collective game, Lost Future2013-01-31 12 
February 2013
22905526Magical Girl Noir Quest 79A resolute green haired magical girl decides to aim for all or nothing, and receives a Faustian offer. Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-01 36 
22958349Jedi Quest IIOur hero has a heated confrontation with the local bully. Afterwards, a certain Jedi Master approaches and asks to take her as his new Apprentice.Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Collective Game, Star Wars, Youngling, Training, Lightsaber2013-02-04 13 
23043090Magical Girl Noir Quest 80The bravest magical girl faces the fire.Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-08 38 
23076795Jedi Quest 3Roa gets breakfast, meets the High Council to receive her first mission alongside her Master, and finally gets in some saber practice.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-02-10 12 
23098241Alexander Crackedmind: A Real Life BBEGA thread start out fairly innocent, but brings forth an individual who has shattered his own mind using tulpa in the pursuit of fame and recognition. Seems to be a real like BBEG.BBEG, Alexander, Crackedmind, real, life, tulpa, weird 2013-02-11 15 
23055894Viral Marketing and Engine Heart StorytimeViral's marketing and Bee-Bot StorytimeViral Games, Bee-Bot, Engine Heart, Storytime2013-02-12 8 
23178841Magical Girl Noir Quest 82A fading green haired magical girl gathers the strength to make things right.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Murderface, Madoka,2013-02-15 38 
23317681Racer Queens In the extreme glamour of the future-90s, mechanized idols racing comps are the shock! nineties, 90s, race queens, motorball, cyberpunk, modempunk, worldbuilding, racing2013-02-22 13 
23334762Magical Girl Noir Quest 83A weakened green haired magical girl loses her close friend and passes judgement on the betrayer. so ends the Siberia arc.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Chiaki2013-02-23 37 
23329574Jedi Quest IVRoa and Mastre Plo Koon board their escort ship, the Republic diplomatic cruiser Estrella. Roa promptly gets a crash course on Zabrak culture and life among the stars.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-02-23 12 
March 2013
23461390Racer Queens 2The game about sexy cyborg racer girls shall be a card game.nineties, 90s, race queens, motorball, cyberpunk, modempunk, worldbuilding, racing, card game 2013-03-04 1 
23588264Jedi Quest 4.5An unfortunately short quest in which we start controlling Jedi Master Plo Koon before OP falls asleep at his desk.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-03-09 10 
23685113Vocaroo requestsAn elegan/tg/entleman takes requests for vocaroo.vocaroo, beautiful man, much fun2013-03-14 1 
23687442Lamia Daughter Quest 4Ssen and company deal with the aftermath of the attack on Purple Sands, visit the local mages' guild, and toboggan down a mountain trying to escape from Peri's ex-boyfriend.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares2013-03-15 26 
23701256Lamia Daughter Quest 5Ssen and company face down Peri's ex, the elf terrorist Donovan, and take confessionCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares2013-03-16 23 
23710653Lamia Daughter Quest 6Ssen and company celebrate their victory, and race to fight the Ghouls at Stone HallCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares2013-03-16 23 
23719165Jedi Quest VIn the brig of a pirate corvette with her master raising hell on the opposite end of the ship, our hero makes new friends (of sorts). Then the pirates show up.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-03-17 11 
23725498Lamia Daughter Quest 7Ssen and company continue fight some more ghouls, talk with the lizardfolk, and take another confessionCollective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Beautiful Nightmares, Dawnchasers, Caligo Clarus2013-03-17 23 
23757275AdEva base on crazy religionOP asks for crazy religious things to fuel his game. /tg/ provides.setting, adeptus evangelion, adeva, future alien jews, time cube, wat, religion, cazy2013-03-19 24 
23951476Wang FireWang Fire discovers that he is everyone, and that everyone is Wang FireWang Fire, Avatar, Sokka, Alpharius, silly, humor, realization, manliness, beard, Zuko2013-03-31 15 
April 2013
24058674/tg/ Sings Be AggressiveThe neckbeards of 4chan lift their voices in song.music, audio, babycakes, lothario, be, aggressive, b-e aggressive2013-04-05 10 
24088358Prodigal Boxer Quest: A Cyberpunk OneshotA quest about a cyberpunk boxer with brain problems, that tkaes place in an ambiguous cyberpunk setting.Prodigal Boxer Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-04-07 10 
24215245Beginner Guide to Dungeon MasteringAdvice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also.dnd, dnd 3.5, dm, dungeon master, dungeon mastering, advice, help, newbie, beginner, dowjin2013-04-13 14 
24245900Plight of the 40k beeBee stings dude on model, /tg/ tries to create a bee dreadnoughtbee, 40k, endearing, cute2013-04-15 47 
24245946Jedi Quest 6Roa shoots up the pirate ship's reactor controls and blows up Reppintar (and herself).Jedi Quest, Jedi, Collective Game, Quest, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-04-16 13 
24279825Danganronpa QuestQuest thread of hope; Fa/tg/uys of Despaircollective game,Monobear,Danganrona Quest2013-04-17 5 
24385578Rise of the beeThe man who was stung by a bee and tried to save it inters her within a Dreadnought. Hail the God-Queen!40k, Warhammer, dreadnought, bee, endearing, cute2013-04-22 25 
24493975Muvluv Alternative Quest 01Tuning the main character and then introduction, we get kidnapped. Muvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs 2013-04-28 9 
24533355Muvluv Alternative Quest 02Where a certain esper talk with a commander and resolve herself to take her first stepsMuvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs2013-04-30 8 
May 2013
24608072Muvluv Alternative Quest 03Where our esper choose a mentor and then cliffhanger happen.Muvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs2013-05-04 11 
24655141Mahou Shounen Quest 193.5continuation of yeterday's thread.Invisibility potion still being tested. Green Goo analysis. WE CHEMISTS NAO. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Today's show is brought to you by the number: -12013-05-06 6 
24678380Quaker Q&AA Quaker stops by /tg/ to ask a question, and answers many more. A (mostly) civil discussion takes place.RPG, religion, roleplay, morality, /tg/, advice, Discussion, Real Life, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Call of Cthulu, D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, Dogs in the Vineyard2013-05-07 11 
24713554Mahou Shounen Quest 194We go beyond the gate. *laughtrack*Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you 5 guptas can't upvote this2013-05-09 6 
24711198Some Quest IA Timberdin travels to a village, sells insurance, and seeks a princess.Collective Game, Timberdin Quest, Some Quest2013-05-09 15 
24773829Firebender Quest Episode 1We do an introduction to firebender quest, people get upset by some jarring writing, and we killed a man just to watch him die.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender2013-05-12 21 
24781997Magical Girl Noir Quest 90An experimenting magical girl, checks on her green haired friend and learns more about her hat.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka, Mami, Kyuubey, Hat,2013-05-12 37 
24790756Slash Gordon!fa/tg/uy discovers a giant inflatable Ultramarine selling mobile homes by his houseUltrasmurfs, Slash Gordon, WTF, Best Value, lawsuit, heresy2013-05-13 68 
24908363Firebender Quest Episode 2This Just in, Young monk slaps grown men around with staff.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-05-19 20 
24907330CnC3 Quest #1/tg/ plays command and conquer, surprisingly doesn't worship immortal bald guy.CnC3 Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Tiberium, Tiberium Wars, Command and Conquer, CnC32013-05-19 33 
24917371Magical Girl Noir Quest 91A Frighteningly sober magical girl decides which missions to take and receives a new office.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka, Mami, Kyuubey, Hat, Kumatora, 2013-05-19 39 
24928926Martian Death QuestThe original author of the Martian Death Quest returnsMartian Death Quest, My best horror RPG,nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime2013-05-20 16 
24962299CnC3 Quest #2We get back to the base and prepare a counter-attackCnC3 quest, Quest, Collective game, Tiberium, Tiberium Wars, Command and Conquer, CnC32013-05-22 17 
24975262Isabella Katarina Markova: Vampire Doll Quest 2Isabella Markova, child vampire, continues to subvert the mayor of Mark. Plans for slave trading and airship building are discussed. Our dolls eat teeth, and one of them is missing.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party2013-05-23 29 
24978663Muvluv Alternative Quest 04Where our esper take a one way trip down someone mental trauma and almost lose her identity.Muvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs2013-05-23 9 
24984907Totemist Quest XXXDiarca returns! Osyki communes with the night to hide his name. Preparations are made for the morning's adventure.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-05-23 24 
24986008Isabella Katarina Markova: Vampire Doll Quest 3Isabella Markova acquires some living property and plans how to make the best use of them.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party2013-05-23 22 
25003354Vampire Doll Quest 4: The Chattel TradeIsabella finds a vampiric buyer for her newly-acquired slaves and begins negotiations for the sale. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party2013-05-24 20 
25016399A Song of Ice and Fire - The Quest of House Harrock: Part 13In which Lord Artys of House Harrock, sworn of House Arryn, meets with other lords, discussing the tourney and festivities, as well as politics of the region, though not all goes well with the initial discussion of Brock marrying the daughter of Lord Egen. This run of bad luck continued into the third round of the joust, where Ser Morys was badly hurt in his tilt against Bronze Yohn Royce, and it was discovered that some of the matches were fixed by Lord Belmore, the "Mummer of Strongsong", to ensure that his son would go up against Royce, which proves to be a choice Belmore will regret...Collective Game, House Harrock, Harrock, ASOIAF, A Song of Ice and Fire, Quest, Mountains, Barbarians, Bastards, Game of Thrones, Belmore2013-05-25 38 
25030626Blacksmith Quest IThe first installment of Blacksmith Quest. We roll a nat 100 on beard quality and end up with the king of all beards. We travel to the main city and set up shop with a Dwarven smith called Urist.Collective Quest, Blacksmith, Shop, Urist, Beard2013-05-25 20 
25035807Vampire Doll Quest 5: Blood and BrassWe retrieve a certain musclehead from his time with the dolls, discuss various fleshcrafted horrors to make, and take possession of an airship yard.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Airships2013-05-26 24 
25040872Firebender Quest: Episode 3We fight a war on the streets and get accused of waifuingFirebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-05-26 20 
25052735Vampire Doll Quest 6: Lady of the Night SkyWe take full control of our airship yard. Plans for revolution are discussed. Dresses are ordered. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Airships2013-05-27 23 
25054637Firebender quest : Episode 4The Night of Black Tiles Part 1. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-05-27 15 
25081242Vampire Doll Quest 7: Servants Lost, Servants FoundWe find that one of our servants has gone missing... But the Dolls have made us a number of new horrors to run her down with. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-05-28 20 
25121055Vampire Doll Quest 8: Red Like Roses, Red like BloodWe send Scarlet to retrieve Rose from the forests of Ulvenwald, shifting viewpoint character for the first time.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-05-30 21 
25125714Vampire Doll Quest 8, Part 2: Cultivating Roses An interlude in a garden. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-05-30 20 
25141541Vampire Doll Quest 9: My Long List of EnemiesWe entrust one servant to another, review who wants to annoy us, and take a snack break.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Blood Everywhere2013-05-31 21 
25152871Magical Girl Noir Quest 98An agitated magical girl delivers her gruesome package and makes a dangerous decision.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyuubey, Pinky,2013-05-31 31 
June 2013
25163023Vampire Doll Quest 10: InvestigationWe apologize to Scarlet, give Blackford his ship, and discuss leads on who killed us. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet2013-06-01 21 
25172321Blacksmith Quest II - Part 1We get the day off work and explore the city, the quest abruptly ends when OP has to leave.Blacksmith, Collective Game, Beard, Dwarf2013-06-01 5 
25175088Vampire Doll Quest 10: HuntersWe settle our itinerary, find an intriguing individual amongst our chattel, and do some fleshcrafting personally...Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet2013-06-02 17 
25178914Totemist Quest XXXIWe begin the trek to the canyon, battle off Basilisk Wyrmlings, and enjoy a nice lunch with the Elder.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-06-02 24 
25195195Blacksmith Quest 2.5Blacksmith Quest continues with a second thread to make up for the crap one the day before. We go on our date with Sarah and recruit a Warforged named Balthazar to our shop.Blacksmith Quest, Smith, Beard, Dwarf2013-06-02 3 
25195380Magical Girl Noir Quest 99A perplexed magical girl has a strange feeling of deja vu and begins an important meeting.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyuubey, Mami, Sayaka2013-06-02 34 
25197713Vampire Doll Quest 12: Household MattersVampire daily life is strange. Instruct stubborn servants. Plan horrible grisly murders. Pick up dresses from the tailor's.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Scarlet2013-06-02 23 
25201771Firebender Quest : Episode 5Night of black tiles part two - we finally come face to face with Lao Len... and she's accused of having fetal alcohol syndrome.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-06-03 14 
25225965Firebender Quest : Episode 6Night of Black Tiles part 3, Death, fires and spirits. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-06-04 12 
25267569Warhammer Fantasy QuestDA ORKIEST QUEST YOU EVER DUN PLAYED IN We got uz some boyz, did kunnin brutality, and brutal kunnin', gork, we got it allCollective Game Naffzod Beardsplitter Ork Quest2013-06-06 6 
25266378Firebender Quest : Episode 7The night of black tiles comes to a close. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-06 12 
25289860Vampire Doll Quest 13: Dresses & AirshipsOutfits are fun, both of the type you wear and the type you finance. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Airships2013-06-07 14 
25292176Vampire Doll Quest 13 Part 2: Airship InterludeWherein we recieve news of Nalus and finalize our airship order. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Airships2013-06-07 11 
25301344Vampire Doll Quest 14: Predators and PreyWe hunt down Nalus like the beast he is... but can we really subdue the feral vampire?Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors, Wolves2013-06-07 18 
25303750Muvluv Alternative Quest 05Training is hard when you are out of shapeMuvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs2013-06-08 6 
25315860Blacksmith Quest IIIUrist has to travel far away and we are left with control of the smithy. We get some fantastic weapons and armour made, we impress Anamman's niece and try to hit on Sarah again. Blueprints are found for a Warforged arm and we get drunk with some DwarvesBlacksmith Quest, Blacksmith, Alaric, Beard, Dwarf2013-06-08 2 
25330161Vampire Doll Quest 15: Lazing About the CastleWherein we talk a lot and do very little. At least we sorted out Sophia and the chattel.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-06-09 13 
25326025Firebender quest episode 8Words words words, denouement and exposition. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-09 12 
25385706Vampire Doll Quest 16: A Date with the LocalsA humble worker on a privately-owned airship yard is one thing, but the chief of an entire tribe of professional monster hunters? Now that's something special.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-06-12 15 
25383837Firebender Quest Episode 9Spirit World shenanigans, and THE DARKNESS IS NOW FIRE.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-12 12 
25399008Totemist Quest XXXIIIn which the dice gods smile.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-06-13 23 
25438925Muvluv Alternative Quest 06Where seriousness morph into silliness, fun time with the Eishi where it end up with a championMuvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs 2013-06-15 11 
25449164Blacksmith Quest IVRumours of an Orc invasion pop up, we are swamped with orders from nearby villages and warriors asking for weapons and armour. We drink with Van Gan and talk to the other Smiths about the possibility of opening up a single Foundry.Blacksmith Quest, Blacksmith, Beard, Smith, Alaric2013-06-15 4 
25458303Vampire Doll Quest 17: SponsorsWherein we come to a deal with the Espowye tribe and order valuable supplies.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Markova, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-06-16 15 
25457416Firebender quest episode 10Some sparring, a training montage, and a battle on the high seas! Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-06-16 13 
25532492Totemist Quest XXXIIIIn which we discover our Crystal Spear focus plays with Thunder.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-06-20 23 
25574162Edgy Anime Quest 9Another round of jerking egos to the idea that you're better than other anime quests because the only waifu you romance is The Edge.Akuma Quest, Edgy, Collective Game, Anime is dumb, does this look like /a/ to you, remember when suptg was more than just a quest depot, me neither, quit roleplaying in unrelated threads you colossal faggot2013-06-22 38 
25599207Blacksmith Quest VWe go out and recruit people for the upcoming Orc attacks at the request of the Captain of the Guard. We recruit Gladiators, pirates, Elves and more!Blacksmith Quest, Blacksmith, Beard, Alaric2013-06-23 2 
25624074Reasonable Marine Quest AnnouncementThis quest is tearing Storm Raven apaaaart!reasonable marine quest, reasonable marines, knights inductor, Collective Game, bad ideas taken to worse conclusion, ReaSUEnable Marines, there is nothing reasonable about befriending tyranids2013-06-24 1 
25661185Totemist Quest XXXVOsyki dives into the heart once more.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-06-27 23 
25701540Muvluv Alternative Quest 07Where sillyness morph into seriousness. We've gone full circle. Also training is hardMuvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs2013-06-29 5 
25725242The Story of LarryAnon tells the story of a horrible sex offender That GuyDnD, D&D, 3.5, 3.5e, That Guy, Neckbeard2013-06-30 9 
July 2013
25754449Magical Girl Noir Quest 108An extremely diplomatic magical girl checks in with her boss while an idol cries in the bathroom.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey2013-07-01 30 
25757526Vampire Doll Quest 18: The Lion's CourtWherein we avenge our two untimely deaths.Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Lioncourt, Mori, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-07-02 18 
25771391Magical Girl Noir Quest 109A strict but fair magical girl listens to the bodyguard's side of the story and inadvertently hurts someone's feelings... again.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey2013-07-02 31 
25800025Firebender Quest Episode 11Firebender quest returns after a moderately lengthy haitus.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-07-04 9 
25795963Totemist Quest XXXVIWe finish off our vision quest, and briefly frolic in a field of flowers before inspecting the giant corpse cloud hanging over the mountains. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-07-04 23 
25795660Party Betrayalfa/tg/uy describes machiavellian plot to murder teammate's love interest, discovers teammate posted the same story earlierbetrayal, worst part was, we, worked, with, fencer, rival, rivals, dead, blood2013-07-05 8 
25801190Yellowman Quest 13Scott Yellowman's trip through this world is marked with critical failures and critical successes, mostly of the former variety. He leads his team to the Sewage Sub-Station, and finds no Ed, but does find the Portal.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator, Starcraft, Cowboy Bebop2013-07-05 6 
25826870Shadowrun Storytime 19: The Final Run Part 1Lo, the beginning of the end.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard2013-07-05 99 
25831757Magical Girl Noir Quest 110A Stoic magical girl, speaks to the bodyguard again and socializes with a very awkward girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey, Kyosuke2013-07-05 36 
25917545Firebender Quest episode 12In which we return home. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-07-10 9 
25975526Vampire Doll Quest: TimeskipWherein we learn that revolution is a delicate art. Vampire Doll Quest, Isabella Katarina Lioncourt, Mori, Eyesocket, Shadescast, Mark, Grand Victoria, Ulvenwald, Porcelain Dolls, Collective Game, Tea Party, Fleshcrafted Horrors2013-07-12 10 
25976891Muvluv Alternative Quest 08The tomfooleries intensifies as we try to help out our pupil with a certain problem.Muvluv Alternative Quest, Collective Game, BETA, Espers, Mechs 2013-07-13 6 
26035865Firebender Quest Episode 13In which we re-familiarize ourself with family Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-07-16 7 
26075235Circuit Decay QuestThe prodigal son returnsPapa-N, Collective Game, Circuit Decay Quest, Cyberpunk2013-07-18 21 
26122942Fate/Fuck AgainA Grail War quest. That's new!Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fetish, Genderbender, ERP, More Grail Wars, Redundancy2013-07-20 13 
26207164Fact: NOTHING is scarier than a bear.The fa/tg/uys create a race of Soviet bear-men for D&D3.5D&D, bears, game, writefaggotry, fluff2013-07-24 5 
26217072Firebender Quest Episode 14In which we experience visions. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-07-25 7 
26212719Totemist Quest XXXVIIIIn which Osyki is insufficiently prepared.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-07-25 22 
26269730Commissar quest: IX - First dayToday we explore our dorm room and being our first day of the Schola progenium on besvir!Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2013-07-27 10 
26293944Firebender Quest Episode 15In which we try to fix ourselves.Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game2013-07-29 10 
26316219Tales of the lone voter/tg/ paints a horrifying vision of the future and those that fight and die in itquest, parody, grimdark, cyberpunk, lone voter, waifu, worldbuilding2013-07-30 11 
26300023Stat Calvin and HobbesNo one stats C&H. Someone decides to be a dick less than 5 posts in, and much sadness occurs.stat me, bawww, calvin and hobbes2013-07-31 17 
August 2013
26354361Totemist Quest XXXVIIIWe push ourselves too hard, get some rest, get wings, and then prepare for the journey to face the Iron TyrantTotem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-08-01 23 
26388898Magical Girl Noir Quest 119A trained magical blueberry crushes her opponent and goes for another elevator ride.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Amber,2013-08-02 31 
26441447Horrors in a nuclear bomb shelterA GM tells the story of his horror campaignstorytime, horror, numbers stations2013-08-06 37 
26505148Magical Girl Noir Quest 121A ticked off magical girl reports her findings to her Incubator and cheers up one of her subordinates.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Sabrina, Enishi, Kyuubey2013-08-08 31 
26545760Commissar quest: X - First day: part 2, extra shooty editon!Our first day continue as we are exposed to Laz for the first time!Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2013-08-10 16 
26584679Totemist Quest XXXIXOsyki meets a mysterious foe in the mists between worlds. But is she an enemy after all?Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-13 23 
26583042Fallen LondonFair Ladies, Gentlemen and Gentlesquids discuss the madness of the Neath.Fallen, London, Rubbery, NORTH, Neath2013-08-14 2 
26617086Cubed Egg DerailOP requests advice on what system to use for no/light combat in RPGs, but falls victim to one of the classic blunders.land war in asia, why would I cube an egg, combat light rpg, thread derail2013-08-14 12 
26623284Totemist Quest XLOsyki takes his first foray into the Tyrant's Wasteland.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-15 21 
26629257Sick QuestA sick Austrian boy is pestered by an insane woman.Collective Game, Sick Quest, Tuberculosis, Milan2013-08-15 22 
26646354Firebender Quest Episode 16Start of Fire Nation Capital arc. Firebender Quest, DeliciousBread, Avatar, Last Airbender, Collective Game 2013-08-16 10 
26697248Commissar quest: XI - First day part IIIWe attempt to survive the terror of the practical, all the while the clock keeps ticking for our friends last breaths.Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2013-08-18 14 
26719733Totemist Quest XLIOsyki discovers Pointsmar, the city beneath the wasteland.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-20 23 
26753041Totemist Quest XLIIOsyki meets the Iron Tyrant. Negotiations are open. Investigator Osyki: GO!Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-22 23 
26773086/tg/'s party gets dropped in Liberia./tg/'s idea of Liberia goes from 'Terrible' to 'holy shit what is that'Liberia, AK-47 Republic, General Butt-Naked2013-08-22 7 
26880290The Knights RepentantA thread about what happens when pre-Heresy Word Bearers travel through the warp and emerge from it in the 41st millennium. Brought to you by two anons. One who thought about this idea, and one who made it flesh. Really cool and probably the sanest homebrew ever. Knights Repentant, Space Marines, Word Bearers, 2013-08-29 18 
September 2013
26955176Cybertron QuestYou are Overload, a loader grunt at the spaceport in Pre-War ere Cybertron. Your boring, mundane life is about to be turned head over heelsCollective Game, Cybertron Quest, Decpticon, Overload2013-09-01 12 
26990741 /tg/ Text Adventure Quest: Chapter 10Now begins the story of the Rollin Bones, half-dryad mage and son of Mr. Bones.Collective Game, Mage, new beggings, succubi, slime girl2013-09-03 4 
27084779Death Of A Company Man: A Cyberpunk QuestWe play a man who gets himself into big trouble after finding hints of a traitor in his corporation and deciding to investigate. Death Of A Company Man Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-09-08 7 
27107811A Black ComedyYou are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you are going to do horrible, horrible things.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption2013-09-09 39 
27131188A Black Comedy, Thread 2You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And boy oh boy are you up to no good.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption2013-09-10 39 
27219942Asshole in the Future QuestWe play Adam Rand, a jerkass with a bit of Action Hero in him, and run rampant through the futuristic city of Beijing, letting our ex tag along.Asshole in the Future Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-09-15 16 
27228304Hivemind Quest- When Termites StrikeA quest in which a termite queen gains sentience, and /tg/ directs it against our foes the bees.Hivemind, Hivemind Quest, Termite, Queen, Collective Game, Bees2013-09-15 2 
27288856Rune Magic Thread 4: Repeating Fireball EditionRune arrays, as far as the eye can seerunes, game design, homebrew, magic, we've been at this for 15 hours2013-09-18 6 
27292905Captain DicebeardOP meets a GMing pirate and asks /tg/ if he should continue playing. /tg/ states the obvious: DO IT FAGGOT!Captain, Dicebeard, GMing, Crazy, Awesome, Funny, Story Time2013-09-19 25 
27402030Jedi Quest 7Roa and her Master go to capture the other half of the pirate ship before they receive a transmission from another ship.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Essvee, Roa Koo'lade, Lightsaber, Star Wars, Plo Koon2013-09-25 15 
27386067What is the most grimdark setting?/tg/ wrestles with that age-old question/tg/, discussion, 40k, Kult, Drakengard, Beserk, Exalted, Call of Cthulhu, call of cthulhu, World of Darkness, Drakengard, Midnight, grimdark, edgy, Grimdark, GRIMDARK2013-09-27 5 
27452639Void Quest FinalHarbinger returns after two years, and the quest ends.Void Quest, VoidQuest, Collective Game, Vedibere, Spaceship, AI2013-09-27 36 
October 2013
27488162All-children ADVENTURE party ideasOP asks if an all-kids adventuring party would be acceptable. /tg/ jumps on the idea and awesome ensues.campaign ideas, campaign, Children, Adventure, loli, /tg/_gets_shit_done, I wish to be the little girl, Monsters, Digimon, Game Ideas, little fears2013-10-02 16 
27561099Mages Guild MeetingMages meet to discuss world-ending means of keeping drafts out of their studies. Bearsalisks are transmuted, beards are misplaced, skin is refurbished, and the elemental plane of pizza is ruined.Wizards, mages, pizza, beards, -omancy, genocide, dirty Druid hippies, bearsalisks2013-10-04 1 
27675147Level 0 Peasants vs 5 RatsWe knew they were still inside, the chewing.. The terrible chewing. How did they get out of the basement? we had, in our previous lives, forgotten to close the door behind us.Level 0, Story time, DM, Evil, Bear trap, Peasants, TPK 2013-10-10 143 
27715975Blood SnowmanSometimes you just have to make an extradimensional horror into a snowman.Blood Snowman, Steampunk, homebrew, overkill, bend over campaign, henderson'd2013-10-13 5 
27727696A Black Comedy, Thread 3You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And misplacing your hyperweapon isn't going to stop you.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Missing Hyperweapons2013-10-14 39 
27765269A Black Comedy, Thread 4You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you've successfully retrieved your hyperweapon from storage.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Succubi2013-10-16 39 
27779822Unboxing EorisBeggins with a simple unboxing and then it spi- OH SHIT. Someone actually bought Eoris.eoris, unboxing, begginings, complicated character sheets, why2013-10-17 11 
27791520EDEN City Blues Quest : PilotYou're ex-military in a cyperpunk world. Thankfully, a strange man gave you an invite to... something.Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-10-18 7 
27796127On Sikhs, and SikhismIn which /tg/ learns that Sikhism is pretty much a religion where everyone are paladins, and proceed to have the most civil religion-related thread you'll ever see.Sikhism, religion, paladins, turbans, bad-ass, beards2013-10-18 33 
27826257Commissar Quest XII: We're back!CommissarQuest XII: We're back! Continuing the story of Otto schulte and her adveture becoming a Commissar - today: Data slates! Breakfast! Shootin'!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-10-19 8 
27828326EDEN City Blues Quest IIWe get our head checked and cash in a prescription for ten times extraCollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-10-20 3 
27881675EDEN City Blues Quest IIIInvestigations lead to a high end sex simulation, and a commotion in Afterlife.Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-10-23 3 
27915809EDEN City Blues Quest IVWe hatch some spiders and go exploring for leads.Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-10-25 5 
27938758Abandoned Spacestation Ideas/tg/ gets together to brainstorm ideas on stuff to find in a space derelict. Both spooky and hilarious answers follow.Traveller, Stars Without Number, Diaspora, space, game ideas, sci-fi2013-10-26 10 
27948809How to into villainsA thread starts off with GMs sharing tricks they like; it eventually switches into a discussion om how to make good BBEGs.villain, BBEG, Lich, necromancer, paladin, GM, DM2013-10-26 4 
27952659Commissar Quest XIII: The Tea PartyOur slate recovered, we're finely ready to head forward! What does the future entail? Nobody knows, but rumbelings from bellow speak of a rising foe. Join in as Otto's adventure continue.Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-10-26 8 
27950997Asshole Operative QuestWhere we play man who saves a girl from her suicide, getting into deep trouble with mega corporations, and ruining our entire mission and any plans we had. just another day in the Net gain world.Asshole Operative Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-10-27 8 
27968904The final spellOnce again, /tg/ is left with a single random spell with which to defeat the BBEG. Spell, Magic, Wizard, BBEG, Final Boss, Random Generator, Seventh Sanctum, 2013-10-27 2 
28004969EDEN City Blues Quest VAn Interlude with EVECollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-10-30 6 
28028860Mech Quest Part 0Starting off with the aim of being a mech pilot, the plot quickly derails into a Bender-like adventure across the streets of Russia.Collective Game, Android Mech Quest, mechs, Bender2013-10-31 6 
November 2013
28036565EDEN City Blues Quest VIHalloween SpecialCollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-11-01 6 
28124346EDEN City Blues Quest VIIAn rare offer is given.Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-11-06 5 
28156861EDEN City Blues Quest VIIIWe make a choice, and get in a fight.Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-11-08 3 
28207906Magical Girl Noir Quest 147A surprisingly supportive magical girl comforts her boss and finds a goddess sleeping in her bed.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Mami, Kyuubey, drawfag2013-11-10 28 
28249728EDEN City Blues Quest IXWe meet Chai and rodents of unusual sizes.Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-11-13 5 
28265015Kowloon Penteract/tg/ fluffs out a 5-dimensional hypercube city, based off of the Walled City of Kowloon. Setting, Setting Building, Worldbuilding, Hypercube, Non-Euclidean Geometry2013-11-15 24 
28286521EDEN City Blues Quest XWe present our caseCollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-11-15 3 
28309051Marche/Kamina-like VillianOP brings us the idea of a man of justice dedicated to toppling the very gods to free the world from their influence. He is to be the main antagonist to the Player Characters, who are paladins and clerics fighting for what they believe is right. Much discussion is had, and storytime is promised.advice, paladin, awesome, BBEG, villain2013-11-16 5 
28322670Commissar Quest XV: Technical knockWe return to Commissar Quest, now they know our secret! How will we survive? Will be tech priests be friendly? Tune in for moar!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-11-16 6 
28334133Neckbeard Quest 1A typical day for a neckbeard on /tg/. We burn down our thread, meet an unicorn and seduce an elven maid.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-11-19 35 
28367525Neckbeard Quest 2We eat breakfast, behead a torpedo and defeat a group of weeaboo from /jp/. We finally get the horn.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-11-20 15 
28385088Neckbeard Quest 3Anon and his pompadour bearing ally run into some old friends. Violence ensues.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-11-21 12 
28417071EDEN City Blues Quest XIInterlude with EVECollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-11-22 2 
28411859Neckbeard Quest #4Garush and Anon talk with the decapitated Banshee head, and the Beardstrosity returns.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-11-22 10 
28454467Commissar Quest XVI: Chest high wallsToday we join the Tech priest in moving boxes.. and possible something more!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-11-23 5 
28441940Neckbeard Quest 5We get advice from oldfag sage and find the elven maid at her post. Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-11-25 10 
28485417Neckbeard Quest 6Neckbeard finally get laid, Yorick screams a lot, Anon reaches enlightenment and Neckbeard learn a few thing about elven mating habits.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-11-27 8 
December 2013
28574875Neckbeard Quest #8In which Neckbeard comes back from the dead and robs CryAnon from what little was left of his dignity.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-12-02 7 
28617703Times your group has had to end for the nightTimes a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding.DM, GM, DMing, GMing, worldbuilding, story, stories, storytime, PC, GMPC, DMPC, bard, paladin, seduction, cancer, Elder evil, EE, BBEG2013-12-02 5 
28609752Neckbeard Quest #9Neckbeard performs an excellent villain routine in an attempt at obtaining a replacement minion.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-12-03 7 
28610955A-bear-ationSo what DOES happen when a bear shapeshifter gets pregnant...?bear, druid, bear warrior, abearation, discussion, bears2013-12-03 6 
28715563Commissar Quest XVII: Return of the PracticalToday we return to the Practical once more! Woods! Guns! Transports! More woods! Singing!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-12-08 5 
28649836Neckbeard Quest #10Charlotte and Anry begin preparations for dealing with the neckbeared menace.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2013-12-08 7 
28859057 Commissar Quest Return of the Practical 2: Electric boogalooCommissar Quest: Return of the Practical returns as we continue the hellish trip through the forest!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2013-12-15 5 
28865071EDEN City Blues Quest XIIJail Break...?Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-12-15 1 
28928033EDEN City Blues Quest XIIICityboarding 101Collective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-12-18 1 
28973294EDEN City Blues Quest XIVA short interlude with ChaseCollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-12-20 -1 
28996026Mr and Missus BBEGAnon asks for /tg/'s opinion on designing a BBEG who's also happily married.bbeg, marriage, helicopter parents2013-12-23 13 
29084103Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 1The Producer is hired and now needs to recruit a team of idols that can perform just as well as they can shoot! Wait... what?Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2013-12-26 39 
29129622EDEN City Blues Quest XVWelcome Terram Novum, goodbye EDENCollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk2013-12-29 0 
29138283Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 2The Producer continues his quest to recruit idols for his company.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2013-12-29 26 
29158243Genderbent Everloli Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist QuestHow did it come to this, /tg/?Fetish, Monstergirls, Loli, Voyeur, Genderbending, Why is this even a thing, It makes me sick; how far we done fell2013-12-30 16 
29172627Genderbent Everjailbait Magical Monstergirl Exhibitionist With Big Hips Transformation QuestThis should be more accurateFetish, Monstergirls, Loli, Exhibition, Yuri, Genderbending, Harem, Why is this even a thing, It makes me sick; how far we done fell2013-12-30 39 
29174836EDEN Quest A New Earth XVIName change, short fight progressionCollective Game, EDEN City Blues Quest, cyberpunk, EDEN Quest2013-12-31 0 
January 2014
29217154Shadowrun Storytime 20: The Final Run Part 2The tension keeps up as the team struggles to hunt down their quarry.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard2014-01-02 119 
29222019Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 3The Producer takes the idols out for a bit of a shopping spree. Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-01-02 26 
29268593/tg/ makes some BBEGs/tg/ posts pics, creates villains based on themBBEG,Axeman,villains2014-01-04 5 
29290817Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 4The Producer's mall adventure continues.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-01-05 24 
29310392Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 5The Producer's mall adventure keeps going, this time with karaoke!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-01-06 24 
29396269Neckbeard Quest 11Neckbeard meets a shop owner and proceeds to rob him.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-01-10 10 
29425099Space Pirate QuestSpace Pirate QuestCollective Game, Space Pirate, TUUUUUBES, Space Pirate Quest, Metroid2014-01-11 0 
29435742 Commissar Quest XVIII: Return Of The Practical Part 3: <Insert Standard Sequel Name Here>As such, Commissar quest return of the practical continues, read more for the awakening, finding out about the beast - rivers! Mud men! Knifes! Stabbing!Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2014-01-12 5 
29450536Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 6The Producer starts getting into the actual specifics of his business.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-01-12 22 
29448061Neckbeard Quest 12In which Anon makes a move on Yorick. Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-01-12 10 
29495951Jedi Quest 8Chitchat and meditation on the way to Fondor.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Essvee, Roa Koo'lade, Lightsaber, Star Wars, Plo Koon2014-01-14 12 
29615170Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 7The Producer and his girls prepare to beat up some delinquents, as well as prepare for a performance some time later.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-01-19 23 
29607416Neckbeard Quest #13Neckbeard gains a new reluctant minion.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-01-20 7 
29666740In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 1A young boy by the name of Luke comes to Goldenrod City, but immediately gets caught up in trouble.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-21 20 
29670766Neckbeard QuestIn which anon has possibly the worst day of his lifeNeckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-01-22 5 
29710797In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 2Luke squares off with Daria and her Hitmonlee, and acquaints himself with the patrons of the Sleeping Sunkern.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-23 10 
29715071Random Dimensional Quest (working title)In which the Nick Trimmers the barber begins an adventure.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber2014-01-23 4 
29735606In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 3Unpleasant memories resurface within the Ilex Forest.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-24 8 
29736937Neckbeard Quest #15Yorick is reunited with her friends, and one of Anon's inner demons begins some scheming.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-01-24 7 
29775921Civilization Quest: GoblinsGorlnash Tribe seeks to take over the world!Collective Game, Civilization Quest, Gorlnash Tribe, Goblins2014-01-25 1 
29775213Nanoha FORCE Quest 1 In which we meet our hero Tohma, fight high leveled guards, die and then make a girl cry. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest2014-01-26 10 
29787003Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 8The Producer gets ready for his first live performance!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-01-26 25 
29802697In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 4After exiting the Ilex Forest, Luke spends an afternoon with friends before returning to the Sleeping Sunkern.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-27 5 
29859283In Her Image: A Pokemon Quest Part 5Officer Jenny stumbles across unnerving activity in Goldenrod City.Collective Game, Mr. Oberon, Pokemon, In Her Image2014-01-29 5 
29870914Nanoha FORCE Quest 2In which the story is derailed and our hero ends up dead, with a white devil on his side. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Terminator Mode,2014-01-30 3 
29882263Random Dimensional Quest 2: Of Arms Dealers and HappenstanceIn which Nick Trimmers visits intergalactic arms dealers and offers them a magic mushroom.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, arms dealers, Arsenal2014-01-30 2 
February 2014
29938525Princess Guard Quest 122Bernard and Guillaume explore the castle back in Granache.Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, Bernard, Guillaume2014-02-01 24 
29945468Princess Guard Quest 123The second part of Bernard's interlude.Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, Bernard, Guillaume2014-02-01 27 
29944240Nanoha FORCE Quest 3Tohma has no fear, calls devils cute and asks them on dates. Lily also starts her journey to save her man. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Lily Interlude,,2014-02-02 6 
29958903Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 9Fresh on the heels of the success of their first performance, the Producer figures out where to go from here.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-02-02 24 
30045217Random Dimensional Quest 3: Of Drug Deals and Dream WhalesIn which Nick Trimmers discovers more of his abilities and comes down from his high.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, arms dealers, Arsenal, magic mushroom2014-02-06 1 
30053928Neckbeard Quest 16In which the beardstrosity invades homes and eats dogs. Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-02-08 5 
30081052 Exiled Prince Quest 1A Medici scion runs to Venice to escape a vengeful family, ignores wenches, and acquires currency.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-08 22 
30097372Nanoha FORCE Quest 4Curren rushes to save her new family member, while Tohma wakes up on a island and meets his hero. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Cute Devil, Lost Island, Huckebein,2014-02-09 4 
30110830Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 10High School Musical Dance Fight edition!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-02-09 24 
30108682Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 0You wake up in a pile of trash near a helicopter crash.Yandere, cyberpunk, quest2014-02-09 7 
30107038Exiled Prince Quest 2We cut a deal with a mob boss, hire guards, and look for a priest to play lawyer for us. QM reveals that the MC may be a rapist and our head guard is a multiple murderer. Naturally, we buy guns.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-09 15 
30123737Commissar Quest: Return Of The Practical Part 4: OH LORD WE'RE ACTUALLY PLAYINGTonight we finish of the second practical, and perhaps we'll live to see another day yet?Commissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2014-02-09 6 
30133368Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 1You get an easy kill and find out just where you are. Turns out it's somewhere not very nice.Yandere, cyberpunk, quest2014-02-10 8 
30152478Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 2You meet a possibly dirty cop, find out your love has secrets and crappy security habits, and meet the mother.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-11 25 
30169030Exiled Prince Quest 3Today is Guild-day! We reestablish connections with the Tailor's guild and the butcher's guild, get conned, and begin the hunt for the organization that did this. No one robs a Medici.Exiled Prince Quest, Quest, Collective Game, TheBear, Merchant Prince, Venice, Renaissance, History2014-02-12 11 
30179395Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 3You take a shadowy job for the dirty cop, get a new gun, grab a bag of dirty money, and get trapped with the target and his friend when mafia suddenly arrive.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-12 17 
30193928Magical Girl Liberty... and the escape from Gibraltar!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-13 15 
30197241Random Dimensional Quest 4 - Quest Long or Die TryingIn which Nick Trimmers visits astral woodstock, does drugs, and gets (spiritually) laid. Wat.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, magic mushroom, astral hippie sex2014-02-13 2 
30217280Nanoha FORCE Quest 5Where Tohma is killed, and meets a pair of Kaisers. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Dead End, Kaisah Dojo, Magical Guy,2014-02-14 3 
30239417Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 4You stun some people, kill some people, get another new gun, get clocked on the head by a hobo and make breakfast to finish off a long night.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-15 12 
30267960Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 11The Producer tries to protect his idols from some meddling kids.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-02-16 24 
30266764Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 5You find some clues to how you got into The City, get a new gun and a pair of very nice blades, then you head shopping only to discover a ghost from your past is still alive.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-16 11 
30289585Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 6.1You follow a ghost of your past into a gunfight, but them OP has to cut the session short.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-17 10 
30304347Nanoha FORCE Quest 6Tohma makes many new friends, all who want a piece of him, one way or another. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, 2014-02-18 6 
30308340Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 7You find out your Papa is evil, your Mom tried to save your life, and that the mystery surrounding you is deeper than you imagined.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-18 15 
30330605Magical Girl Liberty Quest... and the Island of Doom!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-19 11 
30352615Magical Girl Liberty Quest #2... and the New York Raid!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-20 10 
30355924Random Dimensional Quest 5: The Quest for QuestingIn which Nick Trimmers tames wild facial hair and dispenses sage advice.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, dwarf, beard, haircut2014-02-20 0 
30375396Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 8You get roped into doing a jailbreak, and find out that others have the same idea.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-21 11 
30394430Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 9You break out a pilot, slice a robot into pieces, find out you were going to be framed, broke a man's spirit and body, and found out a place that your mother may be hiding in before another troubled mother makes a request.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-22 10 
30396659Nanoha FORCE Quest 7In an all out brawl over the island's airspace,Tohma meets a precious person once again! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Outlaws, Huckebein, 2014-02-22 6 
30423843Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 12With some successes under its belt, Clover Entertainment begins to grow!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-02-23 22 
30420960Nanoha FORCE Quest 8In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Dead End, Hard Choice, Huckebein, Best Girl, 2014-02-23 6 
30416132Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 10You stalk your love for his mother, meet with the pilot you rescued and get some gear and ammo, and return home to be reminded that a mother is one of the scariest people in the world.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-23 15 
30438513Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 11You fake a man's death, and decide to investigate your Mom's safehouse. Inside, you meet a long-lost sister and nearly get killed by her.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-24 16 
30447299girl gamer looking for groupAnon post a flyer he found at his FLGS. Other anons join in to share stories both amusing and horrifying. There is also some discussion about just HOW and WHY people could sperg out this hard.FLGS, LGS, horror, neckbeard, autist, girl gamer, gurl gaymer, nerd, geek, nerd girl, nerdlings, pop culture, culture, 2014-02-24 16 
30448765Neckbeard Quest 17Neckbeard recruits the dog tamer, and Anon's day doesn't get any better.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-02-25 5 
30501213Nanoha FORCE Quest 9In which Tohma fails to negotiate with the TSAB. At least Mira likes him a bit more, that is something, right?Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy,2014-02-27 5 
30504774Magical Girl Liberty Quest #3... and the Fight aboard the Kleine FrauleinCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-27 10 
30528547Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 12You find out that there is another sister who trolled you, share a tender moment and get some questions answered by the sister you saved, and make preparations when mercs spoil the party.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-02-28 9 
March 2014
30550403Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 13You get into a heated battle with a Mini-Tank and get wrecked before wrecking the tank back, you then dream before your insane sister hacks your brain to deliver a message.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-01 8 
30566839Nanoha FORCE Quest 10Hades plays ninjas for fools, Tohma gains a knight, and two Devils fight each other. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Black Devil Mode, Devil vs Devil,2014-03-02 8 
30576792Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 12The Producer tries to help out one of his sponsors.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-03-02 24 
30614669Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 14You fall off a roof and on top of your beloved, you reaffirm your wish to do whatever it takes to help, see the Moord Nag for the first time, and after Mom purges harmful code from your systems you discover that your past is far, far more complicated than you really know.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-04 14 
30655688Magical Girl Liberty Quest #4... and the Battle of Whitmore's Mansion!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-06 11 
30660028Random Dimensional Quest 7: Of Nosy Sprites and Angry GodsIn which Nick faces aggressive beings from multiple dimensions and slow-ass hates the internet.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Quest, cheese, Splak2014-03-06 2 
30678029Nanoha FORCE Quest 11The birth of a new player in the great game! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, 2014-03-07 5 
30722033Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 14The Producer gets the chance to go on TV!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-03-09 24 
30714372Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 15You go deep cover, troll the Red Queen with a handshake, meet a strange man in a Junkyard, get trolled by Hacker Sis again, sneak through a ruined industrial area, and after a paranoid moment with a family having suspicious car trouble, you get ready to begin planting spy cameras.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-09 8 
30733684Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 16You steal a woman's clothes, plant cameras, have a disgusting encounter with another man, finish planting cameras, save a girl from trouble and get her number, give some data and get a gift from Troll-sis in return, have a bad emotional experience when you can't laugh, get comforted by Troll-sis, comfort Ian, and find out that you need to see Troll-sis to finally crack that neural core. It's been a busy day.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-10 9 
30759697Magical Girl Liberty Quest #5... and the Magisch Korps strikes back!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-11 11 
30763162Nanoha FORCE Quest 12Tohma prepares for dealing with the Eclipse Virus Outbreak... while he also stares at a cute commander! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Cute Commander, 2014-03-11 5 
30780530Magical Girl Liberty Quest #6... and the escape from the Magisch Korps!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-12 9 
30800950Magical Girl Liberty Quest #7... and the daring rescue!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-13 9 
30804702Random Dimensional Quest 8: Of Sprites and TimeskipsIn which Nick Trimmers succeeds at many of the goals he set for himself, and achieves a new level!Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, water sprites, salesmanship, timeskip, Palladium, Megaversal2014-03-13 1 
30819947Magical Girl Liberty Quest #8... and the day of rest!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-14 10 
30837283Nanoha FORCE Quest 13A stupid devil is helpful... and Tohma finds out that someone waits for him. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Tsundere,2014-03-15 3 
30835975Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 17You go meet with hacker-sis, discover that she both has no shame and is an incredible multi-tasker, find out that there is a fifth sister in That Man's grip, find out that Neural Core was a bust except for the possibility of a Cool Bike, and choose to get Optical Camouflage only to meet someone we never expected.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-15 9 
30855622Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 18You have an incredibly disturbing nightmare while getting optical camouflage installed, see points in the future because of it, and snap from the mental and emotional stress it caused. Then Ian Carter comforts you in your time of need.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-16 9 
30865036Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 15The Producer manages to gain the interest of a special sponsor.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-03-16 24 
30872378Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 19You get confronted by the mother and finally, after long last, reveal the truth about yourself. And Ian accepts you. Meanwhile, Rebecca knows something you don't, a favourite aunt is going to see her nephew, and your Mom prepares to get inked while hiding from That Man.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-16 14 
30894998Nanoha FORCE Quest 14In which love is another battlefield, and Mira is being cute too! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Sleeping Girl, 2014-03-18 5 
30898920Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 20: Arc 1 EndgameYou go to the Moord Nag to secure weapons for the job, and get challenged on your skills. After sneaking into her office, you find out that the Battlefield Generation all have links, Ian's Mom was damn hot for a supersoldier, and that the Moord Nag is damn sneaky as the First Arc enters into it's endgame.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-18 8 
30923294Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 16Clover Entertainment expands its operations once again.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-03-19 24 
30936535Magical Girl Liberty Quest #9... and the Tomb of the Unknown Pharaoh!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-20 10 
30940572Random Dimension Quest 9: Of Leveling and Character CreationWherein Nick Trimmers begins a training montage and we pick skills and spells.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Choices, Leveling, timeskip, Palladium, Megaversal2014-03-20 1 
30959360Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 21: Arc 1 EndgameYou get confronted with Rebecca's suspicions about Cassandra, which only confirm your own. You find out that Rat is someone with connections much higher than the street and a plan to infiltrate the local military base gets a little complicated.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-21 8 
30979741Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 22: Arc 1 EndgameYou deal with a very bothersome situation as you bring the air defence networks under Hacker-sis' control.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-22 9 
30982807Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #---fuck i should not be QMing i'm so tired so sleepyCollective Game, Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest, Tanks, Don't, Lose, Your, Way, NUDIST, BEACH2014-03-22 12 
30979224Nanoha FORCE Quest 15The start of Operation Silver Break and the Flower Wars...Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-03-22 3 
31006160Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 17We go recruit Melissa.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-03-23 25 
31016677Avatar Quest #1Waterbending and battling are a great start to any questCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, MINOC, Waterbending2014-03-24 11 
31026244Avatar Quest #2Revenge is sweet, and so is humiliating your foes after deathCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, MINOC, Waterbending2014-03-24 6 
31022149Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 23: Arc 1 EndgameYou infiltrate the facility with your team and pull it off smoothly, quickly, quietly and cleanly, before Victoria observes the results of an important choice.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-24 8 
31041829Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 24 PausedYou start the mission to kill the Red Queen, but OP suddenly has to leave for the day.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-24 7 
31038932Nanoha FORCE Quest 16Flower Wars I: In which Tohma faces a monk. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-03-25 2 
31063298Avatar Quest 3Where our young waterbender runs foul of the local mafiaCollective Game, Avatar, Avatar Quest, Waterbending2014-03-26 5 
31082387Magical Girl Liberty Quest #10... and the Cyborg and the Daughter!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-27 10 
31086171Random Dimensional Quest 10: Of Flashbacks and Moving ForwardIn which Nick Trimmers reminisces about his time on Arsenal, then begins to explore a new world.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Palladium, Megaversal, wanderlust, elementals2014-03-27 2 
31104083Cyberpunk Chef Quest #1/tg/ decides on a cute brown girl protagonist, has a lucky first day at work.Cyberpunk, Cyberpuk Chef Quest, Brown Girl, Collective Game2014-03-28 7 
31121900Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 24: Arc 1 EndgameAfter a strange moment of discontinuity, you fight off pursuing helicopters to reach the Old City, now a warzone. You get a glimpse of Rebecca's casual brutality, before helping some cops, get knocked on your ass by a Railgun, and then witness the true terror of a Battlefield Generation in action. Finally, the true enemy reveals herself for the fight that will decide the fate of The City!Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-29 8 
31142179Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 25: Arc 1 CompletedIt's over. The Queen is dead. You've save The City, and for now, you have the man of your dreams. Congratulations.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-03-30 14 
31149605Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 18New idols and new jobs mean more work for the Producer.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-03-30 24 
April 2014
31182227Nanoha FORCE Quest 17Sacchin fails to get Sempai to notice her... while Tohma rushes to meet his friends! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Isn't it Sad,2014-04-01 3 
31183937Avatar Quest Part 5Part 5Avatar Quest, Avatar, Waterbending, MINOC2014-04-01 2 
31199129Tuxedo Bear QuestA Bear awakens in an alleyway with unusual intellect and access to means MOST dapper.Collective Game, Bear, Eclipsed Moon Quest, Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Bear2014-04-01 15 
31220787Nanoha FORCE Quest 17.5Vs The Fire Starters! Plus a reunion! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-04-02 5 
31227882Random Dimensional Quest 11: Eco-WarIn which Nick Trimmers talks to rocks, and teaches two worlds to fear barbers.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Palladium, Megaversal, elementals, incursions2014-04-03 1 
31287675Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 19The Producer tries to run 3 missions simultaneously.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-04-06 23 
31300908Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration OneYou are Clark Weston. You're a prisoner. And you're very, very bored. You also suspect that the two facts might be relatedconvict cyborg quest, Herbert, sci-fi, cyberpunk, collective game2014-04-07 9 
31367123Magical Girl Liberty Quest #11... and the underwater fight!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-04-10 10 
31371070Random Dimensional Quest Part 12 - DestabilizationIn which Nick discusses war and magic, and concerns for the health of Slow Ass arise.Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, Palladium, Megaversal, elementals, health advice2014-04-10 1 
31389872Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 26You are enrolled in school in order to make friends, and you make friends with some interesting girls, before one of them saves you from a bully, sharing an important secret with you. Meanwhile, a stalker decides that you must belong to her.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-04-11 7 
31412455Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 27Things slow down a little as you go on a shopping trip and find out that another of your new friends is not as normal as she appears. And then you meet someone who may be a future threat.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-04-12 7 
31438411Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 20It's time for the HYPERION PRISON EXTRAVAGANZA!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-04-13 24 
31411948Fantasy Totalitarian StateA discussion on how to create a fantasy totalitarianism results in the creation of necromantic Stalinism.Stalinism, Totalitarianism, Best Korea, Russia, Undead, Necromancy2014-04-13 3 
31454023Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 28Your temper flares when a childhood friend of Ian returns, and after making a foolish move, you discover that there maybe someone very dangerous in the school.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-04-14 7 
31502871Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 21The Producer handles more business affairs, as well as a trip to the local amusement park.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-04-16 24 
31490328Nanoha FORCE Quest 18An important reunion with loved ones, and Tohma becomes a bit more of a professional, but still, he will tease cute girls. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-04-16 2 
31531296Negotu Quest 4From the dead of night a dark weaboo rises.Collective Game, Naruto, Quest, BELIEVE IT2014-04-17 5 
31539315Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration ThreePart 2: https://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/31387395/convict cyborg quest, Herbert, sci-fi, cyberpunk, collective game2014-04-18 1 
31580322Nanoha FORCE Quest 19In which Tohma manages to work out a future date with two girls and meet a familiar devil. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, 2014-04-20 5 
31583480Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration FourYou are Clark Weston. Incarnation of genius, rifle maestro and the happiest husband in the world. WHY IS OUR WIFE SO CRAZY.convict cyborg quest, collective game, Herbert, cyberpunk, sci-fi, AI, power armour, military2014-04-20 3 
31604462Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 29Early archive as OP has to head out, but you find that everyone knows something but you, and it scares them.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-04-21 7 
31653452Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 22The amusement park fun times continue.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-04-23 23 
31711980Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 30You hatch a plan to expose more of the mystery surrounding Hana Kanzaki, only for a mysterious Kitsune to attack your captors for an unknown purpose.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-04-26 7 
31741795Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 23Clover Entertainment expands yet again!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-04-27 27 
31762308Nanoha FORCE Quest 20In which Tohma adds two new members to his team, and now deals with the gunner who sinks airships! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, 2014-04-28 2 
31761090Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 31You find a few clues in the ruins, and then suffer a bad vehicle crash before getting a cool bike. After finding that Seattle is important to Mom for some reason, you find her last gift to you, and a last message.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-04-28 5 
May 2014
31870185Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 32You find an important link between the mysterious killer and Kitsune. Midori Kanzaki gives you a filthy feeling. And you discover a ghost outside your safehouse.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-05-03 6 
31875548/tg/'s Bestiary/tg/ creates a bestiary with homemade fluff and stats for various original monsters.Bestiary, monster manual, monsters, fluff, worldbuilding2014-05-03 3 
31885048Nanoha FORCE Quest 21Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Dragons, Childhood Friends, 2014-05-03 4 
31897174Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 24Now with more members under his employ, the Producer tries for another triple duty mission.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-05-04 25 
31905740Convict Cyborg Quest: Iteration FiveYour name is Clark Weston.You're a convict. You're also very, very brilliant. You are now Tremorman, wielder of the TREMORSENSE.Collective Game, Herbert, Convict Cyborg Quest2014-05-04 1 
31898776Lego Quest presents: TECHNICLego Quest takes requests to run a BLOCKOUT sequelLego Quest, Collective Game, cyberpunk2014-05-04 3 
31978081Nanoha FORCE Quest 21.5Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers Part 2Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Childhood Friend, Friendship, 2014-05-08 3 
32015892Berserk in Middle EarthGuts gets dropped in Middle Earth. He has the ring and knows what it does to people and how to destroy it. But he doesn't have the Berserker Armor. Does he manage to get to Mordor? Does he accept Gollum's help? Would he get corrupted?Guts, Berserk, LotR, Middle Earth, The One Ring, boat2014-05-09 -1 
32047488Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 25The Producer tries to deal with the attempt on Rin's life.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-05-11 23 
32138859Nanoha FORCE Quest 22Sacchin struggles to make Sempai notice her, it looks like the Tank did not work last time.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Sempai Time, 2014-05-15 2 
32190686Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 26The Producer tries to find out who was behind the attack on Rin, and decides how to retaliate.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-05-18 23 
32261795Gummi Bears RPGCreation of an RPG based on the Disney cartoonGummi Bears, Disney, Homebrew2014-05-22 3 
32282310Kouga: Saint of Mars 1 Our hero Kouga feels his Cosmos for the first time and tries to make his Master Proud! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, 2014-05-22 6 
32288311Halfling QuestHeilyn Gallagher got a message from her deceased father. She hates him, so she goes drinking instead of taking it seriously.Collective Game, Halfling Quest, Drunken Antics, Dead Fathers, Deadbeat Fathers2014-05-23 8 
32351833Nanoha FORCE Quest 22.5Sacchin and Sempai deal with a Crystal Devil! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Sempai Time,2014-05-26 2 
32383337Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 27The Producer hears about some very distressing news.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-05-27 24 
32392794Kouga: Saint of Mars 2In which our heroes climbs the Twelve Houses Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Stairway to Hell, 2014-05-27 4 
32440113Nanoha FORCE Quest 23A slow debriefing with Hayate Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, 2014-05-30 3 
June 2014
32492144Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 28The Producer deals with new offices, new idols, and pretty much new everything!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-06-01 23 
32508781Kouga: Saint of Mars 3Kouga dives into the darkness and obtains a cool new hand. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars,2014-06-02 5 
32509785Cyberpunk Yandere Quest Part 33OP finally gets his shit in order, and in this short episode Alice learns some disturbing truths about Midori and Hana before witnessing an enraging sight.Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-06-02 5 
32550987Kouga: Saint of Mars 4Kouga meets a nice girl and fights a punk named Eden! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Darkness Mode, 2014-06-04 4 
32575876Neckbeard Quest #18Neckbeard Quest returns, taking control on a one-armed anon.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-06-05 7 
32592832Cyberpunk Yandere Quest 34You watch a suspicious news report and have a brief war council with Rebecca. Then Ian comes home, and...Cyberpunk Yandere Quest, cyberpunk, yandere, Collective Game2014-06-06 10 
32613847Neckbeard Quest #19Fun at the dog park.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-06-08 6 
32643042Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 29The Producer begins the hunt for the elusive Idol Killer.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-06-08 22 
32656527Halfling Quest III: Wyrm EaterHeilyn copes with having just killed someone, and works towards escaping her father's "Training".Collective Game, Halfling Quest, Drunken Antics, Dead Fathers, Deadbeat Fathers, Massive CoC, Wyrm Eater2014-06-08 4 
32657077Nanoha FORCE Quest 24Isis searches a bunker, while Tohma searches the lab! All while an old friend returns.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, 2014-06-09 2 
32649256Neckbeard Quest #20One-Arm Anon tries to take care of his succubus problem.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-06-09 7 
32692593Nanoha FORCE Quest 24.5From a group of killer monster, to a KEKEKE Hacker, and finishing with an old friend. Like always everyone wants to kill Tohma. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, White Machine, 2014-06-11 2 
32678176Neckbeard Quest #21Between Catgirl Baker's antics and Yorick's attempt to be kawaii uguu, the thread approaches critical cuteness.eckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-06-11 5 
32716392Magical Girl Liberty Quest: And the Fate of Atlantis!The resolution of the Atlantis arc! Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-06-12 7 
32735995Kouga: Saint of Mars 5Kouga ends his childhood and becomes a Witch's apprentice. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars,2014-06-13 2 
32765085Ten Princes in Amber: Volume OneYou are being hunted. Escape your pursuers by entering alternate dimensions and changing the landscape around you. Ten Princes in Amber Quest, Collective Game, Chronicles of Amber2014-06-14 2 
32788777Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 30The Producer and his idols gear up to hit the Idol Killer.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-06-15 21 
32799824Commissar QuestWe are back! BACKPAINS, HUNTING, STUFFZCommissar quest, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName, quest, collective game,2014-06-15 5 
32842822Nanoha FORCE Quest 25A confrontation with White Machine. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, White Machine, 2014-06-18 1 
32929313Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 31The race to catch the Idol Killer begins with a bang.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-06-22 21 
32983442Kouga: Saint of Mars 6In which we meet a Black Tarantula, Victor III and NEVER GIVE UP! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Never Give Up, 2014-06-25 1 
32986783Caveman QuestWe acquire the mythical pelt of the dire bear and then host other humanoids into our humble caveCollective Game, Caveman Quest, Superior Being, 2014-06-25 6 
33051124Avatar Quest: Earth #1Our hero has some classic family bonding; getting lost in the woods, destroying trees and fighting wild animalsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-06-28 9 
33065231Kouga: Saint of Mars 7Victor III gets impaled, Kouga learns that Alchemist never lie and Black Tarantula learns about the joys of Cake. Overall fun times. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Cake fails, 2014-06-29 1 
33074377Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 32The Producer decides what to do with the Idol Killer's remains.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-06-29 23 
33065451TransformerQuest Part 1Kracken, an absolute walking nightmare of a Cybertronian, takes to the streets as Shockwave orders an attack on Uraya.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 14 
33076600Transformer Quest 2: Rip and Tear BoogalooWhere Kracken, a retired cop who has had enough of this shit, lays a smackdown on some DecepticreepsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 11 
33087402Kouga: Saint of Mars 8When you manage to turn victory into defeat and die, who are you going to call? The Black and White Devil. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Devil Dojo, White Devil, 2014-06-30 2 
July 2014
33116526Transformer Quest 3: A Sight To BeholdTravel gets dangerous as the destruction draws near, Kracken is a very angry bot.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-01 14 
33132457Avatar Quest: Earth #2Anon tries to make a girl stop hating him in the best way possible; challenging her to a fight. Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-02 6 
33149919Faggot Dragon Waifu Greentext Thread 2SO KAWAII! SO TSUNTSUN! SO UGUU! SO TWO!Dragons are for faggots, Waifus are for losers, Shame is for living with, This will never be good2014-07-03 10 
33169617Kouga: Saint of Mars 9Kouga tries to be a lawyer this time, with predictable results. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, 2014-07-04 1 
33195389True American HerobuilderA group of America's greatest heros are gathered across from time and space to stop dirty commies and limey gits.America, Murica,Liberty,Freedome,McDonalds,AMERICAFUCKYEAH2014-07-05 10 
33190964Avatar Quest: Earth #3Where problems are solved...EARTHBENDING STYLE!Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-05 2 
33211397Avatar Quest: Earth #4Our hero shows off some new bending tricks, ignores the taunts of Galda, and gets into a fight with another girl...I'm seeing a pattern hereCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-06 3 
33206647Transformers Quest 4Virtue and the Grim Consequences ThereofTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-06 11 
33227598Nanoha FORCE Quest 26Personal Issues and Brother! Isis has it all! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Isis Interlude,2014-07-06 1 
33233109Avatar Quest: Earth #5In which sparring continues and Felna's secret is revealedCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-07 5 
33240135Warframe Quest #4Warframe fucks the Zerg up and prepares to go up against papa smurfCollective Game, Warframe Quest, Anima, It'll be YEARS before you can face me Emperors Lance, Tenno2014-07-07 4 
33275723Avatar Quest: Earth #6A violent confrontation with Galda and miraculous recovery lead to tough decisions and even tougher questionsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-09 5 
33275775Kouga: Saint of Mars 10Be born Black Pegasus! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-09 4 
33318508Avatar Quest: Earth #7Our hero has some serious conversations with family and friends, has more interesting dreams, and comes to realize what he really isCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-11 2 
33275921Neckbeard Quest #22A dog humps a guy's leg, and then enters cheat codes.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-07-11 5 
33319250Kouga: Saint of Mars 11In which Kouga overcomes his fears, punches a Dark God in the face (again) and Eden fails to stall. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Never Give Up,2014-07-11 5 
33321964Batman Beyond: Ace Quest Episode 1Aceria "Ace" Wayne, daughter of Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman, arrives in Gotham to reconnect with her estranged father.Batman Beyond Ace Quest, Batman, Cyberpunk, Collective Game2014-07-11 8 
33327537Neckbeard Quest #23In which Teli puts anon in the pitNeckbeard Quest, Collective Game, neckbeard, random, Teli2014-07-12 5 
33368528Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 33The Producer reunites with an old acquaintance, though it seems she's changed over the years...Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-07-13 22 
33363972Avatar Quest: Earth #8Shin and Felna discuss what being the Avatar will mean, plans are made to build a city, and a tense conversation with Galda takes placeCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-13 5 
33384274Avatar Quest: Earth #9Shin talks with the guys about recent events, reunited with the giant turtle monster, and traps Bulo in a pit...it's a good dayCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-14 3 
33361943Neckbeard Quest 24Anon and Garush play hooky. One arm gets some new threads.Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-07-14 5 
33431812Avatar Quest: Earth #10Fight Father with FireCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-16 5 
33431183Kouga: Saint of Mars 12In which Kouga and Eden teach a certain alchemical dragon about Humanity! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, True Human,2014-07-16 2 
33475594Avatar Quest: Earth #11Shin reconciles with his dad and learns to Waterbend....and then bandits show upCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-18 2 
33475642Kouga: Saint of Mars 13 In which Kouga tries to make a familiar, and it end as expected. At least Eden is nice this time. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, 2014-07-18 3 
33489351XWF Manager's Quest Year 3 Ep 2Poker NightXWF Quest, Collective Game, Aberrant2014-07-18 0 
33514391Nanoha FORCE Quest 27In which Tohma has a heart to heart with Ein and meets a certain Creator. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, 2014-07-20 3 
33527200Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 34With two important events coming up, the Producer needs to make some preparations.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-07-20 21 
33522081Avatar Quest: Earth #12The group fights a fierce battle against a group of bandits, and prepares to face off against their leaderCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-20 3 
33541575Kouga: Saint of Mars 14In which Kouga convinces Medea to send him in a horrible mission and talk to a God about the World and how horrible it is. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Gods and Humans,2014-07-21 1 
33590012Kouga: Saint of Mars 15We talk to the Doctor and a certain Spider. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-07-23 1 
33587322Avatar Quest: Earth #13Battle with the Bandit KingCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-23 5 
33594006Transformers Quest 6: Heaps of RuinationAfter being severely wounded Kracken cuts and runs. Then he goes for a trip through he dilapidated underbelly of Uraya. The dice gods continue to be incomprehensible.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-23 8 
33605642Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: Edge editionA little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a fourteen year old boy still traumatized by the time his parents were raped to death by bears, and a priest team up to murder the shit out of some people, no matter how many people they have to murder in order to do it.Lamentations of the Flame Princess, LotFP, lotfp, storytime, storytiem, BEARS, edge, edgy, edgelord2014-07-23 10 
33632001Avatar Quest: Earth #14Shin learns a new Waterbending trick, just in time for his father to see. Now, instructed to go to the Capital, Shin says his goodbyesCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-25 3 
33633047Kouga: Saint of Mars 16In which Kouga is a BEAR, exchanges gifts with a nice girl and finally talks to the Doctor about stuff. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, 2014-07-25 2 
33650569Transformers Quest 7: Nothin' But MiseryWhere things go better than expected.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-26 8 
33657398Kouga: Saint of Mars 17Kouga invites some important people for lunch, and Versa is cute, again. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-26 2 
33665998Pokemon QuestAlways sunny in Pallet TownPokemon Quest, Red, Blue, Green, Professor Oak, Beedrill2014-07-26 30 
33664351Your Next BBEGPeople give each others' pictures BBEG introductions. Tremble before the greatest harbingers of evil.BBEG2014-07-26 7 
33686602Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 35The Producer takes his top idols to the much hyped Idol Expo.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-07-27 21 
33678367Oversized Weapon Quest 48fairies skeletons beltbrasCollective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, big swords, goblins, beltbras2014-07-27 11 
33693499Pokemon Quest Part 2An autist, a retard, and a bitch continue their journey to Viridian City Collective Game, Pokemon Quest, Red, Blue, Green, Professor Oak, Beedrill2014-07-27 21 
33700469Avatar Quest: Earth #15Shin says goodbye, travels to the capital, and meets the QueenCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-28 4 
33713244Pokemon Quest Part 3RED, the Pokemon autist, continues his journey and cockblocks his rivalCollective Game, Pokemon Quest, Red, Blue, Green, Professor Oak, Beedrill2014-07-28 17 
33744659Princess To-Be-Married QuestPrincess To-Be-Married QuestPrincess To-Be-Married Quest2014-07-29 -4 
33756905Pokemon Quest #4The Gang Goes to Pewter CityPokemon Quest, Collective Game, Red, Green, Blue, Beedrill, Professor Oak2014-07-30 13 
33755072Kouga: Saint of Mars 18In which Love is talked about and Kouga faces his greatest shame. Also, we play guess the Arcana! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-07-30 1 
33779610Avatar Quest: Earth #16Shin and the Queen talk some more, and Shin meets his predecessor...he's kind of dissapointingCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-07-31 3 
August 2014
33710707Martian Death Quest Supplemental Resources Anons compile a list of resources and atmosphere suggestions for running a MDQ.nightmare_fuel sci-fi storytime, Martian Death Quest, My best horror RPG, Atmosphere, Resources2014-08-01 1 
33805313Pokemon Quest #5Red fights the Pewter City GymPokemon Quest, Collective Game, Beedrill, Red, Green, Blue, Professor Oak2014-08-01 17 
33808535Transformers Quest 8: Wicked InclinationsBoss battle! Memories of a bitter past.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-01 8 
33825729Avatar Quest: Earth #17The son of the Avatar tells the story of Ren and the QueenCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-02 2 
33853757Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 36The Producers adventures in the Idol Expo continue.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-08-03 22 
33850569Avatar Quest: Earth #18Shin explores the city, goes shopping, but everything changes when sight maintenance attacksCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-03 1 
33866248Neckbeard Quest 25 Part 2Previous: http://archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/33849478/ Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-08-04 6 
33895050Avatar Quest: Earth #19Shin goes to a rally, a rumble, and receives a rescueCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-05 1 
33918175Avatar Quest: Earth #20Shin and Felna return to the palace, Felna hides her identity, and they discuss the rally with the QueenCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-06 1 
33913245KidpunkIn the vein as things like KND, Recess, Calvin and Hobbes, and Stick of Truth, anons attempt to create an rpg where everything is made of cardboard and runs on kids imagination magic, like orks. Or maybe it's just kids playing pretend.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-06 6 
33918561Kouga: Saint of Mars 19Kouga is selfish and won't allow Sonia to be selfish herself! Also Eden calls him a nincompoop. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-06 1 
33926167Kidpunk 2/tg/ continues to get things done, creating a system to replicate the imagination games kids play on playgrounds and in neighborhoods.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-06 5 
33940760Imperial Beurocrat Quest Rise from your lowly job in the Adeptus Administratum to hunt Orks among the ranks of the Inquisition!Imperial Beurocrat Quest, Collective Game, Quest2014-08-07 6 
33931336Kidpunk 3Classes and reputations are discussed as /tg/ makes an rpg about kids on the playground, and what goes on in their imaginations.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-07 5 
33967847Avatar Quest: Earth #21Shin tries to learn Airbending, and assassins infiltrate the palace.Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-08 0 
33968590Kouga: Saint of Mars 20In which Kouga arrives in Paris, meets a true Gentleman and learns that he has a maidenly heart he has to protect from maidens. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-08 1 
33970535Kidpunk 5Anon's begin work on the concept of evil enemy versions of the classes, things to be used as BBEGs. They also bang out the specifics of several classes.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends, community2014-08-09 5 
33992055Transformers Quest 10: Adoration For NoneKracken frees some NAILS and eats another Seeker.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-09 8 
33998929Pokemon Quest #6Did someone say shiny?Pokemon Quest, Collective Game, Beedrill, Red, Green, Blue, Professor Oak2014-08-09 8 
34021995Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 37Everybody gets a day off!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-08-10 21 
34018634Avatar Quest: Earth #22Felna's disappearance receives an explanation, and plans are made for tomorrowCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-10 0 
34030072Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 37.5Jenner moves to save the day!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-08-10 21 
34042945Avatar Quest: Earth #23Shin meets Avatar Gonyo, and the Queen's announcement results in a battleCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-11 0 
34069388Kouga: Saint of Mars 21The Witch of the Golden Dawn and Kouga meet. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-12 1 
34092675Avatar Quest: Earth #24Nur is defeated, and Shin has a heart to heart with Galda before tracking down FelnaCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-13 -2 
34086351Kidpunk 7?Crafting and Pets and Companions are fleshed out, more great art assets are added, and we start working on rules for things that aren't combat relatedKidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends, community2014-08-13 0 
34118555Kouga: Saint of Mars 21.5In which Kouga doesn't understand delicacy, and pokes something he should have avoided. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Protector of Smiles,2014-08-14 1 
34119302Transformers Quest 11Destruction Overdrive:Kracken and co defeat gunshipkun, punks are straightened out.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-14 6 
34139948Avatar Quest: Earth #25Shin, Felna, and Galda face off against a trio of Ren's servants, and Galda realizes her mistakesCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-15 1 
34142069Kouga: Saint of Mars 22Kouga ignores Eden's shadowruns, meets Al again and plans a heist. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-15 1 
34165789Transformers Quest 12: Fire It UpKracken beats down another Stunticon, then meets a bigger fish.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-16 6 
34195006Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 38Producer comes back from his short vacation and finds yet more work to take care of.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-08-17 23 
34190172Avatar Quest: Earth #26Shin meets an obnoxious adviser, and Galda confronts her fatherCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-17 1 
34185596Kouga: Saint of Mars 23Ending 01= A Kind and Gentle World Born Out of Guilt! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Ending, 2014-08-17 2 
34237249Avatar Quest: Earth #27Shin is kicked out of the pala-I mean decides to go homeCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-19 1 
34249940Slav Shit Future Knights OP: I had an idea today, tentatively entitled "Slav Shit Future Knights" inspired by the game Destiny and the book One Soldier's War In Chechnya. Players are knights of the last city on Earth (St Petersburg) who venture out beyond the walls armed with an array of slavic weaponry from the last 100+ years (statted up with MotSP's equipment building system) to do battle with bandits, chechens, aliens, stalinist ape-men and assorted mutants, recover mystical treasures and technology and you get the ideaWorldbuilding, world building, OC, awesome, jews, bears, russia2014-08-19 6 
34258027Salami Sandwich Quest.A salami sandwich quests to save his lover, Miss bologna who has been kidnapped from the kitchen, things take an un expected turn as the dark wizard plans to change all sandwiches as we know it. Action, Adventure, Romance, This story has it all!Comedy, Salami Sandwich, Agro, Brain, Romance, Lewd, Action, Suspense, Drama, Collective Game, Quest, The best fucking thing ever, HotSandwichlove, Funny, Great, 10/10,2014-08-20 8 
34259527Kouga: Saint of Mars 24In which Kouga tries to destroy the world... again, then time and space breaks down. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-08-20 2 
34283124Avatar Quest: Earth #28Shin's parents fight, Shin says a few choice words to his father, and the Shark Turtle returnsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending2014-08-21 2 
34281452Timesplicer QuestA necromancer from medieval times gets thrown into a cyberpunk future with nothing but the (odd) clothes on his back, and his trusty catalyst. Timetravel, Magic, Cyberpunk, Quest2014-08-21 5 
34285189Avatar CYOA Risk Style RPEverything changed when we attacked the Fire Nation.Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, RP, Avatar, The Last Airbender, Epic, Crazy Rolls2014-08-21 11 
34320262Transformers Quest 13: Blackend WatersKracken fights some hobos. Red Energon is a hell of a drug.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-23 6 
34352827Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 39The Producer makes contact with Vahlen.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-08-24 21 
34372102Avatar Quest: Earth #29In which Somnius kills Shin for acting in character.Collective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, Waterbending2014-08-25 -21 
34465595Kouga: Saint of Mars 25Kouga cries, BT tries to fill his soul with light, and an Alchemist of Justice appears! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, 2014-08-29 1 
34470708Transformers Quest 14Where we do alot of talking and find out who our creepy stalker is. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-29 6 
34485139Totemist Quest XLIIIAfter a year-long absence, Diarca makes his triumphant return. The Dice Gods attempt to kill Osyki while fighting a laser centipede before continuing his investigation of Pointsmar.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2014-08-30 28 
34517853Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 40The Producer lead an attack on some nasty Russian mercs.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-08-31 21 
34512987Kouga: Saint of Mars 26Kouga talks to a man who smells like ash and fire. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-08-31 0 
September 2014
34536211Kouga: Saint of Mars 27You expected the angels, but it was us, the demons! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-01 2 
34534080Commissar Quest XX: Emperors DayCommissar Quest: XX - Otto is slowly growing up!Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2014-09-01 4 
34523638Neckbeard Quest 26Anon continues to be the little girl and /k/ay wakes up from a night of hard partying. Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-09-01 6 
34561647Neckbeard Quest 27/k/ay gets stuck under a bunch of sweaty /fit/izens. Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-09-02 6 
34589907Transformers Quest 15We finally meet up with the merchants, then it all goes to hell. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-03 4 
34631604Kouga: Saint of Mars 28In which Kouga contemplates burning down Paris... spiritually. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-05 2 
34645041Magical Girl Noir Quest 231A less nervous magical girl plays along with the former Warmaster and expresses her undying love of paperwork.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Vintage, Kyuubey2014-09-05 18 
34657437Kouga: Saint of Mars 28.5In which Kouga get the alchemist Vivi to join his team! Fight for the sake of Justice you two! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-06 3 
34650189Totemist Quest XLIVCompleting our investigation of Pointsmar, we finally confront the Iron General.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-06 21 
34686177Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 41The Producer gets a new toy from Toha Heavy Industries, and plans how to rescue Belle from Umbrella Corp.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-09-07 21 
34684983Love Triangle One-shot QuestMaybe possibly probably not a one-shot. Also, bitches be crazy.Collective Game, AnonymousQueste, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-07 5 
34676158Transformers Quest 16: Building a Better MonsterTIME FOR UPGRADES! Kracken awakens from stasis with a shiny new body on mysterious research space station. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-07 3 
34696567Love Triangle One-shot Quest #2The title is definitely misleading.Collective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-07 4 
34703775Love Triangle One-shot Quest #3Tsubasa, you fool. And this still isn't a one-shot.Collective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-08 4 
34702264Avatar Quest: Earth #30Shin settles the score with his father, becomes cold as ice, and meets a strange woman in the woodsCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Avatar Quest, SOMNIUS, Earthbending2014-09-08 1 
34749660Commissar Quest XXI: QCQ and Shots!We go to the medica office, lose our data-slate and roll for titsCollective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2014-09-10 3 
34760065Love Triangle One-shot Quest #4the end? a new beginning maybeCollective Game, MedicAnon, one-shot, not a one-shot, Slice-of-Life, bitches be crazy, sweet2014-09-10 1 
34772590Commissar Quest XXII: The ring and the damWe return to the ring and have a good battles, testing the new combat system.Collective Game, Commissar quest, quest, commissar, besvir, CommissarWhatsHisName2014-09-11 5 
34778930Kouga: Saint of Mars 29Got cut short, be at least Kouga learned about how the world will end. Yay. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-11 0 
34797458Kouga: Saint of Mars 29.5This time 4chan didn't die and Kouga made a friendship speech! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-12 2 
34809789Magical Girl Noir Quest 232An angry looking magical girl tells her lover to get good and attends a super secret meeting.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Vintage, Kyuubey2014-09-12 18 
34816454Transformers Quest 17: The Blessed HellrideAfter running into a familiar face (and some not so familiar faces), Kracken finally finds out what happened before he left Cybertron. Suffice to say, somebody is going to pay.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-13 6 
34847813Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 42The Producer begins operations to rescue Belle from Umbrella Corp.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-09-14 21 
34916929Kouga: Saint of Mars 30In which Kouga talk to Al and Leonard, and confesses everything to the cool gentleman. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-17 1 
34938715Kouga: Saint of Mars 31Kouga meets an eccentric old man, and finally arrives at his target... Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-18 1 
34977218Totemist Quest XLVOsyki finally returns home with Saeri in tow. To everyone's surprise, the village is NOT on fire. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-20 22 
34978413Transformers Quest 18: House of Doom Kracken kicks some ass, discovers that he's not the weirdest 'bot in the room, then gets some nifty toys.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-20 1 
35006414Avatar Quest: Earth #31Avatar Shin is interrogated by a wife wielding woman, and all of /tg/ is instantly obsessed with her. Some kind of fetish, I guessCollective Game, Avatar, Quest, Earth, Somnius, Avatar Quest, Earthbending, Firebending, Waterbending, Airbending2014-09-21 -1 
35001232Magical Girl Liberty Quest: ReduxThe glorious return of Lady Liberty and her stalwart companions.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-09-21 13 
35027307Avatar Quest: Earth #32Shin argues with his mother about a woman...it's less interesting than it soundsCollective Game, Avatar Quest, Avatar, Quest, Somnius, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending2014-09-22 -5 
35052131Kouga: Saint of Mars 32In which this city of light really becomes a city of light. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-23 1 
35050795Totemist Quest XLVI Preliminary negotiations are set with the Elunein representative before we get back to our favorite past time - binding with dangerous, mysterious monster bits.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-23 21 
35090127Kouga: Saint of Mars 32.5Vs. The Man of Ash and Fire! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-09-25 3 
35119538Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 43The Belle rescue mission continues.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-09-26 21 
35131312Totemist Quest XLVIIOsyki makes one hell of an entrance.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-27 21 
35148894Magical Girl Noir Quest 233A painfully sober magical girl reviews what she learned the previous night.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Vintage, Kyuubey2014-09-27 18 
35162068Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 44The Producer deals with the aftermath of Belle's successful rescue.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-09-28 21 
35158502Transformers Quest 19: Death MarchKracken tests out his new toys before coming face to face with Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-28 2 
35175628Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #2We spend some time back home before we're called to duty again.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-09-29 10 
35179926Avatar Quest: Earth #33Shin clears things up with Valna, and prepares to spar with GaldaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Bending, Airbending, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending2014-09-29 1 
35166083Neckbeard Quest 28Beardy goes off to conquer /soc/ and One-Arm gets a personal encounter with femdom. Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-09-29 5 
October 2014
35226078Kouga: Saint of Mars 33In which Kouga faces the aftermath of his last battle, and how Silber and Al met. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-01 1 
35239402Exalted - Guardian Beast QuestIn which we rampage as an abomination of nature, and then realise that we were (kinda) human all alongCollective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-01 10 
35244188Neckbeard Quest 29We celebrate 4chan's 11th birthday with Teli. Neckbeard Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, TG, Neckbeard2014-10-03 6 
35268247Kouga: Saint of Mars 33.5Thus the Paris Arc Ends... with one final talk with Beatrice, and thus Japan becomes the next stage.Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-03 1 
35279869Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #02We learn more about the woman we rescued, and about ourselves. Newbie QM fucks up and then tries to unfuck everything.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-03 8 
35284580Transformers Quest 20: Monster MashKracken and his merry band of misfits take on Swindle and Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-04 2 
35310852Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 45The Producer takes care of more loose ends, as well as plans to raid a rival.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-10-05 20 
35305527Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #3Welcome to Doctor Savage's Fortress of Solitude!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-05 8 
35307386Avatar Quest: Earth # 34Shin spars with Galda, chats with Bulo, and has a nice breakfastCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending2014-10-05 -1 
35319655Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #03Our glorious nudity is masked, we explore shapeshifting a little, and then we get worshipped by a villageExalted, Collective Game, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-05 5 
35324070Totemist Quest XLVIIISiperco asks us to take care of a 'little' pest problem which brings us one step closer to unlocking Ayren's drawers.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-06 21 
35403567Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #04We face off against the Coldstream Serpent and add a faerie to our party. What could possibly go wrong?Exalted, Collective Game, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-09 5 
35411506TG Does StrangeOP asks for stories of worst settings. Stories of Stabbings, Space Operas, Fast Food Warriors, and Phallus Themed Islands ensue. Space Opera, Thor, Armadillo God, Fast Food, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Stab2014-10-10 11 
35439781Avatar Quest: Earth # 35Shin tries Waterbending until he gets a visit and a presentCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, Avatar Quest, Somnius, Waterbending, Earthbending, Firebending, Airbending2014-10-11 -7 
35430625Totemist Quest XLIXSparring with Quinn & Pierce, training with Terra, and visiting the Stone Emperor. Such is the busy life of a Totemist.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-11 21 
35464655Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 46The Producer stages his first guerrilla concert.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-10-12 20 
35455055Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #4Skull Island is not a good place to be.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-12 8 
35516654Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #05Short thread. We build a ship, and our Abyssal mate noms on our neck.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2014-10-14 1 
35588213Totemist Quest LOsyki nearly blows himself up. Twice.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-18 21 
35592014Transformers Quest 21:Magnetic RagWe have time to meet and greet the crew, then we get all the time.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-18 4 
35617139Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 47The Producer stages an attack on a not very well liked rival.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-10-19 20 
35609257Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #5The daring fight in the ruins and the aftermath.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-19 7 
35661981Racer Quest 2048-0Welcome to Acceleration City. You are Jason Alexander.. Start your engineRacer Quest, Racing, Collective Game, GardenMaster-NORG, Wipeout, IGPX, Cyber Formula, Speed2014-10-21 0 
35675145Kouga: Saint of Mars 34Kouga and Medea go over Paris... at least he is back home, right? Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus,2014-10-22 0 
35729272Totemist Quest LIIn search of the Avatar of Hunger, Osyki must return to the place of his master's demise - the Lair of the Basilisk Wyrm.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-25 21 
35760189Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 48The idols raid the headquarters of Rose Entertainment.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-10-26 20 
35773294Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #6A sparring match or two and a talk with the prisoners.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-27 9 
35794495Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 1The story of an operator and his (crazy) hostage. Will they? Won't they? Only time will tell.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, !!72oOCCJ1+cj2014-10-28 12 
35814187Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 2Our hero talks with and investigates his charge. Also, some people samefag a decision to wipe a girl's butt.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-10-29 6 
35832462Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 3Our protagonist investigates his captive, who continues to throw herself in his general direction.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-10-30 4 
35855993Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 4Our hero finally fucking unties his victim. Also, some people get shot.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-10-31 4 
35859728DBZ Human Quest #4Kaguya learns some new tricks, and tests them against YamchaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Goku, Kami, Piccolo, Popo, Raditz, Gohan2014-10-31 15 
35857585Transformers Quest 23: Strange WaysGood cop, bad cop, we're the one with the tentacles. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-31 2 
November 2014
35875195Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 5Investigations, drama, and the truth is almost in sight... at least Maxine has called off her goon squad!Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-01 6 
35876412Totemist Quest LIIThere is no rest for a Totemist as Osyki is dragged into the realm of Shade.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-01 20 
35904134Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 49The girls get to celebrate Halloween!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-11-02 21 
35900497DBZ Human Quest #5Kaguya goes on a mission for Kami and learns a lot about himselfColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Kami, Popo, Yajirobe, Pilaf, Shu, Mai, Olibu, Saiyans, Lookout2014-11-02 14 
35921933DBZ Human Quest #6Kaguya faces off against Tien, and learns a new techniqueCollective game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyans, Kami, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Senzu, Bean2014-11-03 14 
35918282Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #7We go swimming and swimming.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-11-03 10 
35997978Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 6Our hero wins and gets the girl.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-07 6 
36002783Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest 1In which a courier outraces a cop and delivers a package.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge2014-11-07 17 
36018476Totemist Quest LIIIIt's back to the daily grind as Osyki returns home with his bag of loot. New bindings and training for Quinn & Terra.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-08 20 
36023339Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #2In which we meet an Asset, pick up a package, and deliver said package.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-08 12 
36060260Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #8A very messy prisoner exchange.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-11-10 8 
36063895DBZ Human Quest #7Kaguya battles Krillin, and the Z fighters are sent into the pastCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Popo, Kami, lookout, Vegeta, Pendulem, kamehameha2014-11-10 14 
36084898Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #3In which we maintain our bike, and deal with an information broker.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-11 11 
36090000/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 4Our ship makes its way through another sector of space, this one controlled by the Rebels. There are more friendly faces than expected, but our crew's efforts to aid them leave little time for reaching the exit./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Rebels2014-11-11 1 
36127118Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #4In which we attempt an extraction but run into a mystery.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-13 10 
36162467Totemist Quest LIVA visit to Boand leads to a new power and old memories.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-15 20 
36167287Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #5In which we explore an underground complex and find more in our mouth than we can comfortably chew.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-15 10 
36192054Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 50The Producer prepares his idols for what's going to be their biggest performance yet.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-11-16 20 
36185658Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #6In which we deliver an old man before his bedtime, and get some information.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-16 10 
36272567Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #7In which we maintain our bike, and treat ourselves to a meal at Sadie's.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-20 11 
36292845Cyberpunk Motorcycle Quest #8In which we talk to a cop and meet with our friendly neighborhood information broker.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-21 10 
36308104Totemist Quest LVEluneia is ready to negotiate, but first Osyki must deal with an ornery cobra.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-22 20 
36314513Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #9In which we play chauffeur, talk to an old friend, and get left holding the bag.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-11-22 10 
36339921Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 51The Producer takes some of the girls home for Thanksgiving.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-11-23 21 
36331457Transformers Quest 24: Electric Hellfire part 2In which Kracken picks up a new friend and downs another Seeker. Part 1 can be found in the pastebin.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-23 2 
36352609Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux FinaleThe Shard of the Immaterium comes to a close.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-11-24 10 
36454859/tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 8 (Bad End)We take a trip to the Engi homeworlds, which are suffering brutal Rebel, Pirate, and Mantis attacks. Our Skyship clashes against several of the invaders on its way through the sector, chasing down rumors an experimental Engi ship that was stolen by the invaders. Sadly, the battles take their toll on us, and when we reach the fleet that has the stolen ship, our own ship and crew meet their end./tg/ plays, Collective Game, FTL: Faster Than Light, Cap'n, Skyship Crutch4, sci-fi, Engi, Slug, Rebels, Mantis, ending, bad end2014-11-29 1 
36452568Pirate Quest 1In which the son of a pirate lord seeks to create his own crew in the port city of CaelosPirate Quest, Collective Game, Blackbeard, Pirate2014-11-29 11 
36468452Pirate Quest 2In which our hero steals a ship and talks with his crewPirate Quest, Collective Game, Blackbeard, Pirate2014-11-30 11 
36475923Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 52Producer's Thanksgiving hijinks continue.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-11-30 20 
36472356Transformers Quest 25: From the SkyWe manage to sneak away from the Decepticons, rescue a war hero, and bond with a friend. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-30 2 
December 2014
36490155Pirate Quest 3In which our crew raids a small fishing villagePirate Quest, Collective Game, Blackbeard, Pirate2014-12-01 10 
36503364Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #10In which the long chase continues, and we finally deliver the package.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-02 17 
36531275Pirate Quest 4In which stowaways are found aboard, oh my!Pirate Quest, Collective Game, Blackbeard, Pirate2014-12-03 5 
36552398Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest Interlude 1In which we are a megacorp exec. And we're on a boat.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, Interlude, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-04 10 
36569688Pirate Quest 5In which we interrogate the intruders and train the crew.Pirate Quest, Collective Game, Blackbeard, Pirate2014-12-05 5 
36585750Totemist Quest LVIA chance encounter in the Mists leaves its mark on Osyki as he arrives at Eluneia.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-12-06 20 
36589982Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest Interlude 1.2In which we are a megcorp exec. And things get emotional.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, Interlude, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-06 5 
36613089Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 53With Thanksgiving over, Producer prepares for the idols' biggest performance yet.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-12-07 20 
36623693Cyberpunk Civilian LifeAnon asks what citizen life in a cyberpunk world would be like. A discussion on freedoms vs effectivity, multiple already existing works of cyberpunk and feels-inducing stories takes place. Also a bit of on-topic discussion, cyborg lawyer hiveminds, recommendations for how to make insects edible and a discussion on christ figures in fiction.cyberpunk, worldbuilding, writefag, feels, insects,2014-12-08 5 
36646241Pirate Quest 6In which we escape from our pursuers and end up in port.Pirate Quest, Collective Game, Blackbeard, Pirate2014-12-09 3 
36641357Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest Interlude 1.3In which we are a megacorp executive, and we get mixed up in the biohazard lockdown.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, Interlude, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-09 7 
36688577Cyberpunk Motorcycle Quest #11In which we awaken, and talk to a mechanic.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-11 6 
36711329Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 54Clover Entertainment's biggest performance yet starts!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-12-12 20 
36707659DBZ Human Quest #10Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum roomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Kami, Popo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Goku, King Kai, Raditz, Vegeta, Bardock, Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Fasha, Dodoria, Frieza2014-12-12 14 
36746600DBZ Human Quest #11Kaguya learns the fate of Bardock, and the clash with the Saiyans beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Bardock, Fasha, Tora, Borgos, Shugesh, Dodoria, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Saibamen, Krillin, Gohan, Yajirobe, Tien, Chiaotzu, Goku2014-12-14 16 
36745667Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #12In which we peruse our new phone, talk to an old friend, and find out we have our own urban legend.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-14 6 
36745477Transformers Quest 26What does one do when lost in darkness? They learn to make their own light.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-14 2 
36798872Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #13In which we upgrade our bike and catch up with an acquaintance.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-17 6 
36856863Psychic Rebel Quest 1Character GenerationPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-19 27 
36861427Psychic Rebel Quest 1, Part 2We finish Character GenerationPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-20 20 
36863051DBZ Human Quest #14The Saiyan Saga comes to an endDBZ, Human, Dragonball, Quest, Collective Game, Saiyan, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Yajirobe, Kami, Namek, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Popo, Korin, Hospital, Yajirobe2014-12-20 14 
36874153Psychic Rebel Quest 2A mysterious meeting, and old friend, and some answers.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-20 24 
36878094Psychic Rebel Quest 2, Part 2Out in the desert you fight a giant rabbit, and locate a secret facility.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-21 20 
36885579Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 55The Producer tries to deal with a bomb threat.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-12-21 20 
36856528Bitch Angel Quest 1Heels, the prideful bitch angel, get thrown out of heaven, commandeers a bike and rider, and visits church.Collective Game, Bitch Angel Quest, PSG, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Anime, Quest2014-12-21 4 
36892081Psychic Rebel Quest 3We explore an old bunkerPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-21 17 
36881305Transformers Quest 27Short thread. New friends meet new friends and we get a mission.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-21 1 
36896929Psychic Rebel Quest 3, part 2Fighting a vampire-angel and raiding a convoyPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-21 16 
36898294Esper Quest: Thread 28We pick up where we left off last time- BREAKING THE FAST! And silliness returns with a vengeance! Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, Burnination, Freezination, Xenos filth, invasion, Dice be praised!2014-12-21 2 
36913670Psychic Rebel Quest 4Attacking a truck convoy and making trouble for the Hive GovernorPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-22 15 
36923650DBZ Human Quest #16After some intense training with Goku, Kaguya finds himself up against the fearsome Ginyu Force!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, Kaio-ken, Kamehameha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Gohan, Vegeta, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, Ginyu, Force, Miracle, Bomber, Ultra, Fighting2014-12-23 14 
36938491Homeless Mutant Quest #97Peter owes JJ a favor.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, powersperg, people being whiny2014-12-24 35 
36962827Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 56In this Christmas edition, Producer becomes Saint Nick.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-12-25 21 
36995529Shadowrun Storytime 21Merry Christmas, chummers. Shadowrun Storytime comes to a long-awaited end.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend2014-12-27 91 
37012086Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 57The Producer celebrates Christmas Day with the girls and receives some big news.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2014-12-28 22 
37001563Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #14In which we retrieve an asset, and run into an old friend.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2014-12-28 6 
37016947Shadowrun Storytime 21.5Wrapping up loose ends.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend, Trout, Geppetto2014-12-28 107 
37065518Psychic Rebel Quest 5A day out with Ash, and the introduction of a few newcomers.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-30 14 
37083268Psychic Rebel Quest 6A night out on the town.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2014-12-31 16 
January 2015
37102639Psychic Rebel Quest 7The morning after the night out, also weapons shopping.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-01 17 
37106481Psychic Rebel Quest 7, part 2Getting your fortune told, and talking religionPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-01 13 
37105387Capitalizing CthulhuOP proposes a CoC campaign based off Ayn Rand. /tg/ proves itself impossible to troll and Bioshock+Lovecraft, Galt as a Mi-Go trying to lure the "best" of humanity into a trap so he can extract their brains, railroads spelling out the Elder Sign and Yithians complaining about people stealing their technology.Objectivism, Bioshock, CoC, Cthulhu, Lovecraft,Cultists, Campaign Hooks, Better then it sounds,2015-01-01 12 
37138059Psychic Rebel Quest 8You spend some time with Lirael in a secret base.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-03 14 
37146539Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 58Morgan's day off gets rudely interrupted.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-01-04 22 
37155104Psychic Rebel Quest 9It's your day off, yay!Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-04 13 
37138851Transformers Quest 28An interrogation leads to an attempted assassination.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-04 1 
37159236Psychic Rebel Quest 9, part 2Day off part 2, and strange cravingsPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-04 13 
37182857Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #15In which we deliver an Asset, and talk to a strange person.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2015-01-06 10 
37219235Psychic Rebel Quest 10Nights out on the town and looking for someone.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-07 15 
37263324Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest #16In which we view an operation, and meet a doctor.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2015-01-10 5 
37286572Psychic Rebel Quest 11Debriefing and a new missionPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-10 14 
37305209Psychic Rebel Quest 12End of the GougerPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-11 14 
37309290Psychic Rebel Quest 12, part 2Build up to the missionPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-11 12 
37315775Esper Quest: Thread 29"The Search for Mato" Some other stuff happens, too, but that's the starting point.Collective Game, Esper Quest, Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Psychic/Psionic powers, Raildex, Crime Fighting, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things, Burnination, Freezination, Xenos filth, invasion, SCIENCE!, WHERE'S YOUR WIFE, MATO PLS, Geeze, put that thing on a leash before it glomp-maims somebody!2015-01-12 3 
37363504Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 59Cole has a bit of an adventure.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-01-14 22 
37395156Psychic Rebel Quest 13Build up to next missionPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-15 12 
37411958Psychic Rebel Quest 14It's your day off to try out your new warmech and telepathy powersPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-16 13 
37424204DBZ Human Quest #36In an alternate future, a pair of cold-blooded killers eliminate the Z Fighters one by oneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-17 12 
37412698Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Thread #17In which we meet someone we;ve been worrying about, and have a Bechdel-test passing dinner.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2015-01-17 5 
37438653SIMPLE QUESTA tale of bears, and the simple men who love them.SIMPLE QUEST, Bears, Romance, Caves, Weak-ass Grue, Epic tales, Collective Game, Tragedy, Deconstruction, Heart-warming2015-01-17 5 
37442314Psychic Rebel Quest 15Mission AftermathPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-17 11 
37450563Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 60Rochelle ends up having an unusual day.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-01-18 22 
37446325DBZ Human Quest #37Kaguya and Gohan face the Androids once again. And one of them pays with their life so the other can live.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-18 11 
37458833Psychic Rebel Quest 16Taking a sick dayPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-18 12 
37472628Hive Queen Quest BetaA new hive Queen is hatched, her start is a bit cold.Collective Game, Hive Queen Beta, Quest2015-01-19 6 
37468679Transformers Quest 29We give the ol'Quantum Processor a whirl, then cut a deal with Swindle.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-19 2 
37423035War in Benoza Quest 2You sober up and encounter a crystal dragon.War in Benoza Quest, Collective Game, Dizia2015-01-20 0 
37496518Hive Queen Quest Beta: 02 The cold reality.The queen has her HIVE set up, it now can finally rest as her nutrient supply grows.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2015-01-20 7 
37513274Hive Queen Quest Beta: 03 A dish best servedOur queen grows her hive, has her new set of worker go out and then encounters a new creature, it ends badly.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2015-01-21 5 
37556573Hive Queen Quest Beta: 04 the queen's gambitThe queen tries a hail mary and sends out the best workers it has for food, they face many challenges only to realize its not enough.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2015-01-23 6 
37569803Psychic Rebel Quest 17Dream a little dream of Kae...Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-23 11 
37584590Psychic Rebel Quest 18You might not have a job, but there is still plenty to do, like dispense justice.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-24 11 
37590171Psychic Rebel Quest 18, part 2Lots of plots, and secret plansPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-24 12 
37587592 He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP03)Cedric tries Ellie's cooking, there's english classes, online auctions, and some light pointy ear pettingCedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-01-25 2 
37598686Hive Queen Quest Beta: 05 the lone roadThe hive tries to expand its operations, meets an old foe, learns of new lands.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2015-01-25 5 
37601351Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 61Melissa gets a chance to finally get revenge once and for all.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-01-25 21 
37572748Transformers Quest 30We make our way into the station and mix it with the 'ConsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-25 3 
37609817Psychic Rebel Quest 19You finally meet another of the ReunitedPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-25 10 
37614955Psychic Rebel Quest 19, part 2Is this the end of the rebellion?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-25 11 
37626968DBZ Human Quest #44Kaguya wins a bet, returns to the party, and enjoys his time with his friendsCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan, Human, Yajirobe, Olibu, Korin, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Maron, Chi Chi, Bulma, Kami, Popo, Nappa, Icarus2015-01-26 11 
37692005DBZ Human Quest #48Long live the kingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Namekian, Earth, King, Cold, Frieza, Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Nappa, Gohan, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Puar, Bulma, Kamehameha, Tri, beam, Destructo, Disk, Gallick, Gun, Special, Beam, Cannon, Masenko, Multiform, Kaio-ken, Spirit, Bomb2015-01-29 20 
37710957Hive Queen Quest Beta: 06 A precipice and WolvesThings are looking up for the hive, until a strange objects falls from the sky.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2015-01-30 6 
37706897HeadstarterCrowdfunded Assassinationsworldbuilding, oc, awesome, cyberpunk2015-01-30 5 
37725866Psychic Rebel Quest 20Meet Shee Hyul, small business owner. Shee is worried about ancient gods, vampires, and taxes.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-30 12 
37733489Hive Queen Quest Beta: 07 Of Keeks and BugsA news species is found, captured, and almost eaten. Strange blurs fly in the sky.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2015-01-31 5 
37744504Psychic Rebel Quest 21Battle against the swarmPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-31 10 
37748879Psychic Rebel Quest 21, part 2Unfinished business, and a chance to meet the restaurant staffPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-01-31 10 
February 2015
37744637Joker Quest 121In which the Leukocyte is finally fired, and Red Joker parts with Cybele.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Best Girl Never Wins2015-02-01 10 
37746446 He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP04Trip to Detroit, jogging, kickboxing, and ear pettingCedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-02-01 2 
37752440(Not)Overlord QuestThe Lich Overlord is dead. All hail the Lich Overlord! Collective Game, (Not)Overlord Quest, Bello, Human of LousEngelus2015-02-01 15 
37761567Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 62Sparky has a very exhausting day.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-02-01 20 
37769778Psychic Rebel Quest 22Birth of a godlingPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-01 10 
37776183Psychic Rebel Quest 22, part 2Will you descend into the depths?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-01 12 
37785405Blazblue Quest: Destiny's HeraldBlazBlue Quest: Herald Of Destiny: 2/2/2015, 9 PM-12 AM Ben Herald fights for the future (and a cute lieutenant) while stuck in a time loop.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-02-02 5 
37880583Psychic Rebel Quest 23Is this gonna be just another bug hunt?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-06 10 
37897977Psychic Rebel Quest 24Time to train Rainya to get tough.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-07 10 
37902333Psychic Rebel Quest 24, part 2Another day searching for goodies in the basementPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-07 10 
37901848 He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP05)Eldric takes Ellie to homedepot, they cook, have shooting practice, then have chinese and get naughty on his couchCedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-02-08 0 
37914069Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 63Julie goes out to take names and administer JUSTICE.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-02-08 20 
37923062Psychic Rebel Quest 25Everybody is dead DevPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-08 10 
37928510Psychic Rebel Quest 25, part 2Sneaking into the archives late at night.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-08 10 
37938821Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald Part 3Ben Herald cuts one elevator shaft and becomes the richest man alive. Also Blazblue.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike, Elevator2015-02-09 3 
37968261Psychic Rebel Quest 26Talking to Ash and Lirael, black market dealings and getting inside Quinns headPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-10 10 
37972474Psychic Rebel Quest 26, part 2The ocean washes away everything.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-10 10 
37991688Psychic Rebel Quest 27Aftermath of the trip into dreamsPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-11 8 
37995823Psychic Rebel Quest 27, part 2Once more into dreams, once more!Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-11 8 
38035932Psychic Rebel Quest 28"This guy was unconscious when we got here I swear!" attack on the chaoswell.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-13 5 
38039585Psychic Rebel Quest 28, part 2A wounded ally, and secrets, so many secrets.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-13 10 
38057066Psychic Rebel Quest 29It's your world, make of it what you willPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-14 8 
38061655Psychic Rebel Quest 29, part 2Battle in the park!Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-14 6 
38059803Quest ITS OUR NEW WORLD S01 EP06 Naughty fun, jogging, a wolf and a puppy!Cedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-02-15 0 
38075601Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 64The Producer realizes too late that it's Valentine's Day.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-02-15 22 
38075303DBZ Human Quest #68The Androids appear, and a fierce battle beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Tien, Vegeta, Yamcha, Bulma, Piccolo, Krillin, Yajirobe, Android, Androids, 19, 202015-02-15 10 
38094519Blazblue: Destiny's Herald 4Ben Herald earns waifu points and meets Iron Tager. Also existential angst... for 5 seconds.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, 42015-02-16 1 
38102345Psychic Rebel Quest 30A quiet day in the facility, wherein nothing at all could possibly go wrong.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-16 9 
38106242Psychic Rebel Quest 30, part 2Against the ReaperPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-16 6 
38126389Psychic Rebel Quest 31Hurt and having lost the research facility, what will our heroine do now?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-17 5 
38129391Psychic Rebel Quest 31, part 2Police in one conversation, criminals in another.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-17 5 
38137708Khornette Quest #21Cinder fights with a Lord of Change. Said Lord of Change pulls a Fuklaw. Collective Game, Khornette, Lord of Change, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Benny Hill, Not as planned, Tyranids, Over the top Combat, ELH2015-02-18 15 
38168383Psychic Rebel Quest 32To catch a shadow vampire, whilst still not fully recovered, what lengths must Shee go to?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-19 5 
38172279Psychic Rebel Quest 32, part 2The recovery continuesPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-19 5 
38179358Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania 1German noble Cenric finds his home village burning, and discovers that his queen and friend is missing. Who is responsible, and is she still alive? What is really happening and who is behind it all?Collective Game,Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania, Observer, Rome, Barbarians, Intrigue, Save the Princess, Betrayal, 2015-02-20 4 
38190429Psychic Rebel Quest 33The tides of raging hormones has not ebbed.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-20 5 
38194729Psychic Rebel Quest 33, part 2Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-20 5 
38214317Psychic Rebel Quest 34To catch vampire: Why don't you take a seat right over there?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-21 5 
38218532Psychic Rebel Quest 34, part 2That's one shadowy little girlPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-21 6 
38211479Joker Quest 123Joker gives birth. Kazuya shows his true color. Wannabe Utopia Ruler rambles in paranoia.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest, There are still heroes left in men, bros for life, bros before hoes, bitches and whores, beaches and shores, total bromance, papa is proud2015-02-21 13 
38231216Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 65The Idol Olympics finally begin!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-02-22 20 
38220706Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania 2Traitors were killed, Cenric became ENRAGED, and we gained more information about what is going on, and even more questions are raised.Collective Game, Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania, Observer, Rome, Barbarians, Intrigue, Save the Princess, Betrayal, 2015-02-22 3 
38239624Psychic Rebel Quest 35Hunt for a murderer.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-22 7 
38244373Psychic Rebel Quest 35, part 2How do you beat someone, who can see the future?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-22 5 
38243438 He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP07)We play on sunday instead of saturday, so we dont get much done, but we did track a thief and sign up for an interview.Cedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-02-23 1 
38255064Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald 5>Things have just gone from crazy to FUBAR, as the resident Plot Explainer has just given you a half-assed description of what's going on but never really explains anything. >At least you have your waifu-to-be, Noel Vermillion, by your side.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-02-23 2 
38246643Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania 3We spend some time talking with Oskar and Ema. We meet Dag'ny, a madman who totally isn't a wizard. Finally, we ran into some slaver scum.Collective Game, Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania, Observer, Rome, Barbarians, Intrigue, Save the Princess, Betrayal, 2015-02-23 2 
38264080Psychic Rebel Quest 36The day after the night amid the starsPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-23 10 
38294854Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania 4The rest of the Slavers are successfully slaughtered. More knowledge about the destruction of your city is learned, more enemies are named, and more questions are raised.Collective Game, Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania, Observer, Rome, Barbarians, Intrigue, Save the Princess, Betrayal, 2015-02-25 1 
38340170Hive Queen Quest Beta: 08 A Tale of Two KeeksThe queen finishes her second farm sends a scouting party east, loses a flying scout to god knows what. Decides to start farm 3.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2015-02-27 6 
38361746Blazblue Quest: Destiny's Herald 6Things go off the rails both literally and figuratively. First use of Drive to do cool shit.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike, Train2015-02-28 0 
38375929Psychic Rebel Quest 37Welcome to the JunglePsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-02-28 6 
March 2015
38373317 He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP08)PETA shows up, fun times all aroundCedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-03-01 1 
38387115Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 66The Idol Olympics continue!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-03-01 20 
38377362Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania 5Cenric and the party enter the city of Chatti. A mysterious hooded figure is met, and barfight shenanigans ensued.Collective Game, Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania, Observer, Rome, Barbarians, Intrigue, Save the Princess, Betrayal, 2015-03-01 1 
38393669Psychic Rebel Quest 38Jungle Adventures, part 2Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-03-01 5 
38398271Psychic Rebel Quest 38, part 2You must defend your son, RandolphPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-03-01 6 
38408966DBZ Human Quest #86After a spar with Gohan, time chamber training beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Gohan, Trunks, Nappa, Vegeta, Goku, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber2015-03-02 7 
38420191Space Crusade Quest 17We board a pirate ship, run a small army to maximum efficiency, and get beatdown by the Pirate bossCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, beatdown, pirate2015-03-03 3 
38430802DBZ Human Quest #87Training in the Time Chamber picks up, and a return to the real world brings some newsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Dragonball, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yajirobe, Korin, Popo, Trunks, Gohan, Nappa, Goku, Videl2015-03-03 8 
38436985DBZ Human Quest #88Cell and Kaguya meet in the ring, and exchange some words before the tournament.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Korin, Piccolo, Yajirobe, Cell, Videl, Hercule, Satan, Saiyans, Goku2015-03-03 9 
38445314Psychic Rebel Quest 39Attack of the War FollowerPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-03-03 7 
38461935Psychic Rebel Quest 40One of these days you will finally kill that spider bitchPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-03-04 5 
38466288Psychic Rebel Quest 40, part 2The Psychic Rebel vs the Cyborg Chaos SorcereressPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-03-04 5 
38537071ITS OUR NEW WORLD SE01 EP09We go skiing and Ellie gives an interview.Cedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-03-07 1 
38549024Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest 67 FINALThe Producer takes his shot to reach the top!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-03-08 25 
38570825Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 7The QM is still shit, Hazama is still evil, character development, side character gets screen time, more pep talks, yay!Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-03-09 2 
38608731Psychic Rebel Quest 412 Forests to deal with and a trip homePsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-03-10 6 
38635740Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania 6Cenric dreams, and conversation is had with the rest of the party. The assassin girl is properly introduced.Collective Game, Anno Domini 7 Quest: Germania, Observer, Rome, Barbarians, Intrigue, Save the Princess, Betrayal, 2015-03-12 2 
38660820ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 1Bit interviews for his new partner, answers messages, and hits the second round of qualifiers!Digital Connection Quest, ARCHLight Quest, Amateur League, Fragment, Collective Game, Future, Cyberpunk, 2015-03-13 1 
38662574DBZ Human Quest #97Cell pays a visit to the Lookout, and Kaguya pays a visit to Capsule CorpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Popo, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber, Android, Cyborg, Eight, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Frieza, Tree, of, Might2015-03-13 8 
38697927 He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP10We come back from the mountains with twn command--no, not really. We do come back to work and get entangled into more PETA troubleCedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-03-15 2 
38775234ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 2Bit faces the aftermath of his second qualifier, his sister spends the night and Ms Shank makes a deal.Digital Connection Quest, ARCHLight Quest, Amateur League, Fragment, Collective Game, Future, Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi2015-03-18 3 
38798688Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 8: Truth Be Told EditionShit's gotten real as Ben begins the first day of his training. Unfortnately, this also means that he has sparred with Jin Kisaragi, who thought it would be a good idea to get in a fight while injured.Collective Game, Blazblue, Ben Herald, Quest, DeadSpike2015-03-19 3 
38849082Psychic Rebel Quest 42Last thread before hiatus, we see what the second arc will be about.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-03-21 6 
38856800ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 3Bit explains what sleep is to an AI, and fights a banana split.Digital Connection Quest, ARCHLight Quest, Amateur League, Fragment, Collective Game, Future, Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi2015-03-22 3 
38934634Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #5We have a talk with Umeki & Saito, then start up Yui's game, using Twister rather than roulette. QM gets interrupted though and thread cuts short.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-03-26 7 
38990921Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #6We continue the dressup, becoming a terrible dragon obsessed with kidnapping the princess Saito, only to be foiled by Prince Umeki!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-03-29 8 
39010444Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 8Short thread (sorry). Bella and Alirye arrive at their destination, talk to some civilians, find the heresy, and have several benches tossed at them. Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, reasonable people, crazy psykers, cultists, spooky artifacts, telekinetically-propelled benches2015-03-30 4 
39019084Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 8: Not This Shit Again EditionGet it? Because it's the second number 8? ...fuck you, that's hilarious. But for reals, filler until suddenly monster from the void.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-03-30 1 
April 2015
39073139Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #7Makoto, Shun, and Yui all have a [REDACTED FOR NSFW] and then they [HOO BOY] before she sticks it right up their [THINK OF THE CHILDREN] all night long. Then perspective switches to the children. How nice.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-04-02 12 
39096605ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 4Bit arranges an upgrade with an Avatar designer, Beatie practices her music career, and Ms Shank tells Bit about a startling reality of someone close to him.Digital Connection Quest, ARCHLight Quest, Amateur League, Fragment, Collective Game, Future, Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi, Drama2015-04-03 7 
39078551What would be a Vaporwave Setting for an RPG?/tg/ discusses the prospect of a Vaporwave RPGcyberpunk, vaporwave, cyber punk, vapor wave2015-04-04 2 
39132328He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP11 We call our brother, a child goes missing, and we ask Elli to give us a lock of her hair.Cedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-04-05 2 
39128568Maiden White: Easter Special 2015In this special omake thread, Yui takes the wheel! So yes; very NSFW.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-04-05 8 
39165877Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 10: Double-Digits EditionArakune gets stomped like a bitch, finished off by a Distortion Drive. Now Colonel Clover is coming from Ben's hometown to check on the monster.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-04-06 1 
39223334Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #8We get super scared as Yuuki and get Saito to calm us down as best oneechan. Then a weird lolita girl invades and takes us on a trip.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-04-09 7 
39244894ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 5Bit has anxiety about the first qualifier as he chooses a publisher to give him an edge against Iron Angel.Digital Connection Quest, ARCHLight Quest, Amateur League, Fragment, Collective Game, Future, Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi, Drama2015-04-10 3 
39284306Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #9Yuuki explores Sen's dreamscape and has a talk with her about her powers and family, eventually managing to strike a deal to save Shun's focus. And despite Makoto's fervor, she leaves unpurified. Perhaps with a new outlook on the group though.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-04-12 6 
39306136 Lamentations of the Flame Princess Storytiem: 2 edgy, 2 egregious A little girl, the ghost of her necromancer grandfather, a orphan whose parents were eaten and/or raped to death by bears, and a priest who has a cuddle pillow of his goddess team up to murder hundreds of innocents and summon a demon. Also kill a bear I guess.Lamentations of the Flame Princess, LotFP, lotfp, storytime, storytiem, BEARS, edge, edgy, edgelord, sitcom2015-04-13 4 
39314122Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 11: Drawfag Delivers EditioMore filler and character development. Tsubaki may or may not have gotten the D from Jin. Plus, that goddamn loli vampire insists you call her 'Mom'. Yeah. Shit gets weird.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-04-13 3 
39389521ARCHLight Quest; Amateur League: Episode 6Night Lancer faces off against Iron Angel in the Sequoia wood. Digital Connection Quest, ARCHLight Quest, Amateur League, Fragment, Collective Game, Future, Cyberpunk, Sci-Fi, Drama2015-04-17 2 
39422556He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP12Wolfric shows up and gets tazed. He's okay, so we go fishing.Cedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-04-19 1 
39427452Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #10We FINALLY escape the Oomura manor and make it to school. Saito confesses to Makoto (it goes well), and they salvage the school council. Oh, and uh, Makoto crossdresses to school. No biggie.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-04-19 8 
39456336Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 12: REEEEEEEEE EditionBen is pretty much set up to be fucked, both in the good way, with Noel, and the bad way, by Relius. Speaking of Relius, he knows where Ben lives and who to hurt in case Ben AWOLs. Not good.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-04-20 2 
39564013He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP13They go back home, have dinner, lose to Ellie on the nintendo, and talk with the boys dad over the internet.Cedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-04-26 2 
39591553Post Punk Progression Girl QuestFunk soul brother, rock it out nowChristopher Walken dancing and flying will always be better than the swill you produce2015-04-27 -1 
39598270Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 13: He Blinded Me with Science EditionYou consider a job offer from Tsubaki's father and how to deal with Relius. Also, your console is acting up for some reason.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-04-27 1 
May 2015
39693787Multiversal Wanderer Quest: Part 1Start and chargen for our unnamed psionic monk, before we have to fight zealous paladins that invade our monastery. QM finished the thread after internet blackout.Collective Game, Multiversal Wanderer, Monks, Psionics, Xyber,2015-05-02 4 
39709271 He Said/She Said "It's Our New World" (Quest Thread S01 EP14End of season 1. The wedding and honeymoonCedric, Elliezabella, Collective Game2015-05-03 1 
39713208Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #11Back from hiatus, we start recruiting clubs and make up with Hiroko, then hug Shizuko (who sorely needs it). Also Makoto gets whistled at for not knowing how skirts work.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-03 10 
39774004Below (Quest)If which we meet our young protagonist, who suffers from hallucinations and poverty. Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-07 5 
39794053Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #12We help the crafts club get admittance to become separate, troll a teacher, and compete with Mai at idol-ness. Then Romi Saito makes everyone shit themselves.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-07 6 
39790456Below #2 (Quest)We take on double shifts, make our mother proud, and then some rich bastard ruins everything.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-08 4 
39830645TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 1We create our nameless pc, and gain our powersCollective game, TransHuman Hero Quest, Nanomachines, Beginning2015-05-09 5 
39846920Paladin of Joy Quest 66: Tales of the Belt Notchers 1Six succubi accept a mission from a Goddess: Are they bad enough girls to steal an artifact from a crazy lich?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2015-05-09 17 
39836998Below #3 (Quest)You prepare to be smuggled out of the city.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-10 3 
39851999Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #13Makoto & Mai endure Romi's specialised idol course. We find out Mai has a little secret, and then hug Saito. Things seem bleak until someone saves the day...collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-10 7 
39879591Below #4 (Quest)You are hastily escorted out of the city, and find a friend down below.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-12 2 
39987773Paladin of Joy Quest 67: Tales of the Belt Notchers 2Still stuck in the puzzle dungeon, which of our girls will win the battle for the heart? Oh and also there's a Lich to defeat.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2015-05-16 17 
39992979The Beginning (??? Quest)Grizzled, Drunk Old Man has a rather down Wednesday. Enter "The Red Lady"The Beginning, The Red Lady, Tarot, Steven Blum, Collective Game2015-05-17 6 
40003955Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 14: Back From the Boundary EditionBen talks down Iron Tager and Kokonoe, negotiating a truce to find and kill Hazama in exchange for Kokonoe handing over Ragna the Bloodedge. Also, Jin and Tsubaki background drama.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-05-17 1 
39998549Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #14We deal with the aftermath of Romi; calling Mai out on her bullshit and spreading the love with Saito. Then Makoto gets spread pretty wide as things get NSFW.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-05-17 11 
40025096Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 15: Politics As UsualAfter pissing off Tsubaki, Jin, and Byakuga, Ben Herald goes drinking with Newton, punches some punks, and then reunites with his... uh... long... lost... father. Kinda.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-05-18 1 
40076144Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #15We hug with Saito, freak out, then relax. Also, Yuuki built another robot; the power-mimicking MantiCore! Hai. Also Mai is jealous and Naru is angry. Hai.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-05-21 7 
40102092Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 16: Ragna the Bloodedge Walks Into a Bar Edition.Ben Herald successfully fights Ragna the Bloodedge, who is now captured. And then the bad jokes sart happening.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Hero of the NOL, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-05-22 2 
40096557Below #5Ilafi gets himself a job.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-22 1 
40112616Below #5-2 (Quest)You hallucinate at an inopportune time and almost lose your job.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-05-24 2 
40136463Unexplored World Quest 1We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named TiberiusCollective Game, Unexplored World Quest, Swordmage, Tiberius2015-05-24 1 
40187770Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 17: Just As Planned Edition.Byakuga and Ben argue over Tsubaki being engaged to Ben and forgeries. Then Relius shows up, and then Terumi shows up, and now Terumi is being a prick par for the course.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-05-26 2 
40282781Best Dad Ever Quest #1In this episode, you send off your daughter Eve to her first day of school, then rescue her with Papa Wolf Fury, and then have a d'aww.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-05-31 13 
40284426Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16We discuss some plot with Naru (and her girlcrush), then bring Yui and Shun closer. Very close, NSFW close. After that, cheering for Saito as 'Minako' returns!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-05-31 10 
40299302The Death of a GrognardA 60-year-old /tg/ enthusiast passes away, his collection is rescued from the trash.We Remember the Fallen2015-05-31 133 
June 2015
40300996Best Dad Ever Quest #2You wake up, eat breakfast, head to the clinic, meet Jackie and get new leg, and I make my worst writing mistake ever. Fuck. Disgusting. Sorry.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-01 8 
40303171Below #6You start work in the lower caverns gathering webs with Teomo.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-01 1 
40334987Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 18: Get Up To Rock EditionAfter ignoring Hazama's usual bullshit, you actually set up a plan- after managing to dodge a trap set up by Relius. We slice of life now- at least for next session.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-06-02 2 
40404921Unoriginal Pretentious Meta QuestOH MAN AREN'T I CLEVER GAIZCollective Game, Waifu Quest was better2015-06-05 -10 
40432156Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16We piss off Saito and take photos with Shizukocollective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-06-07 8 
40440543Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 19: Total Recall EditionAwkward wake-up-naked talk after nightmare. We meet Makoto Nanaya for the first time and get to see Hiruko Yayoi's birth.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-06-07 1 
40429909Below #7You finish work, and hear a story.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-08 1 
40506172Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest 20: Road Trip EditionAfter discussing the schedule, Ben and his allies leave for Iwatsuchi. Then Ben checks out the prisoners being held and finds Litchi, ending the fight with a well-placed Sonic Sniper attack.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-06-10 3 
40522832Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #18Thursday classes end, we go apologise to Saito for being too sexy yesterday. Makoto can't help it.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-06-11 7 
40582642Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19Makoto spends a night at home, but Yuuki takes the night out.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-06-14 6 
40617073Penal regiment designation /tg/: another inspectionThe regiment is deeply in ork terriroty and has problems with folding tools and special memberscollective game, penal regiment designation /tg/commissar gaurun, cpt notaneldar,lemming, gibbers, stephen meltaman, Sergeant KommandoInDisguise, james, ruh2015-06-15 5 
40632242Crusader Quest Part 28Wilhelm is faced with a moral crisis when Princess Hodierna inadvertently reminds them that he broke one of the promises he made to his betrothed.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Barbam Vult, Wilhelm, Beards, HistoricalFiction2015-06-16 16 
40652099Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Special Edition: End of Part 1Some recap, as well as some poems from Noel and a question-answer session with the Ghost Grimoire. Next time we get back to the action.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-06-17 2 
40667012Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19.5Continuation of the previous thread. Shun tells her weird story and we continue on to the last day of the week.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-06-18 6 
40691751The Sound of SilenceOP asks a difficult question, a fa/tg/uy gives the best responce /thread./tg/ being /tg/, epic2015-06-19 -10 
40712985Half-Monster TempletesOP asks for a Half-Beholder template. /tg/ goes silent.Beholder, Homebrew2015-06-20 -10 
40720483Best Dad Ever Quest #3You wake up, cook delicious breakfast, grab some new threads, flashback to your days of Chivalrous, and get snatched at the end.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-21 5 
40743629Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Thread #18 [RECAP]In which there is a Recap, and then the dinner continues.Cyberpunk Motorcycle Courier Quest, HaikuDeluge, Collective Game2015-06-22 5 
40742431Best Dad Ever Quest #4You wake up in the witchspace, go blind (resulting in a mini shit-storm), hear some dastardly plans, get un-blind and destroy a vat of something spooky. Eve gets a Voice, and plays Chivalrous.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-22 5 
40756036Field kit inspection penal regiment /tg/Another field kit inspections sees sora taking the penal regiment to purge church desacrated by chaos confectioneryfield kit inspection, penal regiment designation /tg/, collective game, ruh, grenadier sahar, palatani sister theresia, gary the catachan, ruh, gibbers, peasant2015-06-23 5 
40762479Former Operator Quest 1In which an operator shoots some fuckers and picks up a lady.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cyberpunk2015-06-23 2 
40790158Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 21: Chinese Prostitute EditionAfter schooling Jin on safety measures, you take a field trip in your own mind to prepare for Iwatsuchi.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-06-24 3 
40741616Below #8You have a talk with Earka after work.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-25 2 
40864876Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #20Umeki transforms into a magical girl before we deal with the final day of the competition week.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-06-28 6 
40860795Below #9A month passes.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-29 2 
40901015Penal regiment /tg/ - field kit inspection - ibram gaunt is my waifu editionThe penal regiment /tg/ is sent to a space hulk to clear out a maximum of genestealers before the karskin can come in and sweep all the glory. Gibbers descends more fully into madness, a Cadianite turns out to be a disciple of nurgle and voxes the sororitas to the displeasure of the commissar, who was just inviting the quartermaster to a drink if they survived the ordealcollective game, penal regiment designation /tg/,commissar gaurun, gary, ruh, lemmings, gibbers, gary the catachan, cadianite, palatine sister theresia, captain alexandr mikhailovicht, quartermaster nihaonyan2015-06-29 5 
July 2015
40935522Blazblue: Herald of Destiny Quest 22: Past and Premonitions EditionArrival in Iwatsuchi, from which we promptly take a feel trip when we get to the orphanage, followed by a revelation as to what happened to *this* timeline's Ben Herald.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-07-01 3 
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 -21 
41027807Penal regiment /tg/ - field kit inspection - fucking this again editionThis time the regiment is facing off against Chaos spawn, as they are joined by the Inquisition, sister Theresia and the navigator, while a plot appears to stow away the commissar to safety.field kit inspection, penal regiment designation /tg/, collective game, ruh, lemming, gibbers, palatine sister theresia, navigator elena, inquisitor vilhelm, quartermaster nihaonyan, commissar gaurun2015-07-05 8 
41037048Fantasy Harem Member QuestWe meet Joanne Nyctoeth, her pretendent, and some of her rival, until OP got kill. Will be continued.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-06 2 
41084340 Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 23: Choices and Consequences EditionLess to do with the title than one might think. After deciding to stick it out with the Major, the story follows Ben meeting General Mutsuki and then his secret club.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-07-08 4 
41102120Fantasy Harem Member Quest #2Joanne tells a little about herself, eat dinner, and saves her husbando from some Not!anons. ROAD TO IMPROVEMENT, GO!!Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-09 3 
41120370Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #21We join our last day of the week, already in progress.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-10 6 
41124583Deathwatch Bedtime StoryAnon asks for a Deathwatch bedtime story. Genestealers ensue.40k Deathwatch bedtime genestealers2015-07-10 5 
41134158VR-BBEG Quest 1John Smith, retired old man, gets a job offer.collective game, vr-bbeg quest2015-07-10 15 
41140250Fantasy Harem Member Quest #3Joanne saves a husbando, re-encounter her brothers, and remember the Diana incident, with a bonus wyrm battle.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-11 1 
41154491Spirit Science!After stumbling upon a mad man's mythology on YouTube, /tg/ tries to match it to a settingSpirit Science, Crazy, YouTube, mythology, setting2015-07-12 5 
41177225VR-BBEG Quest 2John Smith, undercover Dark Lord, helps a priest to kill things.collective game, VR-BBEG Quest2015-07-12 13 
41205680Fantasy Harem Member Quest #4We bond with mother, discover that he'll is a hivemind inside a hivemind, and now we know something wrong isn't quite right.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-14 3 
41220802VR-BBEG Quest 3In which John Smith is disappoint, and forges a secret dragon-hunting club (girls allowed).collective game, VR-BBEG Quest2015-07-14 10 
41246582Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #22Makoto and his friends compete in Competitive Cleaning to win the competition. Will they succeed? Will they look cute? Probably! Tune in to find out.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW2015-07-16 6 
41246688Fantasy Harem Member Quest #5.5We end the 5th part, with Joanne discovering herself in her last 5 years of life. Be alert to the next, where she remember a hellish experience in the dunes.Collective Game, Fantasy Harem Member Quest2015-07-16 1 
41202027Below #10 (Quest)You explore the uncharted deeper caverns.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-07-16 2 
41246187Below #10-2A continuation of #10.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-07-16 2 
41281327VR-BBEG Quest 4John Smith breaks a door and semi-recruits a dragon-expert, before QM has to leave.collective game, VR-BBEG Quest2015-07-18 9 
41306941Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #23With the power out from a magical Blackout, Makoto and his friends go to confront Mai for the last time. But what will they find in the darkness of the city?collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-19 4 
41304954Best Dad Ever Quest #8Check Twitter for the others! In this one, you jog with daughters, play frisbee, and mess around in the underground!Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-07-19 3 
41310294Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 24: Allies and Adversaries EditionDealing with women can be so difficult sometimes, especially when one is programmed to fuse with you and make you two into a monster of destruction. The ride picks up, and it is a little insane at times.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-07-19 2 
41324264VR-BBEG Quest 5John Smith attends a meeting, eats food, and annoys a girly-boy.collective game, VR-BBEG Quest2015-07-20 10 
41326952Below #10-3The conclusion of #10.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-07-20 1 
41370707VR-BBEG Quest 6John Smith trains his apprentice and samefags his way to beating up a fop.collective game, VR-BBEG Quest2015-07-22 7 
41398130Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #24Time is ticking away for Sen whilst Makoto agonises over how to defeat Black Pepper.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-23 6 
41298468DMPCs do and don'ts/tg/ discusses and regales instances in which DMs used a DMPC or a NPC, in a beneficial and/or engaging way, or as an excuse to play their special snowflake character.BBEG, DMPC, mary sue, NPC, roleplay, storytime, THAT DM2015-07-25 -2 
41459625Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #25Sen is saved, but now transferred into the MantiCore, Pepper is more dangerous than ever. The final battle of Deception Class begins...collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class2015-07-25 9 
41454965VR-BBEG Quest 7John Smith, reluctant judge, meets a peculiar dorf and develops a love of sharks.collective game, VR-BBEG Quest2015-07-26 6 
41464384Blazblue, Destiny's Herald Quest Part 25: Combat and Casualties EditionThe thread where, ironically, nobody actually dies. However, one fight by Noel with Relius later, we go to lunch and meet up with Noel's father, who tells us about assassins.Collective Game, Ben Herald, Blazblue, Dead Spike2015-07-26 3 
41455056Best Dad Ever Quest #9You hold your Chivalry game, crush them at that, then crush Gerald with the good ol' times, then go have a fun little magical parent meeting, and FINALLY go monster hunting with the girls. Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-07-26 5 
41526857Chromatic Space BabesThread is initially about the 50s and 60s sci-fi concept of alien and space women, /tg/ derails it into a thread about a space captain management game concept.CBS, fluff, game design, race, setting, space, space babe, xeno2015-07-30 6 
August 2015
41608350Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #1Makoto awakens after the chaos to give everyone a hug and sort some priorities out. Shorter thread.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs2015-08-02 6 
41547639Chromatic Space Babes part 2In which the space captain management game concept is further developed and the different races of space babes are given traits and characteristics.CBS, fluff, game design, race, setting, space, space babe, xeno2015-08-05 3 
41691568Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #2We continue relaxing and hug our friends (then feel them up). Also Saito is a little wimp and Makoto is the most charming. Bin girl name will continue. FOREVER.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs2015-08-06 5 
41689071Below #11Earka has you make a choice.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-08-06 1 
41752428Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #3Makoto consults Yuuki on what to wear, and the date with Hiroko and Saito begins. The rest of the group follows in secret.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-09 5 
41894164Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #4We continue the double-date and butt heads with Hiroko until Saito finally manages a compromise. The girls continue to spy, with poor success.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-16 6 
41830378-STUFFED- Thread 1Teddy is lost in the woods at night. The woods are cold and spooky. Teddy wanted to be at the zoo.Collective Game, Drawquest, Stuffed, StuffedQuestComic, Radio, Teddy, Beatrice, dolls2015-08-17 6 
41935481Below #12You wake up and start training.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-08-18 2 
41978599Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #5We have breakfast with Saito and a very special Hiroko, post-date. Then we go shopping with Yuuki, and give him a new perspective.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-20 5 
42006676Surfer Ghouls Setting WorldbuildingOP proposes a setting in which a nonhuman intelligent species of "ghouls" appears in the modern world, claiming to be fleeing something. Worldbuilding results.ghouls, ghoul, surfer, beach, colors, neon nightmare, worldbuilding, setting,2015-08-21 18 
42020487Surfer Ghouls Setting Worldbuilding 2: The Neon NightmareA second thread discussing the arrival of hippy-surfer-slacker "Ghouls" on Earth, the friendships they make and the secrets they keep about their native culture and the fate of their old home in the Neon Nightmare.ghouls, ghoul, surfer, beach, colors, neon nightmare, worldbuilding, setting,2015-08-23 13 
42033929Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #6We find out Yuuki was trolling us (and enjoying himself), then meet a stranger from space.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-08-23 5 
42096752Become The Dragon Quest 1Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragonCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-08-27 24 
42126447Become The Dragon Quest 2Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragonCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-08-28 14 
42146440Totemist Quest LVIIOsyki wanders the strange Moon GardensTotem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-08-29 20 
42148928Become the Dragon Quest 3Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragon.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-08-29 12 
42174946Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #7Makoto helps the strange, Doctor K, find Cinnamon. Still not sure if he should trust her... Then Yuuki and Makoto have sexy dressup times.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-08-30 5 
September 2015
42192164Become The Dragon Quest 4Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragon.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-01 11 
42228020Become the Dragon Quest 5Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragonCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-02 11 
42256303Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #8Makoto goes back to regular school- but wait, Yuuki still has him stuck as a girl. Makoto has to avoid being found out!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-09-03 7 
42278191Totemist Quest LVIIISome down time, some new bindings.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-04 21 
42260655Become The Dragon Quest 6 Arrested for carrying contraband rocks!Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest 2015-09-04 8 
42290389Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #1Chapter One: Liberty's Wound, the Atlas of Forever, and Rough LandingCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-05 6 
42286923Become The Dragon Quest 7Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragonCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-05 8 
42315086Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #9Makoto and Saito deal with Naoya... by sicking Yui on him. Then Saito gets to play nurse~collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-09-06 6 
42307922Become The Dragon Quest 8Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragonCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-07 7 
42331394Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #2Chapter Two: Rebels, nightmares, and Tiny.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-07 6 
42362058Cyberpunk Idol Management SpecialRochelle wakes up in an unfamiliar place and down and eye and an arm for some reason... Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-09-08 21 
42357871Avatar TLA QuestWe create our hero, who in the end turns out to be Hokage, Mordin and Cao Cao in disguise. Collective Game, Avatar, The Last Airbender, TLA, Avatar TLA Quest, Royal Physician Quest2015-09-08 13 
42355815Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #3Chapter Three: Ghosts, more Tiny, and Baths.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-08 7 
42343268Become The Dragon Quest Q&AQ&A about the likes and dislikes of the questCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-08 3 
42378656Avatar TLA Quest - Fire - Part 1In this chapter we find out that dice gods hate us and canon is a bitch.Collective Game, Avatar, The Last Airbender, TLA, Avatar TLA Quest, Royal Physician Quest2015-09-08 12 
42368286 Become The Dragon Quest 9Becoming a noble and all the trials and tribulations withinCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-10 7 
42419474Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #4Chapter Four: Ghosts. Lots of Ghosts.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-11 8 
42419142Prehistoric Human Tribe Quest #0In which a PC is generated, spirits are seen, and a great hunt occurs.prehistoric tribe quest, civ quest, spark, quest thread, collective game2015-09-11 13 
42415699Become The Dragon Quest 10Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragonCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-11 5 
42434868Totemist Quest LIXHAPPENINGTotem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-12 20 
42438191Prehistoric Human Tribe Quest #1We hide from the coming storm inside a cave - which isn't exactly what it seemscollective game, prehistoric human tribe quest, spark, quest thread2015-09-12 15 
42435163Become The Dragon Quest 11Kotijah's ongoing quest to become a dragonCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-12 6 
42458800Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #5Chapter Five: Daring escapes, new orders, and gifts.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-13 8 
42484331Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest Special 2Rochelle goes to reunite the rest of the idol crew to save the Producer.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-09-14 21 
42463122Become The Dragon Quest 12A mad magician, a klutzy construct, and popping pills and potions.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-14 5 
42498027Become The Dragon Quest 13Kotijah gets beaten up, blows herself up, and hallucinates. Also the manor gets wrecked.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-16 5 
42532242Castlevania Quest: Endless Dirge 1Altrich Belmont vs Count Dracula! Who will claim victory?!Castlevania, Castlevania Quest, Dracula, Collective Game, Belmont2015-09-16 3 
42524740Become The Dragon Quest 14Kotjah prepares for the ball and ends her uncle's conniving, leaving him broken in both body and spirit. Millie stands with us in the end.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-17 5 
42560997Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #6Chapter Six: The Doctor, The Pigs, and the Russian Winter.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-18 10 
42546427Become The Dragon Quest 15Kotijah goes to the ball with Duke Lamiring, meets up with her parents, and has a boss fightCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-18 4 
42566852Totemist Quest LXOsyki VS The Magus (Splinter) - Round 2. Is he sufficiently prepared?Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-18 20 
42581764Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #7Chapter Seven: Fires, Car Chases, and Bribes.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-19 6 
42577044Become The Dragon Quest 16Relationship subplots and the Order of FireCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-19 3 
42604882Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #10Makoto gets a super suit, and we skip through some restful weeks, straight on into summer!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-09-20 5 
42605166Become The Dragon Quest 16.5In which an illusionist is an assholeCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-21 1 
42643129Star Wars Humble Beginnings Quest 1Dossoxss, or Dox for short, begins his story at the Sabaac Table.Collective Game, Humble Beginnings Quest2015-09-21 3 
42633941Become The Dragon Quest 17In which we leave the city and immediately go looking for troubleCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-23 2 
42664082Become The Dragon Quest 19Finding a town in need and deciding to raid an enchanter's home to get to the bottom of the problemCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-25 1 
42704518Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #8Chapter Eight: Interrogations, the Atlas, and Dreams.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-25 7 
42719406Totemist Quest LXIBlood loss gets us an express trip to the inner world.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-26 20 
42736255Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period #2First days at Hogwarts, and we already live up to the house stereotype and beyond. Dark Lord Buzzington is going to outlearn all you peons.Collective Game, Hogwarts, Male Protagonist, Quest, Hogwarts Quest Interbellum Period, Gringott2015-09-27 17 
42742824Maiden White Quest: Smouldering Hearts #1Makoto and co. prepare for their summer getaway!collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-09-27 6 
42707269Become The Dragon Quest 19In which the band gets back together and an evil necromancer gets whackedCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-09-27 1 
42765223Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest: Cole in WonderlandCole finds herself in a strange place with even stranger people.Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2015-09-28 21 
October 2015
42785487Become The Dragon Quest 20In which we head for the town of Nyl, meet Pirin and find Allegiset's tombCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-10-01 2 
42851458Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #9Chapter Nine: Zeps, planes, and disguisesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-03 8 
42833136Become The Dragon Quest 21Adventures into the past, dragonslaying, and a surprise visit from VeinCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-10-03 3 
42849899Totemist Quest LXIIThe silver tongue returnsTotem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-03 20 
42873658Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #2We arrive on the island and do our meet and greet with a bunch of people. Then Makoto gets drunk and gets to makeout with an older girl.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-10-04 5 
42889668Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #10Chapter Ten: Sabotage, Stupefaction, SavagesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-05 8 
42898714Meanwhile, the Time Wizards!Time Wizards storytimes are had, and the rules of Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition are sharedTime Wizards, Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition, Storytime, Rules, Time Wizard Archibald2015-10-06 50 
42868673Become The Dragon Quest 22Catching up with Vein, splitting loot and getting ready to party with the clericCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-10-07 4 
42978249Psychic Rebel Quest 43Shee faces new threats, and untrustworthy would-be alliesPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-10-09 6 
42975802Totemist Quest LXIIIOsyki discovers the joys of shopping.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-10 16 
42978218Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #11Chapter Eleven: Ants, Caves, and the Plan.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-10 9 
43000852Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #3Makoto gets a little tipsy and goes to the bath. Then Mai steals another of Saito's first- the bitch! She's quick to apologize though.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-10-11 5 
42938014Become the Dragon Quest 23Partying and possible romance, followed by a hangover and magical tattoos.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-10-12 4 
43018390Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #12Chapter Twelve: Knives, Starfire, and EscapesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-12 10 
42975867Become The Dragon Quest 24A long talk with Kat, a new dress, and complicated romance shenanigans.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-10-14 2 
43106908Magical Girl Liberty and the Beach QuestInterlude: Tanning, baseball, and beach antics.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-17 10 
43104284Totemist Quest LXIVOsyki returns to the village with a new focus. We experiment tons.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-17 15 
43144651Star Wars: Fortune Hunter QuestThe thrilling adventures of Rhys CykgilCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids2015-10-19 14 
43059886Become The Dragon Quest 25Sorting things out and preparing for warCollective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-10-19 2 
43205756Most memorable monstersMost memorable monsters, Obscure monsters needing loveMonsters, Best of2015-10-23 6 
43236879Psychic Rebel Quest 44We find out what Shee did during downtime, and we decide what to do next.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-10-23 6 
43237091Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #2The continuation of the adventures of Rhys Cykgil.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids2015-10-24 13 
43253612Totemist Quest LXVWe experiment further with the 4th, and delegate village fortification tasks.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-25 13 
43279071Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #13Chapter Thirteen: Policemen, Gifts, and the TrioCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-26 10 
43284011Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #4Makoto rejoins Yuuki and his two girlfriends. he learns not to abuse time powers to pause awkward situations, and makes up for it by dressing all pretty for them. 4chan broke somewhere around 227 posts, so this thread may have no definite end.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-10-26 6 
43176540Become the Dragon Quest 26Continued War Preparations, Taret becomes the Starlight Knight, and undead shenanigans.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-10-27 2 
43312629Become the VampireIn which we build Olliver out mc and get our class schedule for our new school. That houses all the monsters from nightmares as well as vampires, werewolves and such as them. Also we killed dad and mumsies who were vamps.Collective_game, vampire, becometheqm2015-10-28 1 
43324631Become The Vampire Quest 2Continuing adventures and a big mis-stakeCollective Game, Become The Vampire Quest2015-10-28 3 
43330333Become the vampire quest 3In which furfags try and succeed in waifuing it. Also nurse is a fucking reaper!Collective_Game, vampire, becometheqm, become the vampire quest2015-10-29 5 
43336674Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #5Makoto retires for the night with Yui- but not much sleep is had. Then in the morning, Saito gets randy. Everyone is horny... why is everyone so horny? This is freaking Makoto out.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-10-29 7 
43371063Totemist Quest LXVIA date with Elana. Thread is called early for Halloween.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-30 13 
43369396Become the Vampire Quest #4Oliver Twist and Megaman team up to face their most dangerous foe yet: Shopping.Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-10-30 3 
43373559Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #3Rhys Cykgil and his adventures upon Kashyyyk.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-10-31 9 
43391940Psychic Rebel Quest 45THere's something strange in Hive 39, who you gonna call?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-10-31 6 
November 2015
43395003Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #6It's Halloween, but we had a regular session! Makoto's friends are all crazy for him- literally. It's suspected that Cocoa's spell may have made him more attractive than he can handle. Then Makoto teleports away from his problems.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-11-01 7 
43411355Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #Chapter Fourteen: The fight, the kiss, the slump.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-11-02 7 
43504641Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #4The Hutt, the Race, and the Girl.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-07 11 
43519378Psychic Rebel Quest 46Dust ghosts attackPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-11-07 6 
43523436Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #7Cocoa, hung over and angry, chases the group away, so Makoto and Shun go hump each other on the beach in the meantime. Then they return and get this spell altered. Then Makoto is a bad girl for his teacher.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-11-08 6 
43543089Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #15Chapter Fifteen: Anneliese, the Strike, and OttoCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-11-09 10 
43549681Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #06GBQ makes its return to /tg/! The ladies bicker, then shake hands; we trip a trap, and then get an epic roll of the dice.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2015-11-09 4 
43625754Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #5Misri joins the crew.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-14 10 
43623257Totemist Quest LXVIIWe explore the other side of the workshop.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-11-14 11 
43637729Psychic Rebel Quest 47A whorehouse to manage, a new arrival, and maybe some unhappy friends.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-11-14 5 
43642108Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #8Makoto and Shun head back and start curing people of their burning hearts! They have... mixed success. Love makes people crazy.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-11-15 6 
43652791Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #07The moon is changing and we arrive at Rubylak, where the dead are not so dead.Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2015-11-16 2 
43657475Jedi Apprentice QuestIn which we meet Zev, a new Jedi ApprenticeEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-16 15 
43643017Who is your realm's best figher?A compilation of the best fighters of at least 50 campaigns and damn, they are tough.Collective Game, Fighters, Champions, Best2015-11-16 1 
43656534Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #6The Sacking of Ahto CityCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-16 7 
43709968Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #9Makoto regroups with the girls to plan ahead. We cure Yuuki, and create a body double so Makoto can double-date the girls. Also Saito cries about his pretty hair.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-11-19 6 
43741478Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #7The FuriesCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-21 9 
43741174Totemist Quest LXVIIIOsyki deals with Hesheza Zahn, spirit of the first totemist.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-11-21 13 
43753405Psychic Rebel Quest 48Another day, and so many things to do. Also a vampire is killing people in the low Hive.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-11-21 2 
43758628Psychic Rebel Quest 48, part 2Congratulations to the happy couple.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-11-21 2 
43641522Become The Dragon Quest 27War and parties! Also Tirio gets punched.Collective Game, Become The Dragon Quest2015-11-22 1 
43777820Jedi Apprentice Quest #2In which Zev makes a new friend!Eail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-23 10 
43774379Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #8Smuggler's Haven and shopping for parts.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-23 9 
43756212Become The Vampire Quest 5In which we party at the Wolfe house, dodge an angry werewolf, and take a walk with Sammy.Collective Game, Become The Vampire Quest, vampire, BecomeTheQM2015-11-23 3 
43785153Exalted - Guardian Beast Quest #08Something is rotten in the state of Linowa, and we get to the heart of it. Collective Game, Exalted, Guardian Beast Quest, Lunars2015-11-23 4 
43764798Become The Vampire Quest 6Our MC joins a hunt? And other stuff?Collective Game, becometheqm, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest, become the vampire quest, Vampire, vampire2015-11-23 3 
43775216Become The Vampire Quest 7A fluffy tail is touched, and Oliver plays dream poker.Collective Game, Become The Vampire Quest, vampire, BecomeTheQM2015-11-23 5 
43826220Psychic Rebel Quest 49A safe date with Rainya in which nothing unusual happens.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-11-25 5 
43825958Jedi Apprentice Quest #3In which Zev and Renari face the CouncilEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-26 12 
43828283Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #10Makoto and fake Makoto, aka Yuuki, enact their plan to separate and cure the girls. Yui is taken down by a skillful play by Makoto- and subsequent lewding, but Hiroko proves to be... interesting.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-11-26 8 
43832922Jedi Apprentice Quest #4In which Zev eats delicious foodEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-26 13 
43856268Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #9The Party on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-28 8 
43860904Jedi Apprentice Quest #5In which Zev destroys Academy propertyEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-28 11 
43872846Psychic Rebel Quest 50Plot and assassins and maybe a new ally.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-11-28 5 
43876119Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #11Makoto decides to enact his plan to cure Hiroko: by multiplying her. As silly as it, it works quite well. He then convinces Mai's manager to give her a break, and everyone relaxes on the beach.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-11-29 7 
43875194Become the VampireOliver spanks a chihuahua and spraind our ankle Collective Game, Become The Vampire Quest, vampire, BecomeTheQM2015-11-29 5 
43893270Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #10Kuat and the RAS Bailoff.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-30 8 
43896050Jedi Apprentice Quest #6In which the legend of Master Zev beginsEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-11-30 12 
43889933Become the Vampire Quest #9We meet Dr. Light, find out Cowan, our math professor, is up to no good and become pope. Fluffy tails are touched.Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-11-30 4 
December 2015
43949611Jedi Apprentice Quest #7In which Zev dabblesEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-12-03 10 
43950928Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #12Makoto wakes up on the beach, buck nekkid. Another day on holiday. He gives out love advice, comforts his brother, and has a relaxing day all around.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-12-03 11 
43903045Become the Vampire Quest #10We narrowly evade decapitation, spar with Megaman, meet what very well may be the only other person who cares for Sammy's happiness and prepare to go shopping for another werewolf party with Sammy.Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-03 2 
43985339Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #11The Treasure of the RAS Bailoff.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-05 11 
43987072LXIXOsyki returns from Azeo Sicros and learns some uncomfortable truths.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-12-05 11 
43994941Post Apocalyptic Civ Thread #1Set after mankind falls and after the Petroleum WarsCiv, Quest, Post, Apocalyptic, Crucible, one, 1, thread, number, #, #1, Collective Game, Post Apocalyptic Civ Quest2015-12-05 1 
43999577Psychic Rebel Quest 51Time to recruit some animal-men.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-12-05 2 
44002792Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #1Chapter One: State of the World, and the Baroness.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-12-06 8 
44009324Become the Vampire Quest #11Furfags forget about becoming a vampire and instead fuck around the werewolves even more.Furfags, collective_game, becometheqm, become the vampire quest2015-12-06 2 
44022038Jedi Apprentice Quest #8In which Zev meets a hippyEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-12-07 10 
44023984Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #13Makoto is the surf king and everybody gets ready for dinner!all around. collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-12-07 8 
44094154Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #12Running the Blockade.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-11 12 
44111949Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #13Tatooine.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-12 11 
44128239Psychic Rebel Quest 52A facility to retake, fae to defeat, and one hell of a conversation with your friends and familyPsychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-12-12 1 
44134098Psychic Rebel Quest 52, part 2A facility recaptured. Temporarily at least.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-12-12 2 
44132315Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #2Chapter Two: The Oslo OrphanageCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-12-13 7 
44134145Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #14Makoto and Co. meet Princess Saito for dinner, then retire for lovemaking. Makoto gives Shizuko some joy, before Mai's video closes out their vacation.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-12-13 6 
44026702Become the Vampire Quest #12Werewolf Party, we discover a secret, resolve to help someone and become a juice wizard.Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-13 1 
44061683Become The Vampire Quest #13We spend 12 hours getting *parts* of Jennifer's backstory, then piss off a were-rapist.Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-13 1 
44122245Become The Vampire Quest #14We defeat a werewolf alpha by mostly luck, inform him of the fact that he turns into a rape monster, then head back to school.Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-14 1 
44160054 Become The Vampire Quest 16 Dealing with Jennifer and weird dreamsCollective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-14 2 
44194960Exterminator Quest #33Simmons attempts to calculate Vince's cash on hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-16 3 
44200372Become The Vampire Quest 17We start the bromance route,start our church base rules and we start some deals with vampiresCollective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-16 2 
44132198Become the Vampire Quest #15We bring a new woman home and get mauled by the old. Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-16 2 
44249008Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #14Fall of the Crusaders.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-19 11 
44265267Psychic Rebel Quest 53You have retaken the facility, but what will you do with it?Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2015-12-19 3 
44267166Magical Girl Liberty and the Spirit of Christmas QuestInterlude: The 1938 Christmas EveCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-12-20 7 
44267086Become the Vampire Quest #18Just another thread forgotten by you fucksticks. Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-23 0 
44333412Become The Vampire Quest #20We eat some chinese foood, almost get robbed by a were-jew and kindle some flames with elemental magic. Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-23 2 
44344879Exterminator Quest #34We're unsure about our luck.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-24 5 
44391623God of Creation [QUEST]You are a god of creation at the dawn of time. Atet-Ri, the god of light, born from the sun, has descended upon the barren earth to create stuff, in his own, smug way. He created the mountains, a large hole, an orb of light and a golden race: the Alwé. What will happen next? Who knows! Atet-Ri, Creation, quest, god, god of creation, light god, alwé, Tenen-Ru, Oracle of Giberish2015-12-27 13 
44406724God of Creation [QUEST] part2You are a god of creation at the dawn of time. Atet-Ri, the god of light, born from the sun, has descended upon the barren earth to create stuff, in his own, smug way. This time we created cattle, monkey guys, hung out with our cool new music/water friend, grew a tree and OHFUCKWHATTHEHELLJUSTHAPPENED?!Atet-Ri, Creation, quest, god, god of creation, light god, alwé, Tenen-Ru, Oracle of Giberish, Helitaur, Fredd-Murc2015-12-28 6 
44416022Become The Werewolf Quest #23Muh wolfusCollective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2015-12-28 2 
44399383Become the Vampire Quest 21Three way date with the mistake and the lesbian plant quickly turns into just us and the plantBecometheQM, Become the Vampire Quest2015-12-29 1 
44448125Exterminator Quest #35Fire anon returns in grand style.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-30 3 
44468103Jedi Apprentice Quest #9In which Zev goes for a ride on a bitchin starshipEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2015-12-31 11 
44453350Become the Vampire 24Three way date with Wolfu and tsundroid, MC learns the cost of top tier blood magic, decides to find a different way to become a vampire.Collective Game, BecometheQM, Become the Vampire Quest2015-12-31 1 
January 2016
44503923Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #15Coruscant ConflictCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-02 9 
44502974Totemist Quest LXXWe upgrade our first ally with the Hall of Reflection. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-02 11 
44525150Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #3Chapter Three: The Wolf Pack and the TownCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-03 7 
44587052Become the VAmpirebullshit about the werewolves i mean fucking really? When are they going to become a fuckmothering Vampire?becometheqm, collective game, furry, waifu bullshit2016-01-05 3 
44589126Exterminator Quest #36We defend the honor of our racing clan, things get a little hairy.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell,racing2016-01-06 6 
44647585Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #16Podraces, Highsinger, Emiri, and more.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-09 8 
44650939Jedi Apprentice Quest #10In which Zev fights an edgelordEail, Star Wars, Jedi, Jedi Apprentice, Jedi Apprentice Quest, Zev, Lightsaber, Collective Game2016-01-09 10 
44646243Totemist Quest LXXIWe test Amal's new power and make a major breakthrough.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-09 10 
44668714Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #4Chapter Four: Captured at the Castle.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-10 6 
44701466Become the Vampire 28Oliver gets invited to Dracula's christmas party and accidentally makes a daughter. Anon declares he will be a better father than his fatheBecometheQM, Collective Game, Become the Vampire, Godless magic.2016-01-11 3 
44773242Become The Vampire Quest 29You appear to be in a dark, enclosed space. And have never seen a horror movie.Collective Game, Vampire, BecomeTheQM, Become The Vampire Quest2016-01-14 1 
44776697Exterminator Quest #37Archived early, we might get Jeremy back.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2016-01-15 5 
44779813Becoming the Vampire Quest 30We argue with a mad scientist, feel worried, and study magicCollective Game, BecometheQM, Become the Vampire2016-01-15 1 
44791647Totemist Quest LXXIIOsyki ventures deep into the Ikrin Peaks in search of materials. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-15 10 
44794646Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #17Adventures on CoruscantCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-15 8 
44817163Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #5Chapter Five: The Lair of the WolvesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-16 7 
44836132Great Beast Quest #1We find lots of food and bring back a sharp pointy stick to the ownerGreat Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-17 11 
44816495Become the Vampire Quest 31:Oliver saves daughteru, meets the Dean, and says goodbye.Become the Vampire Quest, BecomeQM, Collective Game, Vampire, Magic, Intrigue, Oliver2016-01-18 3 
44895427Magical Girl Noir Quest 300An angry magical girl interrogates her Incubator to the point of angering him.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyuubey2016-01-20 15 
44902293Become The Vampire Quest #32The Virtues of Snails.Become the Vampire Quest, BecomeTheQM, Collective Game, Vampire, Magic, Intrigue, Oliver2016-01-21 3 
44919130Great Beast Quest #2We drive off some dwarves only to find MORE DWARVESGreat Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-21 10 
44922662Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #18The Empire returnsCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-22 7 
44938334Great Beast Quest #3Our walk back home is interrupted by a huge Grick. We deal with it then plan our patrol.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-22 7 
44941902Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #19Naboo MayhemCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-23 7 
44961106Totemist Quest LXXIIIOsyki makes a losing bet on the strength of his spirits.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-24 7 
44962647Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #6Chapter Six: High-ho, Silver!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-24 6 
44974771Totemist Quest LXXIII pt. 2Osyki slugs it out with Hunger. Anon freaks out.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-24 10 
44985407Great Beast Quest #4We make dwarves really uncomfortable, then we go outside the mountain and destroy a zombie.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-24 7 
44989826Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #20Jennis and the ISD LiberatorCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-25 9 
45007792Great Beast Quest #5We obliterate quite literally everything that stood on our path.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-25 10 
45028146Great Beast Quest #6We get are fed by bunch of adventurers, then we somehow, kind of force them to let us join their band.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-26 10 
45048105Great beast Quest #7Our first day of adventuring is filled with hunting, orc nagging and a bit of halfling bullying.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-27 8 
45072341Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #21TythonCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-29 7 
45087437Great beast Quest #8We decide to let the Mammoth go, instead we get a fish and actually get kind of tricked into being named.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-29 7 
45092173Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #22The Edge of the GalaxyCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-30 6 
45108800Magical Girl Noir Quest 301A decisive Magical Girl mulls on what to do with her collection.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyuubey2016-01-30 17 
45111687Totemist Quest LXXIVOsyki meets with a dark passenger and refocuses his efforts.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-31 8 
45113258Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #7Chapter Seven: The ConvoyCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-31 6 
45124597Totemist Quest LXXIV pt. 2We continue to fill out the binding bingo board and poison ourselves a little.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-31 9 
45132904Great Beast Quest #9Our stay near the city goes south really bad and really fast.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-31 7 
February 2016
45137442Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #23The Mantle of Mandalore.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-01 8 
45146238Pirates of the Caribbean as an RPG CampaignA few writefags re-invent various scenes from the Pirates of the Caribbean as the antics of group of RPG players.Writefag, stories, Pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean, story, what if2016-02-02 57 
45235149Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #24The Veil WaystationCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-06 7 
45257591Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #8Chapter Eight: BerlinCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-02-07 6 
45282308Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #25AlpheridiesCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-08 8 
45380347Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #26The RebelsCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-13 5 
45398867Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #27The AftermathCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-14 7 
45397848Totemist Quest LXXVA tense confrontation with an unknown quantity reveals a clue to Ayren's past.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-02-14 11 
45420538Be the BEGOur dark lord attacks the nearby cityCollective Game, BEG, Incubi, Monk2016-02-15 13 
45397087Be the BEG: PrologueWe begin our quest to be the best at things so bad, you'll wonder why you're ever sadCollective Game, BEG, Family, Paladin2016-02-15 11 
45422298Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #28ThuleCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-15 8 
45517001Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #29Fearghus and the KaleeshCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-20 7 
45534742Be the BEG Chapter 3With our new lieutenant, we take the port town but lose something dear to usCollective Game, BEG, Necromancer, Ex-Wife2016-02-21 6 
45537026Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #30Vahaba Asteroid FieldCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-21 5 
45559670Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #31Droids.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-22 6 
45557756Totemist Quest LXXVIOsyki begins to lay the groundwork for his Behemoth hunt.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-02-22 11 
45557881Be the BEG Chapter 4BEG ain't paying no child supportCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG Quest, divorce, wife2016-02-23 13 
45679775Totemist Quest LXXVIIThe salt must flow. We head into the mines.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-02-28 10 
45694439Pokemon Quest #132 Part 2Oberon continues to steal the show in your battle with Cliff.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Oberon, Garchomp2016-02-28 21 
45676951Be the BEG Chapter 5We take the iron mine, and anticipate new arrivalsCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Bard2016-02-29 8 
45703499Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #32Water, water everywhereCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-29 5 
45709978Pokemon Quest #133We finish our battle with Cliff of the Elite 4Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Oberon, Garchomp2016-02-29 20 
March 2016
45816833Be the BEG Chapter 6We go to war with the Democracy of TheonCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, War2016-03-06 15 
45818013Totemist Quest LXXVIIIAnother slumbering threat is pushed aside for the question of true import: who is best girl?Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-03-06 11 
45840784Be the BEG Chapter 7We take the Capitol of Theon, and meet some strange foesCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Idols2016-03-07 8 
45843281Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #33Breaking the SubjugatorCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-07 5 
45860965Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 1You are the anime protagonist's best friend and your goal is to cockblock him so the anime (i.e. the world) doesn't end. This is a dumb idBeware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist, 2016-03-08 39 
45880890Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 2It's Valentine's Day. You forgot. You're playing delivery boy today.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-09 28 
45919812Paladin of Joy Quest 81: Tales of the Belt NotchersYou need to steal this thing from this rocky guy and I forgot the rest but Slaad are involved.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2016-03-10 7 
45920618Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 3It's a test of courage episode. How many fillers can there be? Oh, right, all of them.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-11 28 
45923196Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #34Whisper, the Candidates, and the PriceCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-11 4 
45940794Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 4A double episode with both hot springs and the beach! Fillers!Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-12 32 
45961040Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 5The second half of the beach episode. The classic harem stuff. Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-13 23 
45969240Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 5.5The continued second half of the beach episode. Shenanigans.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-13 23 
45961859Be the BEG Chapter 8Beach Episode! Also sexy time all the timeCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Beach2016-03-13 8 
45964357Totemist Quest LXXIXWe skip ahead a few days and get shit done. Diarca has computer trouble.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-03-13 11 
45984967Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 6It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-13 24 
45985855Be the BEG Chapter 9We go back in time, and then forward with lifeCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Betrayal2016-03-14 9 
45992944Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest Thread 6.5It's OVA.Beware of Anticlimactic Endings Quest, Collective Game, Best Friend Protagonist,2016-03-14 38 
45844874Bug World II: Moth People Edition /tg/ continues building Bug WorldBug World, World Building, Moth, Beetle2016-03-14 2 
46034594Paladin of Joy Quest 82: Tales of the Belt NotchersAre you ready to rock?!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2016-03-15 7 
46096223Be the BEG Chapter 10We find out the reason for Marigold's turnCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Goo2016-03-19 10 
46115256Be the BEG Chapter 11We see what's going on in Kyle's neck of the woodsCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, RIP2016-03-20 9 
46138632Be the BEG Chapter 12There's a fire, a sad girl, a naked mage, and a bunch of bodiesCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Fire2016-03-21 7 
46140252Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #35The Furies againCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-21 5 
46140104Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 1A new hero, a new story, and a new adventure! Our protagonist is captured, sentenced to death, escapes, and gets a name.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-21 23 
46178665Great Beast Quest #10We pack our shit and leave the city with Elia. Then we invade ILLEGAL BEAST FIGHTING CLUB.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-22 8 
46188205Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 2Yuu is confused about many things, learns many things, and is then still confused about many things.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-23 16 
46200308Great Beast Quest #11All that is meant to end well ends well. The Illegal Ring is over and everyone is mostly okay.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-23 10 
46208099Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 3Yuu and crew encounter and put down an understandably enraged monster, then consider the implications of such a monster's appearance.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-24 13 
46222553Great Beast Quest #12We spot an Apex Predator, run away, then we separate from our group and get an interesting proposition.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-24 10 
46246729Be the BEG Chapter 13A slow day, full of sweet dreams and daughter loveCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Exhaustion2016-03-26 8 
46251469Beleaguered Prince Quest #1Prince Meirion auk Gwyrren tries to save the kingdom from the rest of his inept family by fencing and playing chess... at the same time!Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-03-26 28 
46247258Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 4Yuu asks the important questionsCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-26 11 
46265774Great Beast Quest #13We decide to join the army. Then we find out the shocking meanings behind our names and we met the Alpha.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-26 6 
46269333Leaf Ninja Quest #76QM finally confirms that our character was never really the protagonist.Collective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, railroading, no player agency, might as well be a fanfic2016-03-27 13 
46266469Be the BEG Chapter 14We test out new toys, and attend a black tie eventCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Duel2016-03-27 8 
46272730Beleaguered Prince Quest #2Prince Meirion investigates his brother's love life and fends off an attack from his uncle. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-03-27 22 
46269451Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 5Yuu and Derrick aid in the defense of Sherton, and it seems that some strange things are afoot.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-27 11 
46290033Be the BEG Chapter 15We settle a dispute, and do a lot of things that involve penetrationCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Sex2016-03-28 10 
46292897Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 6Yuu and crew gather the spoils from last night's exploits, and the clues from last night's mysteriesCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-28 11 
46268589Totemist Quest LXXXMer-Osyki vs. the forces of the shallow sea.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-03-28 11 
46307292One Foot in the Grave Quest 6James gets thrown about like a ragdoll, then goes hunting.Collective Game, Redemptor, One Foot in the grave, Advanced Bear.2016-03-28 1 
46316460Beleaguered Prince Quest #3Prince Meirion decides to target his uncle's assets in retaliation for the poisoning attempt. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-03-29 20 
46316649Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 7Yuu discovers the Hunter's Guild, and the cute bunny that runs the desk there. Then it's time to put Sherton behind him.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-29 11 
46358008Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 8An unexpected bit of cargo leaves Ilica in dire need of scratching, and if Yuu wants to keep his fingers he has no choice but to provide.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-03-31 11 
April 2016
46380894Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 9While Yuu might not be the best at stealth, he makes up for it by being a good climber and conversationalist.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-01 11 
46395036Be the BEG: Vanessa GaidenWe find out about Vanessa's conditionCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, April Fools2016-04-01 5 
46403706Kantai Collection Quest: Pacific Strike 25 APRIL FOOLS SPECIALAPRIL FOOLS!Kantai Collection, WWII, Kantai Collection Pacific Strike, Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol Collective Game2016-04-02 20 
46400325Beleaguered Prince Quest #4Prince Meirion comes up with a new plan to investigate his brother and then goes to a party. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-02 21 
46415017Be the BEG Chapter 16We enter the world arena, nonviolentlyCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, War Profiteering2016-04-03 7 
46435929Be the BEG Chapter 17We continue to encourage conflict, and prepare for total warCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Return of Kyle2016-04-04 4 
46442905Beleaguered Prince Quest #5Prince Meirion hears some unsettling rumours and decides to do something about them. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-04 20 
46465236Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 10After being researched by a crazy owl, Yuu gets help from some crazy hunters to reunite him with his friends.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-05 13 
46486900Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 11Morning time! Yuu learns about mirrors, devil tails, hunters, and family ties.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-06 11 
46507864Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 12Yuu says goodbye to Contique and the adorable devils. Then he says hello to some new information about what he is, and what he can do.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-07 12 
46531774Beast in the Sky Quest 3Isaac and crew rescue a damsel in distress, then make their way to Ao, only to run into two more.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-08 8 
46549188Beleaguered Prince Quest #6Prince Meirion investigates the problems at the border. The dice gods are... uncooperative. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-09 20 
46564172Be the BEG Chapter 18We wage war, and find out a few thingsCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Children2016-04-10 5 
46572393Beleaguered Prince Quest #7Prince Meirion averts a war thanks to the power of political assassinations!Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-10 22 
46565721Totemist Quest LXXXIRods from God beat sea monsters.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-04-10 12 
46589164Be the BEG Chapter 19We find out what happened to Sophia, and deal with an insubordinate underlingCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Marriage2016-04-11 3 
46592565Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 13An unexpected chase leads to a lunch run, leads to an unexpected date, and ends with an unexpected tail.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-11 10 
46618686Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 14Stella and Yuu play a prank, and Yuu gets further lessons on women, including how to and not to tease them.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-12 11 
46657202Beast in the Sky Quest 4Isaac and crew work out plans to get into the governor of Ao's palace, then are treated to an unwelcome surprise...Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-14 6 
46677365Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 15An early morning surprise meeting with Stella leaves Yuu feeling all warm and fuzzy. But Ilica can fix that.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-15 12 
46675887Beast in the Sky Quest 5Isaac and crew escapes the governor's palace with him in tow and makes it to his brother's, only to be given a new task.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-15 6 
46700945Script Kitten Quest #1First Episode of Script Kitten Questscript_kitten_quest, skq, cyberpunk, collective_game, catgirl, waifu2016-04-16 3 
46696805Beleaguered Prince Quest #8Prince Meirion goes on something resembling a date and manages to last a few conversations before doing more work. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-16 20 
46711439Totemist Quest LXXXIIA meeting with King of Eluneia proves enlightening.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-04-17 12 
46709769Be the BEG Chapter 20We find out about a secret plan, among other newsCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Relics2016-04-17 5 
46732917Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 16Yuu finds out that he's been mageblading without a mageblade, and then his curiosity nearly gets him killed by the catCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-18 10 
46758950Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 17The Yuu crew goes to fantasy Detroit to meet with the Monkey Queen. But then spiders.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-19 13 
46800102Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 18Yuu and crew meet the spider-monkey, and Yuu gets a chance to train with a master. Then the unexpected happens.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-21 11 
46822729Beast in the Sky Quest 6Isaac and crew face off against a group of bandits holed up in the Longfall mountains, then make their way back to Ao.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-22 6 
46833433Great Beast Quest #14The siege starts. We get roughed up, but nothing major. We also killed some blue, hairy, vaguely human beast.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-04-22 6 
46838831Be the BEG Chapter 21We tie up some ends, and meet new friendsCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Lolita?2016-04-23 6 
46842534Beleaguered Prince Quest #9Prince Meirion must placate some merchants by engaging in banditry against his uncle. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-23 21 
46857981Be the BEG Chapter 22What mysteries do the relics hold?Collective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Evil Shit2016-04-23 7 
46882972Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #36He's backCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-04-25 6 
46887143Beleaguered Prince Quest #10Wherein Prince Meirion's plan to satisfy the kingdom's merchants and screw his uncle over gain several additional layers of deception.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-25 20 
46883150Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 19Yuu and crew escape the inquisition, and go back to where Yuu was "born".Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-25 11 
46909713Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 20Yuu leaves the place of his "birth", and finds that he has some breathtaking deficiencies.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-26 10 
3343Playing in the Shadows 1A metaquest style prologue with the shapeshifting MC deciding on how to spend his sabbatical.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC2016-04-27 6 
46951386Beast in the Sky Quest 7Isaac and company have a night out on the town only to discover that someone hasn't been completely honest with them.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-28 5 
7797Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 21The Yuu crew arrives in LockeCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-04-28 14 
13092Beleaguered Prince Quest #11Prince Meirion deals fights in a duel and receives some bad news. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-04-30 26 
May 2016
47004608Totemist Quest LXXXIIIDowntime in the village and plans for the future.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-05-01 20 
33444Beleaguered Prince Quest #12Prince Meirion spends some time with his family and then goes to a black market auction.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-02 25 
30958Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 22Yuu meets the rest of Altea's knights, and then shows everyone just how much fight he's got in himCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-05-02 13 
40951Playing among the Shadows 2Masquerade begins; criminal intent; the first clues.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-02 4 
47045476Resistance Quest part 1Enzo Aloisi, a student in the occupied country of Awsbet, loses his brother and begins his battle of resistance against the invaders.Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy2016-05-04 6 
47088343Beast in the Sky Quest 8Isaac and crew take some things up with Kakei regarding his "employees" and learns of a darker side to Tabby.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-05 6 
76262Beleaguered Prince Quest #13Prince Meirion uses his contacts to put an army together. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-07 23 
47122658Beast in the Sky Quest 9Isaac discovers something deadly serious and must get to the bottom of it before things get much, much worse.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-07 5 
87864Cyberpunk Detective QuestWhen a man falls to his death from the spaceport above Quito, Detective Jeremy Bash and his robot partner Lyle investigate.Cyberpunk, Detective, Quest, Sci-fi, noir2016-05-08 7 
47134614Be the BEG Chapter 23A family reunitedCollective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Succubi Pile2016-05-08 4 
84708Rebel MechWar has changed, and it's sexierRebel Mech, Mecha, War, Collective Game2016-05-08 3 
71514Digimon World Mystery AdventureYour journey begins as a human sucked into the digital world! But wait, there's a catch! A journey and adventure begins for our protagonCollective Game, D-mon, Digimon World Mystery Adventure, Digimon, adventure, Consume and Evolve, Benevolent MC2016-05-08 5 
97303Beleaguered Prince Quest #14Prince Meirion takes his new army out for a spin. There are... complications.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-09 22 
103875Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 23Yuu finishes up his training for the day, and then heads to the Locke Hunter's Guild where he uncovers a sinister/adorable plotCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-05-10 12 
106793Playing among the Shadows 3Possibly captured, but the secrets of the twins might be worth it.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-10 5 
47153982Resistance Quest part 2Our hero Enzo liberates relics from the museum, keeping them out of the Federation's hands. His efforts to find allies are less successful.Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy, Resistance Quest2016-05-11 2 
47180551>The BBEG has very strong romantic feelings for one of the PCsIs it possible to do this in a way that's both plausible and enjoyable for the entire group?BBEG, Romance, PC2016-05-11 2 
47207354Beast in the Sky Quest 10Isaac gets closer and closer to solving the murder and discovers something that was almost left behind.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-12 5 
119810Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 24Yuu learns that shrinking chambers don't exist, and then he fights a baby over ownership of his noseCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-05-13 11 
124421Beleaguered Prince Quest #15Prince Meirion meets his new employer and goes on a scouting mission. Results are mixed. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-14 26 
136820Beleaguered Prince Quest #16Prince Meirion has a day off and then meets his deadliest foe. The dice roller... the dice roller never changes.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-16 23 
135630Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 25Yuu chats with an old hunter to learn more about the world, lets a baby chew on his keys, and gets back to training.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-05-16 11 
136946Local Man Visits Earth QuestLocal Man Royce Arnolds has a pretty awful day. While trying to eat like a king, he finds... Love?Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-16 1 
143945Local Man Visits Earth Quest pt2Royce Arnolds starts his quest a year later, fully committed to Lynell Martin and seeing the Confederacy. Will he like what he finds?Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-18 1 
47342116Beast in the Sky Quest 11Isaac and Tabby pay their respects at Blakkaz, then head back to the ship for more intrigue regarding the murders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-20 3 
158088Great Beast Quest Some wizards are having a fight or something.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-05-20 2 
151486Local Man Visits Earth Quest pt3Royce stands in the lawless Leuans Colony, a weird artifact in his hands and a strange task from the horrifying Matryoshka. Fun!Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-21 1 
159824Beleaguered Prince Quest #17Prince Meirion is ordered to take on a suicide mission, and he delivers in spades. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-21 26 
159937Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 26Yuu learns the plan, and getting caught is part of it. Then it's back to training with Derrick.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-05-21 11 
163544Cyberpunk Detective Quest 2As the body count rises and time grows short Detective Bash and his robot partner Lyle race to find the source of a killer computer program.Cyberpunk, Detective, Quest, Sci-fi, noir2016-05-22 3 
169493Beleaguered Prince Quest #18Prince Meirion wraps up his remaining business with Archduchess Aleksandra. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-23 23 
168230Beetle Lord QuestGiant beetle is born, eats humans, gains cultist.Collective game, Beetle Lord Quest, Asteroid of Creation,2016-05-23 2 
173906Beetle Lord Quest 2We Meet a Worm Lord, Go blind, and find out that familial love is the best.Collective game, Beetle Lord Quest, Asteroid of Creation,2016-05-24 3 
173440Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 27Yuu decides that he's trained enough for one night, and hits the baths with everyone. But there's always time for a spar with Madelaine.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-05-24 12 
161290Nomad Tribesman QuestYou are a young noble in a nomadic tribe. Chart your destiny! Collective Game, Tribesman Quest, Nomad Quest, Quest2016-05-24 4 
156461Prehistoric tribal questPrevious 2 not archived, We attack the Lumpur tribe, and take slaves, and fine a lost friend, Vegita.Tribe, Late Stone Age, Copper Age, Tribal,2016-05-26 1 
191181Beleaguered Prince Quest #19Prince Meirion gets The Talk from Myrddin. It immediately comes in handy.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-28 25 
179360Nomad Tribesman QuestKalon accepts a deal and heads out to be a mercenary in the Empire. Collective Game, Tribesman Quest, Nomad Quest, Quest2016-05-28 3 
195710Cyberpunk Detective Quest 3In the wake of a devastating virus, Detective Jeremy Bash and his partner confront the killers while trying to stay alive themselves.Cyberpunk, Detective, Quest, Sci-fi, noir2016-05-28 2 
202112Beleaguered Prince Quest #20Prince Meirion tells his father about his first relationship. Then he goes in search of a second one.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-05-30 23 
June 2016
47582962Beast in the Sky Quest 12Isaac talks business with some fellow traders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-03 3 
204794Praeses Pater, Survivor of DomusTake on the role of a BELLATOR, a warrior engineered to be unkillable. A Space Marine, or Doomguy? A mix, really.Collective Game, Black Scribe, Praeses Pater2016-06-03 1 
183639Prehistoric tribal quest pt4We remove the Lumpur tribe from power and assimilate the survivors.Tribe, Late Stone Age, Copper Age, Tribal, Sanger,2016-06-03 1 
218731Beleaguered Prince Quest #21Prince Meirion visits the Alchemists and then has a chat with his father-in-law. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-04 23 
218892Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 28Yuu gets up and decides to show Madelaine his birth-cave. Emi and Ilica advise caution.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-06-04 10 
220818Rex Regum, chapter 1You retake your capital of old, and begin an adventure anewRex Regum, Emperor, Beginnings2016-06-04 2 
227440Beleaguered Prince Quest #22Prince Meirion's mother returns! Although this is her first appearance in the quest. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-06 23 
226298Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 29Yuu gets a lesson on history and politics, then breaks the one rule that Emi gave him with some pretty good results.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-06-06 12 
210554Genocide Quest, Part 7A strange dream? or an ill omen. The general orders the unthinkable, while Leo becomes suspicious. What could the truth be?Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore,Romance, Boo, Bee2016-06-06 4 
231920Praeses Pater, pt2 - Field CommanderPraeses Pater has now taken up arms, and is the Field Commander of Domus. Marshalling forces, he's the best hope the planet may have.Collective Game, Black Scribe, Praeses Pater2016-06-07 1 
47612656Pink Dragon FascinationA cute, innocent thread about baby dragon's is quickly and unapologetic derailed into several Magical Realms.Genderbender, dragon, Magical Realm, Hammerspace,2016-06-09 1 
244126Beleaguered Prince Quest #23Prince Meirion gets a scolding/peptalk from his mother and talks to bachelorette #12 about trains. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-11 25 
244119Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 30Yuu fights crusaders, then Smiley gets locked out, then Yuu fights monsters and demons until the Hunters show upCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-06-12 12 
252317Beleaguered Prince Quest #24Prince Meirion prepares himself for business with Svekka. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-13 24 
47626919Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 1In which we wake up to the demon in our head and the vampire in our room.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy2016-06-13 5 
262173Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 31Yuu gets another history lesson from Fran, and makes it back to Locke without any crashed airships.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-06-16 13 
270145Beleaguered Prince Quest #25Prince Meirion deals with some relationship drama and spots some suspicious people. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-18 21 
255133Left Beyond QuestFundamentalists rule a flattened earth. God is due to erase the universe in 100 years. Cancel the apocalypse.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-18 46 
47827336Beast in the Sky Quest 13Isaac has some chats with his crew.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-18 2 
271723Left Beyond Quest 3Even in the Millennial Kingdom, under eternal daylight, cloak and dagger is possible...left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-18 12 
278917Left Beyond Quest 4The Osaze Renaissance is well under way, but you have maybe 80 years to defeat Yahweh.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-19 11 
279361Beleaguered Prince Quest #26Prince Meirion foils two nefarious plots before going to bed, then spends time with his family.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-20 25 
283775Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 32Yuu gets some downtime at the Hunter's Guild, but trouble may await back at the castle...Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-06-21 11 
285367Left Beyond Quest 4a - Still Alive EditionWe took a break from strategy and made an Angel run through the Enrichment Center. Now it's fightin' time.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-21 11 
293981Left Beyond Quest 5 - Charlton Heston EditionThe revolution has been televised! Now, it's time to brace for the Plagues of Egypt.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-23 7 
299417Beleaguered Prince Quest #27Prince Meirion has a business/personal meeting and later receives some troubling news. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-25 23 
301038Left Beyond Quest 6 - Plagues of Egypt editionThe Plagues of Egypt are finally here, so let' science the shit out of them.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-26 6 
305284Left Beyond Quest 7 - Plagues of Egypt editionDarkness encroaches. Plagues call. The Angel of Death is just beyond the horizon. Beat the crap out of every single one.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-27 11 
307540Beleaguered Prince Quest #28Prince Meirion averts a diplomatic incident with Archduchess Aleksandra. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-06-27 21 
306461Beetle Lord Quest 3We destroy the humans, talk with lizard men, and gain Fire Powers.Collective Game, Beetle Lord Quest, Asteroid of Creation,2016-06-27 2 
48000749Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 1]We make our Master, summon our Servant Kiyohime, and get started on recon around the city.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-28 1 
48009386Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 2]We run into an almost inhuman Master in the park, and talk with Tokiomi about two other Masters he's gotten information on. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-28 5 
48026302Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 3]We spy on a strange nun in the Church, stop by the Matou house for a bit, and meet with the strange nun who's unsurprisingly our overseer.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-06-29 2 
308511Left Beyond Quest 7 - Aftermath editionDefeating the Angel of Death may have been the beginning of your problems...left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-06-30 6 
309752Cyborg Mercenary Quest: Thread IWe're introduced to our go-getter cyborg heroine, cause chaos in a night club and are stylish as hell. At least five people die.cyborg mercenary quest, cyberpunk, masheenQM2016-06-30 2 
July 2016
48043523Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 4]In which we find a Master's base and a frightening mental interference ability, and get our first death at the hands of an unseen enemy. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-01 1 
47972619Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 2In which the date begins, our relationship builds, and werewolf problems are discussed.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-01 4 
48062617Mecha: The Rebellion 1Mallory Arget gets created but QM calls it early due to low activity. So Sad.Collective Game, Mecha, Mecha The Rebellion, SixWingZombi2016-07-02 1 
326421Beleaguered Prince Quest #29Prince Meirion attends a banquet and spends time with his dates.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-02 22 
48069137Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 5]In which we find out about an assassination attempt on the overseer, and a bounty on Assassin's head for it.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-03 1 
318791Left Beyond Quest 9 - Weirdness editionCan the forces of Omega fight two enemies at once?left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-07-03 5 
48084133Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 5.1]In which we refuse Xuan's offer, arrive too late to save the Einzberns, and just sort of walk around their now-empty castle.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-03 1 
321081Cyborg Mercenary Quest: Thread IIWe meet some of our associates, get a new contract and buy some upgrades. The QM also wrestles with their Internet connection a lot.cyberpunk, Cyborg Mercenary Quest, masheenQM2016-07-03 1 
333303Beleaguered Prince Quest #30After dating five women in one night, Prince Meirion is set up on a date with ten women at the same time. Thanks, mom! Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-04 23 
333329Black Company Quest #10The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Give Lieutenant Prince battle over paperwork and people any day.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, Battle of Berwick Road2016-07-05 26 
348052Northern Beasts Quest #1The hunt begins.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-07-08 27 
338953Left Beyond Quest 10 - Land of Nod editionLost the territory, but kept the goodies.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-07-09 10 
48171020Fate/Stay Night Quest [Part 6]In which we kidnap Shinji. Yeah. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Berserker, Nasuverse, Typemoon, Kiyohime2016-07-09 1 
350402Beleaguered Prince Quest #31Prince Meirion takes the opportunity to learn a bit more about his acquaintances and their interests. Also, cuddling.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-09 30 
351463Beast in the Sky Quest 14RIPSky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-07-09 0 
48126844Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 3In which we choose our destiny and prove our culinary chops.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-09 3 
48195383Mecha: The Rebellion 2Mallory decides on his mecha and discovers its real name. QM again calls it early due to lack of participation.Collective Game, Mecha, Mecha The Rebellion, SixWingZombi2016-07-09 1 
344115Left Beyond Quest 11 - Back to the Shadows editionAs the mid point approaches, a terrorist with a new kind of weapon shows up.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-07-10 5 
357666Beleaguered Prince Quest #32Prince Meirion deals with some of his uncle's friends with varying degrees of violence and cunning.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-11 26 
48208432Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 4In which we rumble with the werewolves.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-13 2 
48185231Cyberpunk 2077/AsiawaveAnons get together and create a cyberpunk setting where the Japanese economic bubble never burst. Fun times are had.Cyberpunk, Homebrew, Setting, Worldbuilding2016-07-13 2 
370915Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 33The latest in Yuu-Style Martial Arts: Crouching Cow, Sitting Serpid.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-07-15 12 
364380Left Beyond Quest 12 - Illuminati EditionOmega takes a turn towards becoming the Communist Gangster Computer God.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-07-15 6 
374355Beleaguered Prince Quest #33Sometimes, Prince Meirion must outsource his killings. Other times, he has to do it himself. Especially if it impresses the ladies.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-16 24 
372623Northern Beasts Quest #2Investigations, and hunting new preyQuest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-07-16 15 
374485Left Beyond Quest 13 - Black Sky EditionYour agents return to space, you get a gift from the past, and looks like war is coming.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-07-17 5 
48261041Cyberpunk 2077/Asiawave #2Shitposting and Cyberpunk continues with more discussion and worldbuildingCyberpunk, Homebrew, Setting, Worldbuilding2016-07-17 1 
379238Left Beyond Quest 14 - Midgame EditionAs the clock hits mid-game, Omega hatches a plan to go after the Angel Ithuriel.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-07-19 10 
48325016Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 5In which we save and rekindle friendships all before pizza and find out who our superintendent is.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-20 3 
394209Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 34With strength training out of the way, Yuu gets back to mageblading 101.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-07-22 11 
395933Northern Beasts Quest #3Digging even deeper.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-07-23 14 
401176Beleaguered Prince Quest #34Prince Meirion deals with various family matters.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-24 21 
413972Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 35After sharpening his focus, Yuu prepares to put on a show.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-07-27 12 
48485064Jazz Age CampaignAn opening about Art Deco leads to a plethora of ideas about a setting of bubbling ideologies and the optimism of a better futurejazz age, cyberpunk, art deco, art nouveau, futurism, history, twentieth century2016-07-29 15 
400826Left Beyond Quest 14 - Rumors of War EditionWhere is the QM? Did the original fiction's author die? Can Dr. Vahlen please pick up the courtesy phone?left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-07-30 5 
424969Beleaguered Prince Quest #35Prince Meirion has a group date with the nobility before going on a "date" with a spy.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-07-30 24 
423242Northern Beasts Quest #4Witch cults of the northern territories.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-07-30 13 
August 2016
425436Left Beyond Quest 16 - Not Dead EditionWar, war never changes. Except when it does. Heroes die and angels lie.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-08-02 10 
48553472Sibella Quest Day 2 Thread 6Talking to catnun (who turns out to be pretty cool) and generally working out some issues.sibella quest, ghoul quest, vampire, quest guy, Collective Game2016-08-02 2 
446599Beleaguered Prince Quest #36Prince Meirion must make a waifu-related decision or the irreversible kind.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-06 25 
446645Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 36Yuu says his farewells and prepares to depart for Mortifas.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-08-06 11 
445396Northern Beasts Quest #5The Old WolfQuest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-08-08 12 
48671418Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 7In which we finish up the meeting and enter an intense sparring session with cat nun.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy, Beating up the superintendent2016-08-10 2 
449676Left Beyond Quest 17 - Anxiety EditionNot much happens, but a plan is hatched.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2016-08-11 5 
461427Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 37The Archer's Pride arrives at it's destination, and the mission begins.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-08-11 11 
465170Northern Beasts Quest #6Dark places breed dark things.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-08-13 14 
466886Beleaguered Prince Quest #37Prince Meirion chooses his concubines. Myrddin will be insufferable when he finds out. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-13 23 
473474Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 38Yuu finishes his mission, then takes a long nap before returning to the Pride.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-08-15 12 
453245Beacon Hunter Quest 1We find the second of three transmissions needed to locate a lost solar system, pick up a strangely powerful stowaway and narrowly escape.Beacon, Beacon Hunter, Beacon Hunter Quest, Quest, Lusnoc2016-08-20 5 
489435Beleaguered Prince Quest #38Prince Meirion chooses a second consort and moves on to the next phase of his plans. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-20 26 
456302The Spaces Between - Chapter 1"The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault." Except now it's a pile of rubble and that kind of was my fault. Oops.Collective Game, The Spaces Between, Magical Girl,2016-08-20 1 
487979Northern Beasts Quest #7A red and terrible moon.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-08-20 12 
501209Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch DoctorChapter One: Introducing the Witch DoctorCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-08-25 8 
48917014Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 8In which we continue to wail on our supervisor while our angel partners grow closer together.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-08-25 3 
48935703Great Powers in the 2060'sWorldbuilding a Transhuman Space style return to the Great Powers era (the collapse of the Superpower era, basically) as a setting.worldbuilding, cyberpunk, military, future, setting, great powers, politics,2016-08-25 -13 
510311Beleaguered Prince Quest #39Prince Meirion announces his marriage and claims a city. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-08-27 28 
515322Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 39After finally learning where babies come from, Yuu gets taken out to lunch.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-08-29 11 
49043935Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 9In which we finish our sparring match and catch up with Sibella while our two angel partners not-date.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy, Beating up the superintendent2016-08-31 3 
September 2016
531428Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 40Yuu talks mysteries with Fran, then discovers the wonders and horrors of playing peekabooCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-09-04 10 
528443Northern Beasts Quest #8The Lunatic Knight and the legion.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-09-06 12 
548318Beleaguered Prince Quest #41Prince Meirion commissions some construction projects. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-09-10 24 
550504Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 41Yuu reunites spiders, and hits puberty. Plenty of puns involved in this processCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-09-11 11 
555584Psychic Rebel Quest 54One Reunited falls, but there are more to be dealt with.Psychic Rebel Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Psychic, Psion, Psychic Powers2016-09-11 3 
547367Northern Beasts Quest #9Home alone.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-09-12 11 
566698Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 42Yuu makes a new friend.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-09-14 12 
564448Northern Beasts Quest #9Home Alone.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-09-15 10 
580510Earthbender Quest #1Things get off to a violent startCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-17 28 
580799Beleaguered Prince Quest #42Prince Meirion resolves a minor trade dispute with some lazy merchants. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-09-17 23 
579055Northern Beasts Quest #10Homecoming.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-09-17 12 
590944Earthbender Quest #2Having evaded the army, Sei Fong and Lantana head for a temple to the NorthCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-19 23 
591246Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 43Yuu takes his new friend, his first paycheck, and some cute bunnies and goes shoppingCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-09-19 12 
592338GGO Quest #1In which xxharambelivesxx completes a tutorial and learns he is the luckiest man in the world and meets two waifubaits.SAO, GGO, quest, revolver ocelot, xxharambelivesxx2016-09-19 3 
579217Cyber Demon Quest #1Your name used to be John Smith, mild mannered cracker in the city of Neo York. Now you're the Steelshape called Saurian, and you're hungrCyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Shin Megami Tensei, Deus Ex, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists2016-09-19 12 
603523Earthbender Quest #3Lantana and Sei recruit someone new to their groupCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-21 21 
544955Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #2Chapter Two: The AuctionCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-09-23 5 
49363306Monsters/tg/ discusses some spooky beasts and monstershorror, fantasy, monsters, ideas, brainstorming, creatures, beastiary2016-09-23 2 
615078Beleaguered Prince Quest #43Prince Meirion encourages trade and secures his city. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-09-24 21 
614669Earthbender Quest #4Another person joins the team, and Sei picks up a new skillCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-24 21 
607815Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #3Chapter Three: Picking up the PiecesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-09-24 2 
608029GGO Quest #2: Magnum Panther EditionWe shoot a guy in real life, Kimi gets jailed, you have a date with a government agent in the morning.SAO, GGO, quest, Anno, Kimi, woops you did it again, xxharambelivesxx2016-09-25 3 
613821Cyber Demon Quest Episode 2Steelshape Saurian kills and eats the Steelshape Berserker, fights Puma, has a girl fall in love with him, and gets shot at repeatedly.Cyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists, violence2016-09-26 17 
629224Earthbender Quest #5Tensions begin to rise, and Sei finally talks to someone besides LantanaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-09-27 18 
October 2016
642707Earthbender Quest #6The Hunter appearsCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-01 15 
642834Beleaguered Prince Quest #44Prince Meirion drives a hard but mostly fair bargain and receives some more good news. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-01 24 
641573Northern Beasts Quest #11Operation Regicide begins.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-10-02 12 
653201Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 44Yuu eats lunch with his new squad, gives archery a shot, and bullies an Elf.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-10-03 12 
641510Cyber Demon Quest Episode 3We are Steelshape Saurian, and we find out that someone's been distributing guns, before encountering Squid and Aries.Cyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists, violence, waifu2016-10-03 10 
665687Earthbender Quest #7The team has another boss fight.Collective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-06 -5 
672149Northern Beasts Quest #12Operation Regicide continues.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-10-08 13 
673107Earthbender Quest #7 (for real)Finally reaching the mountains, the gang proceeds toward the Northern Air TempleCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-08 17 
673632Beleaguered Prince Quest #45Prince Meirion receives a visit from his mother. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-08 23 
669091Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #4Chapter Four: Rest and PlanningCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-10-08 5 
701197Beleaguered Prince Quest #46Sealed in by a snowstorm, Prince Meirion and his entourage enjoy themselves. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-15 22 
710543Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 45Yuu's surprise birthday begins, and he gets an interesting proposal from Altea.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-10-17 10 
719118Dynamic Kid Quest 02The conclusion of the rat basement arc. Regicide and pizza parties!Collective Game, Dynamic Quest, Collette, Isabel, Rat Queen, intrigue2016-10-21 -15 
731780Northern Beasts Quest #13The journey south.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-10-21 12 
724667Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #5Chapter Five: Storming the MansionCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-10-22 3 
733721Beleaguered Prince Quest #47Prince Meirion builds a militia and receives news from his spies. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-22 24 
744393Earthbender Quest #8The battle comes to an end, and the journey continuesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-24 21 
747781Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 46The party continuesCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-10-25 8 
711316Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 10In which we help our best friend score with his catholic catgirl gf.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-10-26 6 
49940009Culture Thread/tg/ explores non-European/Japanese culturesSikh, Berber, Bedouin, Pashtun, world building, culture, Africa, Middle East, Asia2016-10-26 14 
759716Northern Beasts Quest #14Searching the southern coloniesQuest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-10-29 12 
761207Beleaguered Prince Quest #48Prince Meirion makes some financial deals and greets some guests from Olstren. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-10-29 22 
766339Earthbender Quest #9The gang has nearly reached the Air Temple, but something sinister may stand in their wayCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-10-30 20 
771608Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 47Yuu gets a hand eating his cake, opens his gifts, and the party winds downCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-10-31 8 
November 2016
49998254Cyberpunk Plot Hooks/tg/ creates plot hooks for cyberpunk games.worldbuilding, plot hooks, cyberpunk, AI, megacorps,2016-11-01 5 
788707Beleaguered Prince Quest #49Prince Meirion dabbles in religion for a bit. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-05 23 
788696Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 48The party has ended, let the sleepover begin!Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-11-05 6 
794463Earthbender Quest #10The gang finally reaches the Northern Air TempleCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-06 20 
782784A Fallen House QuestFirst part of 'A Realm in Ruins'. Still with a different OP, but needed to understand the next threads.A Fallen House, A Realm in Ruins, Jean de Labendai2016-11-07 3 
809604Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #6Chapter Six: The Final BattleCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-11-11 5 
815685Beleaguered Prince Quest #50In which Prince Meirion Prepares for war some more.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-12 21 
792423A Realm in Ruins QuestJean travels towards the court of Lord Sang-Valois and also more stuff. Read for yourself.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House2016-11-12 3 
814259Northern Beasts Quest #15A very southern secret.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-11-13 13 
824653Earthbender Quest #11Lantana begins her Airbender training, and the others prepare for the inevitable confrontation with KalanaCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-14 24 
802406European Dragon Quest 37: New Title Image Edition!In this episode, Ren discovers the meaning of friendship, and that tumbling isn't the answer to everything, and hear the sound of beta tearCollective Quest, Terrorism, European Dragon Quest, Tumbling, Beta Tears, QuestingQM2016-11-14 3 
832233Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 49The sleepover has ended. Bunny sandwiches for all!Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-11-16 6 
839433Earthbender Quest #12Training continues at the temple, and Sei makes a betCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-18 22 
843273Beleaguered Prince Quest #51In which Prince Meirion plans his defenses. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-19 21 
812259Above and below Quest 1You are an emissary with one sole task: to awaken the gods of above and below who fled to the dream of the great one.Above and Below Quest, Collective Game2016-11-19 5 
841837Northern Beasts Quest #16Containment protocols.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-11-20 12 
842675Zatch Bell Quest 1Michael Anderson meets his new little sister Dizzy who turns out to be something special.Zatch Bell Quest, First Quest, /qst/, Collective game 2016-11-20 8 
818477A Realm in Ruins Quest IIYou manage to get yourself a bethrothal, Lord Belamy gets judged, the king gets to like you.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House, 2016-11-20 2 
856491Earthbender Quest #13As the battle in the Northern Air Temple comes to a close, tragedy strikes, and Kalana acquires something valuableCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-22 25 
50330040Odd Villain MotivationsIn this thread, posters brainstorm some motivations for villains that are odd, unconventional and just plain petty.Brainstorming, petty villainy, BBEG, motivations, funny, insurance fraud2016-11-23 31 
867526Beleaguered Prince Quest #52In which Prince Meirion makes his enemy suffer before battle. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-11-26 22 
871227Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 50Yuu faces his outer demonsCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-11-27 8 
876585Earthbender Quest #14The gang starts their journey to the west while dealing with their lossesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-11-28 20 
845775Above and below Quest 2You killed snitches the fly, almost killed the woman of eyes,explored a good portion of blackwood quarters,fought an abomination in a churchAbove and Below Quest, Collective Game2016-11-28 2 
868978Zatch Bell Quest 2After your meeting with Corina, you go for a walk through town with Dizzy and get into a neat situationZatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part two2016-11-29 6 
851357A Realm in Ruins Quest IIIJean returns home, beats up a unknown knight pretty badly and feasts like crazy. Also, stewards.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-11-30 2 
December 2016
893818Beleaguered Prince Quest #53In which Prince Meirion crushes what little courage yet remained in Olstren's army. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-12-03 23 
895687Tribe of Echoes - Chapter IA prehistory tribe, the Stone Breakers, are led by Munta as they improve their village, face the elements, and uncover spirit secrets.Tribe of Echoes, AusQM, Prehistory, Quest, Civ2016-12-03 6 
904167Earthbender Quest #15Ruins strengthen resolves, and the journey to the coast continuesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-05 18 
893364Zatch Bell Quest 3More neat stuff happend, we get some friends including sasuke and sam and alek. And lookie a fight alsoZatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part three2016-12-06 5 
909215What Came NextWe die. We also like Crusading and Films. Then we wake up in a weird place and get our afterlife together.Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Starborn, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Dead, Crusader, Film, Murdered, Slums2016-12-08 4 
889122A Realm in Ruins Quest IVJean is at it again, deciding for a steward, catching a thief and stuff follows up. Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-12-09 1 
886066Above and Below Quest 3This time, on Above and Below Z. We fuck up. Come and find out how!Above and Below Quest, Collective Game2016-12-09 2 
920754Beleaguered Prince Quest #54Prince Meirion crushes another army and meets up with Delyth. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-12-10 22 
920110Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 51Yuu should've gone with the non-stick brand of devilsCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2016-12-11 12 
918959Northern Beasts Quest #17No one can run forever.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-12-11 12 
930096Earthbender Quest #16Lantana makes a decisionCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-12 20 
50647430 Fading Embers Wargame Origin ThreadStarted out as a "Let's collaboratively build a thing" thread, blew up into an original wargaming setting.Fading Embers, Wargame, Skirmish Game, Homebrew, Awesome, Original Content, Collaborative Creation2016-12-13 10 
920499Zatch Bell Quest 4Buddy goes to prison and we start sweating over the new girlZatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part four2016-12-14 6 
924885Demon Overlord Quest: The Beach EpisodeAfter cementing her position as Overlord (in training) Gneotho and company go to the beach to relax... New allies and a Volleyball game, tooCollective Game, Demon Overlord Quest, Disgaea, Silly Names, Quest Prinny, waifus everywhere, Beach Episode, volleyball2016-12-14 5 
50669075Fading Ember GeneralContinuation of Fading Ember Wargame Creation.Fading ember, wargame, skirmish game, homebrew, setting2016-12-14 7 
909512Paper Mario Quest #2Boobert prepares for his journey, goes to Flower Fields, and gets mugged by a stonerCollective Game, Paper Mario, GRANDMASTER, Boobert2016-12-15 6 
945333Beleaguered Prince Quest #55Prince Meirion decides the best defense is a good offense. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2016-12-17 21 
944863Be The BBEG Quest/qst/ becomes a dragon.BBEG Quest, Collective Game, Quest2016-12-17 3 
50692803Fading Embers General #3The third thread in the series. Started out as a "Let's collaboratively build a thing" thread, blew up into an original wargaming Fading Embers, Wargame, Skirmish Game, Homebrew, Awesome, Original Content, Collaborative Creation2016-12-18 6 
918842A Realm in Ruins Quest VJean does stuff. Passing his knighting ceremony, meeting vikings and fighting awesome opponents.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-12-18 1 
944390Northern Beasts Quest #18Unwholesome truths.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2016-12-19 13 
940621Newfound Magic Quest- Part 1In which Norman Fusilier is a wizard, and he is not happy about it. Newfound Magic, Collective Game, Never archived anything before oh god I hope i'm doing this right, Fantasy, Quest, Flexing Is Intimidating2016-12-19 1 
955844World War II JoJo Quest #1The Blue Division soldier Julian de la Torre and his Stand [EUROBEAT] hit the GASQuest, JoJo, JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure, World War 2, Nazi, Communist, Vampire, Stand, ROAD ROLLER, Eurobeat2016-12-19 20 
944989Zatch Bell Quest 5An enemy actually shows up. But no dizzy this threadZatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part five2016-12-19 3 
959529Earthbender Quest #17The gang readies itself to strike against Kalana's forcesCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-21 15 
929647Above and Below Quest 4You know about that promise we did? to the milkmaid? Yeah...Above and Below Quest, Collective Game2016-12-22 1 
937794Cyberpunk DemonslayerA clueless man wakes up in a dark room and delivers the Backhand of JusticeCollective Game, Cyberpunk Demonslayer2016-12-22 7 
959668What Came Next 2:SlumdogSuka wakes up, flashbacks to the day before which takes up most of the thead, giths a boss then gets her first convert!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Starborn, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Boss Fight, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2016-12-23 2 
951890A Realm in Ruins Quest VIJean has fun of the 'other kind', passes judgement in a tragic case and Alphonse kicks major butt.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2016-12-24 1 
974499Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest: Christmas SpecialIt looks like Niko is need of some old fashioned holiday cheer...Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2016-12-26 22 
960448Cyberpunk Demonslayer 2Our hero learns more about himself and gets some succubus tail.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, sexy times2016-12-27 6 
976966Earthbender Quest #18The counterattack is launched, and the gang discusses a strange visitCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2016-12-27 7 
983619Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 1.5Killed more guys, began making your mark on the world. The rebellion is here. Made another mage friend.Fugitive Mage, Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game, Rebellion2016-12-30 1 
991992Beleaguered Prince Quest #56Prince Meirion wields the Stick of Violence in one hand and the Stick of Diplomacy in the other. Either way, it's a beating. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Gaming, Original Setting2016-12-31 23 
January 2017
973449Rune Inscriber Quest #0We're introduced to the protagonist - Balthazar Grayson. A rune inscriber. Things escalate rather quickly.Collective Game, Shroud, Rune Inscriber Quest2017-01-01 3 
976165A Realm in Ruins Quest VIIJean gets a birdmaster, more experience towards his masteries of cooking and swordsmanship and a sibling soon.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-01 1 
968879World War II JoJo Quest #2The missing archive. We narrowly avoid crashing into a Nazi outpost, and do driving shenanigansJoJo, Cars, World War 2, WW2, DungeonQM, Eurobeat, Nazis, 2017-01-02 16 
991370Zatch Bell Quest 6Part 6. Late update doe to sickness and holidaysZatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part Six2017-01-04 1 
1001500World War II JoJo Quest #3We wake up tied to a table, crack jokes with the Nazis, agree to fight mysterious Vampires in Italy and...JoJo, Eurobeat, DungeonQm, WW2JoJo, Bizarre, Nazis, WW2, DRIFTING, Vampire, Stand, Tags, 2017-01-04 7 
977679Cyberpunk Demonslayer #3Our protagonist gets freaky and goes to Hell.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-01-04 6 
1011212Left Beyond Quest 18 - New Year EditionSpace, and dwarves. But not space dwarves, that would be silly.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-01-05 6 
1011917Earthbender Quest #19Sei and Sansha begin to follow Kalana, but others seem to be following themCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-06 9 
1015594Beleaguered Prince Quest #57Prince Meirion returns home and gets to work on Degfford's education. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Gaming, Original Setting2017-01-07 21 
986758CHAN: The Great Unemployed EmpireCHAN is a game of adventure, danger, and low cucking. Explore what has sent hardened trolls screaming from the autism contained within!CHAN The Great Unemployed Empire, Text adventure, Autism, Neckbeards, Rare pepes, Collective Game2017-01-07 2 
1016204Black Company Quest #18The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Erhus are acquired as we tune up our bro-skill for a troubled Mask.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Always Bet on Red, Erhu, Band, Wuxia2017-01-07 23 
997436A Realm in Ruins Quest VIIIJean takes first steps to integrate the vikings into society, learns of a big threat, but has many pleasant surprises, too.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-07 1 
1014027Northern Beasts Quest #19The lonesome, rainy island.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-01-08 11 
1014507Left Beyond Quest 19 A bit of fluff, a bit of planning, a bit of space station building... and the clock keeps ticking.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-01-09 6 
1022914Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 52Yuu brings the newly freed (and clothed) Cheska around to introduce her to people.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-01-09 10 
1015197Zatch Bell Quest 7We prepare for the battle as you get a visit from AxisZatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part Seven2017-01-10 3 
996514Rune Inscriber Quest #1We interrogate our captive and make some assurances.Collective Game, Shroud, Rune Inscriber Quest2017-01-10 1 
1008647Cyberpunk Demonslayer #4Alagos goes through more levels of Hell and meets an AI.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-01-12 6 
1036756Earthbender Quest #20Sei and Sansha travel to reunite with the othersCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-13 18 
1040535Beleaguered Prince Quest #58Prince Meirion deals with one of his fathers-in-law and has a bit of bad luck. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-01-14 22 
1040539Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 53Truly the most heroic of pillowsCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-01-14 10 
1039018Left Beyond Quest 20 - War and AftermathTensions with The Other Light finally come to a head. Many people lose theirs.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-01-14 10 
1038350Northern Beasts Quest #20The tragedy at castle Tolnir.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-01-15 11 
1022784A Realm in Ruins Quest IXJean is met with a nice amount of coin, new knowledge and a growing threat in the east.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-15 1 
1055097Earthbender Quest #21Sei and Huo go on a trip, and a village falls under attackCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-17 15 
1064715Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 54Yuu embarks on his mission to collect more funny hats by punching the people who wear them.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-01-20 12 
1034252Cyberpunk Demonslayer #5Alagos builds a fortress, acquires a masochistic sexbot slave, and prepares to dance.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-01-20 6 
1068565Beleaguered Prince Quest #59Prince Meirion begins his recovery and plots against his northern neighbour. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-01-21 23 
1067417Left Beyond Quest 21 - Unending March editionThe endgame draws near. A peace is brokered. A heroine sails for the last voyage.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-01-22 5 
1048312A Realm in Ruins Quest XJean obtains his first mastery, recruits more servants and prepares for leaving to the winter. Also, spies.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-22 1 
1068284Zatch Bell Quest #8Fighting and stuff. Just go ahead and kick back and take a gander at what we got in store this week.Zatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part Eight2017-01-22 2 
1041210Fugitive Mage Quest Thread 3Really short. Spooky things happened to a mutated creature when you touched its blood. Voices in your dreams. Fugitive Mage, Magic, Illusions, Deus Vult, Crusades, Collective Game, Rebellion2017-01-24 1 
1081861Earthbender Quest #22Having reached his city, the party moves in to confront XiongCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-01-24 15 
1089427Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 55Team 'Punch People for Hats' finds an ally in the 'Coalition of People Who Give a Shit'Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-01-26 7 
1091325Left Beyond Quest 22 We do more space stuff. TOL decides orbital bombardment is a good idea while we make sleep gas.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-01-27 5 
1096277Beleaguered Prince Quest #60Prince Meirion commits intrigue and frustrates Olwen. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-01-28 21 
1066274Cyberpunk Demonslayer #6Alagos fights Baal, has a foursome, talks to his mom, and fights Baal again.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-01-28 6 
1094889Northern Beasts Quest #21The tragedy at Castle Tolnir, part 2Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-01-29 11 
1096152Zatch Bell Quest # 9Not as much action as before but still good.Zatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part nine2017-01-30 2 
1077067A Realm in Ruins Quest XIWinter is coming. And with it, lots of knowledge and education.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-01-31 1 
February 2017
1089542Hive Queen Quest Beta: 09 Lord of the KeeksStuff happens.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2017-02-02 5 
1124408Beleaguered Prince Quest #61Prince Meirion plots with his wife's future vassals and sets up an assassination. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-04 23 
1098938Cyberpunk Demonslayer #7Alagos makes it back home, a get is gotten, and Lrystal begins her training to become Alagos's champion.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-02-04 6 
1109934Left Beyond Quest 23More arguing about R&D, but we start retaking Pacifica.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-02-04 5 
1126752Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 56Yuu takes his new bike for a test run, and helps a sad lamb through a tragic time.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-02-05 6 
1122862Northern Beasts Quest #22This year's hottest party.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-02-05 12 
1126866Left Beyond Quest 24Pacifica is retaken, so obviously, it will have to go through a mini-Apocalypse.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-02-07 5 
1124240Zatch Bell Quest 10Shorter read. The conclusion of the first story Arc.Zatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Drachtma2017-02-07 1 
1143394Earthbender Quest #23To nobody's surpriseCollective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius2017-02-09 -21 
1113073A Realm in Ruins Quest XIIThe winter is coming and Jean is beginning his education. But the time doesn't stand still for anyone else, either.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-02-10 1 
1149350Beleaguered Prince Quest #62Prince Meirion plans more assassinations and makes some real estate deals. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-11 18 
1144012Left Beyond Quest 25 - That's XCOM Baby EditionThe battle for Pacifica continues. Meanwhile, the Millennium Force get a lucky break after another.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-02-11 6 
1153606Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest: Valentine SpecialMorgan goes on a hunting trip and finds more than just prey...Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2017-02-12 21 
1151693Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 57Yuu makes his rounds around Bell's Run, then lets his curiosity get the better of himCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-02-12 8 
1126077Cyberpunk Demonslayer #8Krystal begins her journey to spread the word of Alagos. She kills Patches and gets some bodyguards.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-02-12 6 
1148468Northern Beasts Quest #23The road to the Garden of GiantsQuest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-02-12 10 
1122937Resistance Quest pt1The nation of Awsbet has been conquered and subjugated, but Iwo Malinowski will fight for his nation's freedom.Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2017-02-13 5 
1148559 Avatar TLA Quest Character CreationCharacter creation that lasted for way too long. Prince Iroh is also apparently more valuable than a waifu. avatar, tla, the last airbender, collective game, fire nation, fire bender, original character2017-02-13 8 
1156242Left Beyond Quest 26 - Surfin' Noah EditionThe endgame nears as the centuries-old dream of the Cosmist cult finally comes true. But will it make a difference?left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-02-13 5 
1149276Zatch Bell Quest #11Insert description here.Drachtma, Zatch Bell, Collective game, 2017-02-15 1 
1170828Beleaguered Prince Quest #63Prince Meirion and Myrddin engage in manly gambling and drinking during time off. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-18 16 
1170657Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 58Yuu learns about his adoptive mother's incredible dating failures, and then tries his hand at letter writing.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-02-18 8 
1149096A Realm in Ruins Quest XIIIThe winter ends and Jean is heading back home. What happened back there?Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-02-20 1 
1179559What Came Next 3: Slumdog DeputySukaretto tracks down the mysterious Pervert and is given a lesson on how weak she is, before she learns how strong she is!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Training, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2017-02-20 2 
1154588Storm Paladin Quest #1Krystal continues her journey to amass more followers for Alagos.Storm Paladin Quest, Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-02-20 6 
1168551Left Beyond Quest 27 - March to Doom editionIt is the last day of the Millennium. The Final Battle looms. God vs Satan, with Omega in the middle.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-02-21 10 
1187561Left Beyond Quest 28 - Per Aspera Ad Astra editionJesus called down Doomsday on Earth, and then, It Is Done.left behind, left beyond, god, computer, strategy2017-02-21 36 
1192881Hive Queen Quest Beta: 10 War and KeeksThe Hive is dealt a massive blow as an unknown enemy breaches deep into the throne room leaving a wake of devastation.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2017-02-23 5 
1200055Beleaguered Prince Quest #64Prince Meirion becomes a master of enchantment for 5 minutes and then discusses his marital future. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-02-25 17 
1200218Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 59Cheska continues to tease Yuu, and Emi can apparently kick some serious ass. Who knew?Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-02-25 12 
1198983Northern Beasts Quest #24In the Garden of GiantsQuest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-02-25 11 
1183396Storm Paladin Quest #2Krystal takes an old stronghold and gains slime powers.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Paladin Quest2017-02-27 6 
March 2017
1209432Zatch Bell Quest #12Kidnapping shenannigansZatch Bell, Drachtma, Collective game, part 122017-03-01 1 
1226651Beleaguered Prince Quest #65Prince Meirion plans his uncle's last winter vacation and decides more kids might be a good idea. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-04 18 
1196205A Realm in Ruins Quest XIVTraveling towards Lord de Pierre's wedding doesn't go completely smoothly. Everything else does, though.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-03-05 1 
1231914CyberNinja Quest #1Local Storage Facility Struck by Terrorist Attack Casualties Currently Unknown Damage Exceeding Ten Billion Yen Investigation OngoiCyberNinja Quest, Collective Game, Scifi, Ninja, Naruto, Cyberpunk2017-03-07 3 
1212504Storm Paladin Quest #3Krystal builds up the Order, receives an assignment from Alagos, and clones herself via mitosis. Also, Sasha's pregos.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Paladin Quest, mitosis2017-03-08 6 
52078572Comfy Cliche ThreadAnons share the ideas in settings and campaigns that, in spite of their overuse, are still loved.Meta, fluff, BBEG, character, setting2017-03-09 8 
1230457Zatch Bell Quest #13Shorter than normal.Zatch Bell, Collective game, Drachtma2017-03-10 1 
1250706Northern Beasts Quest #25Everything dies.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-03-10 12 
1251880Beleaguered Prince Quest #66Prince Meirion does a remarkably good job of keeping his school in the presence of babies. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-11 15 
1220100Trashland QuestAfter an incident during a research outing in the swamps of Louisiana, you find yourself among goblins, orcs, and trolls.Collective Game, Open-Ended Quest, Tribe Quest2017-03-11 2 
51980267Frontier Freaks Setting WorldbuildingA setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented.worldbuilding, western, wild west, bioengineering, biotech, biopunk, bioshock, transhumanism, Pasteur, 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs,2017-03-12 5 
1255711Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 60Yuu Gallant prepares to set out on his next mission.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-03-12 9 
1245584CyberNinja Quest #2Yutaka Chemicals. White Walls, Red Eyes. Meetings are made, plans set in motion.CyberNinja Quest, Collective Game, Scifi, Ninja, Naruto, Cyberpunk2017-03-12 1 
1173594Stranded Leader Quest #2All the fun shit.Collective Game, Tribe Quest2017-03-14 1 
1232779A Realm in Ruins Quest XVThe wedding is yet to come, but tension is on the rise. Jean will have to do his best to avoid a war.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-03-14 1 
1242274Storm Paladin Quest #4Krystal makes a deal with a Duke, turns 29, and prepares for a crusade.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Paladin Quest2017-03-15 6 
1239566Stranded Leader Quest #4Meet other denizens of the new world, tribe grows, family grows, harem grows.Collective Game, Open-Ended Quest, Tribe Quest2017-03-16 1 
1255826Avatar world quest #1Earthbender and stuff.Avatar, Drachtma, Collective Game, Earthbender2017-03-16 0 
1276693Beleaguered Prince Quest #67Prince Meirion plans his winter vacation. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-18 16 
1275884Northern Beasts Quest #26The final hunt.Quest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-03-19 12 
1278700Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 61Terry's a tad miffed when his dramatic finale falls flat.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-03-19 7 
1269346Storm Paladin Quest #5Krystal sets out to reclaim Diluvium!Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Paladin Quest, Stormyface2017-03-23 6 
1267673A Realm in Ruins Quest XVIPeace is made after decades of grudges and lots of food and wine are had.Collective Game, Jean de Labendai, A Realm in Ruins, A Fallen House,2017-03-24 1 
1279398Zatch Bell Quest 14 (Mistaken as 13)Last day in America as the European field trip beginsZatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Drachtma2017-03-24 2 
1299848Beleaguered Prince Quest #67Prince Meirion continues to plot. It's totally not an excuse to let someone else look after the babies. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-03-25 15 
1301850Hive Queen Quest Beta: 11 Moby KeekThe queen establishes her base and grows a large number of soldiers, and her miners are eaten in a freak incident with a giant rock worm.Collective Game, Hive Queen Quest Beta, sci-fi2017-03-26 5 
1265471Trashland Quest #2Began to form alliances w/ ogres. Thread ends with becoming imprisoned by chieftess of the Geletres tribe. Players plan to assassinate her. Collective Game, Open-Ended Quest, Tribe Quest2017-03-26 2 
1319885Northern Beasts Quest #27The Bastards of the Free StatesQuest, Collective Game, Northern Beasts Quest2017-03-31 11 
April 2017
1320915Beleaguered Prince Quest #69We don't need a thread #68. It's a stupid number anyway. Also, Prince Meirion visits his family and commences his machinations. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-01 17 
1297025Storm Paladin Quest #6The daemonette thread.Storm Paladin Quest, Cyberpunk Demonslayer, daemonettes2017-04-02 6 
1313378European Dragon Quest 58: Doctor Gerbil and Mr. Squeakers.In this episode, Liz discovers the GNOMES, and of course, goes to kick their ass. What happens? Well, probably a lot of gnome-ass gets rekt.Gnome Genocide, Elizabeth Did Nothing Wrong, The Gnome Holocaust, European Dragon Quest, Snek Scots™, Collective Game2017-04-06 1 
1346006Beleaguered Prince Quest #70Prince Meirion meets some of his other in-laws and gets ready to help his big brother party. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-08 14 
1324989Zatch Bell Quest 15Dizzy, would you and your friends pls stop breaking things?Zatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part 15, Drachtma2017-04-09 2 
1326271Storm Paladin Quest #7Krystal fights the area boss, goes for a swim, and adopts a dragon baby.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Paladin Quest2017-04-10 6 
1352616Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 62After hanging with Derrick, Yuu goes delving for secrets.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-04-10 9 
1366090Beleaguered Prince Quest #71Prince Meirion invites his brother to a party so he can mingle with the merchants. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-15 12 
1371410Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 63Yuu gets an early start on teasing the Devil, and he bonds with Storm over tales of "discovery"Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-04-17 10 
1354636Storm Paladin Quest #8Krystal does some illicit trading and travels to Zhaimont for legal bullshit.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Paladin Quest2017-04-19 6 
1368985Zathc Bell Quest 16Spiders and shitDrachtma, Zatch Bell, Collective game, 2017-04-21 2 
1387453Beleaguered Prince Quest #72Prince Meirion receives excellent news about his uncle's dirty laundry. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-22 10 
1389733Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 64What was that about eternal winter?Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-04-23 6 
52736110Ancient Egyptian Cyberpunk Setting/tg/ makes a setting based off a mixture of ancient egyptian mythology, culture and magitech cyberpunk.worldbuilding, setting, cyberpunk, magitech, 2017-04-25 4 
1379341Storm Paladin Quest #9Krystal gets tired of the Order of Ruin's shit.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Paladin Quest2017-04-28 6 
1411133Beleaguered Prince Quest #73Prince Meirion continues to ruin his cousin's life.Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-04-29 10 
May 2017
1421714Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 65Yuu does some after dinner sparring with Madelaine, until Cheska decides that it's time for him to take a dipCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-05-02 11 
1410347Cyberpunk/-/Demonslayer: More of both!We begin the alternate timeline of the events of Cyberpunk Demonslayer. Succubi are kidnapped.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-05-04 6 
1430833Beleaguered Prince Quest #74Prince Meirion teaches his siblings about responsibility. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-06 11 
1423348Zatch Bell Quest 17Spieder r bad and you should feel bad.Drachtma, Zatch Bell, Collective game, 2017-05-07 0 
1427973Tribe Evo IWhere three tribes of anthromorphic animals learn to build a culture on an island they sharetribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-05-08 17 
1435132Cyberpunk/-/Demonslayer #2Alagos rescues a traumatized woman, does many autistic things, and has a pole-dancing contest.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, autism2017-05-08 6 
1437879Tribe Evo IItribes of bunny, frog, and chicken continue to evolve from primal tribe to civilized peoplestribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-05-11 10 
1451938Beleaguered Prince Quest #75Prince Meirion organizes his very own murder mystery! It's not very mysterious though. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-13 11 
1465383Cyberpunk/-/Demonslayer #3Alagos and Krystal attack Hanzai's North America headquarters.Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-05-15 6 
1466176Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 66Yuu arrives back in Sherton, and uses his little downtime to read his mail. Then it's off on a new mission.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-05-16 7 
1448391Tribe Evo IIIthree anthromorphic tribes survive on island and evolve in culture, tech, and societytribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-05-17 10 
1476713Beleaguered Prince Quest #76Prince Meirion does more conniving and has a family moment. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-20 10 
1481362Storm Demigod QuestWe begin the adventure of Aisha, Alagos's child.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest2017-05-22 6 
1470717Tribe Evo IVWinter continues and a new tribe is introducedtribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-05-22 8 
1501136Beleaguered Prince Quest #77Prince Meirion has a double date and drills some more competence into his brother and his sister in law. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-05-27 11 
1486929Tribe Evo VOur tribes continue battling bees, bunnies become a nation, and moretribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-05-27 6 
1503577Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 67Yuu makes his new apprentice confront her old partner and realizes that he leads a rather public life.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-05-28 7 
June 2017
1503217Tribe Evo VITwo tribes become nations, a new one is introduced, and the game might fall aparttribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-06-01 7 
1528412Beleaguered Prince Quest #78Prince Meirion spends time with the waifus and starts a singing career. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-03 10 
1541639Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 68Yuu says goodbye to Caiah, and then gets down to business.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-06-06 6 
1521885Tribe Evo VIIIwar happens, new tribe, and bunnies gunna dietribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-06-06 2 
1515633Storm Demigod Quest #2Aisha has lots of sex, goes to an island, and makes herself a sister.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest2017-06-07 6 
1554706Copper Age Draw QuestA shaman works in the communitycopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-06-09 4 
1556507Beleaguered Prince Quest #79Prince Meirion returns to Degfford and catches up with the rest of his family. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-10 10 
1548416Storm Demigod Quest #3The plot finally kicks off with a death. Aisha kills a guy and burns his house down.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest2017-06-17 6 
1578827Beleaguered Prince Quest #80Prince Meirion meets with one of his wife's future vassals and gains some support. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-17 11 
1573202Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 69Yuu helps a small goblin with a little spy problem, and gets a surprise visit from the snugliest of bunnies. Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-06-18 7 
1593718Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #1! We meet our hero, Solomon Burges, who finds a strange book on a deserted island in the Bermuda Triangle. The first of many adventures? Collective Game, Marvel, True Believer, Marvel Cape Quest, Magic, Deus Vult 2017-06-22 3 
1593056drawing stuff IIIa break out is botched and we return to the foldcopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest, era draw quest2017-06-22 1 
1604914Super Symbiote Quest #1We meet Vladimir Stepanos, new host to a newly formed Symbiote!Marvel, Symbiote, True Believer, Collective Game2017-06-24 5 
1605309Beleaguered Prince Quest #81Prince Meirion finally meets his father-in-law and decides another kid would be a good idea right about now. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-06-24 10 
1599400Paper Mario Quest #4Boobert slaps Hazy Pinto. That's itPaper Mario Quest, Boobert2017-06-25 1 
1579321Storm Demigod Quest #4Aisha meets a thief, goes on a heist, and attends a funeral.Storm Demigod Quest, Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-06-25 6 
1598510Tribe Evo 2.1new tribes, new map, same shittribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-06-29 3 
1612719Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #2! Short thread this time, as True is busy! In which Doctor Voodoo helps unlock the spirit in our book! He was eaten by rabid parrots! Marvel, Marvel Cape Quest, True Believer, Collective Game, Magic, Deus Vult2017-06-30 2 
July 2017
1627444Beleaguered Prince Quest #82Prince Meirion has dinner with his father-in-law and takes suggestions on how to fit in. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-01 10 
1627180Super Symbiote Quest #2TB gets a drawfriend, and Vladimir makes his Uncle proud after taking out the Rhino! Marvel, Symbiote, Super Symbiote Quest, True Believer, Collective Game2017-07-02 5 
1620344I'll draw you stuff IVA new character is chosen: A cyberpunk security guard who promptly gets involved in mysterious mysterydrawquest, drawing, drawfag, Cyberpunk, eraquest, scifi2017-07-02 1 
53944400An Ancient Evil Awakens!Activities for recently unsealed ancient evils besides world conquest and potential tactics for the conquest of the modern world.sauron, ancient evil, BBEG, worldbuilding, conquest, cyberpunk,2017-07-02 5 
1620251Stormtrooper Madman QuestREBEL SCUM ARE EVERYWHERE, WE HAVE TO GET THE EMPEROR AND VADER TO SAFETY, WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO STOP USStormtrooper, Stormtrooper Madman Quest, insane, rebels, soldier, Star Wars2017-07-03 1 
1612361Storm Demigod Quest #5Aisha gets her ass whipped by bandits and decides a weird transformative teen pregnancy is a good idea.Storm Demigod Quest, Cyberpunk Demonslayer2017-07-04 6 
1636016Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 70Yuu spends some time with his favourite bunny, but then it comes time to ship out.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-07-05 6 
53916206Communism in CyberpunkWorldbuilding for a cyberpunk setting where rather than megacorporations, communism has taken over society. kafkaesque, dystopia, cyberpunk, communism, soviet, eastern bloc, setting, worldbuilding, 2017-07-05 1 
1635403I'll draw you stuff VCharley encounters a weird thingdrawquest, drawing, drawfag, Cyberpunk, eraquest, scifi2017-07-07 1 
1647300Beleaguered Prince Quest #83Prince Meirion plans a party and receives some good news from Myrddin. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-08 10 
1623527Tribe Evo 2.2Bears and monkeys nation up, pigs sail the world, goats fortify downtribe, evo, tribevo, civ evo, evo, civ2017-07-09 2 
1659535Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 71Yuu uses an exploit to skip Contique in his speed run of Lubars.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-07-13 6 
1656813Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #3! A Day Late Special Edition!Fernando the magic Bible calls Doctor Voodo a nigga, Solomon gets invited to meet Doctor Strange, and OP's internet eats shit.Marvel, Marvel Cape Quest, True Believer, Collective Game, Magic, Deus Vult2017-07-14 2 
1637822Storm Demigod Quest #6Aisha goes on an ill-fated boat ride.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest2017-07-15 6 
1667267Beleaguered Prince Quest #84Prince Meirion moonlights as a pit fighter and settles some scores. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-15 10 
1673632Beleaguered Prince Quest EpilogueWherein Prince Rhein mac Reagan lives up to his father's legacy. Beleaguered Prince Quest, Collective Game, Original Setting2017-07-17 10 
1665938Apocalypse Tribes Evo 1500 years after bombs blew up the earth it's up to a group of crazy tribes to rebuild society and make friends with some Walmart weirdos.Op Op, Apocalypse, Tribes, Walmart2017-07-18 4 
1673449I'll draw you stuff VITublat has a frightening conversation with a tainted spirit.copper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-07-19 1 
1680585Super Symbiote Quest #3! Internet's back Edition!True gets his internet back, and runs a short thread! We get into a fight with Eugene "Flash" Thompson!Collective Game, Marvel, True Believer, Symbiote, Super Symbiote Quest2017-07-22 1 
1666872Storm Demigod Quest #7Aisha presses the limits of Kasai's sanity and gets married.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest, sappy shit2017-07-24 6 
1673533Return of the Sorcerer Quest: OneThe last living descendant of an infamous Sorcerer-King gains a dangerous position in the court of his families ancient enemies.Return of the Sorcerer, Quest, Collective Game, Axebeard Beardaxe, dynasty, intrigue, Empire, fantasy, sorcerer, necromancer, alchemist2017-07-26 1 
1710050Beast Wars Quest #1A stasis pod lands and left off on a cliffhanger.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-07-29 10 
August 2017
1699468Storm Demigod Quest #8Aisha gets married, then shit gets fucked all sorts of ways.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest2017-08-02 6 
1734050Beast Wars Quest #2Save the girl, slag some Preds and meet some fellow MaximalsBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-03 10 
1732073Storm Demigod Quest #9Aisha retrieves her baby, celebrates, and mourns.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest2017-08-09 6 
1757635Beast Wars Quest #3Visiting the Axalon, you get a few upgrades and a strange vision.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-10 1 
1754410What Came Next 9: The Test of Beatrice UkitakeSukaretto tries to beat up an old lady. Then things get weird again.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Lucife, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-10 3 
1757554Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 72Yuu gets to know his new cousin, and gets taken on a sightseeing tour by PipCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-08-14 7 
1757617Storm Warrior's QuestAisha's son Jack does something he'll probably regret, gets yanked around by a woman, and begins his epic hike through a swamp.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior's Quest2017-08-17 6 
1779365Beast Wars Quest #4Bonding cat to cat and setting up your new outpostBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-21 2 
1783608Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 73Yuu gets a taste of nobility, and decides that he prefers the common folk.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-08-25 6 
1765088Fantasy TribesIn a unexplored world; various tribes set out and attempt to survive in this world, despite each being beset by a number of threatsFantasy, tribes, civilization, multiple players, Stone Age2017-08-27 3 
1802323Beast Wars Quest #5A visit to the energon groveBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-08-28 1 
1789052Storm Warrior's Quest #2Jack continues his hike and picks up a lizard chick.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior's Quest, stop with the incest you fucks2017-08-29 6 
1815456Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 74On the way to the Howling Tower, Yuu takes a detour to visit a certain foxy lady.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-08-31 6 
September 2017
1812398Sburb Quest - Part 1Valve releases a new game on steam. A silver haired bug enthusiast buys it. bad anime is mentioned. The power of air pressure is utilized. Homestuck, sburb, sburb quest, quest, collective game, part 1, pesterlogs are boring without color, Garzey's Wing is the best anime ever2017-09-01 1 
1829728Starborn Quest 35: The Sunset at DawnPurps and Lexington have a minor disagreement. Then they arrive into a warzone. Starborn Dice.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-09-04 2 
1838125Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 75Yuu reaches the peak of the Howling Tower, and battles its ancient master.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-09-07 6 
1845712Beast Wars Quest #6A forest game of cat and spider Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-08 4 
1819943Storm Warrior's Quest #3Jack climbs a mountain and prepares to go on a voyage to a new continent.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior's Quest2017-09-10 6 
1848833Quest Lyoko 1: AwakeningStar presents a quest in which wagons can play no reasonable part... yet. Code Lyoko, adventures in Cyberspace.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-09-11 4 
1857442Quest Lyoko 2: ContactWhere we finally decide to expand our social circle, branch out, and meet new people.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-09-13 2 
1857692Rainbow Tribes Civ #4Past threads are lost, but the game lives on. A dragon REEEs. The black menace looms closer.Rainbow Tribes, Civ, Evo, Tribes evo, Collective Game, Orgy, FrostycCrossQM2017-09-14 3 
1819749Rainbow Tribes Civ #3Wars are declared, a bunch of people die. A bloody thread.Rainbow Tribes, Civ, Evo, Tribes evo, Collective Game, FrostyCrossQM2017-09-14 3 
1863416Beast Wars Quest #7Spider's tend to be venomous, but they certainly squashBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-16 2 
1867815Quest Lyoko 3: CasualtyXana continues to assert control of the factory. Whilst being mentally stable. Also, intruders.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-09-17 2 
1877899Quest Lyoko 3.5: DiscoveryXana has a bad day until he hangs out with Odd. He then decides to take it out on the AICollective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Crits, Monsters,Riot, Factory2017-09-20 2 
1854914Storm Warrior’s Quest #4Jack goes on a voyage, does chores for his uncle, and gets felt up by a gecko.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior’s Quest2017-09-21 6 
1884438Beast Wars Quest #8Mission to the Jungle as a stasis pod landsBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-09-23 2 
1866730Swole European Dragon Quest 73In this episode, Claw gets SWOLE AS FUCK, and fails to be a Chad, all while we make a new meme, that of BBM.Big Black Minotaur Meme is Best Meme, Stop Ancaps Now, European Dragon Quest, Collective Game, SWOLE, Chad, Spamming Tags, KHORNATES!2017-09-23 1 
October 2017
1884798Storm Warrior’s Quest #5Jack goes to a desert land and finally captured a crow bitch.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior’s Quest2017-10-01 6 
1917579Starborn Quest 36: Paint It RedThe aftermath of a tragedy sends Purps over the edge. Darna Must Die.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-04 2 
1908406Beast Wars Quest #9AftermathBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-10-05 1 
1935990What Came Next 11: RNG Decided This - I SwearThe party continue down the long lonesome road. When there shined a shiny hot springs... in the middle of the road. Also Memory?What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone,Lucifer, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-10-09 3 
1920352Storm Warrior’s Quest #6Jack fights his brother, picks up another girl, and gets bored shopping for clothes.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior’s Quest2017-10-11 6 
1948505Quest Lyoko 4: DataminingThe Continuation of the Attack from Discovery. X.A.N.A is totally sane right? Of course.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Archive, Monsters, Riot, Factory2017-10-12 2 
1937881Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 76Yuu's friends get back from their hunting trip, but bad news from Locke cuts their reunion short...Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-10-12 5 
1955475Beast Wars Quest #10Things get messy; Reboot needed Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus 2017-10-17 2 
1954723Storm Warrior's Quest #7Jack marries his harem, but not before picking up a few more girls...Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior's Quest2017-10-18 6 
1926685Pokemon Tribe Civ #0The Draak tribe begin their ascent from survival to living. Vad catches beasts and leads his tribe to new heights.Pokemon Tribe Civ, Collective Game, Civ, Hawthorne2017-10-18 3 
1974284Starborn Quest 37: Enemy UnknownMido continues to prove War is Hell. Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-20 3 
1954680Fantasy Tribe BuilderThe game begins! Also, dark clouds eat frogs, must be french.Fantasy tribe builder, Evola2017-10-23 1 
1989671Beast Wars Quest 2 #1A new beginning with a new protoform. Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-10-25 7 
2002620Quest Lyoko 5: School Days Part 1X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy.Collective Game, Star, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-10-26 2 
1990258Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 77After repelling the Legion, Yuu decides to go north in search of allies.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-10-28 5 
1954117Pokemon Tribe Civ #1The Draak begin to capture more beasts, deal with a Durant Infestation, and receive news about an aggressively expanding tribe.Pokemon Tribe Civ, Collective Game, Civ, Hawthorne2017-10-28 2 
2017974Quest Lyoko 5.5: School Days Part 2X.A.N.A Gets bored and thus decides to hang out with his friends via cyber spying and accidentally invading their privacy.Collective Game, Star, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Nightwing, Monsters, Gas, Factory2017-10-30 3 
November 2017
1997552Resistance Quest pt2At long last, Iwo resumes the resistance, making an ally of Aneta and leading a daring but unsuccessful attack on the Federation's censors.Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2017-11-04 3 
2032529Beast Wars Quest 2 #2Nightracer gets to know her new comrades Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-07 8 
56231624Magic: The Gathering Investors get BTFOWho spends $20,000 on a children's trading card game?magic the gathering, wizards, investors, collectibles, reprints, card economy, bad investments, you made this bed now get fucked in it2017-11-08 3 
56296088The King of GamesAn encounter with a questionable YGO deck quickly gets out of hand. Wayne Gretzky, Hungry Hungry Hippos and Beyblades make an appearance.yugioh, tcg, Pokemon, Beyblade, gretzky2017-11-09 29 
2064906Starborn Quest 38: PerspectiveHitchhikers Guide to the Planes, Lex gives Purps a little lesson. Then the Dragon Nation AttacksStarborm, Wagon, Star, Planes, Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Boss Fight, Dragon, Travelling, Balthazar2017-11-16 2 
2035162Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 78Yuu arrives in the north and starts making progressCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-11-17 5 
2073918Beast Wars Quest 2 #3Nightracer goes out on a mission with Dinobot and Cheetor before going on a walk with a spiderBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-21 6 
2092470Beast Wars Quest 2 #4Aftermath of the caverns from a different point of view, followed by a trip to the coast.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-11-27 7 
2076205Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 79The tournament continues, and Yuu makes a few new friendsCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-11-27 5 
December 2017
2111293Beast Wars Quest 2 #5Nightracer's latest task of scanner duty takes an unusual turn.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-12-05 5 
2126056Starborn Quest 40: The AcademyPurps and the gang roll up to the academy, where paperwork, old friends and new friends await.Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Travelling, Comfy2017-12-09 2 
2109888Avatar in SpaceNickelodeon's next chapter in the highly acclaimed Avatar series Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Avatar2017-12-10 0 
2131127Beast Wars Quest 2 #6Nightracer's adventures in maintenance hits a few snags but pays off in the end Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2017-12-12 5 
2114765Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 80It isn't over until the smol lady sings.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2017-12-14 5 
2137308Luna Quest Thread 1Luna has the absolute worst birthday.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2017-12-18 10 
2144075Old Fashioned Civ QuestCave Chinks, Bush Boys, and Fruit Friends start the quest, make music, and defeat a monstertribe, evo, tribevo, civ, multiplayer civ2017-12-22 1 
56897286Interesting Original MonstersA collection of ideas for new monsters to add to your games.creatures, monsters, worldbuilding, setting, suicide bomber drop sloths,2017-12-25 4 
2177340Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest: Christmas Special IIMelissa saves Christmas!Cyberpunk Idol Management Quest, CIMQ, Cyberidol, Collective Game2017-12-26 21 
2142945Fogsworth Tribes Evo 1.0This is the beginningEvo, Tribes, Fogsworth, Moon Tribe, Cap Tribes, Ocean Tribe2017-12-29 1 
January 2018
2158902Rural Worm Quest Thread OneLeah Redd goes out, finds evidence of mysterious goings-on, makes a friend on a field trip, and investigates some cavesRural Worm Quest, Collective Game, Earth Bet, Worm, Capeshit2018-01-01 4 
2180258Beast Wars Quest 2 #7A small prank leads to a mission Beast Wars Quest, CovenantofPrimus 2018-01-04 3 
2182236Luna Quest Thread 2The end of the beginning.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-01-07 4 
2194236Viserys Quest IIIn which we march, and march, and march some more.Viserys, Asoiaf, Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, Beneath the Gold the Bitter Steel2018-01-07 6 
2190140MAR Quest 3MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective GameKana gathers her party before leaving. Then the QM disappears.2018-01-14 2 
2192620Rural Worm Quest Thread TwoLeah Redd spies on the terrorists, lets the Protectorate know, gets info on some capes, and joins the art clubRural Worm Quest, Collective Game, Earth Bet, Worm, Capeshit2018-01-14 2 
57405013Food in a Cyberpunk SettingAnons discuss cyberpunk cuisine. MREs, Food Pellets, soypaste and GRIMDARK ensues.Food, Cyberpunk2018-01-14 18 
2219148Beast Wars Quest 2 #8Nightracer and the Maximals head out to plant a listening device.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-01-15 3 
2197281Animals Tribes Evo IIWinter is coming, tribes are still developingEvo, Zookeeper, Animal Tribes, Rats, Dogs, Sheep2018-01-15 1 
2221267Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 81The tournament ends, and Yuu finally gets face to face with the Queen.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-01-21 5 
2231661Luna Quest Thread 3Luna attends to some guestsStar Vs. Quest, Scribe, Luna Quest, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-01-22 3 
2242819Beast Wars Quest 2 #9A race for two stasis pods (part one)Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-01-28 3 
2249025Starborn Quest 42: Dorm DaysSettling in at the Academy, Purps continues to meet those around her. And some VIPs would like a word.Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Jo, Stella, Lancel, Quan2018-01-28 2 
February 2018
2245002Rainbow Tribes 2 #1game starts, new tribe is added, green gets rekt by blue & red. red and blue get cursed.Fogsworth, Rainbow Tribes 2, Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Black2018-02-01 2 
2258404Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 82Yuu gets to know his new ally, and invents chess.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-02-03 5 
57747266Alpha Centauri reduxRPG dumps based on the famous strategy game. Also "Left Behind", for some reason.Alpha Centauri, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, SMAC, writefag, Left Beyond2018-02-04 4 
57688684Fantastical Creatures WorldbuildingA collection of ideas for original magical creatures and monsters.creatures, monsters, bestiary, worldbuilding,2018-02-07 6 
2271834Starborn Quest 43: School of Hard KnocksPurps is in the Academy right and she meets her dormates right? Then she dreamwalks, right?Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Jo, Stella, Lancel, Quan2018-02-09 2 
2276266Beast Wars Quest 2 #10Race for the second stasis pod aka the Dice Gods Wild RideBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-02-09 3 
57729395Even More Fantastical Creatures WorldbuildingThe second thread collecting miscellaneous ideas for original magical creatures and monsters.creatures, monsters, bestiary, worldbuilding,2018-02-11 3 
57923494Tale of the Promethean HeistersTheBlackScribe storytimes his favorite campaignhalo mythic, promethean heisters, theblackscribe, storytime2018-02-13 15 
2291804Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 83Yuu embraces fatherhood, and the campaign against the Legion beginsCollective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-02-16 5 
2307332Starborn Quest 44: First ClassPurps attends her first Martial class, apparently it's some kinda placement exam. And she's fighting a friend!Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Jo, Stella, Lancel, Quan2018-02-18 2 
23046454chan Tribes Evo I This is just the beginningevo tribe, pol, fit, a, r9k, evo, stoppu2018-02-26 3 
2316186Beast Wars Quest 2 #11Planning in the aftermath of the Pod missions Beast Wars Quest, CovenantofPrimus, Beast Wars 2018-02-26 4 
March 2018
2331219Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 84Airships and dragons and chains, oh my!Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-03-01 5 
2355222MAR Quest 4Kana meets with the important members of the Cross Guard and spars, while a certain Pawn wakes up to a pleasant surprise.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, Albern Aylmer, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-03-12 3 
2365234Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 85And God said "Let there be maids"Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-03-15 5 
2367503Beast Wars Quest 2 #11Killing time while Optimus determines next operation; Dinobot proposes training exercise Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-03-17 4 
2395716Metahuman Quest: Issue #15Morgan needs to get back.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Batman Beyond, Future2018-03-25 5 
2403067Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 86Yuu becomes a homeowner and gets to know his new staff.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-03-29 6 
April 2018
2423173Metahuman Quest: Issue #16Morgan's makes it back to the past and the Titans earn their Tower.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Future, Batman Beyond, Gorilla Grodd, Slice of Life2018-04-01 5 
2442415Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread OneZander B. Krupp, loyal friend turned superpowered vigilante, fights crime in a dome city a hundred years into the future.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter2018-04-05 2 
2426607Beast Wars Quest 2 #13Dinobot & Nightracer vs Team Vermin Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-04-07 3 
2442687Star Vs Quest Mk A1Third Impact but it's just a prank bro.Star Vs. Quest, Scribe, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Collective Game2018-04-09 2 
2450509Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread TwoZander sees his neighbor's newborn kittens, thoroughly interrogates a gangster, bargain hunts at a thrift store, and goes grocery shopping.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter2018-04-11 0 
2443574Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 87Yuu explores his new town, spreading the word that the Legion rules here no more.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-04-12 6 
2479158Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 88The Legion arrives and attempts to retake Lutain. It's going to be an eventful night.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-04-26 5 
2504787TT Quest #FINSomnius, posing as a new QM, crushes anons hopes under a pile of rocks yet again. They never saw it coming.Collective Game, Quest, Teen, Titans, TT, Teen Titans, Master of Games, MoG, Master, of, Games, TT Quest, SOMNIUS, Rocks fall, Earthbender, 2018-04-26 -8 
2509160Kaleidoscope Quest 8A curse, a shrine, and a keeper.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Bear Stew for Breakfast2018-04-28 2 
May 2018
59436349Putting the Punk in CyberpunkDiscussion of new cyberpunk setting creation and keeping the "punk" element.cyberpunk, setting, worldbuilding2018-05-04 3 
2512788Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 89Yuu works through some personal issues involving alternate timelines, and discovers the secret to limitless power.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-05-10 5 
2544190Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach ThreadThis is a non canon beach thread. It contains dragons, swimsuits, fanservice and more!collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-05-16 1 
June 2018
2588157Beast Wars Quest 2 #14Wrapping up Team Vermin vs Team Predators in the forest.Beast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-06-03 3 
2588186Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 90Yuu goes out drinking with the heartbroken Pip, followed by morning hijinks. Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-06-03 5 
2593938Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach Thread 2Life's still hell, have more filler arccollective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-06-07 1 
60161844AI Rebellion/tg/ discusses how a AI rebellion might come to be and the nature of AIRobots, Artificial Intelligences, AI, Rebellion, Sci-Fi2018-06-09 1 
2658793My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce QuestA frustrated little sister has had enough of waiting.Collective Game, Autism, Anime, My Older Brother Can't Be This Hard To Seduce2018-06-19 5 
2636427Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 91Yuu takes some time to relax on his last day before the southward march.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-06-20 3 
2643985Umbra City QuestQM has rocky start but tries his best to maintain. Thread died due to lack of interest before the action could pick up, sadly.cyberpunk, biopunk, action, henshin, henshin heroes, tranformation, original setting, original quest, 1/1, Taleteller, Bio-Armor2018-06-21 1 
2660783Avatar: The Firebender QuestKazuki, a young colonial noble, arrives in the court of Fire Lord Ozai and uncovers his true potential.Firebender Quest, SifuHotman, Avatar, Last Airbender2018-06-22 13 
2673580Avatar: The Firebender Quest #2Learned Airbending, went on an...outing? with Azula & co. Talked to Roku.Firebender Quest, SifuHotman, Avatar, Last Airbender, AtLA2018-06-29 5 
2658727The Island I: An EvoCiv QuestGame starts with Emeralds,Rubies & Sapphires. Game ends very early (turn 7) as Emeralds warfagged & ruined the game by winning. New game thotheisland, evo, amber, amethyst, lapislazuli, questchan2018-06-30 1 
July 2018
2673668Bishop Bizzare Civ EvoTribe Civ Evo based on robots, lizards, and little radish people. Ran for approx 9 turns. Civilization, Civ, Evolution, Evo, Tribe2018-07-01 1 
2685040Beast Wars Quest 2 #15Finishing up in the forestBeast Wars Quest, Beast Wars, CovenantofPrimus2018-07-04 3 
2710582Post apocalyptic tribe quest A small tribe tries to survive in a world devastated and turned to fantasy. Fantasy, post apocalyptic, tribe, clan, civ, iron age, low technology 2018-07-12 1 
2716610Steven Universe: Rebel Ruby QuestA young homeworld Ruby abandons her home and crash lands on Earth in hopes of becoming a Crystal Gem. Steven Universe, DekuQM, Deku, Rebel Ruby2018-07-12 6 
2717546Avatar: The Firebender Quest #3Went to a party with a date, set out on the mission to the South PoleFirebender Quest, SifuHotman, Avatar, Last Airbender, AtLA2018-07-14 3 
2706298Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 92The march to Kirando begins, along with the first of many battles.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-07-16 2 
2736881Rebel Ruby Quest #2: Ocean Gem, Mirror Gem, Homeworld GemSometime after joining The Crystal Gems, Ruby find a mysterious mirror Steven Universe, DekuQM, Deku, Rebel Ruby 2018-07-21 7 
2755879Rebel Ruby Quest #3: Training Daze and Family StaysAfter the incident with the mirror, Lapis and Ruby go on adventures before Ruby ends the thread with a victory against Garnet!Steven Universe, DekuQM, Deku, Rebel Ruby2018-07-31 5 
August 2018
2777984Post-Apoc Quest IIIn which we build some fences, fight a shadow god and get a dude with cool wind powers.Civ, Civ Quest, Tribe, Ancient, Post, Apocalypse, 2018-08-05 1 
2756662Avatar: the firebender quest #4Kazuki is here to drink tea and kick pirate ass, and he's all out of ass Wait...Avatar, firebender, sifuhotman, pirates, ass, azula's ass2018-08-07 3 
2785916Post-Apoc Quest IIIIn which the tribe grows and we head off to get more women by sweet trade and save some refugees.Civ, Civ Quest, Tribe, Ancient, Post, Apocalypse, 2018-08-11 1 
2794273Shadowrun AU Episode 1Amnesiac gunbunny goes on milkrunShadowrun AU Quest, Collective Game, Virgil, Grim Fenris, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2018-08-13 6 
2803747Shadowrun AU Quest Episode 2Grimm hunts endangered enemies at the zoo.Shadowrun AU Quest, Collective Game, Virgil, Grim Fenris, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, Zoo2018-08-18 4 
2783107Rebel Ruby Quest #4.1 Killer FillerRuby and Lapis try to help Steven and the gems find some shards before finding the vacant kindergarten where Ruby makes a vowSteven Universe, DekuQM, Deku, Rebel Ruby2018-08-19 6 
2799221Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 93Bad news from back home.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-08-22 5 
2815120Shadowrun AU Quest Episode 3Man & Troll goes shopping, meets angry elves. Shadowrun AU Quest, Collective Game, Virgil, Grim Fenris, Shadowrun, cyberpunk2018-08-28 2 
September 2018
2846667 World Waifu Wrestling Stable QuestTime to put Battle to Bakas, as Vlad Dimmadone Shekelstein can you make your small town wanna be waifu wrestling show the Next Big Thing?collective game, waifu, wrestling, www, ironheart is best girl,2018-09-05 2 
2866121World Waifu Wrestling Stable QuestYour wrestling legacy continues as Iggy goes to the hospital and Ironheart goes to jailcollective game, waifu, wrestling, www, ironheart is best girl,2018-09-15 0 
2866498Steven Universe: Rebel Ruby Quest Episode 5: Learn 2 FusionThe newly formed Tanzanite learns more about herself and her powers in an all out fusion free for all!Steven Universe, DekuQM, Deku, Rebel Ruby2018-09-16 5 
2899909World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest 3You have your first paperview as a indie weeb wrestling show. collective game, waifu, wrestling, www, ironheart is best girl,2018-09-27 1 
October 2018
2915412School of Conformity 1Your only option is to Obey.Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls2018-10-12 3 
2937736School of Conformity 2Your only option is to Obey.Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls2018-10-12 2 
2944233Neet Quest #5Got kidnapped, Escaped, Bought 14 guns and 100 pounds of ammo, tried to get lucky, get attacked by bear, got into a coma, came out of itCollective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Cabin, Bear, Guns, Coma2018-10-13 5 
2950264Steven Universe: Rebel Ruby Quest Special: Days of War Part 1In this thread we go back in time as Hessonite during the Gem warSteven Universe, DekuQM, Deku, Rebel Ruby2018-10-15 2 
2955589School of Conformity 3Your only Option is to OBEYConform,Obey,Femdom,Girls2018-10-21 2 
2990465School of Conformity 4Your only option is to OBEY.Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls2018-10-31 3 
November 2018
2984845Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 94Yuu returns to Lutain to find employee issues, prisoner issues, and new arrivals waiting for him.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-11-01 6 
3006224School of Conformity 5Your only option is to OBEY.Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls2018-11-01 2 
3016583School of Conformity 6The one the Nazi mods killed, thanks qst.Conform,Obey,Femdom,Girls2018-11-01 0 
3031049Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7Main character Deltorian Tessan deals with a terror attack at the English Canal Mag Rail tunnel.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-11-10 1 
3034076Ben 10 QuestA young man named Wade Wakeman obtains the Omnitrix and absolutely stomps some alien robots.Ben 10 Quest2018-11-12 17 
62990061Fireball System Thread #3VMore work done on Fireball, at first a lot is done but dries up leaving a sole anon to roll a few things out.One is the loneliest number, Chaos, Inquisitors, Marines, Hive City, Lizards, 40k2018-11-14 0 
3025159Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 95Yuu gets into his winter break routine.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2018-11-19 4 
3044883Ben 10 Quest #2Wade visits an Animal Sanctuary and faces two fanatical villains. And Wade's date with Julie is rudely interrupted by alien bounty hunters.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-11-20 8 
December 2018
3064430Ben 10 Quest #3Wade battles a powerful witch in New York, befriends Kevin Levin, and he discovers a shocking revelation about his past.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-02 6 
63304763Reforged Creation Thread #3While it started out good, the OP is left to themselves to write up things.Once is the loneliest number, Marines, Cripples, Chaos, Knights, Bishie Marines2018-12-02 0 
63332675Paragons and BrotherhoodA patir of Chaos Cults are rolled up that subvert the usual paradigmsSubversive, Khorne, Slaanesh, The Betrayer, Null, Cults2018-12-05 2 
3090697Ben 10 Quest #4Wade gets abducted by fake aliens and makes some real alien friends. He also comes in contact with a sinister alien entity.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-11 6 
63542055Emperor's Mad Kids Creation ThreadWe make an Imperial Guard regiment of Mad Max style Beastmen.Imperial Guard, Beastmen, Mad Max, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k.2018-12-17 21 
3062367Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7, Part 2Del shows some rookies around Department 7.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-12-19 1 
3108760Ben 10 Quest #5Wade acquires his eleventh alien, battles Vulkanus, makes a new deal with Verdona and fights some freaks at a carnival!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-19 3 
3121804Ben 10 Quest #6Wade acquires a mentor, battles his childhood heroes, goes on a date, chases after some southern carjackers and fights the Forever Knights!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-29 3 
January 2019
3160764Settler QST - Chapter 1Julius Arcada rules over this new settled land for its first decade - sons, a passing wife, agriculture, immigrants, diplomacy, murder.ComfyQM, Civ, Tribe, Settlers, Turns2019-01-11 13 
3149184Ben 10 Quest #7Wade teams up with the Secret Saturdays, battles mythical monsters, befriends the Omnitrix's A.I., and encounters one of Kirby's old foes.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-01-15 3 
3200280A Rememberance of Quests A thread to remember all the quests that ended early, fadibg ibto the distance without an endingRememberance, Quests2019-01-24 -2 
3172286Beyond the Pale Civ #1We start as Taelia, a human nation on the southern shores of a wild continent, before competing with the religious Natoyans to the west.Hare, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-01-30 1 
3187139Ben 10 Quest #8Wade meets Kirby's wife, obtains a new charm, breaks into Incarcenon, meets his creator, and confronts Empress Attea.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-01-31 4 
February 2019
64368872Can Orthodox Jews get Cybernetics?The question gets derailed by Jews, and if uplifted dolphins can convert Cyberpunk, Jews, discussion2019-02-01 23 
3200114Stickman TribesThis is when everything starts evotribes, questchan, hurantal, emor, icryllian, dagonian, stickman, tribes 2019-02-03 0 
3206247Beyond the Pale Civ #2Natoya is kept in check as Taelia expands, and as religious reformation occurs, a strange cult spreads across the Bay of Seals.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-02-08 1 
3230446Ben 10 Quest #9Wade returns to Earth to reunite with his family, find Kevin's mother, save his friends from the Forever Knights and fight the Negative 10!Ben 10 Quest, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-02-12 3 
3235234Bounty Hunter QuestA witch hunter deals with a tgreat to a small village, tries to right some wrongs and gets invited to a nasty dinner.monster hunting, magic, Spirit Bear, bounty hunter, bounty hunter quest, Witch Hunter 2019-02-13 3 
64600451Cadalbras the Wise and the Western Wall"It is said that the hair of Cadalbras the Wise turned all white the day he turned his telescope upon it."Cadalbras the Wise,The Western Wall,writefaggotry,before the end2019-02-14 25 
3247722Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 96Yuu returns to the front.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2019-02-18 3 
3240109Stickman Tribes IIHurantals go to war against pirates, Emor catches up with the rest, Dagonians get taken over by a coup d'etat & Icryllia scouts aroundevotribes, questchan, hurantal, emor, icryllian, dagonian, stickman, tribes2019-02-18 1 
3243942Beyond the Pale Civ #3After a regional effort against strange beasts from the south, a brief war with Natoya sets Taelia back a bit. The Lavingi conquer Hilgot.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-02-19 1 
3258479Behind the DoorA Fantasy/God-like quest where you play as a Dark Lord banished to a plane of nothingness. Behind the Door Quest, Dark Lord Quest, Collective Game2019-02-20 2 
3259521Ben 10 Quest #10The Ultimate Albedo Special is held! Wade visits his parents and finally meets his twin sister.Ben 10 Quest, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-02-21 3 
3250749STAR WARS: The Imperial ArchiveWhere a terrorist attack by the rebels drives Mina Celilale to join the Imperial Academy to protect her loved ones.Star Wars, The Imperial Archive, Imperial Historian, Empire, Imperial Intelligence, Die Rebel Scum, Collective Game2019-02-24 1 
3281240Superpowered Neckbeard QuestDerek, 342 pound neckbeard leaves his mommy's home, stabs a kickboxing cricket man to death, and spontaneously develops superpowers.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-02-26 14 
March 2019
3289851Ben 10 Quest #11Wade finally gets together with K8-E, joins the Plumbers on patrol, deals a devastating blow to Evo-Corp, and becomes an internet sensation!Ben 10 Quest, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-03-04 7 
3257481Bounty Hunter Quest 2where we meet a witch and try to stop an attempt to destroy the citySpirit, bear, bounty, hunter, quest, bounty hunter, Spirit Bear2019-03-05 2 
3299177Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode TwoDerek's sad life continuesCollective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-03-10 10 
3305667Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 97The crew reaches The Spire, with some nasty surprises awaiting them.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2019-03-11 6 
3320609Ben 10 Quest #12Wade receives a mission from the Galactic Council in order to prove his loyalty.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-03-17 2 
3328765Beyond the Pale Civ #5https://archive.b-stats.org/qst/thread/3285510/ - Thread 4. A successful war against the Natoyans, and the death of the chief.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-03-22 1 
3353905A Thief's Quest: 1st RunThe up and coming thief Ailas realizes he's been thinking small, and moves on up.Quest, A Thief's Quest, Sneaking, Robbery, Fantasy, SleepyQM2019-03-26 8 
3357848Audas City Stories: Race 1A ghost hunter in a futuristic skatepunk city comes across an unusual visitor from the world below. Audas, ACS, Diarca, Quest, cyberpunk, geist2019-03-26 6 
3354140Ben 10 Quest #13Wade travels to a desert planet, makes friends with a genie, obtains a new costume and pursues his case to the outer rim of the galaxy.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-03-27 2 
3373494A Thief's Quest: 2nd RunAilas completes a tricky job and buys a serious amount of gear in preparation for the manor job, his own project.Quest, A Thief's Quest, Sneaking, Robbery, Fantasy, OC Setting, SleepyQM2019-03-31 6 
April 2019
3373391Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 98After pissing off some important people in an incident involving shoes, Yuu goes on another mission to avoid further shoe related incidents.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2019-04-06 3 
3395169Totemist Quest LXXXIVOsyki embarks on another adventure to find a guardian spirit for his village.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2019-04-09 20 
3389290Ben 10 Quest #14Wade closes out the corruption case, gains the rank of Deputized Agent, finds Iden and pursues his twin sister!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-04-11 2 
3425209Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 1Down with the Empire! We meet the deserter and rebel Marco Riviera and his team of Imperial deserters.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-04-14 1 
3413388Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 99Terry spills some things that change the game. Yuu doesn't know what to do with this information.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2019-04-17 3 
3401746Beyond the Pale Civ #7https://archived.moe/qst/search/subject/beyond%20the%20pale%20civ%20/results/thread/ (Missing threads) Development, and little else.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-04-20 -1 
3433358Totemist Quest LXXXVOsyki continues his descent into the Oubliette and finds his goal, but hits a snag on his way out. Marisol steps up to the plate. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2019-04-22 11 
3423011 Ben 10 Quest #15Wade protects plumber HQ, Returns to earth, and sets off looking for asmuthBen 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-04-23 3 
3428132Beyond the Pale Civ #7.5Yeah yeah yeah. Short thread again, fight me. A war starts.HareQM, Beyond the Pale Civ, Fantasy, Civ, Civ Quest, Collective Game2019-04-27 1 
May 2019
3449927Quest Beyond the Gate: Chapter 100Turns out the Black God was actually Smiley's lack of free time all along.Collective Game, Beyond the Gate, Smiley2019-05-01 5 
3476173Phantasm Limb~IA weary Knight awakens to find his right arm removed.Phantasm Limb, Collective Game, Fantasy, Knight, Dismemberment2019-05-02 3 
3449387Secret Best Friend Gender Bender #1We Start our best friends journey into being a cute trap and we switch QMs early onCollective Game, Secret Best Friend Gender Bender Quest2019-05-04 0 
3507592Strike Mech '90The elite, international mercenary company, Edgeline, engages in operations in Cameroon using their combat mechs.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-17 8 
3482020Criminals & Catacombs: Dream Catchers Interlude [Skirmish]A newly discovered crypt dungeon is unearthed, leading to a guild with lacking manpower to host an amnesty expedition... using bandits.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, tonberry, skeleton, skeletons, undead, skelemen, anonymous, anon, crypt, isometric,2019-05-17 1 
3482855Ben 10 Quest #16After a harrowing crash, K8-E must take the place of an injured Wade and defend him until he recovers, for only he can defeat D'Traxus!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-05-20 2 
3517120Continental Rebellion IElijah Crawford leads Bravuria into rebellion and aids in the siege of ArdadikeCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps 2019-05-23 8 
3526616Strike Mech '98 #1Eight years after the slaughter at Barnake, we join Sparks and Reznick at the start of a new chapter in Edgeline's history.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-31 2 
June 2019
3523159Ben 10 Recap ThreadEon orders one of his servants to keep an eye on Wade, and she witnesses the birth of a hero as she closely observes his actions.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-06-02 1 
3536994Continental Rebellion IIElijah takes the reformed Bravurian army north and wins the first battle of the Nascent-Territory-campaign single-handedlyCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-04 5 
3557689Continental Rebellion IIThe campaign in the Nascent Territories goes very well until it doesn't. Civ, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-12 2 
3558983Strike Mech '98 #2Sparks makes a date with Sheila, Reznick gets to know his team, and the mission at El Gancho gets underwayMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-14 2 
3584110Left Beyond Quest Prequel PrologueYou rule the 1990s Internet. Stop Armageddon.left behind, left beyond2019-06-19 10 
3547710Ben 10 Quest #17One year after his battle with D'traxus, Wade encounters an evil entity unlike anything he's ever seen before!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-06-20 1 
3550816Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode ThreeDerek continues his one-man crusade on crime, and has a chance encounter with a minor baseball celebrity.Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard2019-06-21 8 
3587990Left Beyond Quest Prequel IIIn which we have to take a powerpoint deck to the Antichrist.left behind, left beyond2019-06-21 26 
3597252Left Beyond Quest Prequel III - The Clock TicksIn which the doomsday countdown actually starts.left behind, left beyond2019-06-23 11 
3562913Undying King Quest #1In which we awaken to insolent adventurers and a broken kingdom.King, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Addventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-06-25 3 
3598034Left Beyond Quest Prequel IIIa - The Clock SkipsIn which we recover from a fatal mistake by making an economic one.left behind, left beyond2019-06-27 7 
3588776Strike Mech '98 #3Scythe Team is dispatched for the fighting in MexicoMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-28 2 
3571604 My Better Angels: A Mad Monarch Management QuestQueen Ophelia I begins her reign of the Kingdom of Vetesil, engages in intrigue, defends attacks from Amberland, and takes up gardening.Collective Game, Mad Monarch, Kingdom Management, My Better Angels2019-06-30 13 
July 2019
3610704Left Beyond Quest Prequel IVIn which the going gets good, and we take advantage of it while it lasts.left behind, left beyond2019-07-03 10 
67088011/tg/ talks dragons/tg/ talks about dragons, artistic representations of dragons, heroic and villainous coding, female kings, and what dragons represent.dragons, medieval, saber, king emotionlessly watching a dragon fuck his woman from the closet2019-07-06 0 
3622314Strike Mech '98 #4The mission at El Gancho is concluded, tempers flare and crew let their guard down. A colelctive 'letting off of steam'Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-07-06 1 
3591218Ben 10 Quest #18Wade begins to question his sanity when he starts having bizarre flashbacks of events that will have lasting changes on his future!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-07-07 2 
3627145Left Beyond Quest Prequel V - Marching OnIn which the new world order starts showing some cracks.left behind, left beyond2019-07-11 10 
3607618Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 2Marco Riviera and a couple of his fellow deserters meet rebels from Main Port's cell. A secondary objective is added onto the heist.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-07-11 1 
3615503Undying King Quest #2A much shorter thread, in which we arrive at a riverside fort, get kingnapped, and then used as a flailKing, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Adventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-07-12 1 
67202225combination monster bestiary /tg/ designs weapons for when wizards with owlbear-tier magics capable of combining animals to create new monsters fight a biotech war.monsters, worldbuilding, owlbears, chimera, body horror, umbrella corporation, wizards, no sense of right and wrong,2019-07-13 7 
3637272I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin QuestIn which strange bedfellows must work together to escape a prison.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-07-16 35 
3650637Left Beyond Quest Prequel VI - Si Vis Pacem...In which all good things come to an end.left behind, left beyond2019-07-16 9 
3632642Ben 10 Quest #19Wade teams up with Charmcaster in the past to defeat Mother, and he wakes from his flashback to a shocking discovery!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-07-20 1 
3636731The Elements - a nrp gameA NatRP based on elemental bending and the civilizations that might result. Fish, Bats, and Ashen Horrors abound. Batteries not included.Sky, NatRP, NRP, Avatar, TLA, Bending2019-07-21 2 
3664294I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #2In which we meet the people behind this operation and find the exit.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-07-26 29 
3669293Left Beyond Quest Prequel VIIIn which war never changes, except when it does.left behind, left beyond2019-07-27 7 
3669874Cassus Burning: Prologue Part 3A brief thread. Marcus and Crew convince Blake Driscol to head back to their base. Marcus hides his feelings again.Collective Game, Cassus Burning, SixWingZombi, Sci-fi, Rebellion, Aliens2019-07-31 1 
August 2019
67396007how to improve necrons/tg/ discusses how to improve necron fluff and stats.necrons, worldbuilding, backstory, tomb kings, mondasian cybermen,2019-08-02 5 
3679961Earth Tau 2Preparations for a fight in a new home, learning more about yourself, and experimenting with powers lie within.Quest, Earth Tau, worm, powers, ShardOfNothing, Cyberpunk2019-08-06 2 
3684033Ben 10 Quest #20Max Tennyson must survive in a hostile desert wasteland, while uncovering a secret that could possibly lead to the Earth's destruction!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-08-07 1 
3696022Left Beyond Quest Prequel VIIIIn which the aftermath is dealt with and preparations are made.left behind, left beyond2019-08-07 6 
3678802The Elements - a nrp gameA new turn dawns in Sky’s bending universe. Some choose war, others peace. We welcome new players bringing new elemental powers to bear.Sky, Elements, Bending, Avatar, mapquest, nrp, natrp, Civilization, 2019-08-08 4 
3718163I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #3In which we get this show on the road and reach our first destination.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-08-09 28 
3749361Blood of Heroes QuestLord Mentioc Auberon of Cambrey Keep begins his journey to reclaim the Deepwood for his family.Collective Game, Lorekeeper, Civ, Fantasy, Blood of Heroes, Lord Auberon, Roleplay, Strategy2019-08-20 2 
3745255My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GFIn the cybernetic future, you sign up for a government issue big titty goth girlfriendGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-08-21 28 
3737332Left Beyond Quest Prequel IX - The Judgement BeginsIn which the first of the prophesied judgements hits the world.left behind, left beyond2019-08-23 6 
3730728Ben 10 Quest #21Wade rescues Wendy, encounters the Samurai, meets another clone of Max and falls under the effects of powerful spell!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-08-23 1 
3765489Blood of Heroes Quest 1.5Lord Auberon ventures out to cleanse his lands of a bandit clan. Extremely short due to Op being a fagLord Mentioc Auberon, Blood Of Heroes, Civ, Fantasy, Role Play, Fantasy, Collective Game, Strategy2019-08-26 1 
3770289Beastman QuestQuest about a beastman surviving in the world. Went to get some food, human meat to be exact.Beastman Quest, Beastman, Oneshot, Beasty, Collective Game2019-08-29 -1 
September 2019
68085623Epic Song of Swords fecht thread.What started as a Song of Swords thread quickly turned into an epic fecht thread : Katana vs Sword and Oberyn Martell VS Gregor Clegane.Song of Swords, SoS, Game of Thrones, Oberyn Martell, Gregor Clegane, Katana, Sword, Fecht, Ronin, Knight2019-09-01 2 
3773439Left Beyond Quest Prequel XIn which rocks fall.... but who dies?left behind, left beyond2019-09-04 6 
3784723Wannabe Hero Quest #2Specter Streak and the Silver Stars continue their investigation. Specter struggles with her morals. The Silver Stars make their team debut.Specter Streak/Karina Klein, Superhero, Sci-fi, Investigative, Action, Wannabe Hero Quest2019-09-07 4 
3785625My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 2You take your Goth GF to DennysGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-09-09 14 
3767352The Elements - a nrp game: Thread 4In which a new races of lightning goats and minotaurs joins and the first international trade networks begin to form.Sky, nrp, natrp, civilization, bending, collective game, 2019-09-09 1 
3774561Ben 10 Quest #22Wade is split into two entities, talks to Z'Skayr once more, and is critically wounded by mystical archers!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-09-10 1 
3795813Left Beyond Quest Prequel XIIn which there just might be a gambit pileup.left behind, left beyond2019-09-13 6 
3807838Left Beyond Quest Prequel XIIIn which the pileup actually happens, big time.left behind, left beyond2019-09-13 6 
68364766Void CrowsYou know the deal. Anons decide to roll up a 40k faction army. It's worth saving. Buckle up for void pilots, diet-space sharks, and TRUTH!Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Raven Guard, Maybe WBs, Void Crows, writefaggotry, cannibals, 40k2019-09-16 11 
3800042I can't believe I have to trust a goblin #4In which we explore a forest, gain new companions, make our first big haul, and spend the night with Highball!Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-09-16 24 
3814749Left Beyond Quest Prequel XIIIIn which, maybe, just maybe, the prophecies are thwarted.left behind, left beyond2019-09-19 6 
68395116Void Crows #2Anons come back and flesh out more of the iconography and terminology of the chapter and we finally get a real drawback to our mutation.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Raven Guard, Maybe AL, Void Crows, writefaggotry, cannibals, 40k2019-09-19 3 
3827914Left Beyond Quest Prequel XIVIn which WW4 erupts, shattering the prophecies.left behind, left beyond2019-09-25 6 
3825507I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #5In which we chill in our ship, restock at Dunnlivin, and Anon gets into a fight about thighs.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, Mr. Culexus2019-09-26 24 
3842423Left Beyond Quest Prequel XVIn which the stage is set for the final confrontation.left behind, left beyond2019-09-29 7 
October 2019
3806599Ben 10 Quest #23Wade meets up with Iden and Anaris, and begins his assault on Elena's factory!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-10-01 2 
3824506My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 3Trash a cat, face gets sat, girlfriend spatGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-10-01 8 
3806665The Elements - a nrp game: Thread 5As the Oni/Tarn War continues to rage, civilizations continue to grow and prosper. A new threat, the Faceless, emerges in the East.Sky, NRP, NatRP, Bending, Elements, Civilization, Collective Game2019-10-04 1 
3845755Flesh and Metal #1A Ganger Hitman embarks on a mission to silence a snitch in a cyberpunk futureSci-fi, Assassin, Hitman, Cybernetic, Collective Game, Cyborg, Futuristic2019-10-05 0 
3852592Left Beyond Quest Prequel EpilogueIn which the end finally comes.left behind, left beyond2019-10-05 20 
3857237My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 4Sleepy Time, Tower Climb, Meet the boss, Is this loss?Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-10-17 8 
3849747Ben 10 Quest #24Wade acquires an upgrade for his aliens, battles Demongo, boards the treasure train and begins his final battle with Aku in the past!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-10-20 1 
3861557The Elements - a nrp game: Thread 6After years of war the Phosphate Mines have finally come under Oni control, for now. While many minor powers emerge from the past. Sky, NRP, NatRP, Bending, Elements, Civilization, Collective Game2019-10-24 1 
November 2019
3877022Panzer Commander Quest #54Richter arrives back to his comrades. There have been several developments to say the least.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, there were battles but you don't get to have been a part of them faggot haha2019-11-05 1 
3882137Ben 10 Quest #24.5Wade and the gang go on a Halloween adventure in the middle of July! But like any other day in Wade's life, things get a little out of handBen 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-11-06 1 
3887644The Elements - a nrp game: Thread 7Many newly emerged nations enter the fray as old and new blood boils over in wars which are only just starting. Sky, NRP, NatRP, Bending, Elements, Civilization, Collective Game2019-11-12 1 
3900176Slime Quest (pt3)Some time has passed, allowing for new arrivals, fateful encounters, and... a new perspective?slime quest, fenster, draw quest, ser fuzzylad, faerie, slime, sword, bottle, hammer, blunder, goblin, kobold, combat, skeleton, robes2019-11-23 0 
69591333South American BestiaryBrazilian anon provides great insight on mythological creatures of South America. bestiary, monster manual, fluff, worldbuilding, mythology2019-11-25 29 
3914279Ben 10 Quest #25Wade dives back into his work as a full-time hero, and he's invited to join a team of Multiversal Omnitrix users!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-11-30 1 
December 2019
3937258Slime Quest (pt4)Runecraft is performed before going on hiatus.slime quest, fenster, draw quest, ser fuzzylad, faerie, slime, sword, bottle, hammer, blunder, goblin, kobold, combat, skeleton, robes,2019-12-01 0 
3920530The Elements - a nrp game: Thread 8The final chapter in the first saga of the Elements. Civilizations clash as new faces emerge and die out. It will be continued one day...Sky, NRP, NatRP, Bending, Elements, Civilization, Collective Game2019-12-02 1 
3933303Body Horror Quest - CapillaryAn Interlude where bhop explores the perspectives of other characters in the Crucible world: Featuring: Sam, 'A', and Isabelle.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, interlude, Capillary, slice-of-life, Isabelle, Sam, 'A'2019-12-02 12 
3951227Late Night: Sequence 1An amnesiac awakens in a bathroom at a club and begins their quest.Late Night, cyberpunk, fantasy, magic 2019-12-16 0 
3966505Bad Art QuestThomas wishes to spread the word of Classic Italian Disco but it goes beary wrong.Bear, disco, art, bad, bad art, Thomas, corn, Conopolis2019-12-19 0 
3946925Ben 10 Quest #26Wade teams up with Birdie to take down The Rogue Element, and he finally meets up with the mysterious Omnitrix owner from China!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-12-19 1 
70071839Which genre of setting has the best girls?Anon's discuss which genre has best girls, devolves into Arthurian Lady Kight and Squire Boy lewdsLady Knight, Girls, Lewd, Writefags, Fetish, Cyberpunk, Arthurian2019-12-30 0 
January 2020
3997796Joker Quest: Episode 166Frost Cestus has finally climaxed and Kazuya feels the weight of being a hero.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Bonding time with best girl2020-01-07 10 
4002602STAR WARS - Interregnum #1You are Farren Gaelle, one of the last Jedi in the early days of Order 66. Saving a friend in the Unknown Regions does not go as expected.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, slave uprisings, mandolorian swing dancing, beware of lag when loading2020-01-12 42 
4002433Kill or Be Killed Quest #1In which our protagonist acquires a shotgun and a groupie, only to lose both soon after.Kill or be Killed, Quest2020-01-12 -1 
3988139Ben 10 Quest #27Wade goes on a holiday adventure during the summer, and he finally encounters the cult that worships the Great One!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-01-14 1 
4020657STAR WARS - Interregnum #1.5Continuation of the prior thread. Farren sees the end of the slave rebellion, encounters the Revenant, and begins his Trial of Spirit.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, lynch mobs, mentally disturbed women, difficult choices, beware of lag when loading2020-01-19 25 
February 2020
4025410Ben 10 Quest #28Wade defeats the Great One, encounters the Heir, and travels to Dimension-63 in order to assist his teammate Gwen!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-02-01 1 
4062134Ben 10 Quest #29Wade battles Eon's Knights, learns a very useful skill and travels to a distant planet to assist Kilik and Dr. Animo on a mission.Ben 10 Quest2020-02-26 2 
4073948I Can't Believe I Have to Trust a Goblin Quest #6 In which we save Scadam and rescued the citizens.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-02-28 23 
4099115Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #1Kentaro gets a promotionCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-02-29 7 
March 2020
4110431Trust a Goblin PART SEVENIn which we take in stock of what we've achieved so far and have a pleasant airship ride.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CentreField, Collosal Faggot, Mr. Culexus2020-03-13 23 
4117291Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #2Kentaro hires a netrunner guideCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-03-17 1 
71536695Anon makes cyberpunk E-girl cultsAnon floats the idea of modern e-girl culture being taken to a violent extreme in the gritty cyberpunk future.cyberpunk, e-girl2020-03-21 13 
4110276Ben 10 Quest #30Enter the world of Omnipunk, where alien Megacorps reign supreme and everyone holds the power of the Unitrix in their hands!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-03-22 2 
4143080Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #3Kentaro gets told by Kyune to join her rival's camp.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-03-30 0 
April 2020
4168708Dragonball Quest 185: Earthbender Quest 23The next one might not be a joke... https://www.strawpoll.me/19460870Collective Game, Quest, Avatar, The, Last, Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Earthbender Quest, Somnius, Dralo, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball2020-04-01 0 
4137489Across the Sea: Awakening Thread 1Our heroine explores the colony, makes some unlikely allies, and starts her first voyage in her quest to save this dying world. Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Aberrant Dilettante, Across the Sea: Awakening2020-04-02 2 
4136452The Quarantine of a Harbor City #1In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour an find a curePlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-04-05 4 
4168332Body Horror Quest - 41st VeinDinner and Downtime before the Big Raid. Shu hosts a body horror fashion show, and God itself talks to Shu asking why she got brain surgery.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Midnight Crew, Barbers, downtime, level up2020-04-11 8 
4167114Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #4Kentaro commits to helping Akira with her addictionCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-04-13 0 
4158414Ben 10 Quest #31Wade saves Ghirgost, redeems Dr. Animo, deepens his bonds with Kilik and returns to Earth!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-04-13 2 
4185830My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Sidestory Oneshot Super Deluxe Edition A sidestory in the My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF about a hacker and his GF. Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2020-04-14 10 
4168742The Quarantine of a Harbor City #2In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour and find a curePlague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-04-14 2 
4161394[NRPZ3] Nations RP (by Zakov) Game #3 Part 1Nations RP by ZakovNRP, RP, NRPZ, BETRAYED2020-04-15 0 
4192433Do Your Best Quest: Dreadful DaysPlay a myriad of characters doing their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to both Peaceful Times and Irrelevant Times!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-04-25 1 
4206590My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 5Trailer Life, Future Strife, Emotion Rife, Get a WifeGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2020-04-27 9 
4193893Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #5Kentaro discovers an experimental enforcer training program while Yoji raids an Ishii stockpile.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-04-28 0 
May 2020
4195533The Quarantine of a Harbor City #3You befriended a Witch and rescued an Alchemist, the plague has claimed more than a thousand lives already Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-05-01 1 
4198581[NRPZ3] Nations RP (by Zakov) Game #3 Part 2Nations RP by ZakovNRP, RP, NRPZ, BETRAYED2020-05-07 0 
4233397Do Your Best Quest #90Johnny visits the Dewitt household.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-05-07 2 
4207345Ben 10 Quest Recap: FOR REAL THIS TIME!Olivia, Wade's cousin, manages to recap Wade's adventures thus far!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-05-12 1 
4245903Do Your Best Quest #91Aurora faces her brother in an emotional encounter!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-05-14 1 
4224373Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest #6Kentaro gets infected with a virus again. This time he isn't so lucky.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-05-18 0 
4229753The Quarantine of a Harbor City #4The Plague is spreading, Elves are turning into an occupation force, you rescued your mate's wife from a Militia's concentration camp. Plague, Steampunk, Alchemy, Survival, Conspiracy, Fantasy, Inquisition, Rebellion, fantasy, alchemy, rebellion, disease, Collective Game 2020-05-20 0 
4260859Do Your Best Quest #92Johnny calls a lot of people on the phone.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-05-21 1 
4240368[NRPZ3] Nations RP (by Zakov) Game #3 Part 3Nations RP by ZakovNRP, RP, NRPZ, BETRAYED2020-05-26 0 
June 2020
4272529Do Your Best Quest #93Johnny goes to Dream Hill: The Field of Hopes and Dreams.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-06-05 5 
4256874Ben 10 Quest #32Wade decrypts Cooper's drive, meets with Wendy and discovers the huge secret that his sister's been hiding from him!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-06-06 1 
4266087Cyberpunk Princess Quest #1We get to know our new POV character, KaguyaCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-06-14 3 
4305350Do Your Best Quest #94Johnny infiltrates the Dark Church.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-06-18 1 
4314677Do Your Best Quest #95Johnny goes inside a mysterious office. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-06-25 1 
4324237Sailor Bear QuestA normal morning for Usagi Tsukino, just your normal 14 year old highschool girl who is also a 7'9" Bear weighing 1,430 lbsSailor Moon, Bear, Shitpost, Eclipsed Moon, Eclipsed Moon Quest, Quest, Pbta2020-06-27 5 
July 2020
4325694Do Your Best Quest #96Johnny explores Floor 10!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-07-02 1 
4298404Ben 10 Quest #33Wade goes on Wilderbee's talk show, partakes in Khyber's Last Hunt and travels to Charmy's dimension!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-07-05 2 
4303969ATLA Quest #0The Prologue of Lien as we setup her journey.Collective Game, Avatar, AU, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Avatar, The Last Airbender, TLA, Avatar TLA Quest, Earthbending2020-07-06 0 
4339086Do Your Best Quest #97Johnny starts the heist of the century!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-07-08 2 
4307743Cyberpunk Princess Quest #2Kaguya takes an excursion into cyberspace before learning about Hosoda-san's addiction.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-07-11 0 
4324657New Light FlightsMelanie Dread, callsign 'Radiant', delivers packages in a cyberpunk world.Cyberpunk, Motorcycle, Radiant. Radiantqm, deliverly, collective quest2020-07-21 2 
4363024Do Your Best Quest #98Johnny Ando Vs. Bernardo Ammirati! Who will win?collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-07-24 2 
August 2020
4344838Ben 10 Quest #34Wade defeats Malgax, saves Charmy's dimension, celebrates his 17th birthday, confronts the Lenopan impostor, and visits Alan's new school!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-08-07 1 
74206746original scifi gangs and post-apoc raider factions/tg/ worldbuilds ideas for original scifi gangs and post-apoc raider factions.worldbuilding, scifi, cyberpunk, post-apoc, street samurai,2020-08-09 0 
4357445Cyberpunk Princess Quest #3Kaguya takes an excursion into the upper-middle class part of Noir.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-08-12 0 
4376934Do Your Best Quest #99The 3rd Anniversary Thread! Johnny does a lot of shit or something.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-08-14 17 
74410233o/nWoDg gets crashed by The OmnissiahThe God-Emperor's waifu/Sasha Vykos's childer invades WoDg with SASS and VULGAR MAGIC ADVICE FOR /tg/ CUCKS!oWoD, nWoD, AdMech, Sasha Vykos, MtG, deeplore, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Vampire, Vampire 2020, cyberpunk, CCGs, lolcows2020-08-19 -4 
74404212Dystopian Cyberpunk Setting/tg/ attempts to worldbuild a cyberpunk dystopia, only to discover everything they propose has actually happened.worldbuilding, cyberpunk, dystopia, metafictional, depressing2020-08-23 -4 
4381733New Lights Flights 2Radiant continues to deliver packages with upmost carecyberpunk, radiant, Radiantqm, motorcycle, collective quest, new lights flights2020-08-23 1 
4406708Cyberpunk Princess Quest #4Kyune fights her duel with her Father and Kaguya answers for the crime of going outside.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-08-27 0 
September 2020
4392315Ben 10 Quest #35Wade unravels the true nature of Michael Morningstar and goes on a thrilling adventure with the Birds of Paradise!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-09-01 1 
4422023Girls Und Panzer Quest 8Meeting Yuzu's Parents! Two weeks to the finals!collective game, Rafael, GuP, Girls und Panzer, Panther, Girls, Tanks, Pedobear2020-09-02 7 
4409833Beings of Creation 4 - #1OOP fulfills the prophecy, and the cycle of Gods and men is upon us once more, as life crawls from the mud.Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, boc, boc4, beings of creation2020-09-09 21 
74802194solarpunk vs cyberpunk discussion threadA thread about solarpunk is derailed into worldbuilding an all-new twist on cyberpunk dystopias.solarpunk, cyberpunk, worldbuilding, setting,2020-09-12 -2 
4421810Post-Apocalyptic Tribe QuestIn the aftermath of an apocalyptic Great War, former MP Edgar Cromwell leads a tribe in an attempt to make a civilised life in the wastelandPost-Apocalyptic Tribe Quest, The First History Man, Civ, Post-Apocalypse, Collective Game2020-09-15 0 
4445159Trust a Goblin Quest PART EIGHTIn which we explore the walled town of Kretch, meet many new faces and learn the basics of ophiachans.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-09-25 23 
4438577Do Your Best Quest #100Johnny and crew celebrate their accomplishment! Hooray!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2020-09-30 7 
October 2020
44306032nd US Civil War: Sun Belt CrusadersDuring the chaos of the 2nd American Civil War, a meth cook forms a cult of crusaders to retake America, starting with rural Arizona.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-01 11 
4435360Ben 10 Quest #36Wade learned a new form of magic, busted The Fourth Kind's latest operation, attended Steel's rally and saved some people in the process!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-10-04 1 
4435222Panzer Commander Quest #65Richter Von Tracht finally goes home. Though it won't be for long...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Go Home and be a Family Man2020-10-04 1 
4443088Beings of Creation 4 - 2#Wars happening everywhere and OP doesn't show signs of the curse (yet).Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multyplayer, boc, boc4, beings of creation2020-10-06 14 
75185467Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class releasedTranslation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Port, Protoca, Tachi, Class, Entombed, Red Planet, mars, space, parents, settings, custom, skills, parts2020-10-07 2 
4443474Cyberpunk Princess Quest #5Kaguya meets her mother, meets her other mother, then maybe gets a Handmaid killed.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-10-09 1 
75306716non-corporate cyberpunkWhat are some alternatives for cyberpunk dystopias where the power of the megacorps has been broken?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, dystopia,80s Czechoslovakia, fall of the soviet union,2020-10-10 -1 
4451483Post-Apocalyptic Tribe Quest – Part 2Edgar's daughter Victoria takes over. Farming expands, religion is more codified and we contact another group.Post-Apocalyptic Tribe Quest, The First History Man, Civ, Post-Apocalypse, Collective Game2020-10-14 0 
75433221Cyberpunk Faith Worldbuilding/tg/ discusses and worldbuilds religions for cyberpunk settings. Somehow this ends up involving prosthetic hearts for giant lobsters.worldbuilding, cyberpunk, religion, cults, leviathan lobster god,2020-10-19 1 
44738662nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #2The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with unexpected events, meet strange characters, & continue to build up their presence. Features a major battle.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-10-30 6 
November 2020
4478005Ben 10 Quest #37Wade accepts an offer from a dubious government agent and attempts to negotiate with the Omnivore and her Gourmet Guild!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-11-04 1 
4485956SNATCHER: DEAD BEAT. ACT 1: BEATHunt down robotic body snatchers in near future JapanSNATCHER, JUNKER,fan fic,cyberpunk adventure2020-11-06 11 
4480933Beings of Creation 4 - #3The Bloodletting reborn, The Goddess of Creation released, peace talks made, portents are being carried!Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multyplayer, boc, boc4, beings of creation2020-11-07 12 
4489818STAR WARS - Interregnum #2.3The Exodus from Kakarit. Farren Gaelle defeats the Herald of Jombaral, becomes a Jedi Knight, and tries to find closure with Arotta Bashur.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Space Vietnam, Force Abominations, God Beams, Youngling Angst, Lightsaber Building2020-11-15 21 
4501672Cyberpunk Princess Quest #6Kaguya hires a nightrunnerCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-11-19 0 
4504247Trust a Goblin PART NINEIn which we enjoy sharing a room with Highball, make plans and get acquainted with our passenger.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-11-22 20 
December 2020
45141852nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #3The Crusaders grow in size, develop a patron/client relationship, get a quest, and have a Thanksgiving dinner in a slight breather episode.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2020-12-05 6 
4523354Ben 10 Quest #38Wade returns to Hong Kong in order to prevent Red from falling prey to the clutches of a sinister alien, with a devious mind...Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-12-09 1 
4522557SNATCHER: DEAD BEAT. ACT 2Bast is getting closer to the answer, KING BROTHER can feel it in his sub-routines.Collective Game, SNATCHER, JUNKER, fan fic, cyberpunk adventure, Bubastis, JUNKER,fan fic,cyberpunk adventure2020-12-09 6 
4523776Beings of Creation 4 - #4“There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare.”Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multyplayer, boc, boc4, beings of creation2020-12-11 10 
4535086Yunan's QuestA quest from the point of General Yunan! Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched... after her encounter with Grimmes.Amphibia, Yunan, Newtopia, Crivora, Bard, Betrayal, Monster, Robot, Duel, The Music Box, The Music Box QM2020-12-17 20 
4543958Beastars Shonen QuestKuchi, a spotted hyena in the Beastars universe, begins a journey of personal growth. Drawquest.Beastars, Furry, Anime, Shonen, Drawquest, Collective Game2020-12-17 1 
76482649Original Cyberpunk Gangs/tg/ invents some original factions for cyberpunk and burgerpunk settings.cyberpunk, burgerpunk, worldbuilding, blackpowder muskets,2020-12-18 4 
76520719Original Cyberpunk Gangs Thread #2In which Hereditary CEO X Æ A-12 Musk the fifth is overthrown by commies and the Society for Creative Anachronism is infiltrated by the FBI.cyberpunk, burgerpunk, worldbuilding, Society for Creative Anachronism, martians, communism, cyberpunks in space,2020-12-21 -1 
76561000Original Cyberpunk Gangs Thread #3In which genetically engineered catgirls for domestic companionship have a civil rights movement and everyone misunderstands Blade Runner.cyberpunk, burgerpunk, worldbuilding, blade runner, blade runner 2049,2020-12-22 -6 
4545223Trust a Goblin PART TENIn which we stop by Dunnlivin for a shopping trip and make some upgrades to our ship.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2020-12-23 19 
4548553Cyberpunk Princess Quest #7Kaguya switches from archery to firearms, and finally gets her gothloli dress.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2020-12-26 0 
January 2021
76699814you've been charged with making the next great cyberpunk setting/tg/ discusses cyberpunk.worldbuilding, setting, dystopia, cyberpunk,2021-01-02 -1 
76720490Boring FutureMundane uses for cyberpunk technology.cyberpunk, cyborg, cybernetics, transhuman, posthuman, DRM, planned obsolescence, spyware, dystopia,2021-01-02 1 
45592722nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #4Two simultaneous missions give a look into two very different parts of Arizona during the war. Features guns, beer, & cow manure!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-01-03 6 
76585688Draw your party thread: Christmas 2020 and New YearsDrawings of parties, GMing advice, people talk about games, storytime, a drawfag starts on a new template.Draw, party, storytime, noir, Black Crusade, Nechronica, Genesys, d&d, WFRP, Only War, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, Ubiquity, Savage Worlds2021-01-03 1 
4570083Ben 10 Quest #39Wade gets his Omnitrix repaired, confronts Albedo and teams up with Gwen and Charmy to save Hong Kong from the Forever Knights!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-01-16 1 
4571482Beings of Creation 4 - #5The curse returns. Can we manage to hold onto hope for the next thread ? Only time will tell.Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multyplayer, boc, boc4, beings of creation, QM curse2021-01-20 7 
4585545Cyberpunk Princess Quest #7Kaguya learns of an upcoming social visit and Judas hacks into the Muramoto Corporation system.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-01-31 0 
February 2021
45929692nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #5The Sun Belt Crusaders deal with industrial meth production, Indian intrigue, deranged raiders, UFO-Lizardperson-NWO conspiracies, and more!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-02-05 4 
4633832Portal QuestAlbert, a down-on-his-luck young college kid, is summoned to a fantasy world not too dissimilar from Earth. He gets 24 hours to prepare.Portal Quest, Isekai, Albert, Portal2021-02-10 4 
4600316Do Your Best Quest: Love Scramble!Johnny's mom sends him on a very important quest!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best, noncanon2021-02-12 24 
4609406Ben 10 Quest #40Wilderbee sets off on his own personal adventure and dredges up his past, but unfortunately, we don't get to finish this one.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-02-19 1 
4658498My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GFIn the cybernetic future +45 years, you sign up for a government issued small titty tomboy girlfriendGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-02-28 11 
March 2021
4685909Do Your Best Quest #101Johnny goes to school! Woah!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-11 5 
4656118Best Archived QuestsIn which /qst/ recommends their favorite past questsRecommendations, Best Archived Quests, 2021-03-12 2 
4640730Cyberpunk Princess Quest #8Kaguya meets a charming Ishii prince and spoiled princess.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-03-12 0 
46390602nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #6The unexpected death, burial, and resurrection of the Sun Belt Crusaders.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-03-13 3 
77961635Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress?/tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles.ethical question, morality, alignment discussion, BBEG, Evil Overlord, Waifu,2021-03-15 2 
4673774My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 2Double corpo schemes, deluxe hacker dreams, catastrovania peensGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-03-16 7 
4693687Do Your Best Quest #102Johnny meets his fan club!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-17 5 
78105088contemporary cyberpunkWhat would cyberpunk based upon modernity's fears of the future rather than those of the eighties be like?cyberpunk, worldbuilding, dystopia,2021-03-18 -12 
78144407cybermen plothooksA prolific writefag comes up with a bunch of original plothooks involving the cybermen from doctor who and adding them to other settings.plothooks, doctor who, cybermen, cyberman, writefag,2021-03-21 1 
4657890Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #1A monstergirl-loving scientist goes forth to introduce transhumanism to the masses! Complications ensue.GBDNATE, madscience, monstergirls, genderbender, psychic2021-03-21 1 
78144460demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiersOnce the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, supersoldier, robocop, six million dollar man, cyborg, transhuman, posthuman, storytime, writefag,2021-03-22 0 
4703970Do Your Best Quest #103Johnny helps a Sandwich!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-24 5 
4659757Ben 10 Quest #41Alongside his new allies, Wade returns to his home in Bellwood, only to discover that Sublimino had attacked him on a more personal level...Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-03-26 1 
4711824Inner District Blues [01]A visionary street kid in a neon city harnesses exotic technology in an uphill battle to protect his block from the corporate machine.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2021-03-31 6 
4714376Do Your Best Quest #104Johnny continues helping a Sandwich!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-03-31 5 
April 2021
78328758solarpunk made punkHow to make a dystopian solarpunk setting?worldbuilding, solarpunk, cyberpunk, dystopia, setting,2021-04-03 0 
78526722Avatar: Battle of the Four NationsWhat if there were a wargame for Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra?Avatar, airbender, wargame, game ideas2021-04-07 3 
78580874Word Bearer Isekai Thread 1Another Based Isekai Thread arrivesstorytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers2021-04-10 33 
4697498My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 3Brainworm appear, Desert cat rear, Tomboy rendezvous, and Catastrovania tooGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-04-11 6 
4736815Do Your Best Quest #105Johnny discovers Terrorist A's tragic past.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-04-13 6 
4697909Trust a Goblin PART ELEVENFeel the rhythm, feel the grind, enter the forest it's dwarf killing time.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-04-16 20 
4754842Do Your Best Quest #106Johnny has fun with 2 redheads!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-04-22 7 
4721293 Cyberpunk Princess Quest #10Kaguya plays the part of a good hostess, spills tea on her guest, then the QM gets infected with the flake virus.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-04-28 0 
May 2021
4723174Ben 10 Quest #42Trixy gets a cybernetic body, and Wade has a heart-to-heart with K8-E. Also...Olivia's in danger!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-05-05 1 
4782971Do Your Best Quest #107Johnny goes inside a bubble. No, not Scarlet.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-05 7 
4797533Do Your Best Quest #108Johnny steals a sandwich from an orphanage.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-12 8 
4754113Trust a Goblin PART 12Time to level up and party down! How is everyone?Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2021-05-16 20 
4803415Century of Blood Quest IA ASOIAF quest set at the beginning of the century of blood. We play as Rhogar, a Dragonlord.Century of Blood Quest, Collective Game, Rhogar Belaerys2021-05-18 12 
4814683Do Your Best Quest #109Johnny cooks food for starving girls!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-20 7 
4818105Century of Blood Quest IIWhere we depart from Westeros, conquer the Stepstones, seal a treaty with Volantis and prepare to reach our family in ElyriaCentury of Blood Quest, Collective Game, Rhogar Belaerys, ASOIAF, AGOT2021-05-24 10 
4831508Century of Quest III - TemporaryWhere we reunite with our family, see the ruins of Valyria and almost die at the hand of "something"Century of Blood Quest, ASOIAF, Rhogar Belaerys2021-05-25 7 
4829420Do Your Best Quest #110Johnny bullies Matilda for the entire thread.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-05-28 5 
June 2021
4846781Megaman: Zero Hour QuestZero has awoken to begin the cataclysm.Megaman, Zero, Zero Hour, Bass, Treble, Protoman, Roll, Rush, Beat, Wily, Dr. Light, Quest2021-06-02 0 
4795729Ben 10 Quest #43In an attempt to thwart Sublimino's plot, Wade risks losing those which he holds dear to him.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-06-08 1 
4855538Do Your Best Quest #111Johnny wears a paper bag because he's ugly.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-06-08 8 
4813203MANAGER, HELP! Thread #2In which video kills the radio star, our minions kick a fat lunatic to death, and the Overseer confronts Ben on his behavior.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2021-06-12 8 
4868485Do Your Best Quest #112Johnny spends time with some Tomatoes!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-06-17 8 
4844009Century of Blood Quest IVWhere we marry our betrothed, meet the rulers of the Valyrian Freehold, negotiate with the Council and embark on a campaignCentury of Blood Quest, Collective Game, Rhogar Belaerys, CYOA2021-06-18 4 
4844864 Cyberpunk Princess Quest #11Kaguya witnesses a duel between Kuro-kun and Kyune Onee-chan before lying to Winslet-san.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-06-20 0 
79693580prosthetics and mutations/tg/ creates a post-apocalyptic setting where on account of radiation and bioweapon damage, everyone's got mutations and cybernetics.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-06-22 11 
4879901Do Your Best Quest #113Johnny steals a cookie from a cookie factory.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-06-24 7 
79894893prosthetics and mutations thread #2A continuation of thread >>79693580. Backstory and skinwalkers are involved.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-06-27 6 
July 2021
80049491modern cyberpunkWhat would cyberpunk based off the modern zeitgeist rather than that of the eighties consist of?cyberpunk, worldbuilding, dystopia, feudalism,2021-07-02 -5 
80023768prosthetics and mutations thread #3A continuation of >>79693580 and >>79894893, in which mutation tables are made and backstory and stats written.worldbuilding, mutation, cybernetics, prosthetics, cyborg, mutant, body horror, tables2021-07-03 4 
80126761Word Bearer Isekai Thread 2Orator-Anon continues the adventure of Anon as he and the Word Bearer to change the course of Warhammer 30k. storytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers, Warhammer40k, Warhammer30k2021-07-04 30 
4852141Cyber Moon #1Cyber Moon is a gritty cyberpunk cross-over between RoboCop and Sailor Moon.Cyber Moon, Sailor Moon, Robocop, Cyberpunk, Collective Game2021-07-08 0 
4902820Do Your Best Quest #114Johnny witnesses the tomato reunion he has worked so much for!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-07-14 17 
4863868Ben 10 Quest #44Wade spends some quality time with the family and goes on a journey through Wendy's memories!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-07-15 1 
4892835Inner District Blues [02]New players are entering the Freeland game. We explore sites of importance and learn the word on the streets.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2021-07-16 5 
4889043Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #3Chimerization is at last introduced to the masses. Demihumans become known to the public, and Dr. Moreau makes some alliances.GBDNATE, madscience, monstergirls, genderbender, psychic2021-07-18 3 
4913374Cyberpunk Princess Quest #12QM loses motivation and flakes.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Corporate Cyber-Samurai Quest2021-07-25 0 
48821932nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #7The "second season's" first thread, featuring action packed combat, big-brain discussion, intrigue, a coup, a new faction, & also sufferi2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders, Second Season2021-07-27 3 
4927439Immortal Meatbag Part 0A not-so-super hero fights lots of lizards, meets an old friend. Collective Game, Superheroes, Cyberpunk, Body Horror2021-07-27 2 
4885508MANAGER, HELP! Thread #3In which a bright and dark cityscape is witnessed, then an old madman is haggled with, as the QM cannot post and thread is sparse.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2021-07-29 7 
August 2021
80496327Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas.Anons help anons understand the system. Discussion of part rebalancing. Storytime of a prequel game to Aqen storytime.Nechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, parts, Dallas, Feliz, Betty, Noel, 8-ball, Aqen, greentext, fire, DFW, America, Texas2021-08-03 0 
80640256Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas finishes.A storytime wraps up. Discussion of Space ship horror for the undead. Cat based humor.Nechronica, rules, advice, Storytime, Story Time, Dallas, Feliz, Betty, Noel, 8-ball, Aqen, greentext, fire, DFW, America, Texas, cat, space2021-08-08 -1 
80736338Draw your party thread: Bug, Glug, and ChugDrawings of parties and people people talk about games. A Lasgun happens.Draw, party, storytime, d&d, 5e, Only War, dark heresy, cyberpunk, Pathfinder, shadowrun, Lasgun, Black Crusade, Nechronica, template2021-08-17 0 
4932572Do Your Best Quest #115The 4th Anniversary Thread! Johnny acts like a complete idiot the entire thread.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-08-20 13 
4934761Tiberium Quest 1A Deal goes bad due to treachery and we must fight tooth and nail for our town and its survival.Command & Conquer, Tiberian, GDI, Nod, Forgotten, Tiberian QM, Visceroid QM, Tactics,2021-08-21 3 
4916896Ben 10 Quest #45Wade returns home, only to receive an enticing offer from Steel, as well as additional information on the Ghost of Khoros!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-08-27 1 
4924330New Light Flights 3Radiant wins her 2nd race, gets locked up with a killing machine, and has a very important dinner!New Light Flights, Radiant, Radiantqm, cyberpunk, motorcycle, collective game2021-08-29 1 
September 2021
4945851My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 4Cyborg and ghosts, Goth Joy promotes. Crazy bot and Jabberwock, Vanessa hungry for the cock. Martin with cats to frankenstein big fat tats. Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-09-04 3 
4931101The Graverobber's DaughterChlotsuintha, a Witchlet, might have lost her father. She prepares to flee her home, while trying to maintain her cover as a gravedigger. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-09-05 21 
4983221Do Your Best Quest #116Johnny loses his cheese. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-09-09 6 
49355652nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #8A breather episode focusing on introducing new faces, gaining influence, and setting up for conflicts to come. Features salary negotiations!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-09-11 2 
4994319Do Your Best Quest #117Johnny tragically loses his minion.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-09-16 7 
81425934Giant Bee Society WorldbuildingAnons discuss how a society of giant bees might integrate with humans.Bees, Apiculture, Symbiosis2021-09-28 7 
5002304Do Your Best Quest #118Johnny somehow bullies Scarlet through time and space.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-09-30 7 
October 2021
4964739Lolimort Quest #1Tammy Morgana Riddle seeks eternity, a life where she will never grow old and die. Lucky for her, she's a witch.Lolimort Quest, Tammy Morgana Riddle, CHARISMA, gymnastics, witch mc, rich mc, Harry Potter, evil mc, loli mc, Rose is best footstool2021-10-01 7 
4982127New Light Flights 4Radiant finishes up her date, meets her new techhead RR, shit hits the fan, and OP gets a life.New Light Flights, Radiant, Radiantqm, cyberpunk, motorcycle, collective game 2021-10-22 0 
4982043Ben 10 Quest #46Team Wakeman attempts to deal with a mutant pest problem in Bellwood's subway tunnels, and the day of Jess-E's wedding finally arrives!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-10-27 2 
5022990Do Your Best Quest #119Johnny pokes someone with a stick for one hour and a half.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-10-28 6 
November 2021
4994632The Graverobber's Daughter IIChlotsuintha has a run in with the Inquisition, realizes she has implicated herself as magic user, and will eventually be hunted by them. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2021-11-04 18 
49924432nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #9A fierce fight in Phoenix followed by a country doctor distributing charity (i.e. meth) to the poor and needy (i.e. junkies) of Maricopa!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-11-05 4 
4992519MANAGER, HELP! Thread #4In which the Admin kicks a bitch in the $%&!, disarms a bomb, eats an arm, and has a very nice day.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2021-11-05 5 
5043610Do Your Best Quest #120Johnny eats cheese!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-11-17 7 
5030258Arasaka Heir Quest Continuation of thread 2 of Arasaka Heir Quest 1cyberpunk cyberpunk2077 NCQM2021-11-23 -1 
December 2021
5066610Do Your Best Quest #121Johnny becomes a master detective. Eat shit, Richard.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-12-01 8 
5075031Do Your Best Quest #122Johnny shows a dog plushy to someone. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-12-16 5 
5039447Ben 10 Quest #47Wade hangs out with K8-E and the Chrono Spanners, encounters The Heir, and loses his memories!?Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-12-17 0 
5090717Do Your Best Quest #123Johnny steals a body.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2021-12-24 5 
50478712nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #10Scouting south of Maricopa as the Messenger playing peacemaker. Brace for gallant charges, eccentric elders, a red sickle's specter, & more2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2021-12-24 2 
January 2022
5097216Berserk Quest #1vlad santana embarks on a journey to rescue his parents and fights the enemy army of Tudor.Berserk, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-01-03 34 
5061777Graverobber's Daughter IIIAfter buying clothes, Chlotsuintha's escape plan is hampered by a new curfew in the Midden, and aided by an unexpected gift from mother.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM 2022-01-04 12 
5078009Beneath The Pale Moon #1In Which /qst/ makes a character, chooses the church, and fights some NecromancersWarden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-01-07 5 
82847470We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #3Ghost and Kyrus become separated after fighting Drukhari, they now advance their missions, alone.Story time, write fag, Warhammer30k, word bearers, time travel, daemons 2022-01-16 27 
5077149HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #3Another floor to manage, some dicking about, and a perspective shift to a certain charming EFT agent.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, QM gets the coof and nearly dies, Coffee Addiction, the wild ride begins2022-01-16 10 
5106705Do Your Best Quest: The Dreadfully Irrelevant TimesPlay a myriad of characters doing their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to all DYBQ sidestory related content!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-01-20 6 
5089129MANAGER, HELP! Thread #5In which one hour is completed, an epiphany is engaged, and thread is sparse.Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2022-01-21 5 
5088713Ben 10 Quest #48Wade defeats The Founders, recovers his memories, discovers a new friend in the amnesiac Ken Tennyson!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2022-01-29 1 
February 2022
5129996Berserk Quest #2Vlad intercepts Griffith from becoming king and learns more about the Silver Eyed Clan.Berserk, Berserk Quest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-02-06 30 
5088234Slavegirl QuestKimsey, Halfling Beguiler and Priestess of Liberation, becomes friends with a catgirl amazonian and a magi, liberates herself from slavery.Slavegirl Quest, Kimsey, Slavegirl, Halfling Beguiler, Benjamin Walsh, King of Liberation, Firearms, DnD, Catgirl Amazonian, Great Quest2022-02-06 -7 
50965882nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #11The rogues' gallery grows as the fated POZ-Maricopa face off takes a turn for the strange. Comes with limited edition Advent box art!2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-02-10 4 
5114302Beneath The Pale Moon #2Joshua Braun sets up shop in France, begins some research into spells, and investigates the heretical Magnus Jean d'Hoc.Warden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-02-23 2 
5120915The Graverobber's Daughter IVWhere His Gaze falls, Judgement comes. After, Chlotsuintha has to kill. Then the Lifting Oil Refinery she is robbing goes all Chernobyl.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-02-23 7 
March 2022
5169763Berserk Quest #3A coliseum is found, along with some old and new faces to support and antagonise our protagonist.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-03-14 28 
5152822Do Your Best Quest: The Dreadfully Irrelevant Times #2Ema and Kobashi do their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to all DYBQ sidestory related content!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-03-17 10 
5175718Body Horror Quest, 50th VeinShu engages in tough negotiations with Two of the Three Apocalypse Amalgams, one of whom has delivered an Ultimatum.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Apocalypse Amalgams, Ziz, Leviathan, Behemoth, Negotiations, Lore bombs2022-03-18 5 
83616992Fae as Old OnesOP requests help fleshing out his fae folk themed campaign with ideas for weird, eldritch horror. /tg/ obliges.Fae, Fairy, fantasy, horror, folk, weird, worldbuilding, DMing, ideas, Aberrations, roleplaying, rpg, RPG, Fair Folk2022-03-18 11 
51592702nd US Civil War: Sun Belt Crusaders #12A quieter episode with preparations before anticipated action.2nd US Civil War, Civil War, Modern, Quest, Breaking Bad, Crusade, Sun Belt Crusaders2022-03-27 3 
April 2022
5209573Do Your Best Quest #124Johnny goes on a blind date.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-04-06 5 
5187631Spymaster Anti Isekai QuestOverpowered teenagers from another world are a destabilizing influence on a proper state. Hunt them down.IlluminatiQM, Medieval, Uilleam Campbell 2022-04-10 8 
5175568Trust a Goblin PART 13Welcome party, unwelcome guests.Collective Game, I Can't Believe... Quest, Trust a Goblin, CF, CenterField, Mr. Culexus2022-04-11 18 
5180605The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IThe QM's schedule implodes just as he starts to work through a massive backlog. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-04-17 5 
5198601Berserk Quest #4Vlad loses his money, his armor, his cape and his dignity. But at least he gets the girl at the end, right?Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-04-20 22 
5232514Do Your Best Quest #125Johnny decides to take the food industry by storm. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-04-21 5 
5195170Beneath The Pale Moon #3In which Joshua finishes up his preparations and heads out to engage the rogue magusWarden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-04-21 2 
5191644MANAGER, HELP! Another Facility Management Quest #6Puzzles are shown, a poker game finishes, the thread is sparseOverseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup2022-04-25 5 
May 2022
5240903Do Your Best Quest #126 Johnny does his best to manage his Food Cart!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-05-04 5 
5260378Do Your Best Quest #127Johnny doesn't make a deal with the devil. (Wait, isn't this how the quest started?)collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-05-19 5 
5266294Choose Your Own Faction, The Second Superweapon ( /civ/?)Experimental Format, 2031 Alt-His Setting, Turns into Wargaming as Democratic RussiansCYOF, Cyberpunk, Civ, TZAR Setting, Alternate History, Alt His, Alt-His, Near Future, Wargaming, Kill or Be Killed2022-05-24 2 
5232198The Graverobber's Daughter VChlotsuintha returns from the Refinery and after a few hours of sleep and a false start manages to make a decoy graven ball. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-05-31 6 
5247847Berserk Quest #5Vlad and his team return to their hideout and plan their next steps as Midland is invaded by the ruthless Emperor Ganishka.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-05-31 20 
June 2022
5274458CYOF, The Second Superweapon, The Struggle for Europe ( /civ/?)Major Wargame Battle is waged, thread turns into overly long character drama with too much lore. Wargame, Civ, CYOF, Cyberpunk, Modern, Tactical, Russia, Slavic, Modern Warfare, TZAR Setting, Alternate History, Near Future, KoBK2022-06-01 2 
5286906Do Your Best Quest #128Johnny has a restful and peaceful moment. (Short Thread)collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-06-02 5 
5232674 Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante QuestSimon P. Campbell awakens to the power of superdurabilty, and begins his one man war on all the scum strangling the life out of the megacityCollective Game, Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest, Grimdark, Capeshit, Cyberpunk, Vigilante, Quest, Slumlord2022-06-02 11 
5243545Spymaster Anti Isekai 2Uilleam Campbell continues his war against extradimensional invaders, gets marries, gets into a bad situation in the far north.IlluminatiQM, Medieval, Uilleam Campbell 2022-06-05 8 
5294135Do Your Best Quest #129Johnny learns about past, present, and future Calamities.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-06-15 2 
84877180Why doesn't the modern surveillance state immediately unmask the secret identities of all superheroes?The modern equivalent of Local Lordposting turns into a serious discussion on vigilantism and the state monopoly of force.superheroes, cyberpunk, local lord2022-06-18 -1 
5309771Do Your Best Quest #130Johnny equips a Tomato, and Philonune gets a follower.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-06-29 3 
July 2022
5285508MINIMUM WAGE COMMANDOIn which an unwitting and formerly dead(?) Agent is thrown into the sewers, QM gives up, and the thread is sparse.Collective Game, Alphabet Soup, Thread is Sparse2022-07-03 0 
5289203The Graverobber's Daughter VIChlotsuintha has a close call in a public house, then comes across a gull that has Scarification Glyphs, possibly scrivened by her father.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-07-05 5 
5300829Berserk Quest #6On the way to the sea, Vlad and his team make their stop in a strange town infested by Mandragoras.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-07-13 12 
85331196Play-By-Mail Games/tg/ delves into the bizarre and long-forgotten genre of play-by-mail gamesPlay by mail, play by mail, Play-by-mail, play-by-mail, PBM, pbm, PBEM, pbem, play by email, play-by-email, Play by email, Play-by-email, 2022-07-22 1 
5312017Fate/Alternative 1: Once More Into the BreachElizabeth Klein, with little experience in Magecraft, is pulled into a Holy Grail War in London and gets Man in the Iron Mask as Rider.Fate, Fate/Alternative, Remember when there were less than 5 Fate Quests, I remember2022-07-24 2 
5327517Do Your Best Quest #131Johnny goes to the beach. Yes, it's the beach episode at long last! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-07-26 3 
August 2022
5340343Berserk Quest #7Vlad is healed of his wounds and finds new magicians to upgrade his arsenal in the upcoming fights.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-08-10 10 
5358844Do Your Best Quest #132The 5th Anniversary Thread! Johnny makes good use of his reconquered castle!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-08-10 2 
5336778The ARASI War (WW3, CYOF, TZAR, CivPlayers vote to be a NAU Analyst in West Africa. Battles are fought, hundreds die, and the MC searches for answers.Elections in West Africa?Wargame, Civ, CYOF, TZAR, LoN, Cyberpunk, Modern, Tactical, American, Canadian, Modern Warfare, Korova Analyst, NAU2022-08-16 3 
5340808The Graverobber's Daughter VIIAfter dealing with the Glyphed Gull, Chlotsuintha finds two sets of Strange footprints, partially cleansed, possibly by magic. Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-08-22 5 
September 2022
5380111Do Your Best Quest #133Johnny quacks.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-09-02 3 
5391397The LIGHTNING SEAPRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows Made into wounded wings.collective game, quest, cyberpunk, gilgamesh, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, horror, spaceship, sword, sorcery, guns, poem, poetry, dystopia2022-09-02 0 
5358546My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 4Pinky promise broke, left the boob folk, plantation brain stroke, I really need a smokeGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2022-09-11 3 
5377799Berserk Quest #9The Holy City of Vritannis is within sight, but as the group approaches their exit of Midland, they are struck by mixed emotions.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-09-13 7 
5399928Do Your Best Quest #134Johnny locks a duck in the bathroom. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-09-22 7 
5402943One Piece: Game of the SeasA man wakes up in the World of One Piece and quickly discovers that the government sucks.ShiveringTimber, Collective Game, One Piece, Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries, Isekai, One Piece: Game of the Seas2022-09-23 10 
86105763some philosophical debateWhich D&D classes would make the ideal waifus?D&D, roleplay, classes, best girl,2022-09-27 3 
5415595Do Your Best Quest #135Johnny watches: Oliver Watts Vs. Jesse. Who will win?! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-09-29 1 
October 2022
5428600Do Your Best Quest #136Johnny watches: Fiora Kobashi Vs. Galactic Calamity. Who will win?! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-10-13 2 
5383072The Graverobber's Daughter Intermission IIChlotsuintha investigates the Strange footprints, and the QM’s schedule implodes again.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2022-10-20 3 
5437870Sword ChichYou are a Chich with a sword. Congratulations. But your sword has needs. You don't wanna. But you gotta. Try not to kill anyone you love.drawquest, sword, chich, halp, collective game, mind-bending2022-10-22 -1 
November 2022
5441149Do Your Best Quest #137Johnny watches the Finals of the Esperanza Invitational Tournament! Also, he meets with his Cheese Goddess again.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-11-02 5 
5412943One Piece: Game of the Seas 2Copper recruits a crew, hunts for bounties and sets sails to take down Arlong.ShiveringTimber, Collective Game, One Piece, Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries, Isekai, One Piece: Game of the Seas2022-11-05 3 
5413369Berserk Quest #9 (The real one)Last one was #8 named #9 by mistake. Anyway, the boat arc begins, hopefully this one doesn't last 5+ years like the real one.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2022-11-08 7 
5453339Do Your Best Quest #138Johnny kicks a rock.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-11-17 5 
5470195Do Your Best Quest #139Johnny gets acknowledged. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-11-26 5 
December 2022
5431180You Fucked UpAce Amaze has done a lot in his life and now has to answer for the less than savory parts in a press meeting.Ace Amaze, oneshot, Quebec Matt, press, conspiracy2022-12-04 2 
5436375Beings of Creation 6.66 - #1Beings of Creation's spinoff. The cycle of Gods nears its conclusion.Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multyplayer, boc, boc666, beings of creation, spinoff2022-12-08 4 
5484744Do Your Best Quest #140Johnny manages to stay awake during a History lesson.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-12-15 5 
5500784Do Your Best Quest #141Johnny does someone a favor.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2022-12-24 5 
5461059Moonbase Quest #1James Chapham works for his father in the Triton Trading Company as a subversive advisor under Ksumi Kariya, princess of Arien IV.Collective Game, Quest, LunaticQM, Moonbase Quest, Sci-fi, goddamnitIdidn'tfinishmyreviewbeforethethreadexpired2022-12-26 1 
5462082Future Blades - A Cyberpunk StoryA blackpilled incel in 22nd century Thailand joins a gang and tries to rebuild his life after being disowned by his family and friendsCyberpunk, Schizo QM, Swordfighting, Action2022-12-26 14 
January 2023
5508809Future Blades Epilogue Nhon leaves the life of crime and reconnects with his sister. Also background notes and Omake of him and a vtuber he watchesCyberpunk, Schizo QM, Epilogue, Background notes, Omake2023-01-06 13 
5493637A Bastard of Westeros Quest #1In the years before the Blackfyre Rebellion, you are Edric Flowers, a Dornish bastard of the Reach. Fight for your place in it.A Song of Ice and Fire, Maester Munkun, Collective Game, Westeros, Blackfyre Rebellion, A Bastard of Westeros Quest,2023-01-11 34 
5500040Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 14Short-ish thread. Emma tries to dig up info on your relationships and then teaches you about pokemon trainingPokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Beach, SuperBusy2023-01-13 3 
5491036Beings of Creation 6.66 - #2There's a bit of a lull due to the holidays, but the game chugs on. Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, boc, boc666, beings of creation, spinoff2023-01-16 2 
5523115Do Your Best Quest #142Johnny watches a duck type on a keyboard.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-01-20 5 
February 2023
5541008Do Your Best Quest #143Johnny accepts a ride from a very trustworthy gentleman.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-02-02 2 
87563268Magical Girl Games Anon watches Madoka and wants to run a Magical Girl themed campaign. Arguments, memes, and weebs arguing over stupid things.Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-04 -22 
5509147Broken Vessels Online #1Sibyllan plays an experimental VRMMO to pay her debts, skips to the boss early, is first to enter a new zone, and nearly joins a hivemind.Collective Game, VRMMO, RPG, Strelok, Sibyllan, Broken Vessels Online, WE NEED MORE SHARDS, Quest, QM remember to archive your threads2023-02-06 5 
5526613A Bastard of Westeros Quest #2Rescued from peril by the mysterious Knight of the Blackwater Rush, Edric fights through the tourney at Highgarden.A Song of Ice and Fire, Maester Munkun, Collective Game, Westeros, Blackfyre Rebellion, A Bastard of Westeros Quest,2023-02-10 10 
87612096Magical Girl Games 2: Electric Boogaloo A second thread about weebs talking about Magical Girl themed campaigns. More arguing ensues. Will there be a part 3?Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-19 -22 
5558544Do Your Best Quest #144Johnny leaves the Bubble.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-02-23 6 
5538117Beings of Creations 6.66 - #3The curse strikes the glorious MOP, but faith shall reveal BoC is Forever EverCiv, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multicrawl, boc, boc666, beings of creation, spinoff2023-02-26 0 
March 2023
5543994Beyond the Veil #1A captian embarks on his quest beyond the VeilSkyQM, BeyondTheVeil2023-03-01 2 
5548589Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock QuestAfter his witch mother dies, Lucas commits a massacre, gets a bird's eye view, and pioneers drone warfare. Much spaghetti is spilled.Collective Game, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Warlock, Neckbeard, Fantasy Neckbeard Warlock Quest2023-03-03 12 
5555603Anti Isekai Spymaster 3Events at Caertheon turn bloody and another hidden enemy is laid bare through the fires of war. IlluminatiQM, Medieval, Uilleam Campbell 2023-03-04 3 
5590114Inner District Blues [03]Back after a "brief" hiatus for the Marion run. The search for experimental technology continues.Inner District Blues, IDB, Tech Noir, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Chairman, Action, Collective Game2023-03-05 8 
5590304Do Your Best Quest #145Johnny is out of the Bubble. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-03-10 6 
April 2023
5588130NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest You are the MANAGER. You must make PRODUCT. In the remote facility with an ocean view, a guy transforms into a giant stone giraffe.Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-04-08 3 
5638348Do Your Best Quest #149Johnny learns about the devastating effects of a well-made cake.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-04-22 22 
5610047Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #2After two fucking months the story continues. A new meguca is born, our girls find what the Magical Relay is and start flimsy alliances. Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, SEAnannigans is DEAD, no Wooly Mammoth, being Emma is suffering2023-04-25 10 
May 2023
5621721Goblin Chieftain QuestAknag is the elected as chieftain of the Lugbod goblin tribe and leads them to greatness.Goblin Chieftain, Goblin, Tribe, Fantasy, Resource management, Collective game2023-05-11 1 
5652730Do Your Best Quest #150Johnny forms a band (of idiots)!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-05-13 7 
5636870NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest #2In a facility by the false ocean shores, the Manager showboats for a shrimp farm, we talk with Ed, and a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-05-27 3 
June 2023
5670201Do Your Best Quest #151Johnny Ando Vs. Rooke Knightly! Who will win?!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-06-01 5 
5680259Do Your Best Quest #152Johnny watches: Nariko Edamura vs. Tonu! Who will win?!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-06-16 2 
5690989Do Your Best Quest #153Johnny escapes piss town.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-06-22 5 
5661862The Graverobber's Daughter VIIIChlotsuintha extricates herself from the 'Poonist's Perch, she retrieves her riding dress and buys a coach. But time is truly running out.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-06-29 6 
July 2023
5696348Do Your Best Quest #154Johnny makes some big plans!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-07-06 5 
5671876Archimedean Quest #3In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Submersible, Submarine, Geber2023-07-10 10 
5708011Do Your Best Quest #155Johnny finally finds out what happened in that fucking Stadium! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-07-16 7 
5684185MonsterRune (Erased Lives.) #1A certain branchy bastard and his gang try to scam their way to success.MonsterRune, Deltarune, Undertale, Thistle, Muffet, Muffet Mom, Catti, Berdly, Undyne, W.D Ghaster, Ghaster, King Dorado2023-07-20 0 
August 2023
5685111Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #3/Ritalinda/ have fun at the tightrope, /Erimena/ see the face of god, Helen suffers from success and Emma... you know the rest.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, being Emma is suffering, Hush, yuri, hardcore yuri desuwa2023-08-02 9 
5691057A little adventure maybe (Oneshot)You are a bartender, doing some bartending, and some other things tooBar, Bartender, Bartending, Alcohol, Paint, Drawquest, Dice, Diceroll, Anon, Anonymous, Collective Game, A little adventure maybe, Oneshot2023-08-07 1 
5691682Yet Another Civilisation ICollaborative quest in which a tribe of the beast-bringers slowly expands and develops.Civilisation, Civilization, tribe,2023-08-09 9 
5694520Berserk Quest #10Vlad goes through his highest highs and his lowest lows.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2023-08-12 5 
5700233The Graverobber's Daughter IXChlotsuintha extricates herself from another mess in another public house, finishes shopping, and then begins to investigate Aldoin's house Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-08-15 5 
5707978Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 13Chickens (uh, dragons) come home to roost. The Antipaladin's nemeses move, alliances are shaken, and an empire & marriage are in the balancReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, court intrigue, betrayal, grief, love, lies, character growth, climax2023-08-18 6 
5735750Do Your Best Quest #157Johnny enters the Bradford Memorial Poker Tournament!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-08-26 6 
5726173Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 2The mighty Aknag Trollslayer expands his domain.Goblin Chieftain, Goblin, Tribe, Fantasy, Resource management, Collective game2023-08-29 0 
September 2023
5752900Do Your Best Quest #158Johnny becomes Poker Champion!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-09-17 5 
5766572Cyberpunk LawyerA new lawyer seeks to fight the growing extremismCollective Game, Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk Lawyer2023-09-17 -23 
5737416NOW HIRING #3: Still Another Facility Management Quest:A few works are done, a zipper is seen, nothing much else happens. a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-09-20 2 
5735953Yet Another Civilisation IICollaborative quest in which a tribe of the beast-bringers fight for mercantile supremacyCivilisation, Civilization, tribe, Yet Another Civilisation, Numpty2023-09-28 3 
5736783Berserk Quest #11The war between Ilos and Falconia finally begins, with hopes of the Blood Moon and Vlad's efforts being enough to overthrow Griffith.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2023-09-28 5 
5737272The Graverobber's Daughter XChlotsuintha continues investigating, though both the emitter-Organs of the Constructs and what exactly transpired there still elude her.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-09-29 9 
October 2023
5767014Do Your Best Quest #159Johnny meets his greatest fan girl.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-10-01 5 
5755137Gotham City Beat Cop Quest (1)We join the GCPD as fresh faced rookie, Mark DeLucia, a meta-human with the ability to speak to the city but wears a badge not a mask. Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC2023-10-02 34 
90441338We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #4Ghost slowly becomes acquainted with being with Perturabo. Kyrus furthers his psychic might by training directly under Malcador.Story time, Word Bearer, write fag, time travel, daemons, Warhammer 30k, isekai2023-10-03 27 
5780580Do Your Best Quest #160Johnny recalls a rat.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-10-13 6 
5779702Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 3Aknag learns about some surrounding factions and takes on a tribe of vicious cannibals.Goblin Chieftain, Goblin, Tribe, Fantasy, Resource Management, Collective Game2023-10-19 0 
5795968Do Your Best Quest #161Johnny uncovers a plot. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-10-28 5 
5776609Moth Agent QuestFollow the adventures of a humanoid mothman that works for a company dealing with supernatural shenanigans. You also have a cute pet.Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, supernatural, USA, Gunslinger, anomaly, pet2023-10-31 7 
November 2023
5817888COSMOGONYPRELUDE - They watched the stillness Of slaughtered stars, and gave sacrifice In Lightless Fire...collective game, space, star, spaceship, space opera, science, astronomy, cyberpunk, 4X, battlemap, galaxy, conquest, colony, planet2023-11-05 1 
5788584Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 2We save the Dent's life only to later be harassed by him and a federal agent. We also hunt the SIM Killer with Kimble while Hawthorne healsDetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-11-17 20 
5818257Do Your Best Quest #162Johnny makes unforgettable memories.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-11-18 5 
5793943The Graverobber's Daughter XIChlotsuintha continues investigating Aldoin's house, but after some successes she accidentally ends up injuring one of the Constructs.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2023-11-27 5 
5836724Do Your Best Quest #163Johnny finishes recalling a rat.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-11-29 11 
91014901Valhallans on an Anchor worldThe Valhallan 545th are redirected to an Anchor world to reinforce other regiments40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, tyranids, dark angels, writefaggotry, mordians, felinids, beastmen2023-11-29 5 
December 2023
5806023Rise of the Awakened #9The gang chat a lot the whole thread, steals a lute, finds a love letter, sells their wares to rabbits, relaxes with some vidya and alcohol.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Velveteen and Frou Frou Tribes, R&R, Downtime, Quest2023-12-01 2 
5850813Do Your Best Quest #164Johnny loses his pigtails. collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2023-12-15 6 
5829969Cyberpunk Quest #1Kai's father, an NCPD netrunner, is killed during a cyber psycho attack on New Years - A conspiracy is afoot, and Kai seeks the truth.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2023-12-27 25 
5832876Gotham City Beat Cop 3We deal with our second home invasion, bite off more than we can chew, warn Banks and form a crew to handle the SIM Killer case on the DL. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-12-29 17 
January 2024
5873414Do Your Best Quest #165Johnny tells the truth to a Pod Baby.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-01-06 6 
5850982The Graverobber's Daughter XIIAfter answering a few of her many questions and some unexpected finds, Chlotsuintha concludes investigating Aldoin's house.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-01-17 6 
5884291Do Your Best Quest #166Johnny calls for a Smug-Off.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-01-19 5 
5854953Rise of the Awakened #10The party continue to party for the rest of the night while learning lore, gaining dosh, and finding out about a new quest.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Maggie, Swift, Relm, Rabbit Tribes, R&R, Party, Downtime, Quest2024-01-20 2 
5877887Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 4A half-elven mystic meets monsters in battle and is rewarded with a journey to a heavenly moon-realm, where the secrets of creation layReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fairies, werewolves, greys, ultraterrestrials, neoliberalism, colonialism, population demographics2024-01-20 6 
5853578Noir Detective One-Shot #1An introduction to the world of Los Diablos where Detective Arsene LeBlanc is put on the case of a missing lawyer.AurebeshQM, Detective Quest, Noir, Crime, Detective2024-01-21 1 
5861389Dark Lord QuestAn insane dark lord on a quest to destroy the world leads an army of golems and bandits to conquer parts of the kingdom of Noen.Dark Lord Quest, Fantasy, Strategy, BBEG2024-01-24 3 
5862484My Crumbling EmpireYou are Prince Aeric, 2nd son of Emperor Hesorich of the Holy Daufinian Empire, now the new reigning 50th Emperor. Can you save the Empire?Aeric, Holy Daunifian Empire, GoudaDev, Beastmen2024-01-25 1 
February 2024
5898037Do Your Best Quest #167Johnny wins someone's daughter in a card gamecollective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-02-01 6 
5877169Gotham Beat Cop Quest #4We start the hunt for SIM, Sweet-talk a mobster, and sign up for undercover work.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-02-08 14 
5914519Do Your Best Quest #168Johnny deals with thirsty girls for an entire thread.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-02-16 5 
5934977Seven Against Thebes QuestHippomedon Aristomachides has recently learned that Polynices of Thebes has married his cousin, Argia... And knows that war must follow.Trojan War Quest, Seven Against Thebes Quest, Deianira Quest, Homer, Lesches, Ancient Greece2024-02-24 10 
5929126Do Your Best Quest #169Johnny fails to have a normal date.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-02-27 5 
March 2024
5901404Dark Lord Quest 2Abrupt end and epilogue.Dark Lord Quest, Fantasy, Strategy, BBEG2024-03-02 0 
5895788The Graverobber's Daughter XIIIFrom Aldoin's, Chlotsuintha heads to a Clerking House, avoiding Guards, servants and neighbors as she prepares to forge a Family Patent.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-03-04 7 
5912510Bobbert Quest 1Voices urge Bobbert to leave her home after months of burn out recovery and get a job. Lateralis Heavy Industries provide. Madness follows.Collective Game, Bobbert Quest, Alphabet Soup, The City, Lateralis Heavy Industries, Madness, Female Protagonist2024-03-20 2 
5920234Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 5We get closer to the sting, get covered in shit, and make some headway in the case. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-03-25 12 
April 2024
5951757DB The Next Evolution #0 Enter our heroine Son Koku as we embark a journey of wonder through the sixth universe.Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Martial Arts, Shonen, DBZ, DBEvolution, ProfessorQM2024-04-05 1 
5941709Do Your Best Quest #170You know, on second thought, maybe this should've been 169...collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-04-05 21 
5940124Horus Heresy Quest #1Alpha Legion renegades emerge, swindle a hive planet, then meddle with fate on Prospero...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-04-13 4 
5976675Seven Against Thebes Quest #2Hippomedon conducts a cattle raid and finishes his preparations of the Argive army Trojan War Quest, Deianira Quest, Homer, Lesches, Ancient Greece, Seven Against Thebes2024-04-13 1 
5972521Corpo Clash - Cyberpunk 2020 Qst. A short quest set in the Cyberpunk IP's universe. qsts,quests,qm,cyberpunk,cyberpunk2020,short2024-04-14 5 
5944098Cyberpunk Quest #2Kai continues his search for answers, but mostly just finds more eddies and problems.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2024-04-15 11 
5946039The Graverobber's Daughter XIVChlotsuintha leaves the Clerking house without forgeries, then a terrible realization compels a reckoning over her actions of late.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-04-18 5 
5971498Do Your Best Quest #171Johnny has a ball.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-04-19 12 
5952532Berserk Quest #12The world is born anew as Vlad's journey comes to an end.Berserk, BerserkQuest, BecchiQM, Medieval, Fantasy, Vlad Santana2024-04-24 5 
May 2024
5964341AtlA: Azula grows a conscienceAzula joins Zuko in his hunt for the AvatarAvatar, Airbender, Azula, Zuko, ATLA2024-05-07 7 
5960920Gotham City Beat Cop Quest #6We handle family drama, pull off the sting, get diagnosed, and come face to face with Firebug once again.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-05-10 13 
5988713Do Your Best Quest: Relevant TimesPlay a myriad of characters doing something relevant in their respective sidestories! collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-05-18 6 
6009662Do Your Best Quest #172Johnny meets Carol's family.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-05-25 5 
5980958Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #8It is the year 0077 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun participates in the Dawn Rebellion, marries Elena, and strikes a deal with Revil.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifu, Dawn Rebellion, BIG ZAM2024-05-25 4 
5985534Cyberpunk Quest #3Kai recovers from his ICE induced coma suffered at the end of the last thread. Thread was cut short due to time constraints.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, fry your own brain, cop mommy2024-05-25 5 
5993280Mixed Civ QuestImmortan Sybrog unites the neighbourhood and protects denizens of the city from pillaging owlmen.cybernetic, fantasy, postapoc, improvisation, trains, civ2024-05-30 0 
5982823The Graverobber's Daughter XVChlotsuintha allows a Thief-Taker to chaperone her at a Coaching house dinner to collect her stage and hear of the disturbance on the roads.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-05-31 5 
June 2024
6023261Do Your Best Quest #173Johnny goes on an adventure with hobos!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-06-08 5 
5994611Avatar: The New Age Book 1: Bonds 1Ainu, an earthbender from Kyoshi Island, learns just how insane life in Union City can be.Avatar, Last Airbender, ATNA Quest, Not Korra, AU, Collective Game2024-06-10 5 
6003652AtlA: Azula grows a conscience IIAzula speaks with Ozai, and then the QM is kidnapped by Dan Schneider's goons.Avatar, Airbender, Azula, Zuko, ATLA2024-06-13 6 
6030890Do Your Best Quest #174Johnny discovers the dark secrets behind his apartment's walls.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-06-15 5 
6037279UPYRPRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land, But what was lost lingers in the blood. quest, collective game, horror, vampire, LA, noir, guns, urban gothic, romance, drama, occult, supernatural, beach, dystopia, collapse2024-06-16 1 
6002986Moth Agent Quest #2You are a mothman. You have a gun. You are shooting gas masked bastards in a sewer then the thread became sparse. Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, USA2024-06-18 2 
6003328Gotham City Beat Cop 7We attend an award ceremony, meet up with an old flame, and meet the SIM Killer face to face. Bonus Mark Lore Included.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-06-21 10 
6006235Horus Heresy Quesy #2Captain Alpharius agrees to Magnus' gambit, but things suddenly go very wrong when he summons Kairos Fateweaver...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-06-24 1 
July 2024
6047993Do Your Best Quest #175Johnny continues having adventures against his will.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-07-04 5 
6053240Do Your Best Quest #176Johnny has a bachelor party.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-07-14 5 
6058783Do Your Best Quest #177Johnny gets married (not really.)collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-07-19 6 
August 2024
6041189Gotham City Beat Cop 8We admit the (partial) truth to Gordon and get an unofficial sign off to catch the mole. Meet SIM. And build our case.Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC2024-08-03 7 
6069113Do Your Best Quest #178The 7th Anniversary Thread! Johnny befriends a buffalo. Oh, and also body swaps.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-08-09 5 
6078416Do Your Best Quest #179Johnny judges the Lewdlympics!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-08-16 12 
6051065Resistance Quest pt3Resistance Quest returns from the mists of time, albeit not without difficulties. In this thread: Racism!Red White and Britfag, SaltyStoryteller, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest2024-08-25 0 
6053771The Graverobber's Daughter XVIChlotsuintha extricates herself and stage from the Coaching house to board at another, as time runs out she must make a difficult decision.Graverobber's Daughter, Thief, Magic, Witch, Dark Fantasy, Body Horror, Cosmic Horror, Eternal Rome, Alternate History, Female MC, TrashQM2024-08-29 4 
6088294Do Your Best Quest #180Johnny becomes famous at his school.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-08-30 7 
September 2024
6094745Do Your Best Quest #181Johnny turns into a flower.collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-09-06 6 
6071053Cleaner Quest #7 You dealt with the Handler's ex, met an anomaly version of yourself, and killed a gigaspook and doppelganger in District 9. Life's a bitchCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Quentin and Lex are best boys, Kill all Glowniggers2024-09-12 3 
6104203Do Your Best Quest #182Johnny and crew plan the prison break!collective game, drawquest, slice of life, supernatural, Do Your Best2024-09-20 4 
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